Read Whispers of Night: 1 (Immortal Embrace) Online

Authors: Erin Simone

Tags: #Erotica

Whispers of Night: 1 (Immortal Embrace) (12 page)

BOOK: Whispers of Night: 1 (Immortal Embrace)
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He came back in the room and began removing the sheets that covered the furniture.

“Where are we?” she asked. Were they still in New York—upstate perhaps?

“Someplace safe.” He didn’t elaborate further.

“Yeah, but where?” she pressed, hating not knowing where she was.

“This is my secluded cabin. I come here when I want to get away. No one, including the Order, knows of its existence and I plan to keep it that way. You’ll be safe here, don’t worry.” He stalked out of the room.

Wonderful, I’m stuck in a cabin with the man of my dreams, who also happens to be a vampire. Does it bother me that he’s a vampire? Sort of but I’m trying to work around it. But he’s not working with me because he’s already made up his mind for me.
She took a seat on the couch in front of the fireplace to wait for him. “Men…” she grumbled, irritated that he wouldn’t let her decide for herself what she wanted.

She sat there for a while, staring at the fire. He never came back in and she began to wonder what he was doing outside. It was freezing out there. Bored with waiting, she finally got up and went to find him. As she approached the cabin door, she heard the sound of wood being split apart. She went outside, onto the porch. The temperature was brisk, refreshing. Dane stood next to a pile of wood with an ax. He had no shirt on and his sculpted chest glistened with sweat in the moonlight.

“Oh my.” She sucked in air.

Muscles rippled and strained every time he swung the ax over his head. Her pulse quickened at the sight of his low-slung jeans hanging on his waist. Every part of him was well-toned and perfectly muscled. His powerful arms swung the ax with ease.

Damn, he’s hot.
She imagined him wrapped around her as she clung to him. Her heart raced at the mere thought of him touching her again. She wanted to taste those firm lips as he stripped her naked, spread her legs and pounded into her.

It didn’t matter in that moment what he was. She was crazy about him regardless of the risk.


Dane stopped splitting wood when he caught Jenny’s feminine scent mixed with desire in the air. His nostrils flared and he had to hold back a groan that threatened to escape his lips. The smell was powerful and enticing. It was hard to resist her when he knew she wanted him too. He glanced at the cabin and saw her standing on the front porch, watching him.

“Jenny!” he bit out. “What are you doing out here? You should go back inside right now. It’s cold out.” His tone was harsher than he had intended.

“I don’t want to go back inside. It’s lonely in there.”

“Go, I want to be alone right now.”

“Sorry if I interrupted your personal space.” Her bottom lip quivered. He knew her feelings were hurt when she went back inside and slammed the door behind her.

Dane picked up another piece of wood and set it on the block to split. It was better if she was angry with him.

He wanted to break something, his frustration was so great. Luckily there was plenty of firewood that needed splitting. He wasn’t ready to be near her right now for fear he might lose control. The energy he spent chopping wood helped to calm him and he needed to be calm before he was around her again.

Off in the distance, the howl of a lone wolf pierced the silence. The sound was an eerie, almost magical one. He closed his eyes and listened. A chilly wind danced off his heated skin and he breathed in deeply. It was in these solitary moments, alone in the darkness, that he could hear the whispers of night calling to him.

He opened his eyes and noticed the moon in all its brilliance. It was the only time he was at peace with his unnatural existence. The human life he had once lived was only a distant memory buried in his past. He hadn’t mourned its passing until Jenny came on the scene. It had been easier to bury it. But that wasn’t the case anymore.

Dane grimaced as he watched the cabin. At least she was safe for now. He was glad he had friends in this region. They would be more than happy to help him if it became necessary. No computers and no phones also meant no way for his enemies to track him. It was safer to take her someplace secluded and this place was perfect.

He heard a twig snap in the distance. The sound was too low for human ears to pick up but not for a vampire’s hearing. Dane twirled the ax in front of him and crouched down, ready to attack.

“I know you’re there, come out.”

