The Birthday Deadline (Billionaire Brides) (8 page)

BOOK: The Birthday Deadline (Billionaire Brides)
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Chapter Fifteen




At some point, I dragged myself back up so I was standing. My mind was numb, feet somehow leading me past the shredded pieces of Sebastian's card as I walked dazedly down the stairs and outside. I squinted in the sun, staring up and down the street.

Juliet was gone, there was no sign of her bright red hair in either direction. I turned, walking to the coffee stand that I frequented. If there was anything that I needed right now, it was a big, hot, cup of Joe. Nothing could clear your mind and set you off in the right direction like a coffee could.

Except maybe a margarita. I could definitely use some tequila after the few days I’d had.

As I stood in line, I begrudgingly turned my head towards my shop, hoping against hope that I wouldn't see bright red flyers posted all over it announcing its foreclosure.

Instead, I saw people. Dozens of people, actually. They stood in front of my flower shop, peering through the windows and knocking on the glass.

What was going on?

Abandoning the coffee stand, I took a cautious step or two towards the flower shop, blinking my eyes over and over. Had it already been taken over and replaced with something more interesting than a florist? Is that why people were bothering to stop there?

Quicker now, I raced towards the building, breathless by the time I stood in front of them.

"Your sign says you open at ten in the morning?" One of them said with a frown, "Is that right?"

"Yes!" I gasped, "I'm sorry! There was an...emergency."

Digging the keys from my purse, I opened the doors to the flower shop, ushering the people in. It'd been two days since I was last at the store though, two days since I'd tended the plants. I was sure they'd all be withering or dead by now. I’d have gained customers just to have them turn and head straight back out the door again.

Instead, I found every inch of my space fully stocked. Hundreds of blooms sat on newly painted shelves. My front cashier desk had been remodeled, now a sturdy metal that wouldn't get soaked down from the wet of the flowers.

"What a lovely place you have!" Said an older woman, squeezing my arm, "I can't believe I never noticed it before."

I was just as shocked at its beauty as the customers were. It was the very image of itself back in its prime when my parents had control of it. I wandered the shelves, letting my fingers explore the gentle green leaves of the flowers and plants. It was beautiful.

Of course, I knew who'd done this. Sebastian. I headed towards the counter where people were already beginning to line up.

As I pulled open a drawer to find a pen, a small note waited instead.

'For you. I'm sorry.' it read, with a simple heart.

I swallowed, slamming the drawer shut once more. I was gracious, but still so hurt. This was the kindest thing anyone had ever done for me. Had I kept Sebastian's card, I would have called him just to thank him, but, the card was gone. I would find some other way to express my gratitude, when I was ready. I was sure he would accept my need for time away from him after what had happened.

Every day that passed, the flower shop bustled more and more with people. Soon, I even had regulars again. One man stopped by on his way home from work to pick up a different single stemmed flower for his wife each day. One woman came by frequently to fill her house with the fragrances of my flowers.

"You have the best in town." She confided in me with a wink, "I told all my friends to come here."

And she must have, because business continued to soar.

Trisha let me stay on her couch, though we'd almost finished painting her nursery and Carl was expected any day. I was going to have to find my own place soon. I'd called the bill collectors to start paying off my debt, but found that Sebastian had already taken care of that as well. I was set for life, it seemed. Guilt weighed on my heart after that one, Sebastian had done so much for me, and I was seeming ungrateful. I’d gone to Burgendale’s in an attempt to get his number, but neither Jean nor Juliet was there and the person at the desk looked at me like I was insane.

Though my worries were becoming smaller and smaller, there was still that one piece of the puzzle that didn't quite fit. My heart, though lighter, was still in pain. There was a hole there, a hole that nothing but a green eyed, raven haired man could fill.

I dreamt of him constantly, of waking in his arms, of feeling his kiss one more time, but it never happened.

When I woke up on the morning of my birthday, I first thought of him. It was his birthday as well.

What was he doing? What plans did he have? I was sure Cornelius had a huge bash all planned out for his newly single son.

I left the apartment that day earlier than normal. I had to start going into the flower shop earlier and earlier in order to keep the shelves fully stocked and to have time to tend the vast amount of plants. It was getting to the point where I would be forced to hire some help to keep up with the demands of my customers, though I was pleased as punch about that.

As I approached the shop, hot cup of coffee in hand, I noticed a long box resting up against the glass doors. I bent down, peeking at the card. My name was printed neatly across, along with 'Happy Birthday.'

Pausing to glance around, I saw no one on the tired, morning street.

