Torn Apart (African American Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: Torn Apart (African American Romance)
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“Rhonda, just talk to him and find out what’s going on. I just wanted to make sure you knew that this chick came ask
ing me questions as if David were still her man. I would see them together a lot but that was a while back. I just assumed it was over with them, which is why I never said anything when he started coming after you. Just talk to him,” Dana pleaded.

“Yea, I
will definitely be doing that,” Rhonda said with much more attitude than she intended to give her friend. “And thank you, girl. I appreciate you looking out for me and letting me know about this.”

“Girl, of course,” Dana replied as she rubbed
Rhonda’s arm. “Don’t get upset until you know for sure what’s going on. You know how bitches do—try to get all kinds of shit started. Tina probably came to me in the first place because she knew I would come right to you to say something. Still, we have to be sure.”

After her conversation with Dana,
Rhonda called David and asked him to meet her at the nearby park before she went home. David was already there by the time she made it there; he was walking the path getting in some exercise and enjoying the peaceful scene while he waited for her. This had become “their place” since it marked a halfway point between where they both resided. When he saw her approaching, David smiled. He was steady falling for this girl and every time David saw Rhonda he could not help but show how happy he was to be in her presence. The same held true for Rhonda, but as she approached David on the walking path her stomach was doing flips as she began thinking the worst and preparing for the possibility that this short-lived romance was about to end. How could such a fine, smart and sexy man like David be single anyway, she thought to herself.

“Hey baby
,” he said as he pulled Rhonda in his arms. They had not yet even kissed. David had been taking his time with Rhonda to try to give a good impression as a gentleman but it was getting harder to hold back from acknowledging her the way he wanted. Rhonda, on the other hand, recognized his good manners but was so anxious for him to move a little faster in the way he showed his affection. They both wanted the same thing but not being clear in communicating that with one another out of the fear of coming on too strong.

“David, we need to talk. A
nd please, I need you to be honest with me.” Rhonda was ready to get straight to the point.

“What is it baby?” he asked with a look of concern.

“It’s not that I didn’t trust you and believed you when you said that you were single but I have to ask—are you still seeing Tina Mays?”

“No, I’m not with her anymore. I’m not seeing
anyone else as a matter of fact—I told you that. Where is this coming from Rhonda?”

“Well, she seems to be asking around about us and implying that you two are still together. What happened with you two anyway?” Rh
onda asked as she intently stared David down to see if she could determine if he was being truthful as she was hoping he was.

“We just grew apart, I guess,” he explained
seeming somewhat unsure of what happened. “I think at the time that we got together it was more of us looking good together than us actually needing to be together. Now that we’re about to graduate I guess I felt like it was time to be honest about us and I did begin to pull away first. I shared with her that things just weren’t the same anymore but Tina is the type of girl that just doesn’t get it. She was intent on us hanging in there through the rest of the school year but I guess she didn’t understand that our distance meant I was done.”

“Oh. Well could you promise me that if anytime during this thing that we’re doing
—dating or whatever—that if you get tired of me and want things to end that you’ll please tell me?” Rhonda asked as she did begin to question her own status with him. Were they really dating? What were they?

“I’ll never get tired of you, baby,” he responded as he put his arm around her and leaned in to kiss Rhonda’s pouty lips.

Finally, she thought to herself, as her first kiss lingered on with his soft lips massaging hers. It did not matter to her who in the park saw them because at that moment she felt like they were the only two people that existed and she was fine with that.

