Read Undercover MC Online

Authors: Olivia Ruin

Tags: #motorcycle romance, #mc club romance, #biker sex, #bad boy erotica, #action romance, #biker gang romance

Undercover MC (7 page)

BOOK: Undercover MC
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Jed knelt down and grabbed my clothes for me. His poor erection was just starting to subside a little, but it was a good thing no one hung around long enough to notice that he didn’t shrink as fast as would be expected. As though they were ashamed of watching as their mate slammed a woman, the rest of the club members had dispersed and were getting back to work, ignoring the nude couple as though we weren’t there.

“Let’s get out of here. I’ll take you home.” We got dressed and left, hopping on Nightshade and tearing away from the garage.

Jed followed me into my apartment, and he pressed me up against the wall when we walked in the door. His mouth locked onto mine in an urgent, needy kiss before he withdrew and stared into my eyes. “I’m sorry you had to go through all that Leslie. I didn’t have any choice.”

“I know,” I said. “That was the toughest thing I’ve ever had to do, but at least I came out of the other side of it with you.”

We kissed again, passionately, furiously, the way that we hadn’t been able to in the garage. I grabbed his hand, and without breaking the kiss I pulled him through the apartment to the bathroom. Our shirts coming off was the only time our lips detached. I even fumbled with the water and turned the shower on while our tongues danced.

Finally I broke it off and stepped into the shower. Jed followed, and I watched, amazed, as the water hit his skin and bounced off of his hard muscles as though he was sculpted out of marble.

“I almost died today,” I said. It came out conversational, as if I were just updating him on how my day went. We could have been at the dinner table talking about the weather.

“Can you tell me about it?” The heartbreak in his voice made me remember that while I had had a tough day of it, Jed still didn’t know anything about it beyond who was responsible and that five of his friends had died.

I walked him through the chain of events, voice faltering, as he took the soap and started to wash my body. The sweat, grime, even a little blood from crawling over Gus’s body came off under his careful ministrations. It was soothing, cleansing, and I only just started to realize how tightly wound I had been since the shooting began.

After my skin was clean, he turned me away from him and started to shampoo my hair, running his fingers through it and letting me lean back against his chest while he massaged my scalp. It felt glorious, and my words slowed to a trickle as I let the sensations overcome me. He asked a few questions, and I could hear in his voice that he had started mourning his fallen comrades.

It was my turn to return the favor, and after I rinsed the shampoo out of my hair I took the soap and began sudsing his magnificent body, taking care to get every square inch. I lovingly washed off his package, and I delighted in the feeling as it began to grow in my hands. I kept one hand on it the rest of the time I spent washing him, slowly stroking him as much for my own pleasure as for his.

Both of us clean in body but still nursing some mental wounds and grime from the day, we toweled off and I led Jed to the bedroom.

I straddled him, and in a slower, much more intimate version of the first time we had sex, I rode him. My hair fell in a curtain around his face as we looked into each other’s eyes. I imprinted this memory as best I could over the mockery of a consummation that Frank had forced upon us earlier. The experience could have easily scarred the relationship and ruined it for both of us, but I refused to let it.

The first time I slept with Jed was an accident, the second time seduction. The third time was forced, but this time I did it for us. Thoughts of my mission had completely abandoned me; the only thing that mattered was this man and the connection that had been growing between us. A connection that should never have been brought to existence in the first place.

My hips moved in gentle crests and swells, bringing each of us in a slow dance up to our climax. Every thrust was important; each one filled me and wrapped him in a warm cocoon. Each was its own event.

I reached the point where the intensity was too much, and I quaked on top of him as I came. My contracting muscles closed tight around him, squeezing him, and coaxing forth his own orgasm. I welcomed the feeling of him coming inside of me, reveling in the heat of him. I rested my head on his chest, listened to his breathing as we rested.

“Thank you,” I said as I slid to the side off of his body. I kept my arm draped across his chest and my leg intertwined with his, wrapped us up together. “Thank you for being you, and for caring about me. If it weren’t for you, I don’t think I would have come out of today alive.”

