Torn Apart (African American Romance) (10 page)

BOOK: Torn Apart (African American Romance)
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“I don’t know Rhonda. I had planned on working up until time for me to pick you up for our reservation. I had everything planned out and I can’t change all of this so quickly at this last minute,” Ken said frustrated.

“Look I’m sorry Ken but…”

“No, don’t apologize Rhonda. Be there for your friend. Don’t worry about me. Don’t worry about our plans. I’ll talk to you later, ok?” Ken said before hanging up before she could even respond.

Rhonda sat there holding the phone speechless. She was shocked and upset by Ken’s response, but it made her begin to question the whole situation and whether or not she was making a mistake. Rhonda tried calling Ken back but it went straight to voicemail. She was hurt and instantly began to break down and cry uncontrollably. Rhonda kept telling herself that Ken was wrong for his reaction but at the same time she knew that something wasn’t right about all of this. Why was she willing to risk losing this new friendship with someone she cared for deeply in order to be there for someone who had treated her so badly?

Rhonda stopped crying long enough to pick up her phone and dial David’s number. When he didn’t pick up, she decided to leave him a voicemail
and say what she should have said to him before when they last spoke.

“David, this is Rhonda. Look…I truly am sorry for everything you’re going through right now but I need to say this. We had our time together years back and I’m happy we have closure and can move on now being friends but there’s no need for you to try for anything more than that. Like I told you, I’ve met someone who I feel is a decent guy, and I think
its foolish of me not to see where things can go with him because I’m wrapped up into my past with you and wondering if we have a chance. I don’t need that type of interference moving forward. Maybe you’ve changed and could be a better man and partner but we’ve had our time. It’s probably a good idea if you don’t come here today David. I’m sorry but I think that’s best. I’ll talk to you in the New Year. Happy New Year, David!”

Rhonda hung up knowing that when David got that message that he’d most likely try calling her back. She made up her mind that she would just ignore the calls.
She tried calling Ken back and when it went to voicemail she decided to leave him a message also.

“Ken, I just want to say to you that I understand where you are coming from, and I’m sorry. I’ve called David and told him not to come here today. I just wanted you to know that. I understand if you don’t want to talk to me right now but please call me back. I would really like to still see you this evening for New Year’s Eve and go on with our plans. So just let me know if we’re still on or not. Again, I am so sorry for being so insensitive. Please call me.”

Rhonda ended the message and dropped her phone on the other pillow waiting for Ken to give her a call back. Hours went by and still no call from either Ken or David. Rhonda finally got out of bed to shower, get some things done around the house, and then start dressing. When she still had not heard from Ken, she became panicked again. I really messed this up, Rhonda thought to herself. It was about an hour before the time Ken had initially told her to be ready, so she tried calling him one more time, and again it went straight to voicemail.

“Fuck it! If he wants to play this game, fine!” Rhonda shouted. She threw on her jeans and shirt she had set aside for hanging out with
LaVerne and decided that she’d be just hanging out with her girl like always. She figured she’d deal with Ken in the New Year, and just use the rest of this evening to cheer up and enjoy her time with her friend.

Rhonda was packing up her bottles of wine and snacks to take over to
LaVerne’s when her doorbell rang. It alarmed her for a minute but then she got excited because she assumed it was Ken coming to let her know he had needed time to calm down and think but now he was ready to make up. Rhonda quickly walked to the door with a smile on her face ignoring her usual routine of looking through the peephole. When she swung open the door, she was surprised to find David standing at her door.


              Rhonda stood staring at David speechless for a few seconds before David finally broke the silence asking if she was going to leave him outside in the cold. “Oh, I’m sorry—please come in,” Rhonda said thinking that it was possible that David may have not gotten her message she left him earlier,but from the uncertain look on his face she had a feeling he had.

Once she turned around to face David, he was standing so close to her she didn’t have time to think or react when he kissed her lightly on the lips wrappin
g his arms around her back. Rhonda’s initial thought was to back away and not kiss back, but as soon as she felt his arms around her it took her a few years back when she and David were a couple in love with one another and wanting a future together. She found herself falling into motion with him and kissing him back, which gave David the motivation to grab her tighter, back her up into the door, and kiss her harder and more intensely. It was when Rhonda felt David’s tongue entering her mouth, wrestling with hers softly, and realizing that she was enjoying it too much, that she tried pulling away.

“Wait, David stop. I’m sorry.”

David did as she requested and still standing so close up on Rhonda that she could not move. The truth is that she really did not want David to stop and she was doing a terrible job trying to act like she wanted him to.

“No Rhonda,
I’m sorry. I…it’s no secret to you that I want you back in my life. And I’m sorry I’ve been coming on so strong but I need you. Not just because of all the BS going on in my life but I love you. I never stopped loving you. When I heard your message I had to get here to you.”

“So, you did hear my message then?” Rhonda said easing her way from
underneath David’s arms.

“I did and I was a nervous wreck the whole drive here, hoping that you would open the door and let me here. I wasn’t even for sure you’d be here.”

Rhonda had given David her address when she was home over the Christmas holiday but never expected that he’d be so bold to map out his way to her place and just pop up.

“That did take some nerve, David. What were you expecting to accomplish by just popping up here anyway. I do have plans.”

“With him? The guy you like?”

Rhonda didn’t respond. She would start crying if she had to start talking about Ken, especially considering he never called or showed up. She wasn’t for sure where things stood with Ken.

“Rhonda, are you ok?” David asked as he noticed the sad look on her face.

The more she tried to hide it the more upset she got and next thing she knew she was crying again.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” David asked as he reached for Rhonda pulling her into his strong arms. “Please tell me what’s the matter. If I had anything to do with this please know I never meant to hurt you or put you in an awkward position.”

