The Spell of Binding (Part One) (11 page)

BOOK: The Spell of Binding (Part One)
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All I need is a location.

“Speak,” Vorr muttered.

“Lord,” Gob said, “there has been a slight problem.” Gob took a step back. He had seen the way Vorr smacked around Slis and Qwat and he didn’t want to become a replacement punch-bag.

Just what I need, another problem.

“The battalion of dragons and griffins that have been patrolling the area around New Babel has sent disturbing news.”

Vorr sat up higher in his seat. “Well, spit it out!”

“The Order of Sanctums army has been railed, thousands are preparing to march from the main city of New Babel.”

At last, they are going to obtain the Spell.

Vorr stood and started pacing. “Send word, get the army divisions back here.”
This is it. I will follow them and surround them. Once they have the Stone Tablet we will crush them all and take it from their dead, cold hands .


“Hmmm, it would seem the humans are not as clever as we first thought. Surely they wouldn’t send an army after the Spell ? A small group would be more suitable. In and out. No fus s or bother, or unwanted attention.” Vrocos said to one of his lieutenants , as they stood in the shadows to one side of the throne .

The lieutenant simply nodded ; is wasn’t his job to comment, just listen.

“Go get some rest. As soon as it is dark we will fly to New Babel and check this out ourselves. Collect two others to take with us... Mort and Vlad will do. Have them ready at sundown.”



Chapter Eight een MORE QUESTIONS


he small group had been walking for over an hour. Minika walked like a zombie, constantly tripping, as if she had been mentally warn down.

She used too much magic, Pramos thought. We need to find somewhere to rest.

Droncin had his arm around Leinthren, supporting the elf’s bad leg. It had swelled right up.

It doesn’t look broken. But then, they are so skinny and weak bone d . It could be shattered?
The dwarf thought to himself.

“Over there,” Promos announced. He was pointing to a cliff face that had a small opening.

We need to recuperate. I need answers from Minika. What was she on about when she said the magic hasn’t been used in thousands of years?

The sun pounded down; t he heat was stifling. The light warm breeze did nothing to alleviate the heat, all it achieved was send sand blowing in their eyes and mouth s .

“Lower your head,” Promos stated as Minika walked into the cave. She ambled over and dropped down into a dark corner.

Droncin helped the elf over and lowered him down onto his blanket, that he had removed from his pack.

Even in his condition he won’t sit on the dirty ground, the dwarf mused.
As soon as the elf was as comfy as h e could get with a swollen leg, Droncin spun around to the magus.

“What was all that about? What were they? Who sent them?” A minute passed. “Well?”

Minika slowly raised her head. “They shouldn’t exist,” she muttered. She then lean ed against the wall and closed her eyes .

“I’m speaking to you!” The dwarf stated gruffly.

“She needs to rest, to r egain her strength. The magic she unleashed has taking its toll. Her body has gone into some kind of healing trace.” Pramos s aid as he brushed a strand of hair out of her eyes, over her ear.

“Pfft!” Droncin muttered.

“We wouldn’t be here now if it wasn’t for her,” the elf chimed in. “I don’t think even your gleaming axe has an effect against stone.” The elf’s eyebrows raised, waiting for a reply.

“I would have been fine.” He stomped over to an empty corner and plunked himself down. “I would’ve separated a few heads from their shoulders.”

“Separated a few legs at the knees more like,” Leinthren muttered.

“What did you say, elf?”

“Stop bickering !” Pramos walked over to Leinthren to check on his leg. “This isn’t helping anyone.” He started to wrap a bandage around the swelling, after washing it down with tepid water. “Minika will heal this when she has regained her strength.”

“And answered my questions,” the dwarf stated. He was rubbing his blade with an oiled cloth.

Hopefully she can answer your questions , Pramos thought. He had only known Minika properly for a few days, but he didn’t like the look on her face after the stone creatures had attacked. She was always so confident , so resolute in her beliefs and actions. But the look on her face was complete disbelief and confusion, as if her world had been turned upside down.

He looked across towards her while she slept. She no longer looked powerful and confident , now s he simply looked like a small, scared seventeen year old girl .

A sound started to rumble from outside. It was a low vibration that gradually got louder and louder, until the vibrations made small stone and grit on the caves floor bounce up into the air.

Both Pramos and Droncin we re on their feet within a heart beat.

Outside, heading in their general direction was a huge cloud of heaven reaching dust .

“What the...?” Pramos said .

“Is it the demons?” Droncin questioned .

“Hopefully the Council of Seven have sent more to help Minika.” The elf stated as he rubbed his aching leg.

All they could do is wait.

The problem is , by the time the army was close enough to identify, it would be too late for us to make a run for it, Pramos thought. He looked at Minika. Not that we have a choice, we can’t carry her and Leinthren, we would be sitting ducks.


Slis and Qwat were sat silently on top the cliff where the other four were taking shelter. They sat under a twisted, gnarled tree, with no leaves that gave scant protection from the baking sun.

They had walked past the remains of the stone golems and were confused as to what they could be. Neither had ever seen anything like it before.

They just wished they had one of the communication blobs to be able to talk with Vorr. Surely he would know? He was king. He knew everything.