His eyes opened and he looked at me tenderly. “You’re worth it. I’ve known since I first laid eyes on you that you were more than you seemed. You are the more interesting girl I’ve ever known, Leslie. It’s why I staked my claim on you the first time you walked into the Roost.”

My mind flashed back to two nights ago. The eyes of all the men, staring at me on my entrance to the bar. Jed’s voice rumbling through the bar, turning them back to their business. After spending so much time with him, I was able to decipher what he said. One word. Mine.

I nuzzled up to his neck and kissed it, resting my head there. “Are you going to be able to go back there now? Frank hates your guts.” It was an honest question. The thought of gathering intelligence was miles from my mind.

Jed’s voice tightened, anger at play under his words. “Frank had better watch his back. I had told him that messing with the natural order of things was going to get people killed. And that’s exactly what happened. And then to pull the stunt with you and me at the garage... it’s inexcusable. He has gone off the deep end.”

“What’s the natural order of things? Why the hell did those Mexicans come after the bar?” My voice broke as I questioned him. “Jed, why did I almost die?”

I could tell by the look he gave me that he didn’t want to answer the questions. I almost thought that we was going to try and brush it off, despite the fact that he had five dead friends whose bodies were likely still strewn throughout the Devil’s Roost..

“I can’t... I guess you have a right to know. Considering all that you’ve been through today.” Jed ran his hand over his mouth, as though he were clearing away the bad taste of his last meal. “Frank has been really ramping up things. Escalating. Instead of just doing some mild drug running for this group of Mexican mobsters we’ve been in business with for a long time, he decided to go around them, straight to the source, and begin importing a ton of drugs directly from Columbia.”

I stared at him, shocked. This was exactly the type of information I had been hunting for. “You mean the people you used to work with just shot up your bar and killed club members?”

He nodded. “That’s right. I told Frank that his plan would backfire. You probably don’t know this, but criminals get very possessive over what they view as their business. For the Mexicans in these parts, specifically the Las Cruces cartel, that’s the drug trade. Frank going over their heads completely cuts them out of the business, which they don’t like one bit. I told him that things would go this way, but he refused to even entertain the possibility.”

Jed’s fist crashed against my headboard. “That stubborn fucking goat! Those deaths are on his shoulders!”

“Why is he doing this? What’s his end goal?” I asked even though I knew the answer. It was always the same answer.

“Money. He has aspirations to go from the leader of a small club in a nothing town to dominating the country. He wants to grow the club, turn it into some big-time criminal enterprise. I told you before about how he isn’t in it for the lifestyle anymore.” Jed shook his head, seething with rage. “He’s disrespecting the whole point of the life. And he’s dragging the rest of the club along with him. He promises a life of luxury and riches as the mother chapter of the biggest club in the country, and all it’s going to get those fools is dead.”

Jed started to get up. “I should go. I should be there while we take care of the bodies. Frank has another big drop planned for tomorrow night, and I need to try and convince the guys that it’s a bad idea. If I get enough support then he won’t have a choice but to call it off. Hopefully the shooting has knocked some sense into their thick skulls.”

“Wait, Jed! Are you coming back? Should I be coming to the bar tomorrow
?” I need another chance to get more information. Damn it, Jed! You gave me just little enough that I can’t do anything about it.

He turned back to me. “I’ll be back tomorrow before we’re supposed to ride out. For better or worse. Just hope that enough of the guys see reason.” Then he was gone.


es that’s right, tomorrow night. I will, sir.” I hung up the phone call with Arnold, my superior. I had more than enough information to ring in, although I hadn’t told him the entire story. I wouldn’t mention the videotaped sex unless I absolutely had to.

As I had predicted going into the call, Arnold wasn’t pleased that I didn’t find out the location of the drop. Worse, from my perspective, he told me that other agents had learned of an ambush that was being planned by Las Cruces. They were bringing in several other cartels, and they were going to make the Winged Enemy a lesson that other bicycle clubs couldn’t ignore. Go over the heads of the cartels, and you get fried.

