The Birthday Deadline (Billionaire Brides) (6 page)

BOOK: The Birthday Deadline (Billionaire Brides)
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Chapter Eleven




“Delilah…” Whispered Sebastian, bright green eyes concerned as he cleared his throat.

“…hmm…?” I looked around, startled by the surrounding guests peering at me as they fanned their faces in the summer heat.

The wedding. Our wedding. I’d gotten completely engrossed in my remembrance that I’d forgotten where I was.

“Do you take this man?” The officiant asked for the third time, gazing at me as he tried to decide whether I was mentally impaired or just stupid.

“I do!” I cried, squeezing the hands of the billionaire’s that held mine tightly.

Sebastian’s eyebrow arched as he shook he head. From the corner of my eye, I watched as Cornelius whispered something into the ear of his yawning wife.

“And do take this woman to be your bride?” The pastor asked Sebastian, voice sincere, ‘This is your last chance.’ The officiant’s eyes seemed to say.

“I do.” Sebastian replied simply.

I stared downward as his black shoes, so shined I could see the reflection of my gorgeous white gown against the ebony fabric. Once again in a custom tailored suit, a single red rose rested in his breast pocket.

“Then you may kiss the bride.” The officiant concluded, glancing out at the wedding guests as they began to clap politely. No one cared much for the wedding, they were all too excited for the boozy, eloquent reception to follow.

Carefully, Sebastian slid a hand against the trembling flesh of my neck, pulling me in closer against him as his other arm wrapped around my waist. It was so strange to feel him all around me, his warm touch embracing me and drawing me up against his muscled, strong chest. My eyes closed expectantly, my own arms draping over his strong neck, bouquet dangling between my fingers.

He leaned in, his soft lips pressing delicately against mine. His scent filled me as I gasped against his mouth, blazing heat ricocheting through my veins. The bouquet dropped to the ground behind us, nothing existing but our mouths pressing closer and closer together. I felt his fingers clench against me, digging into my back.

“Alright now. Show’s over.” Juliet Peters’ voice shrilly declared from the back of the wedding hall.

We slowly parted, our arms still wrapped around one another. Reluctantly, he released me from his warm embrace, bending to pick my bouquet back up as he handed it to me. Our eyes remained locked on one another, his green ones shimmering with some cloud of feeling that I wasn’t sure of.

His soft hand interlaced in mine, pulling me from the stand as the guests clapped once more.

“Introducing, Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Fox.” The officiant said with a wave of his hand, wondering if he would be getting a free plate of food from our reception.

Juliet, glowering miserably, led us from the large chamber through the halls to the reception room.

Candles lit every table, flickering delicately under ornate sunflower center pieces. From the ceiling, even more candles seemed to light, suspended above us as though by magic. Tables with white tablecloths and satin covered chairs lined a dance floor. A deep brown bar sat perched in the corner.

“This is our seat.” Sebastian whispered in my ear as we approached a small sweetheart table in the very center, where the guests could stare at us like we were on display. Which come to think of it, we were. Between us sat a small ceramic pot with a sunflower, delicately taped at the stem. I laughed, sinking into my seat as I gazed at the happy plant.

“Can I get you any champagne?” Juliet asked through gritted teeth.

“That would be marvelous, Juliet.” Sebastian responded, not even looking at her. His eyes stayed locked on me.

“The wedding has been so beautiful.” I whispered softly, as people began to file into the reception.

The guests gasped at the sheer beauty of the ballroom as they entered, finding their seats after wandering through the candles and whimsical decor. Cornelius approached us, somehow already half a bottle of wine deep in the celebration.

“You two were right.” He said with a hearty laugh, “Juliet does know how to throw a party.”

“It’s magnificent.” I agreed, unable to keep my eyes from wandering over every surface.

The personal assistant had spared no detail with the wedding. Flowers seemed to bloom from the very walls, fine drapes delicately billowing.

“Have you two seen Sherry?” He asked as he glanced around, “I went to get her a drink and she vanished.”

