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Authors: Lauren Crossley

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

Wrong Girl (10 page)

BOOK: Wrong Girl
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dragged my sorry ass to bed that night and couldn’t fall asleep for hours. I
was so sick of all the shit running through my head and feeling like crap for
craving someone I will never be able to have. I had no idea how to go about
rectifying the situation or how to cure myself of the relentless compulsion I
seem to have to be near her.

night I dreamt about Samantha for the first time. In my dream she was waiting
for me in my bedroom, uneasy and nervous.

wrong?” I asked, joining her on the bed where she was sitting.

lowered her head and wrung her hands together. I noticed they were trembling
and took one in my own, giving it a gentle squeeze to reassure her.

don’t know where to start.” She whispered, refusing to meet my gaze.

tell me.” I urged her, tilting her face towards mine.

had to see her face, I wanted her to look at me, knowing that I’d be able to
read her expression if I could look into her eyes.


What do you need, baby?” I spoke softly, closing the distance between us.

moistened her lips and inhaled sharply. I could practically see her pulse
flickering in her throat and longed to run my tongue over it. I wanted to taste
her so badly, I wanted to hear my name spoken from her lips. I wanted her to
beg me to give her pleasure. I couldn’t help imagining all the ways I could
make her come, each thought I had seemed to be more explicit than the last and
the things I knew I could do to this girl was going to drive me insane.

don’t know how to say it. This is so wrong.” She said tearfully, trembling
beside me.

this is really wrong, why does it feel so right?” I murmured, lowering my mouth
towards hers.

was hesitant at first, returning my kiss with trepidation. I tried to be
respectful of her, giving her time to adjust and accept the sudden advancement
between us. Her whole body was shaking and I found myself smoothing my thumb
down the side of her jaw, trying to coax her into submission.

I whispered, gently prising her lips apart with my tongue.

moaned into my mouth, sinking her fingernails into my back. I groaned loudly,
hungry for more. I wanted everything, I needed her to submit to me, surrender
every single part of herself to my touch.

tongues tangled together, swirling and stroking, plunging and tasting. I wanted
my actions to mirror the ones I would make if I were inside her. I wanted her
to know that I would take her just as roughly, just as passionately if we were
having sex. She had to know what she was doing to me, I wanted to make her feel
the same way, desperate for her to feel the incredible intoxication that I experience
whenever I’m around her.

we shouldn’t be doing this.” She protested, trying to push me away from her.

Yes, we should.” I grabbed hold of her hands against my chest, circling my fingers
around her small wrists.

about Rachel?”

not thinking about her. It’s
I want.” I told her firmly.

Why do you want me?” She sounded fearful, needing to hear my answer yet
reluctant to know the truth.

wish I could come up with a simple answer but I can’t. All I know is it goes
beyond lust, it goes far beyond sex and wanting to taste you every single
minute of every day. I want everything with you. I want all of you, Samanatha.”
I grabbed hold of her face, gently brushing my nose against hers.

this could never work, it’s impossible.” She murmured, shaking her head.

say that, it’s not true. Let me show you, Sam. Let me show you how incredible
we could be together. You know I can make you feel good.” I groaned loudly and
pushed her down onto the bed, relishing in the feel of her petite body beneath
my own.

wasn’t so gentle the second time, thrusting my tongue inside her mouth,
demanding an entry to what I owned. Her legs parted and I slid in between them.
My fingers were persistent, tugging on the tiny buttons on her blouse. I had to
feel her skin, I needed to taste every single inch of her and the sooner she
was out of her clothes, the sooner I’d get to do it.

next thing to go was her skirt, a cute little thing that showed off those
gorgeous legs of hers. She tried to wriggle herself out of it, softly laughing
when I chose to yank it down over her slender hips. I couldn’t believe how
beautiful she was, I’d imagine her naked hundreds of times but it was an
entirely different thing to actually see it with my own eyes.

left her wearing her bra and pants and took a moment to just stare at her. Taking
in the exquisitely irresistible girl before me. Her skin tone is extremely
fair, reminding me of that fairy tale Snow White. Fuck knows why I thought
about that but that’s exactly what she reminded me of. Skin as white as snow
and all that shit.

me something? Promise me that you’ll never, ever deliberately tan this precious
skin of yours.”

too pale.” She argued, trying to be modest by covering herself from me.

