Read Wrong Girl Online

Authors: Lauren Crossley

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

Wrong Girl (3 page)

BOOK: Wrong Girl
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close the sliding door behind me and make my way into the extravagant dining
room where my mum is hosting dinner. She hardly ever uses this room so it shows
how important she thinks tonight is to have us all in there. I notice Zack and
Rachel are sitting side by side at the centre of the table and the only seat
left available is the one at the other end in the far corner. I guess I know my
place. It’s clearly been assigned to me by my mother and even though I would
love to make a scene and embarrass her, I know I can’t do that to Rachel. Struggling
to remain calm, I scuttle around the edge of the table, ignoring my mother’s
accusatory stare for being the last one to arrive.

eyes follow my every move, frowning when he notices where I’m seated. He turns
to Rachel and whispers something in her ear. She immediately looks over at me,
mouthing her apologies to me. I playfully stick my tongue out at her and roll
my eyes, hoping she won’t let it worry her and continues to enjoy her night. I
really don’t care where I sit so long as I’m nowhere near my mum. It would have
been nice to sit next to Rachel and Zack but then I’d have been forced to
participate in their conversation for the rest of the night and I really don’t
think I’m up to it. I don’t mind being by myself, it’s something I’ve become
accustomed to over the years.

can sense Zack’s concerned eyes on me throughout the entire meal. They remain on
me for a long period of time before he’s forced to glance away when someone
asks him a question. Professional caterers and waiting staff were hired for the
night and they were so obliging and hospitable, it made everything feel so
special and I could see what my Aunt Carol meant when she told me that Rachel
was glowing, she actually was.

don’t speak to anyone for the remainder of the meal, allowing the party
atmosphere to just glide over me, not really concentrating on anything anyone
is saying. I’m too far away from my sister to hear anything substantial and by
the end of the main course, I’ve somehow managed to tune everyone out

you have to tell us all how Zack proposed to you. It must have been so
romantic.” A distant cousin of mine asks her.

captures my attention and I turn to look at her curious to hear the story of
their engagement.

certainly was. Zack later told me that he had bought the ring three months
before he even gave it to me. He said he was waiting for the perfect moment and
he was actually terrified I’d say turn him down!”

beams proudly, turning to face her fiancé who looks slightly uncomfortable now
that everyone’s focus is on him. His eyes seek out my own as though he’s drawn
to them but I quickly lower my gaze, choosing to concentrate on the tablecloth
in front of me.

on earth would you have said no?” My mum laughs, appraising Zack with those
superficial, soulless eyes of hers.

It would have been impossible for me to say no, especially when I saw this!”
Rachel removes her hand from her lap, revealing the most sensational ring I’ve
ever seen. It’s dazzling and must have cost an absolute fortune. Everyone gasps
in awe and delight, admiring the new addition to Rachel’s finger. She must have
slipped it on during dinner because I haven’t noticed it until now. A ring of
that size is hardly modest, I would have spotted it before now if she’d been
wearing it.

gracious! That ring is incredible, Rachel. You’re a lucky, lucky girl.” Carol coos,
simpering with admiration and envy.

certainly am. Zack proposed after we had been out for dinner one night, he took
me on a moonlit walk after that and took me by complete surprise when he got
down on one knee and proposed! I could scarcely believe it, it came as a
complete surprise! Of course I said yes right away, I would have been a fool to
say anything different.”

watch my sister relive the night of her engagement and smile, I truly am happy
for her. She’s always worked hard and treated me kindly, she deserves her happy
ever after and I can tell she’s met her perfect match in Zack. I haven’t known
him for very long but I can already see that he’s kind, considerate, caring and
real. I don’t know if he’ll fit in with this family but he’s definitely got
their seal of approval. He’s astonishingly good looking and successful, he’s my
mother’s ideal image of what a suitable son-in-law should be.

soon as we’ve finished our dessert, I decide to make my excuses and leave,
feigning tiredness and exhaustion from a hard week at work. It’s Friday night
but I’ve promised Rachel I’ll go shopping with her tomorrow morning so I know
I’ll have to get up early. I would have liked to have been able to say goodbye
to Rachel and Zack but they were both surrounded by a large circle of people
and I knew I wouldn’t have been able to push past them. It would take me at least
thirty minutes to even snatch a few seconds with them.

in the hallway fastening up my coat when my mother sneaks up behind me.

hear that Rachel’s asked you to be her Maid of honour?” She says, circling
around to face me. Her voice is so cruel and calculating, it sends shivers down
my spine.

right.” I reply simply, forcing myself to meet her cold stare.

knows what she’s thinking of… it’s obviously something she’s done out of pity.”
Her words must taste like poison because they’re practically dripping with
venom. They’re aimed right at me and they pierce right through my heart,
wounding me beyond repair.