All they could do is wait and continue following the small group as they headed towards the city of Keep Safe. At the city the collection of harassing demons outside would have a blob, so they would be able to update Vorr about what was happening.

Qwat felt it first. The ground was vibrating under his feet.

Slis uncurled himself and slivered over to see what the fuss was about.

Now they stood by the cliffs edge they could see the vast cloud of kicked up dust. It was a vast line stretching across the distant horizon .

Has Vorr asked the Nephilim for their help? Surely not , Slis thought .

They were the only creatures who didn’t see Vorr as their leader. Massive beings as tall as forty foot. Slis had heard Vorr talking with Gob, trying to get the Nephilim on their side. Vorr had offered them all kinds of things to sway them over. But to no avail.

They have just as much to lose as we do. They will be sent back as well, Slis thought. Maybe they have seen sense?

From their elevated position they could now see the creatures that were kicking up the dust cloud as they came into view . It was n’t the Nephilim, as he first thought, rather , i t was more of those stone golems; thousands of them .


To be continued...


(Part II will be released in 2013)


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Nine Disturbing Short Stories about the Darker Side of Human Nature

What are your neighbours really like once their front door slams shut? Are your children's teachers' sound-of-mind? Has your partner got an evil, sinister side? Is a member of your family a murderer? These questions, and more, are examined in a collection of nine disturbing short stories; tales about the darker side of human nature.


Read about a wannabe serial killer who starts his reign of terror on the wrong footing. A Kindergarten teacher who has deep psychological problems that jeopardizes the safety of the children. How a child of nine turns to violence in retaliation for drug smugglers slaughtering her parents. A fanatical mother who believes her thirteen year old son is possessed by the Devil. How one killer spirals out of control and in his haste for victims makes a fatal mistake. A government trained killer who was set up as a scapegoat. Or a serial killer who has captured the attention of the world, and has setup one final, sickening display. What does it take to push someone that little bit too far and turn them into a killer? Find out when a savage murder is committed over a packet of lamb chops.


Strangers will never seem the same again





Another Nine Disturbing Short Stories about the Darker Side of Human Nature

Lobsters and Landmines is the second book in the Human Nature Series, following in Lamb Chops and Chainsaws footsteps, by continuing to look at the darker side of human nature, by delving into the dark twisted world of the sick minded, the perverse, the psychos and sociopaths; people who take pleasure from hurting others. Individuals, who could be your next-door neighbour or your lover, even a close family member.


Read about a captain who discovers the perfect lobster bait after a violent outburst. A HIV infected man who injects women with his tainted blood. A disfigured ex-army bomb disposal expert who has carved out a piece of paradise for himself in Vietnam, who keeps females as slaves and children as objects to sell. Or the sad story about two friends who are forever parted on September 11th 2001. And the airhostess Jenny who finds the perfect job on a Brazilian airline, but it seems they want more from her than most employers. What about the sweet little old lady who wins awards for her cakes, but what are her secret ingredients? Or the doomsday prepper that spends every waking minute of everyday prepping for the end of the world, until one critical mistake changes everything. Or a computer firm that sells its algorithmic computations to cosmetic firms, cutting out the need to test on animals, but below ground, the vast computer server hosts a disturbing secret. Finally, a businessman who realizes a little too late, what is truly important in life?






Jacob Cain’s life changes forever when he starts to receive a series of reanimated corpses, each impart a fragment of a message. An ancient tale unfolds as old as time itself relating humanities darkest untold secret – the biblical story from the Devil’s point of view.


As the chain of events unfolds Cain repeatedly finds himself confused and covered in blood. Suddenly he becomes a fugitive from the authorities, wanted in connection to multiple murders, his garden now a mass grave.


Guided by one catastrophic event after another, Cain finds whole villages eerily silent with corpses littering the streets as a new plague from an unimaginable source starts to sweep the country. At an old farmhouse he comes face-to-face with mankind’s worst nightmare. And buried in a field is the answer to all the riddles that climax in a terrifying, unearthly twist.


As Cain fights for his life he must unravel the shocking truth, before billions die. He is all that stands in the way of a global pandemic on an apocalyptical scale.






Eons ago entities with God-like powers brought together seven worlds, joined them by means of conduits—Gateways—each supplying the next with what it lacked, from a surplus of what that world produced, making life on all seven worlds possible. Then they disappeared. Each world became an individual.


Two brothers stumble on the Gateway passing from our world to the next, and are endowed with powers beyond comprehension, vital for survival in this hostile and intelligent world where nightmarish creatures feed on the weak.


Titanic battles rage; good against evil, magic against machinery, mortal against immortal. A civil war rages between spirit creatures and a powerful self-proclaimed God. Why is the American government sending an army of mass destruction with the latest military technology through? Time is short, the armies are amassing.


And what is the prophecy about scratched on a wall of a prison cell by dying hands?






A war is raging that most don’t even realize exists – a war of the Gods. An age-old story, good against evil and hatred against love.


Satan was bound and thrown from heaven, and his angels – now demons – were tossed down with him. He resides on earth, imprisoned in an ancient holy building. So his soldiers fight his side of the battle, misleading mankind, confusing and destroying spirituality, replacing it with greed, pleasures and lust.


BOOK: The Spell of Binding (Part One)
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