You’re perfect. Your ivory skin makes you look so pure and innocent.”

don’t plan on being innocent with you.” She teased me, raising her eyebrows at

I love you being like this.” I confessed, trailing my fingertips around her
small breasts and down her tiny waist.

gently traced along the edge of her panties. They were a pink colour, all
feminine and enticing, captivating even more of my attention to the
delectability that was underneath them.

Zack.” She begged, arching her back and lifting her hips, craving the contact
between her pussy and my fingers.

planned on giving her exactly what she wanted, I needed to feel her just as
much as she wanted me to make her come with my hand.

patient, baby. I don’t plan on stopping, not unless you want me to?” I tortured
her nibbling on her bottom lip before sucking it all the way into my mouth.

eyes were closed, her breathing erratic as she clenched her thighs around my
large hand, preventing me from prising her legs apart. I began to slide the
flimsy material of her underwear from her body, inhaling sharply when I saw
her. She was even more spectacular than I imagined her to be and seriously had
to fight the uncontrollable urge I had to bury my face between her thighs. I
was fucking desperate to go down on her for the next couple of hours. I had to
slide my tongue inside her, so badly needing to taste her arousal on my face.

perfect.” I murmured reverently, breathing in her magnificent scent.

was just about to touch her, I was just about to stroke the deliciousness of
that sweet little pussy when my damn alarm clock went off, waking me up with a
start. My heart is racing, it feels like it could leap out of my chest any
Fuck, fuck, fuck!
That dream was out of this world. It was crazy
and utterly unforgivable, I know I’m going straight to hell for my elicit
thoughts and am certain that I’m going to spend the rest of the day torturing
myself with guilt.

most despicable thing about it is the fact that a part of me really wants to go
back to sleep. I want to finish that dream and see what happens next, I long to
touch her, feel her and hear her moan my name, begging for my cock inside her.

do seriously despise myself for being a typical bloke, for thinking with his
dick and nothing else. I used to think I was so much better than the bastards
out there who would cheat on their wives and girlfriends, I used to think I was
superior to them because I’ve never done it. Now I know I’m just the same,
fantasising about my fiancé’s sister is the lowest of the low. It’s despicable
and I don’t expect anyone to understand it or tell me it’s ok.

stay in bed for a while, reluctant to drag myself out of my room so I can
pretend that everything is normal. I consider taking a shower before I go
downstairs, I can’t remember being this horny before and my erection is
straining against my boxers, begging for a release. It would be so easy for me
to phone Rachel right now, I know it wouldn’t take much persuasion on my part to
convince her to come over. We’re both used to sex first thing on a morning and
I can imagine her being just as frustrated as I am right now. It’s been a few
days since we’ve been together but I just can’t risk it, I’ve just dreamt about
having sex with her sister and that’s exactly who I’d be thinking about if I
were to be with Rachel. I won’t do that to her, it would feel like a betrayal
and I refuse to do it. Emotional cheating seems to be even more devious than
the physical kind.

I really
don’t know how I’m going to get through this or how I’m going to fight the
undeniable, indisputable temptation of constantly being around someone I can
never have. I’m screwed. I’m well and truly screwed. If I don’t have that girl,
if I don’t satisfy my curiosity soon… I’m going to go insane. I beat myself up about
it for the rest of the day, I’m so close to the point of actually losing it, I
can guarantee that things are going to get worse before they get better.

hours later… I’ve persecuted myself all day about this but I’ve finally come to
a decision. It’s messed up, twisted and sinful but at least I’ve made a choice
about what I’m going to do next. I love Rachel and want to make a go of things
with her. I proposed to her and meant every word I said when I asked her to spend
the rest of her life with me. I can’t afford to lose that and know that if I
want to save my relationship… I have to do this. I have to
. I have
no idea how Sam’s going to react to what I have to say, this could ruin absolutely
everything, my whole world could crumble around me at any moment.
Unfortunately, that’s a risk I’m more than willing to take.