David made it official on Valentine’s Day by meeting Rhonda at her locker that morning with a rose, some chocolates, a teddy bear and a cute “mark the box” note asking if Rhonda would be his girlfriend. Of course, by this point, she was head over heels in love with David and responded yes to his request by giving him a big hug and kiss. Rhonda’s status as his girlfriend introduced her to crowds and cliques in the school that she may have never become acquainted with otherwise, and she was beginning to see that many of these same classmates that she had assumed to be a certain way were actually not as bad as she thought. Many were happy and supportive of her relationship with David while there were those who whispered and questioned why David was interested in Rhonda; she kind of felt the same, always questioning why this upperclassman wanted to be with her. In the meantime, David had already put it upon himself to go and introduce himself to Rhonda’s parents without even discussing it with her first; he just popped up one Saturday morning introducing himself as Rhonda’s boyfriend who wanted to reassure Mr. and Mrs. Downing that he had only the best intentions and wanted them to know that they did not have to worry about Rhonda’s well being while he was in her life. Very bold, to say the least, but that was part of the charm that Rhonda loved about David. It was still a surprise to her to come downstairs from her bedroom to hear his familiar voice in the living room having a conversation with her mom and dad. In addition, her parents were all into him—they scolded her for not having invited him over sooner. Within a week of meeting Rhonda’s parents, David invited Rhonda over to meet his parents; their adoration for her was the same as the Downings’ adoration for David. Everything seemed to be going perfect for the couple.

About a couple
of weeks later David invited Rhonda to his parents’ home while they were out of town for the weekend and that is when Rhonda went all the way with him. They had previously messed around—a lot of kissing, dry humping, and fondling. This particular night David had ordered some Chinese takeout and set out candles and a blanket in the television room offering to give Rhonda a massage while they watched a movie. Neither of them could even remember what the movie was about once it was over because as soon as Rhonda laid on the blanket the only thing they focused on was each other. Rhonda was nervous as she tried to figure out her next move: should she start undressing herself seductively like she saw women do in the movies or would David undress her?

“You are so beautiful,” he said as he touched her cheek and gave her a soft, sensual kiss
opening her mouth with his thick tongue. Rhonda slowly fell backward on the blanket letting David gently fall on top of her while they continued to tongue kiss. David was definitely an experienced kisser, Rhonda thought, so she was excited to see how her first sexual experience would be with him.

As he lifted up his
head to take in the view of Rhonda’s body laid out in front of him, David began to unbutton her black skirt she had specifically picked out for the evening because she thought David would like how she looked in it. She was hoping that this would be a memorable night, and it was shaping up to be that way. As he lightly pulled her skirt down past her feet, Rhonda started unbuttoning her white blouse leaving it open to show off the red Victoria Secret’s bra and panty set that she had purchased for the occasion with some money she still had saved from over the holidays. David smiled, pleased as he pecked her lightly on the lips and told her to turn over on her stomach. Rhonda wanted to jump at his request—by this point she was so ready to lose her virginity to David—but she willed herself to try to move slowly and seductively to not seem so anxious. She took her blouse off before she lay fully on her stomach trying to relax imagining David examining every part of her almost naked body only covered by the sexy lingerie. The television blared as David started massaging Rhonda’s neck slowly and continued on to her shoulders and finally to her back where he unsnapped her bra. He took his time as he applied massage oil on her back and continued to move down toward her butt where he then began to pull down her panties past her feet. He went back to her butt and slowly massaged her while Rhonda suddenly jerked as she felt his kisses on the small of her back.

you ok?” he asked in between kisses.

“I’m sorry, yes I am. I just wasn’t expecting that,” she responded nervously.

“Well just let me know when you want me to stop, ok? Do you want me to stop?” David asked as he continued to lightly kiss her, making a path to her butt.

“No, please don’t stop!” s
he said a bit more anxiously than she meant to.

That was all David needed to hear as he spread her legs outward and began to finger her, first slow and then faster as her breathing and moaning became more intense.
David was turned on by how tight and wet she was. They had never discussed whether or not Rhonda was a virgin but David could tell that she was by the way that she felt and responded to his touch.

“Turn around, baby,” David
commanded as he stopped to finish undressing and search for the condom he had placed in his pants pocket. Safe sex was one thing David was very adamant about. He had become sexually active upon entering high school as he transitioned from one of the so-called “smart kids” to one of the most handsome “it boys” in the school becoming active in everything but sports; he was against any activity that could interfere with his looks but he worked out and had the body that any jock would envy. Rhonda was getting an eyeful of his defined, naked, muscular body now, and David’s body was even sexier than she had imagined it would be underneath his clothes.

