Read Whispers of Night: 1 (Immortal Embrace) Online

Authors: Erin Simone

Tags: #Erotica

Whispers of Night: 1 (Immortal Embrace) (27 page)

BOOK: Whispers of Night: 1 (Immortal Embrace)
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How do I begin?


“There are things you need to know about me. I-I didn’t have the easiest time as a kid growing up. My childhood was shitty. I don’t have a relationship with my parents. In fact, I haven’t talked with them in years.” She started to pull away but he held her tightly.


“Doesn’t that bother you? I’m broken inside because of it.”

“You think I’m perfect? My father abandoned me when I was very young for a life of piracy. I was forced to become a man when I was really a boy. You shouldn’t judge yourself so harshly.”

“My father beat me and my mom was a drunk.”

“And that’s somehow your fault? They’re to blame, not you. You overcame those obstacles despite the adversity you were forced to deal with.”

“You mean that?”

“I do.” He stroked her as she lay against his chest. “But if I ever see your father, I can’t promise he’ll continue living.”

“He’s not worth it.”

“Neither is Lucia.” He gave her a gentle squeeze.

Maybe not to you but that bitch better not try that shit again with me.
Her fangs sharpened.
I’m no empty vessel anymore.

* * * * *


Lucia snarled with frustration. Her plan had backfired. Dane and Jenny were even closer than before. The stolen passion she had experienced with him left her reeling.

She tried to enter his mate again but she blocked her. His mate was growing stronger.

Dane’s words hurt. She knew he didn’t want her. He had been giving and receiving pleasure only because he’d believed she was his Jenny.
That bitch is going to die.

She entered her brother’s house. Caiaphas sat on the couch with a naked human female draped across his lap. He had finished draining her life’s blood. It also appeared as if he had taken more than blood from his victim.

“You shouldn’t play with your food.” Lucia smirked.

“I disagree. A little foreplay before dinner is always a good way to relieve stress.” He grinned. “What happened to your wrist?” He sat up and pushed the lifeless female off him and zipped up his jeans.

“I was attacked by a very aggressive wolf shifter.”

“He got you good.” He traced to her and lifted her damaged limb, which had begun to fuse back together.

“I am a fool.” She drew away with a scowl.

“A heart can be foolish and easily deceived into believing there is a chance when it wants what it wants.” Caiaphas regarded her.

“What I want is to take them all down, one by one.” Her arm was going to hurt for some time until it fully regenerated.
Bastard dogs, they’ll die too.

“I’ve waited a long time to hear you say those words to me.”

“Dane hides in the Karelian Forest that borders Finland.” She gritted her teeth against the pain.

“How can I trust that you won’t change your mind again?”

“I gave you Dane’s location, isn’t that enough proof?”
Bastard can love her but not me. He picked a simple, uneducated girl who comes from white trash. Yet I was not even worth a momentary glance when he was human? The irony makes me sick.


“There’s one more thing you must know.” A dull ache seized her heart. Even in her anger she still pined over the male she would never have. Their brief encounter played over and over. She wanted to experience it again. He was so perfect.

Too perfect.

“What is it?” He was becoming wary. Not that she cared.

My brother need not know I still crave this male. I must do what needs to be done.
“Dane has some very powerful allies protecting him. He’s befriended a pack of wolf shifters. Their leader almost captured me. He’s the one who tore my limb apart.”

“Interesting. I’ve never encountered their kind before.”

“And you don’t want to. They’re fast. I narrowly escaped. Dane has the advantage with shifters on his side.” In a sense she was kind of relieved. Why couldn’t she let him go? She had to put an end to this madness once and for all.

“Then we will carefully plan our attack. They won’t know what’s coming for them.”

“Dane will be expecting it. He’s no fool, you know.” No, he wasn’t a fool.

“I’ve got a plan. Follow me, I have someone I’d like you to meet.”


Caiaphas traced to the basement. In a cell sat a female with long, dark curly hair and beautiful green eyes. “Get up!” Caiaphas snapped.

“Fuck you!” She was a defiant girl.

He traced inside the cell and lifted her by the throat. “You can count on it. But first you’re going to learn how to obey. Do you understand me?”

“Let her go!” a male in the corner roared as he fought his chains.

“Shut up, Harris, or she dies,” Caiaphas warned the vampire.