need one night with Samantha, one night to get her out of my system, one night to
appease my desperation, the one which threatens to consume my whole being. One
night. All I need is one night with her. I’m determined to get what I want and
what I want is Samantha.

going to make her mine, I’m going to find out what it feels like to be inside
her. It’s the only way, it’s the only way I’ll be able to move forward and get
past this. I know I’m going to have to convince her that it’s the right thing
to do, I somehow have to persuade her that it’s the only solution I can think
of to save my relationship with Rachel. It’s the only way I can keep everything

fuck and she’ll be gone. One night with my dick inside her is all I’ll need to
erase her from my head. After that it will be like she never even existed.
Things will be back to normal and I’ll be able to focus on my engagement and my
upcoming wedding without this girl invading my life.


night is all it will take to forget her.

night to find out.

night to remove her from my mind.

night to move forward. That’s all it will take and it’s exactly what I’m going
to get.


Chapter Five


been six days since the night I received that bizarre phone call from Zack and
I haven’t heard from him since. My week has been uneventful to say the least,
I’ve tried to keep myself occupied, focusing on work and hanging out with
Jason. Rachel’s tried to meet up with me a few times but I’m ashamed to say I
purposefully avoided taking the time to catch up with her. I feel terrible
about it but I really can’t handle hearing her talk about the wedding right
now, I know I can’t keep it up forever but for now… I just can’t deal with it.

is Friday and it’s time for me to be leaving work. I probably should have gone
home half an hour ago but I was delaying the inevitable. Rachel practically
begged me to go to my mum’s house after work, Zack’s going to be there and he’s
bringing his parents so they can officially meet my mum and the rest of
Rachel’s family, including me. I’m practically shaking with nerves at the
thought of seeing him again. How the hell am I supposed to be around him?
Should I act like nothing even took place? Pretend like the phone call and
strange text messages he sent me didn’t happen?

standing in front of the mirror in the ladies bathroom where I work, the
majority of the kids have gone home and the manager told me I could leave
thirty minutes ago… and yet I’m still here. I reach into my handbag for my lip
gloss, applying a tiny amount before tugging a hairbrush through my blonde
hair. I have a spare pair of clothes in my bag which I packed this morning, I
knew I’d have to head over to my mum’s straight from work and didn’t want to
provoke that cruel temper of hers by being late like I was last week.

are you ok? The last one’s just left.” My manager asks, poking her head around
the toilet door.

fine, I just have to change and then I’ll get going.” I reply dismally, pulling
my aqua blue coloured blouse out of my bag as well as my smart pair of black
trousers, teamed with the black high heels I’m already wearing, I’m hoping my
outfit will be ok.

that what you’re wearing? It’s a gorgeous colour.” Audrey says, stroking the
silky fabric of the blouse in my hands.

it’s new but I’m still pretty sure my mum will have something bad to say about

two don’t get along?” She speculates, a sympathetic expression on her face.

of the century.” I murmur, raising my eyebrows up at her.

I’ll leave you to get changed. See you in a minute.” She smiles at me before
closing the door on her way out.

Audrey. I won’t be long.” I call after her, hurrying to remove the shirt I’m
already wearing.

minutes later and I’m on my way, Audrey insisted on giving me a lift part of
the way and dropped me off five minutes away from mum’s house. Audrey’s a great
manager and made me feel welcome right from the start. She’s around my own
mother’s age and I suppose I’ve now started to see her in a maternal light.
I’ve not yet disclosed anything too personal to her but I think she’s beginning
to understand how things are between me and my family. She’s someone I would
turn to if I needed advice and if it was any other problem I was having, I’d
confide in her for sure.