I paced up and down the length of my apartment. There was nothing I could do, but I couldn’t sit still. I wouldn’t be able to justify showing up at the bar. It would be shut down for weeks while the club renovated it. If I showed my face at the garage, I had the feeling that Frank would have it on a platter. It was silly, but I didn’t even have Jed’s cell phone number, so I couldn’t get in contact with him that way.

I just had to hope that he would be true to his word and come here first, before heading out to the drop. If I could get the location out of him, then I’d be able to relay it to the DEA forces standing by, and not only would the drop get broken up, but entire cartels of mobsters and the entire motorcycle club would be apprehended. It would be one of the most spectacular busts in the history of the agency, all due to my hard work.

And if that happens, I doubt they’d care that there’s a sex tape of me floating around out there. Hell, I could probably get a presidential pardon and a medal for my contributions to the country. The NSA could completely wipe it out of existence.

I threw myself down on the bed and tapped my stomach, which churned incessantly.
This is brutal. I’m going to be up all night and all tomorrow, doing nothing but sitting here waiting.

That was exactly what happened. I tried reading, but the words blurred in front of my eyes as I pictured Jed heading off into a trap, getting gunning down by mobsters with handkerchiefs wrapped around their faces. Eventually in the middle of the night I passed out, exhausted. Sleep claimed me but gave me no relief from the images. Nightmares twisted my dreams, but I could recall nothing but the sound of gunfire when I woke up.

I forced myself to eat, choking down a couple of pieces of toast as I waited for Jed to come. Arnold checked in again to confirm that I hadn’t heard any news, and he told me that the squads were waiting by, strategically hidden around the city limits. As soon as I found out the exact place and time, holy hell would come down upon the criminal gathering that night.

My book was picked up, opened, and then thrown across the room more times than I could count as the morning stretched into the afternoon, and then the evening. I worried that Jed had completely forgotten his promise. I couldn’t just do absolutely nothing, so I gathered my things and got ready to head out to the headquarters of the club. Even if I learned nothing, it was better than sitting in the dark with the images my hideous imagination conjured up.

Dressed far more conservatively than I had been, in jeans and a loose shirt, I burst open the door and almost ran into it as it stopped dead a few inches further.

“Ow, shit!” Jed’s voice made my heart leap. “Are you trying to kill me, woman?”

I had thrown the door open at the precise moment that Jed had come up to it to knock. I could have laughed if my stomach wasn’t tied in complete knots.

“I was just about to rush out and try to find you! I was worried sick!”

I stepped back to let Jed in the front door. He looked at me sideways. “You don’t have to be that concerned. I know I made it sound like there was imminent danger, but I doubt Las Cruces are going to strike in our town now that they know we’re watching out for them. If they try anything else thinking they’ll get away with it so easily they’ll have a rude awakening.”

“I guess I’m still strung out over what happened yesterday. Did you manage to get the drop called off?”

He shook his head, mouth grim. “Frank has got everyone riled up over the shooting. Somehow he’s gotten them to think that it’s not his fault, it’s the Mexican’s fault. Which it is, but he’s managed to step neatly to the side and avoid getting any shit on him. If I didn’t hate him so much and have such a high stake in this, I’d admire him for how easily he can shape the opinions of the club members.”

“So what? It’s going ahead, just like that?” I nibbled at my nails, thinking hard.

Jed nodded and took me into his arms. “Don’t worry about it, it should be fine. I don’t see anything going too wrong tonight. It’s later on that I’m worried about, things are going to come back and bite us in the ass again soon.”

I gnawed on my lip, mind working furiously to come up with a way of learning what I needed to know. “Should I come with you? Just in case? I mean, I proved that I can be a good shot under fire.”

He pulled me tighter against his chest. My head fit neatly under his chin. It was comforting to be surrounded by him in that way, but it didn’t ease my mind. “Oh, no Leslie. You should just stay here and try to relax. Like I said, everything should be fine, there’s nothing to worry about. We’re just going to go out, make the drop, and then I’ll come back here, ok?”

His thumb under my chin tilted my head back, and his lips met mine in a slow kiss.

BOOK: Undercover MC
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