Read Undercover MC Online

Authors: Olivia Ruin

Tags: #motorcycle romance, #mc club romance, #biker sex, #bad boy erotica, #action romance, #biker gang romance

Undercover MC (6 page)

BOOK: Undercover MC
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This isn’t the way that I wanted to get an invite to the headquarters for the first time.

The ride to the big garage the club maintained as both its headquarters and its business front felt longer than it could have possibly been. My body, flushed with a ton of hormonal responses to danger and action, responded to the ride on the vibrating seat in a predictable fashion.
Are you fucking serious? This is not the time to get fucking horny. Fuck.

A good third of the club members had been in the bar at the time of the attack, and half of those had died in the onslaught. From the bikes parked outside and in the garage, it looked like most of the rest were there. Nightshade, always distinctive, had a place of pride at the forefront of the swarm.

Nathan drove directly into the garage, not bothering to park outside. My eyes took far too long to adjust from the sun-drenched roads to the dimly lit interior, and I couldn’t help myself from looking around in curiosity.

While normally there was nothing of import to see in the building - and multiple raids and warrant searches had proved that - crates were packed in along the walls of the building and men were moving things industriously back and forth. Jed and Frank stood in the midst of the chaos, directing traffic back and forth. And not arguing, for once.

“Frank!” Nathan shouted as we rolled in. “We got hit by Las Cruces at the bar!”

The bustle in the garage came to a halt, as every club member turned to hear what Nathan had to say.

“Those fucking pricks! How fucking dare they!” Frank flew into a rage. If I had thought he had been angry two nights ago when I had caused him to lose the pool game that had been a gentle walk in the park compared to his reaction now.

“Gus, Terry, Andrew, Polish, and Firedog are dead. They hit us from the street and then four came in after us. Those four are dead. She killed three of them.” Nathan swung off the bike and lifted me off. “I think she’s a government spy. It’s the only explanation.”

I tried to look as shocked as possible, and Jed’s face matched my own. Frank just stared me down, face back to being impassive.

“Whoa now, Nathan, why in the hell does you think she’s a spy? Is a girl not allowed to defend herself anymore?” Jed took a few steps forward and inserted himself in between us. His arm dropped over my shoulders, and I let myself be calmed a little from his comforting presence. “People can do some amazing things when they’re threatened.”

“Stop thinking with your dick, Jed,” Frank said. “You just don’t want to be the guy that fucked a spy.” He turned to Nathan. “Tell me more.”

The road chief took a deep breath and exhaled gustily. “She didn’t just kill the three guys. She blew the one guy’s brains out and shot the other two right in the heart through their backs. From about thirty feet. With three shots. I couldn’t have done it, you couldn’t have done it.” He looked right at Jed. “You couldn’t have done it, either, Jed. Face it, your broad’s a phony.”

Jed separated from me a little, and looked down at me. “Is all this true?” I could see the doubt swimming in his eyes. My aggressive pursuit of him, coming from nowhere to work my way into his life, and now this. It was all coming together into a big picture that I didn’t want him to see. Jed was my only protection from the rest of the club members, especially now.

Everything depends on whether or not I can sway Jed, and then hope that he can use his influence to convince the others.

“The shooting part is.” I let my voice drop a little. “I’m not a spy though!” Tears welled up in my eyes again as I pled my case. “I grew up shooting guns with my dad! Every day, for hours, it was the only thing we ever did together. Please Jed, you have to believe me!” My voice dropped to an earnest whisper. “I wouldn’t betray you, Jed. I’ve only known you for two days but you’re... special to me. Please don’t turn your back on me. I was just trying to live.”

I held his eyes with my own, willing him with every fibre of my being to believe the lies that I was laying down.
Come on, you son of a bitch. Believe me. Trust me. Let me in.
It was time to see if two nights together was enough to sway him to my side.

His hand came up to cup my cheek. “If you’re lying to me, Leslie, I swear to god I will kill you.” He looked back at Frank and Nathan. “I believe her. Mostly. I’m taking her under my protection.”

Frank shook his head, those deadened eyes still boring into me. “I don’t think so Jed, a few pretty words aren’t enough to convince me. We shouldn’t be letting her out of here outside of a coffin.” Nathan nodded along with his boss’ words.