“You promised me you wouldn’t hurt her. You swore it. I’m going to kill you!”

Lucia found this vampire’s rage intriguing. Who was he?

“It seems you have forgotten who you work for, Harris. Therefore I must remind you that your precious female is here to serve a purpose. Mine, not yours, and nothing more. It’s too bad you decided to fancy this one because I’ll not make concessions, even for you.”

“Leave her alone. I’ll do anything you ask of me. You don’t have to hurt her.”

Caiaphas dropped the girl to the floor. She gasped and coughed, trying to catch her breath. “Of course you will.” He glared at Harris before returning his attention to the girl. “Now let’s begin again. Get up!”

She rose to her feet and stared at him with unwavering eyes.

“Caiaphas, I’m intrigued. She is a delightful creature and will make a strong Rogue someday. I should like to train her myself. Who is she?” Lucia asked.

“Her name is Marley. Marley, say hello to my sister.” He raised his open palm, ready to slap her across the face if she didn’t comply.

“Fuck you.” Marley glared at him.

“I plan on it, bitch, while I drain the life from your veins. Now do as I say!” He backhanded her. The sound echoed through the chamber.

“She’s a feisty thing. How does she fit into all of this? No, wait, don’t tell me. Let me guess.” Lucia opened her mind and tried to reach into the girl’s thoughts but slammed into a wall instead. “Hm…I hear nothing. Tell me, Caiaphas, who is she?”

“She’s friends with Dane’s mate.”

“Really, how unlucky for you.” Lucia regarded her with more interest, calculating how she could use this new information in her favor.

“Forget it, bitch. There is no way in hell I’m helping either one of you bastards hurt my friend,” Marley snapped.

“Perceptive. But I don’t remember giving you a choice.”

“I’m not afraid to die, so you can go fuck yourself.”

“It’s not death you should fear. You’ll help us—that I can assure you.” Caiaphas threw her against the cage.

The vampire in the corner howled and hissed as he strained against his chains. “Leave her alone!”

“Wait, brother, I have an idea.” Lucia touched his arm.

“What do you have in mind?” He released Marley and she slid to the ground.

“Well, hello, Harris.” Lucia took in the dark-haired vampire. Violet eyes stared back at her murderously. He was heavily muscled and if it weren’t for those reinforced chains, this big guy could definitely do some damage. He might be fun to bed. He was a fine-looking male.

“Fuck off.” Harris must’ve read her mind, she presumed. His rebuff didn’t bother her.

“You’d comply if it meant saving her life.”

“Don’t flatter yourself, bitch.”

“Shall we test that theory?”

“Sure, if that’s what it takes.” He yanked against the chains. Wrath oozed from every pore.

“Harris! Don’t do this, please!” She heard Marley wail. Humans were so pathetic.

“Shut up before I hit you again.” Caiaphas raised his fist to strike Marley.

“Quit hurting her or I swear to god, when I get free…” Harris flipped out again. It was quite amusing to watch.

“Look at me, Harris. Do you want him to stop?” Lucia asked.

He gave a stiff nod. “You know I do. What do you really want?”

“Bring Jenny here and your pet will live. Cross him and she dies, are we clear?”

Harris stared at her for several seconds. “Dane’s not stupid, he’s not going to let me walk in and take his mate.”

“Then find a way to separate them. You’re a bright vampire, I’m sure you can come up with a plan.” Lucia smiled.

“Harris, please don’t do this. I’m not worth it. Jenny’s my friend.”

“I have no choice. I won’t let them hurt you.”

“Release him,” Lucia said.

Caiaphas returned to Harris and unlocked his chains. “Don’t even think about crossing me or your lover over there will die a very painful death.”

“Give me your word she’ll not be harmed further and I’ll do as you bid of me.”

“She will be as you see her now as long as you follow through.”

“Let me have a moment with my mate before I go.”

“Very well.” Caiaphas gestured for him to go to her.

Harris entered the cage and reached for her. “Trust me.”

“You lied to me.” Marley tried to push him away.

“Shh, I must do what needs to be done.” He kissed her lips.

“I won’t trade my life for hers. She wouldn’t do that to me. If you love me, how could you?”

“Don’t ask me to suffer losing you, I can’t.” He hugged her tightly and kissed her lips one last time before tracing out of the cage.