Rhonda couldn’t even manage to talk she was crying so hard. Having David holding and comforting her felt so soothing and she realized how much she really had missed him. Then within a matter of minutes she was so conflicted because she felt terrible for the argument she had with Ken and she
was feeling hopeless that things would be right again.

David led Rhonda to her couch and sat down with her, pulling her into his arms so Rhonda could lie on his
strong chest. They sat there in silence for about five minutes before Rhonda finally pulled herself off of his chest and looked David in the eyes thanking him for being there and letting him know that she was the cause of her own issues she was going through. That was the truth since she had allowed David and his situation to take precedence over her plans that she had with Ken, and then expected Ken to understand. How could I have been so foolish, she thought to herself for a brief moment.

“Are you sure you are ok?” David asked as he ran his fingers across her cheeks trying to dry her tears.

‘I am, I promise,” Rhonda lightly smiled at him. “So David, what are we doing? This…us?”

“I already told you how I feel Rhonda. I came here to pour out my heart to you and show you how serious I am about us getting back together. When I saw you, I just wanted you to feel how strong my feelings are for you. I guess maybe that wasn’t a good idea to just force a kiss on you like that.”

“True, but I could have stopped you much sooner too if I wasn’t enjoying it.”

“So, you enjoyed it?” David asked lifting Rhonda’s chin so she was looking him in the eyes.

“Yea, I did. It made me realize how much I missed you; how I missed us.”

David didn’t say anything for a few seconds
but Rhonda noticed he just stared as if he had a million thoughts at once. She began to wonder maybe she had said too much, and was setting herself up to be pushed away by David too this New Year’s Eve, but that was far from the case.

“I hope I don’t re
gret this but I have to do this,” David said as he stood up to take off his coat and place it on the coat hanger by the door. He dug in his coat pocket before heading back toward Rhonda. Instead of sitting back down directly by her on the couch, he kneeled down pulling Rhonda’s legs apart enough to squeeze himself up closer to her with his head directly in front of her chest.

Rhonda thought he was about to do something freaky, but instead David grabbed her left hand and placed a box in it. As soon as she felt the texture of the box Rhonda knew what it was; her
heart began to beat fast and her hands began to shake so much to the point that David took the box back to open it up for her with the ring facing her. Rhonda could not only believe that this was happening but she also could not believe how beautiful the ring was that David picked out—it was huge.

“Rhonda, my mom gave me this ring years ago when we were in college. She and my father had gotten married right after college, and she always thought that you and I would most likely do the same if not before. She saw then that we were meant to be together.
I was foolish and needed to learn how life would be without you, I guess. Now that I know, I don’t want to part from you ever again, baby. I know we are just getting back in each others’ lives but I love you and I don’t want to waste anymore time—too much time has passed already. Will you please become my wife?”

Rhonda was crying again by the time
David had finished his proposal but this time her tears came from being touched so deeply by David’s words. Rhonda was ready to settle down and how romantic to be settling down with her first real love—what a romantic story this was.

“Yes David, I will marry you.”

From that point everything was a blur for Rhonda. He placed the beautiful ring on her finger, and began to passionately devour Rhoda’s lips still kneeling between her legs at her breast level. As they continued kissing, David started feeling on her breasts and caressing them until he could feel her nipples becoming erect through her shirt. Rhonda wanted him so badly at that moment that she couldn’t think of anything or anyone else. David lifted her shirt over her head and pulled her still fastened lace black bra up releasing her breasts that were squeezed up in it ready for the touch of his hands, lips and tongue. Rhonda was treated to the feeling of all three touching and teasing her erect nipples and breasts.

David had missed being this close to Rhonda and was so hard just from
the foreplay. He finally moved down to her pants unzipping them and pulling them and her panties down all at once over her feet while she stretched out on the couch showing off her long beautiful legs that she quickly wrapped around David’s waist. As Rhonda grabbed his face to kiss him deeply, David took his right hand and began to massage between her legs until he had hit her spot making her moan in between the kisses. As she grinded her clitoris harder against David’s hand, he began sucking on each of her breasts, which brought the first of Rhonda’s orgasm. As this was going on Rhonda could not help but think how David had improved in his lovemaking, concentrating on more foreplay and making an effort to satisfy her. They had obviously grown from inexperienced teenagers thinking they knew something about sex into experienced young adults who truly knew how to perform and please intimately. Rhonda was impressed, and the way her body reacted to David’s touch was showing him that he was indeed pleasing her to the fullest.

David backed away long enough to unfasten his belt and button on his pants and pull them down along with his boxer
s reminding Rhonda of how sexy his body was and how much she enjoyed him even at their most inexperienced. Rhonda got on her knees and began to massage David’s erect penis first slowly and then faster for a few seconds before she put him in her mouth and starting sucking hard. This caught David by surprise, as Rhonda had never performed on him orally. David had received head before, but definitely not from his sweet, innocent Rhonda. He was a little conflicted about it, considering that she had to have picked up these skills practicing on someone else, but before he could let it bother him too much David realized how much he was enjoying it. Next thing he knew he was grabbing her head and guiding her back and forth helping her to take in more of him in her mouth, and it felt so good. When David became too vocal, Rhonda pulled away and lay back on the couch pulling him on top of her and opening her legs wide so he could enter her. Rhonda had forgotten how thick David had been, and it seemed as if he had gotten thicker. They made love all night moving from the living room, to the kitchen, then leading to the bedroom where they brought in the New Year at midnight wrapped around each other and celebrating their reunion and what the New Year would bring to them both.

BOOK: Torn Apart (African American Romance)
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