I lifted the box, under my arm, unlocking my shop door as I stepped inside and walked to the counter. I lay down the box and set my coffee to the side, gently undoing the crisp purple wrapping paper. I lifted the lid of the box, taking in the contents.

A sunflower rest in a vase, its stem slightly crooked, small bits of tape remaining. A sunflower that had once been broken, but now was repaired and growing in strength.

"Happy birthday, Delilah." A deep voice spoke from behind me as I held the sunflower delicately in my hands.

I turned, gaze meeting that of my once husband.

"Sebastian." I whispered in confusion, "Why are you here?"

He moved closer, reaching out a hand as though he wanted to touch me. His fingers grazed over my shoulder.

"I haven't stopped thinking about you." He said quietly.

He stood only inches away from me, I could smell his familiar, sweet fragrance. I could remember clearly what it felt like to melt in his arms.

"I made a mistake." He continued, urgency coloring his tone and his green eyes.

He held out his hand to me, waiting. I stared at his extended fingers, hesitantly laying my own hand on his. Fireworks of electricity exploded in my belly at just his sweet ouch. I swallowed, looking away, his fingers lacing in mine and bringing me closer to him.

I had no words, but his touch was painful. Was he here just to remind me how much I cared for him?

"I told my father that he could claim my company if he wanted to. I didn't care." He said firmly.

Sharply, I turned back to look at him, "Sebastian, no!" I gasped, "That's your entire life!"

Sebastian smiled, for once, a true smile.

"No." He responded, "My entire life shouldn't be wrapped up in the business. My father, though in a twisted and confusing way, did prove his point to me." The billionaire's eyes met mine, searching me, "When my father first negotiated those terms with me, all that he wanted was for me to never forget that life existed outside of work. I didn't listen to him, of course, what son listens to their father?"

Still, I didn't smile, more confused than anything, "What are you saying?" I mumbled.

"He didn't mean to, but when my Father gave me the choice of you or the business, all of a sudden I understood what he'd been trying to tell me all those years ago." Sebastian said, "All of a sudden it made sense. I was so shocked in that moment, I could find nothing to say, and I'm sorry to you, I’ll be sorry for putting you through that for the rest of my days."

"It made sense?" I whispered, staring up into the green eyes of the man I cared for so deeply.

"Yes. If it came down to my business or love, I would choose your love any day." He whispered back, pulling me into his arms. He held me tight, pressing his lips against the top of my head, "I told him everything, I told him he could keep the business, all that I wanted was you."

My head swirled, trying to process everything, "You want me?" I gasped, "You really want me?"

"Yes." He responded, holding me tight, "I'd rather have you than anything else." His lips descended on mine, expressing in his gentle kiss the words that he struggled so deeply with.

"And you'll have her." Cornelius's voice rang out from the doors of my shop.

We parted, turning to face the elder Fox billionaire. Beside him stood Juliet. Though there was pain in her eyes as she watched us embrace, she smiled.

"I'm sorry, son." Cornelius said, eyes shamefully cast on the ground, "I was cruel."

"It's not me you have to apologize to." Sebastian said quietly, gesturing towards me, "It's Delilah."

Cornelius cleared his throat, hesitantly stepping forward towards me.

"Delilah..." He said, shaking his head, "I can't even begin..."

I took his old hands in mine, squeezing them gently, "I can't even begin to imagine how much a father loves a son." I whispered, "But I'm grateful that Sebastian has someone to look out for him that cares so sincerely."

The old man looked up at me in surprise, lips parting.

"You can keep your business, Sebastian." Cornelius said, looking up at him, "It was a mistake of mine to hold it over your head. I hope you forgive me. I hope you all forgive me." He glanced back at Juliet as he spoke, "I was nothing but a bitter old man."

Sebastian gently squeezed his father's shoulder, shaking his head, "It's alright, Father."

Cornelius shook his head, but smiled, "Come now." He said softly as he turned to face me, "Show me these beautiful flowers I've been hearing so much about."

I laughed, taking his arm in mine as I led him towards the potted flowers, their sweet fragrances lacing the air.

It suddenly occurred to me that I’d been right, the other day, waking up beside Sebastian. This birthday that we shared was a day of joy and exuberance. As I gazed around the walls of my shop, Sebastian coming to stand at my side, his arm wrapped tight around my body, I remembered my parents.

Their memory did not weigh down my heart, but lifted it. They would be proud of this shop, they would be proud of my dedication to our dream, they would be proud of the life that I was headed down.

The billionaire’s birthday deadline had not been a curse, as we so believed. It’d been a chance for us to meet, to get to know each other, to fall in love.

Together, Sebastian and I would share many more birthdays wrapped in the embrace of each other, looking forward to each new day that brought us closer and closer.