My stomach dropped. Everything would come down to a battle of wills between Jed and Frank. Would Jed win?

“I’m not taking no for an answer. She lives, and she stays with me.” Jed’s big frame seemed to grow even bigger as he stood against two other members of the brass.

Nathan held his hand out, a feeble gestured to try and halt any potential violence after their crew had already suffered losses today. “We need something, proof that she isn’t a spy. We need her to do something that no government agent would ever do. The question is what?”

Jed snorted. “You mean like sleep with a member of the bike gang you were sent to spy on? I’m pretty sure that alone would do it.”

Nathan shook his head, thoughtful. “It’s not that big of a stretch. I mean, if it was what it took to do the job. They can be ruthless in their own way.” He cocked his head to the side, and I didn’t like the shine his eyes took on. “What if she has sex with you here and now though? In front of the entire club, and on camera. There is no chance that a real agent would be willing to do that.”

“Sure there is,” Frank said. “If it’s between life or death, then a person will do anything to stay alive.” His cold eyes never wavered from my face. It felt like the sun, searing my skin from exposure.

“Fuck killing her then,” Nathan said. “She did us a solid by taking out the hit squad anyways. If she doesn’t do it, then we cut her loose, no harm no foul, and if she does, then we trust her.” Frank didn’t agree, but he didn’t immediately shut it down. “Jed?”

Jed looked into my eyes, and I could tell that he had no choice. To back down from this would only disrupt his authority in the club, especially with how much he had been arguing with Frank lately. “Fine,” he said, not looking away from me. “If Frank agrees, and she has the option to back out and walk away, then I’ll do it.”

I didn’t look away from Jed’s face to see what Frank did, but he must have made some indication of assent, because Nathan addressed me next. “Ok girlie, what’s it going to be? Are you going to put on a show for us, or are you going to leave this club and get the fuck out of our town?”

I was in a dilemma. The mission depended on this choice, but Nathan was right: it was something that I would in no way be authorized to do. I may have been able to if there wasn’t going to be a video camera in my face recording it, but that was the sticking point for sure. That’s if my sensibilities allowed me to even consider fucking in front of twenty-five bikers.

All eyes were on me, waiting for the words to come out of my mouth.
There’s no fucking way around this. Either I do it and potentially get fired and have it all be for nothing, or I don’t do it and completely bomb the mission.

I had always been a competitive person, and that part of me took control. “I’ll do it.”

Surprise was the reigning emotion registered on everyone’s faces, including my own. It was quickly followed by lust and glee.

“Aw, she’s gunna get

“Jed’s going to pork her right!”

“Fuck yeah he is, she’s going to pound town and he’s going to brand that ass with the Winged Enemy stamp of approval!”

It became crowded as men jostled for a better position. Whereas before they didn’t want to come too close and risk Frank’s wrath for intruding on a matter to be settled between the brass, now they wanted to be able to see my nude body clearly while their buddy railed me.

I can’t believe I’m going to do this.
The thought that I was going to let Jed, a man I had only had sex with twice, fuck me in front of the entire gang was crazy. And also got me super wet.
Ah fuck. I can’t believe how turned on I am.
I had always had an exhibitionist streak, which is why I hadn’t had a problem with the skimpy outfits I had been wearing, but this took things to a whole new level.

There wasn’t just one camera rolling. Half the men there had their cell phones in their hands. I now knew what the stars felt being surrounded by paparazzi.

Jed led me over to a pallet of crates, which was at the perfect height to be an accessory for a good fucking, about hip high. The crowd of men followed, keeping a near perfect circle around us. There was no passionate making out or ripping each other’s clothes off. That didn’t have a place here. Just the same, the sheer ridiculousness of what I was doing was a kind of foreplay on its own, and if I focused hard enough on Jed’s face then the other faces and comments fell away.

His colors and shirt were the first to go, and his pants dropped to the floor soon after. In almost no time flat, Jed was naked and I hadn’t even touched my own clothing yet. I pulled my tight shirt up and over, and quickly unsnapped my bra and shucked it off before I could think about it too hard.