“That was so touching, you two.” Caiaphas smirked.

“If you hurt her in any way while I’m gone, there will be no deal.”

“She is safe as long as you do what you’re told.”

“There is no love lost between Dane and me, don’t worry.”

“Good, then go to the Karelian Forest that borders Finland. You will find them there. Do you know where that is?”

“I know how to use a map. It can’t be that difficult.”

“Be careful not to run into the wolf shifters who inhabit the region or they’ll tear you apart. When you find Dane’s mate, bring her to me.”

“I’ll be back soon.” Harris nodded and disappeared.

“Shall we, sister?” Caiaphas held out his hand to Lucia. She placed her palm in his and they traced back into the living room of his mansion.

“That was quite a lot of fun.” She took a seat on the couch.

“Your talent could serve a far greater purpose if you were serious about joining forces with me. I consider you to be truly brilliant,” he said. His praise meant little. She had her own agenda to attend to.

“I thought that’s what I was doing.” Her smile was slow and wicked.

“I’m no fool.”

“What’s your real plan for Harris’ mate once you get what you want?” She decided to change the subject.

“What do you mean?” He feigned innocence. But the evil gleam in his eye was telling.

“I know you have no intention of letting him have her.” She arched a brow. Boy, they were so much alike.

“I’ll have my fun and then I’ll kill her.” He shrugged.

“You are diabolical, did you know that?”

“Indeed I am. Let’s get you some fresh blood to heal your wounds, shall we?”

“That’s a lovely idea.” Lucia grinned.

Chapter Eleven


Dane woke to the sound of Jenny’s voice.

“Hey, sleepyhead.” She kissed his cheek. “I’m going downstairs to train with Ivanna.”

He reached for her and drew her against him. “Stay.” He kissed her tenderly, trying to persuade her not to leave.

“I’ll be back later.” She kissed his lips.

“Are you sure you won’t stay a little while longer?” He rolled on top of her and pressed his erection against the silky fabric of the black yoga pants covering her mound.

“You are very tempting, but no. I gave Ivanna my word.” She traced away from him.

“Very well.” He rolled onto his back with his cock standing at attention.

“Stop it.” She giggled. “I need to go.”

“What?” His expression feigned innocence.

“Hmm—I’m going now.”

“Have fun.”

She left the room as he climbed out of bed and quickly showered. He still didn’t like her out of his sight for very long, especially after last night. It had been a relief to watch her rest peacefully for the first time in her new state. Hopefully that would be the last episode now that she was fully transformed.

He finished getting dressed, traced downstairs and found the two women in Dmitri’s workout room.

“Sweep the feet like this?” He heard the sound of Jenny’s voice. It was filled with determination. He was proud of how eager she was to learn.

“That’s correct but you can’t analyze it. Just do it. There should be no hesitation or you will give your enemy the advantage.” Ivanna shot her foot out and knocked Jenny to the ground.

Dane stood silently by the door and watched the two women spar. Ivanna was an excellent teacher and his mate was a quick study. He was proud she was taking the initiative to learn how to defend herself against their enemies.

Jenny knocked Ivanna to the ground. “How was that?”

“You’re improving. Next time I won’t be as easy on you.” Ivanna jumped to her feet.

“You were being easy on me?”

“We all have to begin somewhere. I can’t teach you how to fight if I injure you.” Ivanna smiled.

“I’m not that breakable. I need to learn even if I get a few bruises in the process.”

“Listen to her, Jenny. Ivanna is a skilled fighter and a good teacher. She knows how to take out an opponent.”

“Hey, I didn’t see you standing there.” Jenny wiped the sweat from her brow and went over to him.

“I knew he was there the whole time. You must be aware of your surroundings and not let your guard down, ever.” Ivanna was right to scold her. Jenny needed to be alert.

“Yes, Mother.” Jenny rolled her eyes.

“I mean it, Jenny.”

“Ivanna’s right.” He wrapped his arms around her waist. He moved in to give her a kiss. But she seized his wrist, threw him over her shoulder and pinned him on the ground.

“What was that about not letting your guard down?”

“Touché, my love.” He reached for her again.

“You’re going to have to move much faster than that, Mr. Voss.” She traced out of his reach. Dane rose.

“I’m kind of distracted at the moment.” He chuckled.