The End.


Thank you for reading!



For updates, info, and further reading, check out Ella Cari’s author page at

Readers can contact the author at [email protected]


Also by Ella Cari:



Between Billionaires

Head editor of a struggling magazine, strong willed and fiery Miranda needs to figure out some way of saving her staff from unemployment and her company from certain bankruptcy. She’s willing to do anything and everything to make it work.


Suddenly, Miranda finds herself trapped between the steamy affections of a newsroom celebrity and her sexy old college flame who’s recently taken over his lucrative family business. Both hunky billionaires want to help Miranda’s magazine flourish, and both want to help themselves to her hand in marriage in return.


Which billionaire will ultimately win Miranda’s love?


Woman of Fire

Chronicles of Lyria, Book 1

One man, one woman of fire, and a whole lot of secrets. 
After the scorching wrath of a mystically imprisoned mage is accidentally unleashed upon the kingdom of Thade, a young man finds himself enthralled by the woman’s spirit and lack of control. 
Lyria has one thing on her mind after fifty years’ worth of pent up rage and hellish scorn – revenge. 


Heart of Fire

Chronicles of Lyria, Book 2

One woman is on a fiery hunt for revenge.

After an unsettling turn of events, Lyria finds herself on the run. Desperately the young woman tries to escape the pain of her past and the pain she has inflicted on those around.

Will Rese be able to find her before those who wish her harm? Will he be able to save her from the flame that threatens to consume her from the inside out?

In Book 2 of the Chronicles of Lyria, Rese must make the ultimate decision.

Will Rese to choose to side with the woman who (quite literally) lights his soul on fire, or his King, beloved by all in the realm, haunted by a bloody and mysterious past?


The Vampire’s Bride

Shrouded Sun, Book 1

Vampires roam the world freely, destroying villages and bringing once powerful kingdoms to their knees.

Humans have one chance left, a young female sacrifice to be wed off to the commander of the vampire realm.

Princess Violet has grown up with tales of vampires’ coldness and cruelty. Now she will depart to their land in one last attempt to keep her people alive.

In the land of never ending night, she must somehow manage to keep her courage and her mission in her heart, all while a powerful vampire attempts to seduce her.


Contract of Devotion

I have no choice. Today is my wedding day, like it or not.

When billionaire heir and playboy Sebastian Sullivan totaled my car, the last thing I expected was a marriage proposal.

Unfortunately, we needed each other. The beautiful, selfish man needed a wife to keep his lucrative family business and I needed cold hard cash.

Though I only met my handsome groom two days before my wedding, now I’ve signed the contract of devotion, and I’ll have to spend the rest of my life with him.


Marrying the Boss

Iris has long worked for billionaire CEO Theodore Welch’s company. One night, after staying late yet again to meet a deadline, he approaches her with the offer of a lifetime.

Theodore needs a fake fiancée and he needs one now.

He’s willing to pay handsomely and treat her to luxuries she never even knew existed, but will Iris be able to keep up the charade without falling head over heels for her sexy boss?


Buying a Bride

I'm a billionaire's wife.

I don’t think I’ll ever get used to thinking that. I’m married. I’m a wife now. Not just to any guy, but to freaking Owen Pearson, celebrity billionaire and sexy hunk.

My parents’ company was failing, their bills were adding up faster than they could even tally them. We would be lucky to just go bankrupt. Then, Owen called.

My dad had been his teacher and mentor when Owen was still in school, and now, the billionaire was ready to return the favor after hearing how badly business was suffering.

All that Owen needed to pay off the bills and have our debts forgiven… is a wife

I’d never even met Owen before our wedding day, but now we’ll have to spend every day together, forever, as husband and wife.


Love of the Vampire King


Fifteen years ago, vampires rose from their shadowed depths, overthrowing and conquering the preexisting human realms with cold hands and cold hearts.

Now, mortals live in everlasting fear of the darkness. Each month, a woman is selected in King Albert’s kingdom to be shipped off to the cruel and bitter Vampire King. These women, the Lost Ones, are never to be heard from again.

Meredith has been trained since the vampiric uprising to end the tradition of the Lost Ones. Her instructions are clear – murder him, and end the vampire’s brutal regime.

Unfortunately, the Vampire King has other plans for Meredith, and her mission is soon muddled in confusion when she discovers that the land of the vampires is not at all how it was painted to be.

Will Meredith still be able to fulfil her task? How will she manage to save her people from vicious deaths at the hands of the vampires, when her mission is soon much more convoluted than she believed?


Hired Wife

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BOOK: The Birthday Deadline (Billionaire Brides)
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