Howls filled the open space of the garage as my tits spilled out. Most of the men had already seen them two nights ago, so at least I could comfort myself with that fact. My shorts were next to go, leaving me in only a tiny g-string, which barely covered anything. I kicked the shorts to the side, and then pushed the waistband of my panties down far enough for gravity to take over.

Whistles and catcalls penetrated my calm and surrounded me with reality. I was naked in front of dozens of bikers, about to fuck a man I had met two nights ago.
Not exactly the career I had in mind when I was a little girl.

I didn’t know what to feel about the fact that Jed was already hard. It might have been better if he couldn’t get it up in front of his friends, although what they might have done if that had been the case didn’t bear thinking about.
I wouldn’t put it past Frank to suggest that anyone and everyone who could get an erection could fuck me.

Backing up until my ass hit the crates behind me, I laid back and waited for Jed to get started. I refused to look around at the men surrounding the pallet, and instead looked down at my lover moving between my legs. His body, always the most potent aphrodisiac, filled my view to the exclusion of all else.

I felt his member slide up along my embarrassingly wet slit. The next thing I knew, he was deep inside of me, shoving up to the hilt. I couldn’t help myself. I moaned. Hard.

The men were laughing and congratulating Jed as he thrusted deep inside of me. My hands gripped my tits as he went, fucking me much harder than the last couple of nights. I lost all sense of my surroundings and where I was, drowning in a sea of pleasure as Jed’s thick shaft drove into my most sensitive areas again and again.

I started coming fast. Embarrassingly fast. My moans crescendoed into a full out scream as Jed kept pile driving through my clenching muscles, driving me up over the edge and through the other side. My legs started to shake from where they were held up and open by those strong hands that I admired so much.

“Wait.” Frank’s hard voice cut through the activity, silencing the men mid-jeer and stilling Jed’s hips. “She’s enjoying this far too much. It doesn’t prove anything.”

Stopped in the middle of a massive orgasm, my mind couldn’t make sense of the words.

“Have you ever had anal sex, Leslie?” Frank was beside Jed, looking down at me.

“No?” I answered, my voice rising and turning it into a question. I was lost, unable to comprehend what was happening.

“You need to fuck her ass,” Frank said. “Fuck her ass and make it hurt. It’s the only way I’ll believe that she’s telling the truth. If she stops you, then she’s gone.”

What the hell? Is he fucking serious?
Frank’s words had started to sink in.

Jed looked at me apologetically as his manhood slipped out from me.

“Wait, Jed, give me a second. I’ve never done this before!” I pleaded with him. I needed time to think. This was too much.

I felt the thick head of his shaft press against my other entrance, a place where no man had ever gone before.

”Do it!” Frank shouted, and Jed’s hips pushed in.

A scream of pain was rent from my body, fire lighting up the nerve endings as my ass was stretched further than it was ever designed to go. I could tell Jed was trying to be gentle while putting on a show and exaggerating the movement of the rest of his body, but it still hurt like an unholy bitch.

I bit down as hard as I could on my teeth, grunting through the pain as Jed opened me up in a way that I didn’t think I ever would be. Tears streamed down my face, running off my neck and dropping onto the crates below.

Thankfully, Jed must have worked some magic, as he stopped thrusting and jerked as though he were shot. The flood of fluid I expected never came, and I looked up, questioningly. His eye just barely winked down at me.
He faked it! Oh thank god! It’s not like Frank could possibly expect him to go on now!

He pulled out of me, and I sat up and closed my legs before any of the numerous witnesses could see that all wasn’t as it should be.

“Are you happy now, Frank?” Jed stood there, nude, staring down the man that he had grown to hate. Their rivalry was taken to all new heights with the events of the day.

Frank stood there, cold. He didn’t look happy, but I had never seen him crack a smile. I didn’t even know what a happy Frank would look like.

He just turned and walked away, saying nothing. Nathan stepped in. “I guess that settles it.” He gave me a pained smile. “Sorry to put you through the ringer, Leslie. But we have to protect our own, and nothing stands in the way of the crew. I know I won’t doubt you any longer.” He looked like he was about to give me an awkward hug, but then remembered that I was completely naked and had just been filmed fucking one of his best friends.

BOOK: Undercover MC
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