“That’s no excuse.”

“I could teach you a few moves right now if you’d like.” He winked suggestively.

“Go away, Dane. I’ll give her back to you later.” Ivanna tried to shoo him out of the room.

He gazed down at Jenny. “You can show me your moves after my training session.”

She giggled. “You’re no fun.”

“Did you feed?”

“I did. Several times, if I recall, although I’m sure I’ll have worked up an appetite after this sparring session is over.”

“Good, then I’d better go fill my reserves before you finish. I’ll be back in a bit.” He was about to leave when Ivanna began to growl.

“What’s wrong?”

“Dmitri wants you to come outside, alone. Jenny is to stay inside with me. An intruder has entered the clearing. He claims to know you. Dmitri will not allow him near the den until you confirm it is safe to let him pass.”

“Where are they?”

“They’re beyond the trees.”

“Guard Jenny.” It couldn’t be one of his Hunters. No one knew of this place. He smelled a trap.

“No one will get past me.” Ivanna changed into her wolf form.

“Dane, what’s happening?” Jenny regarded him nervously.

“I don’t know but stay here with Ivanna.” He traced into the clearing and found Dmitri and his pack surrounding a familiar face. “I recognize you.”

“Hello, Dane.”

“You’re a Hunter…Harris, right? But I was told you were killed.”

“It’s a long story.”

“How did you know where to find me?” He took a step forward as Jenny traced into the clearing right beside him. He seized her. “Damn it, I told you to stay inside.” He cursed under his breath as he placed her behind him. He began backing away. “I’m taking you back inside. Let’s go.”

Ivanna ran into the clearing, baring her fangs at his mate. He was pissed that Jenny had refused to listen when he told her to stay. It was obvious Ivanna wasn’t pleased either.

“Dane, wait! I need your help.” Harris took a step forward.

“Stay back or I swear it will be your last move.” His nostrils flared in anger.

Harris froze. “I meant no disrespect.”

“What kind of help?” Dane asked warily, his voice rough.

“Rogues have taken my mate. I need you to help me get her back.”

“My priorities are to my own female. I can’t leave her to go after yours, I’m sorry.”

“You don’t understand, she happens to be a close friend of your mate’s.”

“What’s her name?” He stared at him and wished he could take back the question.


“Marley, oh my god, is she all right?” Jenny stepped around Dane.

“She is in terrible danger and I need Dane’s help to get her back before they kill her.”

“What? We have to help her, Dane.” Jenny looked up at him with pleading eyes. He put a finger to his lips before he addressed Harris again.

“How did you find me?”

“Lucia told me where I could find you. She is helping Caiaphas. I was supposed to come here and lure your mate away. But I don’t trust Lucia and know they will cross me at the first opportunity. That’s why I’ve decided to warn you instead, and in exchange, get your help. Besides, my mate would never forgive me if I handed Jenny over to them.”

Dane placed Jenny behind him, pushing her flush against his back. He kept a hand on the small of her back and held on to her shirt so she wouldn’t get away from him. Anger rose inside him at the idea a member of the Order would betray his calling. “You’ve joined sides with the enemy?”

“I’m not on their side, I swear it. I need your help to get my mate back. I need them to believe I am but it’s only so I can get her back.”

“You have a lot of nerve, coming here asking for my help.”

“I know I don’t deserve your help. But Marley doesn’t deserve to die either. She’s the only good choice I’ve ever made.”

“How did you and Marley meet?” Jenny asked anxiously.

“I was sent to stake out your apartment and find out whatever I could about you. When I learned your friend was coming into town to visit you, I intercepted her at the hotel she was staying at. I was supposed to bring her to Caiaphas but when I met her things changed for me. I knew I could never hurt her. Caiaphas sent his Rogues after us. I tried to protect her but there were too many of them. They overpowered me and took her.”

“Is she—a-a vampire?”

“She’s still human. I was going to change her but not against her will. I told you, I could never hurt her.”

“This is my fault. What have I done?” Jenny’s pained voice made Dane uneasy.

“It’s not your fault,” Dane tried to reassure her.

“I have to save her but I can’t do it alone. Please, Dane, I need your help,” Harris said.

“We’ll help you,” Jenny blurted out as Dane scowled at Harris.