David was
very pleased with Rhonda’s beautiful, curvaceous figure as well. He thought to himself that Rhonda really had been hiding herself under the clothes she chose to wear. Although neat and classy in appearance, Rhonda had a sexiness that he was beginning to see more and more now that they were a couple.

It was difficult for Rhonda to get a view of what David was working with down below, as she tried her hardest to see as he put on the condom. As he
began kissing her again, Rhonda regretted not being able to get a good look at David’s penis but then she had a good idea from when he entered her. Although he was being gentle with her, the feeling from being penetrated the first time caught Rhonda off guard and the groan that came from her caught David’s attention.

“Am I hurting you, baby?”
he softly asked.

“NO! I mean it’s ok
—please don’t stop,” she responded.

David continued to move slowly on top of her as the groans and moans began to soften and go from sounds of pain to sounds of pleasure. With the combination of Rhonda’s response to his performance, in addition to the feeling of being inside of her virgin pussy,
David could hardly control himself before he came.

So this is it, Rhonda thought to herself, as David deeply kissed her and cuddled with her for a few moments before they both noticed that she had left behind light traces of blood from her first-time experience.
Rhonda was first alarmed and embarrassed, but David was the perfect gentleman, kissing and hugging her softly while comforting her and telling her everything was fine. While she went to the bathroom to freshen up, David took care of the stain, got the room straightened up and back in order for the rest of the evening. When Rhonda came back out to the living room she was surprised to find that David had laid out a fresh blanket with a second helping of Chinese food for them to enjoy. He stood up meeting Rhonda with a deep kiss and embrace that made her feel safe and on top of the world.

“You know I love you right?” David asked as he hugged her.

Rhonda could not believe what she was hearing but they were the words she had been longing to hear from David from the very first day he approached her.

“Do you really?” she responded as she tried her best to not appear as nervously excited as she did at that moment.

“Yes, I do, Rhonda Love Downing,” he said with a smile as he caressed her cheek and looked her deep in the eyes.

“I love you too
, David,” she smiled back.

That was a night that Rhonda would never forget, not just because she lost her virginity but also because she was
in love with someone who she felt with all her heart loved her just as much. Rhonda would never forget this night.

would be many more romantic times together, from the weekend visits trading off the parents’ basements all the way to the occasional visits Rhonda started making to David’s dorm room once he left for college. During Rhonda’s senior year they managed to see each other about every other weekend with David making the trip back home most of those visits. As senior year became a bit more hectic for Rhonda, she could not make the trip to see David at the campus as much, but she had already made plans to attend the same university so she would be there regularly soon enough. Before Rhonda knew it, prom had arrived (with David coming back home to attend with her), graduation, and then it was summer and time for her to leave home for college. David and Rhonda seemed inseparable, and each set of parents continued to favor the relationship their child had with the other. David’s father, a pastor at one of the many churches in the city, had spoken to David Jr. early on in his adolescence about protecting himself as he noticed his son began to receive telephone calls more frequently from various girls from the small community. The elder David Barnes, Sr. knew much too well how young men, like in his son’s age group, could find themselves caught up by the discovery of sex and chasing tail. Although he was a man of the cloth, Pastor Barnes had many skeletons in his religious closet while trying to be the type of man he preached about to his congregation. He was human and also tempted by women who were turned on by the power he held in his position. It was just within the past five years that Pastor Barnes stopped cheating on his wife, the younger David’s mom, to start being a faithful husband; that was only because his body became tired and weary from all the skirt chasing and drama that came along with the chase. The younger David had not been naïve to his father’s philandering ways and he constantly told himself that he would never be like his father. Even when David Jr. came into his own in high school, becoming one of the most popular guys at his school, he still kept his ego in check. Yes, he dated many women but not at the same time; his problem was that he became bored easily. Once the chase was over and David Jr. got the pussy, he usually started losing interest and was ready for the next one. This was probably as a result of his dating girls who had the looks but not particularly much going on in the brains department. That was until he met Rhonda, and in his eyes Rhonda held the beauty and the brains that turned him on and kept him in the longest relationship he had ever been in.

BOOK: Torn Apart (African American Romance)
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