“I caught the human’s scent in the air and it concerned me.” A deep, gravelly voice echoed in the darkness. Ten sets of glowing yellow eyes appeared. The silhouette of a large male came into view, trailed by his pack.

“Dmitri, it’s been a long time.” Dane stood up, lowering his ax as Dmitri appeared. He was a big Russian male with strong, angular features and short black hair. Dmitri was a wolf shifter, part human and part wolf. His pack controlled most of the area, which covered the Karelian Forest on the Russian border with Finland. He was the pack’s Alpha male. A fair but ferocious leader, he and Dane had become close friends over the many years. He was one of the few friends in Dane’s inner circle whom he trusted without question.

“It’s been quite a while since your last visit, my friend. I was concerned when I picked up the human’s scent. You’ve never entertained guests here before. What’s going on?” He raised a questioning eyebrow.

“I brought a female here to keep her safe from Rogues.”

“Humans are always in danger from those nasty creatures. What’s new? Why would this one be any different from the rest?” He chuckled.

“She is my blooded mate.”

“Really? I’m surprised you haven’t put as much distance between the two of you as possible. Wasn’t that your plan?”

“Things change.” Dane shrugged.

“So I gathered. Do you need my help?”

“I may if my adversaries find us.” He was grateful for the help.

“Do you have a name for the Rogue who hunts your female?”

“His name is Caiaphas. He leads the rebellion. I sense he will use her to get back at me if he gets his hands on her.”

“It was clever of you to bring her here. I should like to meet your female. After her transformation, bring her by the den. Ivanna will be happy to hear of this since she always worries about you.”

“That’s not why I brought her here. I want to keep her safe until I can eliminate the threat. But she is going to remain human.” He stiffened.

“This shall be interesting. No matter your choices, my friend, I’ve always enjoyed a good fight. If they enter these woods, we’ll know it. Your woman is safe here with us. Don’t worry.”

“That’s why I brought her here.” Dmitri was a good friend. He didn’t push and readily accepted Dane’s choices. Why couldn’t the rest of them?

“But of course.” Dmitri nodded. “If you need to leave for a time, bring her to my den. No Rogue would be stupid enough to enter my home unless they had a death wish.”

“Oh, they’d be foolish enough.” He didn’t want to involve his friend in this war but this option made the most sense.

“Then they will die painfully.”

“You are a good friend.”

“I know I am. Come share a drink with me. My men will guard the cabin while we’re gone. They’ll stay in their wolf form—she’s safe.”

Dane glanced back at the cabin briefly, trying to decide if he should leave or not. A drink sounded like a good idea. He needed a distraction. “All right, let me check on her first. I’ll be right back.” He traced inside and climbed the stairs two at time when he didn’t find her in the living room. He opened his bedroom and saw her asleep on his bed. “Good,” he sighed in relief.

Dane traced back outside. “She’s asleep. Let’s go.”

Dmitri’s pack surrounded the cabin and lay down to keep watch. He was about to leave when one of the wolves leaped onto the porch and used his nose to open the door and go inside.

“What’s he doing? If she wakes, he’ll scare the hell out of her.” Dane growled, about to trace inside and send him away.

“Easy, Dane. I sent Vitali in there. He will stay out of sight. You can trust him. Don’t worry.” Dmitri slapped him on the back reassuringly.

“Very well.” He followed his friend home.

* * * * *


Jenny lay in bed, wide awake. She had fallen asleep earlier but was awakened by a tree branch scraping against the window. The bed was really comfortable but she still couldn’t fall back asleep. She missed Dane. He could at least sleep with her, even if he didn’t want to have sex. It was going to drive her crazy if he completely kept his distance. Why couldn’t he have been a normal guy? She wasn’t normal so the irony of it kind of made sense in a way.

She wondered how long they were going to be sequestered in this cabin. As soon as it was light, she was going to take a look around.