“What he asks is too dangerous.” He faced Jenny.

“You don’t understand, Marley is my best friend. Please,” Jenny pleaded with him.

“I don’t trust Rogues.” He glanced at Harris angrily.

“You know I am telling you the truth. I’m here trying to make things right. Marley is willing to forfeit her life to protect your mate. I can’t let that happen.”

“I will not let my best friend die at the mercy of those monsters, damn it!” She tried to pull out of Dane’s grasp but he held her tight.

“Where are they holding the human?” Dane asked.

“She is being held at Caiaphas’ estate in upstate New York.”

“I smell a trap, you need to leave.” Dane backed away with Jenny tightly in his arms.

“They will kill her. What if it were Jenny?” Harris tried to argue.

“I can’t help you, now go!” Dane wasn’t going to take a chance. It was too risky.

“Dane, no—Harris, wait, don’t leave! Stop it, Dane, let me go.”

He tightened his grip on Jenny when she struggled. “I won’t risk your life, not even for your best friend.”

“You’re making a mistake. Caiaphas is gathering forces together. It’s only a matter of time before he descends on you.” Harris continued to try to convince him but Dane wasn’t going to get involved and neither was his mate. Not this time.

“I’ll take my chances.” Dane traced with her back inside the den.

“I can’t believe you.” She beat her fists against his chest as he held her.

“Jenny, listen to me. Harris is a Rogue and can’t be trusted. If your friend has been taken by them, she’s probably already dead. I need to wait until Ta’breyian returns. Please, you must trust me.”

“Why would Harris lie? He sounded sincere to me. I smelled his pain, so don’t fucking lie to me and pretend you didn’t sense it too.”

“Rogues are clever, he can’t be trusted.”

“He was telling the truth and you know it.”

“Jenny, please, you have to trust my judgment here,” Dane sighed.

“Trust—I can’t believe you, she’s my best friend.” She pushed him away.

“You’re going to have to trust me on this one. I’ll go make some calls to see what I can do to help her, all right?”

“It’s not all right. We should help Harris.”

“Jenny…” He reached for her.

“I’m going to take a shower, alone.” She rushed to the bathroom and closed the door.

He ran his fingers through his hair. “For the time being you’re going to have to believe that I know what’s best,” he called after her.


“And don’t even consider trying to leave this room. I’ve put a block so you can’t,” he reminded her before he traced from the room to find Dmitri. He needed him to post guards outside the den and along the perimeter. He wanted no more surprises.

* * * * *


Jenny was fuming. She couldn’t believe he would allow her best friend to die. She paced the bathroom. There had to be something she could do, but what?


She whirled around to find Harris standing in the room with his palms up.

“How did you get in here?” She backed away.

“Wait, don’t go. Please, if you love your friend as I do, hear me out.”

“You didn’t answer my question.”

“There was no barrier to keep me from entering.”

“What do you want?” She wanted to trace but fear over the fate of her dear friend held her in place.

“I need you to come with me. If you don’t, Marley’s going to die. I know Dane will come after you and I’m probably a dead man for doing this, but it’s the only way.”

“How? You might be able to cross his barrier but I can’t.”

“Take my hand, I promise to keep you safe.” His eyes darted back and forth.

She chewed on her bottom lip as she scrutinized him. “I don’t know.”

“It will not benefit me to let Caiaphas capture you. I need Dane’s help and it’s the only way to force him to do it.”

“I hope I’m not going to regret trusting you.” She decided to chance it for Marley’s sake as Harris traced them from the den.

She opened her eyes and discovered that he had traced them to a large underground cell. Marley was sitting on the floor with her forehead resting on her knees.

“Marley!” She ran over to the cell as her friend looked up. Her face was mottled with bruises and cuts. It appeared as if she had taken a real beating. Jenny fought back the tears threatening to spill over at the sight of her friend’s condition.

“Why is she here? Damn you, Harris, how could you? You know this is a fucking trap.” Her friend rose on shaky legs.

“Quit playing tough guy. He didn’t force me. I’m here so let’s go.” Jenny came to Harris’ defense. There was no time to argue the point.

“And how do you plan to rescue me, miss smarty pants? Harris can’t get me out of here so what makes you assume you can?” Marley asked.

BOOK: Whispers of Night: 1 (Immortal Embrace)
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