Mum.” I try to squeeze past her but she blocks my path, shaking her head.

even think about doing anything to ruin this wedding. I know you, Samantha. I know
how vindictive and resentful you can be. I want you to know that I’ll be
watching your every move. You’ve always been jealous of your sister, she’s
everything you’re not and she’s everything you could never even hope to be.”

have no intention of trying to ruin anything for her. I’m pleased for her and
her engagement, I like Zack and agree that they make a wonderful couple.” I
tell her, striving to remain calm and unaffected by her malicious outburst.

like Zack, don’t you? I saw you drag him outside and force him into a
loathsome conversation with your despicable self. Keep your wicked little
thoughts to yourself and stay away from him.” She snarls, poking her finger in
the centre of my chest.

don’t know what you’re talking about or trying to insinuate but I don’t like

mum’s not much taller than me but I’m only five foot three and have to look up
at her when I talk. She used to use this to intimidate me but I’ve finally
reached an age when I’m no longer scared of confronting her. I’m twenty-three
years old and refuse to put up with this diabolical treatment anymore.

not insinuating anything but I am telling you to back off. Although, I don’t really
know why I’m bothering, even if he weren’t with a stunning girl like Rachel, he
wouldn’t look twice at someone like you.” She sneers disdainfully, looking me
up and down in disgust.

ridicule stings. I know I know I’m not a breath-taking beauty like my sister
but I’m not repulsive either. The revulsion on her face makes me angry and I’d
love nothing more than to wipe that spiteful smirk off her face.

glowers contemptuously before leaving me alone in the empty hallway. I can feel
my eyes start to fill with unshed tears and I’m furious with myself for
allowing her to make me feel like this again. I’m just about to lifting the
latch on the front door when I’m startled by a voice behind me.

so soon?” Zack smiles weakly, nodding his head towards the door I was heading
out of.

pretty tired, thought I’d get an early night before I have to meet up with
Rachel tomorrow.” I speak casually, as though it’s no big deal.

actual fact, I’m amazed he actually followed me out here and came to see where
I was. I expect no one else has even noticed my absence.

didn’t say goodbye. I just wanted to know if everything is ok.” He walks over
towards me, leaning back against the wall opposite the doorway.

fine.” I smile at him, throwing my hair back over my shoulder.

watch his eyes follow my movement, taking in my blonde tresses before he forces
himself to look away.

how are you getting home?” He asks uncertainly, checking my empty hand for my
car keys or phone.

call a taxi when I get outside. I might even walk, it’s not too far to my
house.” I inform him.

can’t walk alone at this time of night, let me drive you.” He speaks firmly,
turning around to reach inside a pocket of one of the coats hanging up on the
rail behind him.

presume he’s searching for his car keys and frantically think of something I
can say to stop him.

be silly. It’s your special night, you should really stay here. I’ll be fine.”
I turn to go again but his hand reaches out, gently circling around my wrist
and preventing me from opening the door.

I’m not taking no for an answer. It’s late and I’m not about to let you walk
home by yourself.”

call a taxi.”

still not safe.” He says with determination.

you’re just being silly.” I laugh faintly.

just cautious. Now come on.” He turns back to retrieve his keys and opens the
front door for me, waiting for me to step outside.

you going to tell Rachel where you’re going? She might want to come with you.”
I hesitate, loitering near the front door in case he decides to call her.

inside showing off her engagement ring, she won’t even notice I’m gone.
Besides, you said you don’t live too far, right?” He asks casually, already
making his way down the driveway.

place is about a ten minute walk from here.”

He pauses and twirls his car keys between his fingers, as though he’s
considering something.

is it?” I furrow my brow, coming to a halt behind him.

just wondering if you’d like to walk instead. It’s a warm night and if you only
live ten minutes away…” He trails off, a buoyant, light-hearted expression on
his face.

would but I can’t walk very well in these heels.” I complain, rubbing my ankle.

seems disappointed but nods his head in reluctant acceptance.

a shame, maybe some other time?” He asks, gazing down at me.

I reply evasively.

truth is I have no intention of allowing him to walk me home. This whole thing
is already too dangerous for me, my feelings for him are entirely inappropriate
and I don’t see the point in tormenting myself by something I can never, ever

follow him over to his car, it’s a black Audi which sparkles underneath one of
the streetlamps it’s parked under.

in.” He unlocks the car and opens the door for me like a chauffeur.

this is a nice car.” I tell him, fastening my seatbelt as I admire the
interior. It’s so sleek and refined, I feel like I shouldn’t even be sitting in

suppose.” He replies offhandedly, as though it’s meaningless and not important.

suppose? It’s gorgeous.” I trace my fingers over the seat, appreciating the
smooth texture of the leather interior.

know much about cars?” He chuckles, switching on the engine which purrs

I can’t even drive.”

is that?” He glances at me before placing his arm on the back of my seat,
craning his neck to look out of the back window whilst he reverses out the

guess I just never got around to it.” I shrug, turning my head so I can look
out of the passenger window.

it’s never too late. You’re twenty-four, right?”

I correct him.

You have all the time in the world to learn how to drive.” He says simply.


don’t sound too keen?”

think I’ve let it too late, I’d be terrified of taking lessons with an

they would be a stranger to you?”

guess, it would be so much easier with someone I know.”

I could always give you a few lessons if you’re up for it? I’ve got plenty of
time off over the summer and need to fill my time in somehow.” He offers

don’t know… I was speaking hypothetically, I’m not sure I really want to learn
right now but thanks for the offer.” I smile at him in appreciation.

a couple minutes of silence between us but it’s not awkward like it was before.
It’s kind of nice after all of the hostility I had to face back at the house.

I couldn’t help noticing the awkward atmosphere tonight, especially between you
and your mum. Is everything ok between you?” He inquires, a hint of concern
behind his voice.

BOOK: Wrong Girl
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