butterflies in my stomach are out of this world, I can barely bring myself to
knock on the front door. They’re all bound to be in there by now and I hate
being the last one to arrive. I don’t even know why I have to be here, Rachel called
me last night and begged to come, saying I had to go because I’m her sister and
her Maid of honour. She left me feeling so guilty, I had no choice in the
matter. I know I have to get over this peculiar feeling of being jealous and
the only way I can do that is to face it and face them. Together. Zack isn’t
mine, he doesn’t belong to me and I have no right to want anything different.

knock on the front door is hesitant, I swear I almost make a run for it before
anyone answers. A tall and handsome middle aged man greets me, opening the door
with a joyful smile on his face and a drink in his hand.

must be Samantha? I’m Eric, Zack’s father.”

holds his hand out for me and I take it, more than a little surprised to be
greeted so warmly. It certainly makes a change to the usual reception I get
from my mum.

to meet you.” I reply quietly, taking in his broad stature and smart suit.

sophisticated like his son and it’s not hard to see where Zack gets his rugged
good looks from. The only difference is that Eric’s brown hair is salt and
pepper grey.

coming in? They’re all in the lounge.”


slip past him, deciding to keep my coat on. I’d feel too conspicuous removing
it in front of this man. I don’t usually feel all that comfortable with men on
his age and that’s got nothing to do with him it’s… well, I don’t ever allow
myself to think about that. Never.

Sam. You made it!” Rachel welcomes me as soon as I enter the room, making her
way over towards me.

can’t stay too long, Jason’s coming over later on.” I lie, trying to return her

can already feel his intense gaze on me. I felt it the moment I stepped through
the door and I can see him out of the corner of my eye, watching me intently. I
refuse to look directly at him, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of
knowing he affects me. I especially feel his penetrating gaze when I remove my
coat. It’s as though my body can sense his scorching hot glare piercing my

I’m Sharon, Zack’s mum. It’s so lovely to meet you.”

smiling lady walks over towards us and gives me a friendly hug. I’m a little
surprised by her gesture and it takes me a few moments to return her affection.

Rachel’s sister, Samantha.”

course! The Maid of honour! You’re going to look just as beautiful as your
sister on the day. You’re stunning.” She beams at me, her eyes sparkling with

you.” I murmur softly, averting my gaze away from hers.

can feel my mother’s harsh glare from across the room, she’s talking to Zack
and his father but I can feel her watching my every move, undermining every
single thing I do.

meal I have to sit through is extremely uncomfortable. Sharon, Zack’s mother is
to my right and I’m seated across the table from Zack and Rachel. My mother and
Eric are at the head of it on either end. I spend most of the time staring at
my plate, hardly eating anything and barely joining in with the conversation.
Sharon makes an effort and tries to include me but I rebuke every attempt she
makes to discuss the wedding or my role in it.

hardly speaks either, he remains silent for the majority of the night. Only
talking when he absolutely has to or someone directs a question at him. My mum
puts on a great show, portraying the perfect image of a doting mother. She’s
cordial to me but doesn’t say much else. The main part of the evening is focused
on the wedding, the arrangements that need to be made and the venues that still
have to be booked. Rachel’s asked four other girls to be her bridesmaids, two
of them are friends from school and a couple she knows from living in London.
Zack’s best man is going to be his brother who I’m told has recently come back
home to be with his family for a few weeks. He works away as well but will
return for the wedding which will take place four months from now.

come he couldn’t be here tonight?” My mum asks, taking a sip of her
extraordinarily expensive wine.

had a prior engagement and sends his apologies. He’ll be sure to come next
time.” Sharon explains, placing her own wine glass back on the table.

only met him the once but he sure is handsome. I can’t wait for you to meet
him, Samantha.” Rachel grins at me across the table, giving me a pointed look.

shift uncomfortably in my seat. I know exactly what she’s insinuating and I
can’t even begin to explain how uninterested I am.

that supposed to mean?” Zack snaps angrily, shifting in his seat to face

of us are taken aback by Zack’s outburst, the five of us stare at him in
amazement, wondering about the reason for his anger.

don’t mean anything by it. It’s just… Sam’s going to be my Maid of honour and
Jamie’s going to be your best man. You know what they say about weddings, they
bring people closer together and I think they’d make a perfect couple.”