I’m hot.
She kicked off the sweats. The cabin had warmed up quite a bit. She climbed out of bed and searched in his dresser for a t-shirt she could sleep in and found one in his top drawer. She stripped out of the one she was wearing and put it on.

“Much better.” She scanned the room.
Maybe if I ask nicely he’ll bring me some of my clothes.

She took a seat on the bed, trying to decide if she should risk going to find him again. He was pretty clear he didn’t want to be bothered.

The wind was still blowing outside and the tree branch continued to scrape roughly against the window.
I wonder if he decided to sleep on the couch.
Jenny tapped her chin with her index finger, still debating.
This is stupid. I’m not going to let him ignore me like this, damn it.
She climbed off the bed and tiptoed out of the room. The floor creaked with each step. She crept down the stairs and saw an empty couch.
He’s not still chopping wood, is he?

She tiptoed toward the front room in the hopes he’d be there.

Damn him! Where did he go?
She came around the couch and noticed a large black furry form lying in front of the fireplace.
Does Dane have a dog?
She crept closer.
Oh shit, it moved.
The outline of a snout, large ears and two piercing yellow eyes stared back at her.

“Oh shit! That’s no dog. It’s a wolf,” she gasped. “How did you get in here? Dane…” Her voice trembled. “Nice doggy. God, I hope you’re friendly.” She slowly backed away as the animal cocked its head and continued to stare at her. Jenny retreated, about to run up the stairs. What if he caught her?

Maybe Dane’s still chopping wood.

A low whine vibrated from the animal’s chest and he stood up.

“No, stay, doggie. Don’t follow me—Dane!” Jenny’s voice rose higher. The animal slowly prowled toward her. “Please stay there.” She glimpsed over her shoulder to see where the door was. Fear overrode reason and she bolted for the front door.

A bloodcurdling scream escaped her lips when she heard the sound of claws scraping the floorboards behind her. She reached the door and threw it open, slamming into the solid planes of Dane’s chest.


“Help me!” She leaped into his arms. “There’s a wolf behind me!” She screamed, burying her face in his neck. Her whole body trembled as she clung to him. He lifted her off the ground and she quickly wrapped her legs around his waist. “He’s going to bite me.”

“He isn’t going to bite you, it is okay.” He rubbed her back soothingly. “He was guarding you.” The wolf snorted. “You were supposed to stay out of sight,” Dane snarled.

Who was supposed to stay out of sight? Is he talking to the wolf?

“I’m sorry, Dane, she came downstairs. I meant to get up and leave before she entered the room but her scent is captivating.”

Jenny heard the voice of another male and looked up, surprised to see a handsome man with dark hair, pale-white skin and yellow eyes standing behind her. He was also completely naked and well-endowed. She quickly averted her eyes, embarrassed.

“W-Where did he come from? What happened to the wolf?” Jenny gripped Dane even tighter, more frightened than she was before.

A low, vicious rumble escaped Dane’s lips. “Leave…”

“I meant no disrespect to your female. I didn’t hurt her. She caught me off guard because of her scent,” the naked man said.

“Get out!”

She heard feet shuffle past them and Dane kicked the door closed. He rubbed her back and squeezed her tightly against him. It felt so good to be in his arms again. She didn’t want to let him go. His muscles trembled slightly when her pussy grazed his lower abdomen. Heat ignited her core, flooding it with moisture. Her hips tilted, pressing her flush with his skin. Between her legs, the heat was building.

He tensed and tried to carefully untangle her from around his waist. “You are safe now, Jenny,” he whispered gently.

“Hold me.” She hugged him tighter.

“The wolf is gone, you can let go now,” Dane murmured against her hair.

“I know.” She rested her cheek against his shoulder.

“Then what is wrong?” He hugged her tighter.

“I’ve had a lot of bad things happen to me tonight, I’m scared.”

He sighed in resignation, apparently giving in to her request. They stood there for several long minutes, not moving. Her thighs began to ache because he held her around the waist instead of cupping her bottom to support her weight.

BOOK: Whispers of Night: 1 (Immortal Embrace)
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