I protest loudly, my face turning crimson.

I’m only playing. Zack knows that, don’t you, baby?” She strokes her fingers
across the back of his hand, forcing me to look away.

know I need to get a hold of my inappropriate feelings but that doesn’t mean I
want to witness their intimacy, not yet.

better be joking.” Zack tells her, his jaw clenched, his pulse flickering.

what on earth’s got into you?” His mum asks, leaning across the table. She
looks really concerned and I can’t say I blame her. His behaviour is unsettling
to say the least.

I’m sorry. I’m just tired, I’ve not been sleeping too well lately.” He murmurs
quietly, fixing his stare onto the tablecloth before him.

it’s because you’ve been sleeping alone.” My sister responds, drumming her
fingernails against her glass.

atmosphere is incredibly awkward all of a sudden. None of us say anything and
the prolonged silence seems to go on and on. Zack’s mum is the first to break
it, clearing her throat before speaking.

do you need a hand with the dishes? I’m more than happy to help.” She offers,
rearranging her knife and fork in the centre of her plate.

you worry about that, I’ll take care of it. Just go on into the other room and
make yourself comfortable. The girls can help me clean up.”

glance up at my mum, surprised and more than a little shocked. She’s never
referred to me and Rachel like that before, most of the time she acts like I
don’t even exist.

help.” Zack says, locking those magnificent eyes onto mine.

be silly, go on through with your parents. We’ve got this covered.” My mum
waves him away cheerfully, standing to her feet as she begins to clear the
plates away.

really don’t mind.” He tells her firmly.

I do. Now go on.” She smiles falsely, insisting that he goes on with his

three of us are left alone to clear the table and I can’t help wondering what
mum’s got up her sleeve. Why was she insisting that the three of us do the
tidying up? Normally she leave me to clean up the mess and go on ahead with

leave me and Rachel alone for a moment. I want to talk to her.” Mum startles
me, firmly taking hold of my wrist before guiding me over to the door.

thought you wanted me to help you clean up.”

did but now I’m telling you to go somewhere else.” She says harshly, narrowing
her mean eyes at me.

Rachel intercepts, sighing heavily.

want to speak to you alone, is that so difficult?” She holds her hands out as
though she’s trying to reason with a difficult child.

you don’t have to speak to her like that. It’s not nice.”

give Rachel a weak smile, showing her I appreciate her kindness to me. I always
have and always will.

Just go, Samantha. I don’t even know what you’re doing here.”

here because I asked her to be. She’s my sister and she’s a part of this
wedding whether you like it or not.” Rachel snaps defensively.

its fine. I have to get going anyway.”

you don’t have to go.” She says softly, walking over towards me.

it’s fine. I’m tired from work and I really should get going.”

I’m being honest, I’m glad for the excuse to go. I love my sister and my
presence is not worth making her unhappy. I give her a hug before glaring at my
mother on my way out. Fuck knows what her problem with me is tonight, I’m beyond
the point of caring. I gave up trying to figure out her motives years ago.

know I should say goodbye to Zack and his parents but I don’t know what excuse
I should give for the reason why I’m leaving so early. I think about it for a
moment before deciding I’ll just slip out and no one will be any the wiser.
It’s not like I’m needed here anyway.

walking down the hallway when I feel a warm breeze coming from the balcony and
out into the hall. I figure someone must have left the door open and hasten my
steps into the room that leads out to the sliding doors. Nothing prepares me
for what I find there, it makes me gasp and reconsider my next move before I
take another step.


all alone, leaning against the balcony railing with his back to me. Every
single instinct I have is screaming at me to run, I know I’ll be putting myself
in danger if I go out there and the best thing for everyone is for me to leave
quietly. I’m just about to sneak out when he interrupts me. His cold, detached
voice cutting through the silence like a knife.

BOOK: Wrong Girl
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