The girl was probably hiding out in a corner somewhere, tired of all the festivities that she was constantly dragged to.

“We haven’t.” Sebastian said with a shrug, “I’m sure she’ll turn up.”

Cornelius laughed, nodding, “She always does.” He hummed, turning to walk away, “Congratulations, you two.” He added happily.

“Thank you.” I called after him, glancing up as Juliet thrust a glass of champagne into my hands, “Here.” She muttered, “Enjoy it.”

Music began to play, blaring too loudly as the DJ tried to adjust the volume.

“And thank you, Juliet.” I said, grabbing at her wrist, “This is amazing. I appreciate it, Sebastian appreciates it.”

For a moment, the woman paused, staring at me. Then, her eyes clouded with coldness once more and she pulled away, “I did it for him. Don’t forget that.” She said, just loud enough that I could hear her over the music. Sebastian remained oblivious.

“I won’t.” I responded quietly.

She nodded, staring at me for a surprising moment without the utter hate and disdain in her eyes before turning and walking away. Like Sherry, she probably wanted to find a secluded place to wallow in.

“Was this everything you would have hoped for in your wedding?” Sebastian asked as he reclined in his chair, one arm lazily draping over my shoulders.

I leaned against him, reveling in how cozy his warm hold on me was. It was kind of magical, to fit so securely against another body. Like I was meant to be there.

“It was more than I ever imagined.” I replied with a wide grin, “So much more.”

I tilted my face up to look at his own, watching as a rare grin parted his full, red lips. When he noticed me gazing up at him, he turned his face, eagerly pressing his lips back against mine.

His finger brushed over my cheek, running through my hair before h parted, leaving me gasping for breath.

“You belong to me, Mrs. Fox.” He whispered in my ear, “I can kiss you whenever I want.”

A shiver rolled through me as I gazed into his churning green eyes. I leaned in, pressing my mouth to his, “And you belong to me, Mr. Fox.” I whispered back against his lips.


Chapter Twelve




The rest of the wedding passed in a blur of my handsome new husband's emerald eyes.

I found myself taking every opportunity to brush my fingers over his caramel flesh. Whether it was simply to adjust his black, sleek tie, or pretending to fan out the thick skirt of my dress, any chance I could take of touching him, I greedily nabbed.

It appeared that Sebastian did the same, though he was much more outright. He frequently snatched my hand into his to press his warm lips against it. His fingers constantly played on the back of my neck, making my hair stand on edge and tingle.

Though I had been dreading the wedding since I agreed to it, here I was, enjoying every single second of my time here with him. I wished we would be this happy forever. When I gazed into his eyes, it seemed entirely possible. Desire, hope, happiness, it all swirled inside of me with a power and intensity I didn’t even know was possible. How did one man inspire such feelings?

At some point, the party had to end. I barely noticed the people giving us well wishes as they parted, all that I could concentrate on were the strong fingers that I clung to, that I wanted to cling to forever.

When we finally exited the huge chapel, a glittering white limo waited for us. 'Just Married!' painted across the back windows.

Cornelius ushered us in, waving goodbye with the remaining guests as the limo pulled away from the church, leaving Sebastian and I gazing at each other silently.

Though the silence was tense between my husband and me in the fresh quiet of the limo, it was not because we were uncomfortable. We sat across from one another, staring raptly. His eyes slowly skimmed over me, taking in the way the tight dress displayed what little curve I had to offer. He inched forward, one of his fingers brushing across my face.

"Are you happy?" he asked, voice gruff and husky.

I swallowed, managing to nod somehow.

He pulled me closer into him, his eyes heavy lidded as his mouth descended onto mine, capturing my lips as his tongue brushed over my bottom lip.

"I want you to be happy." He growled, his arms wrapping around me.

Time managed to disappear in the soft sounds of his kiss, a moan of pleasure darting from my lips. He pulled me into his lap so I straddled him, my arms wrapping around his neck as his hot lips roughly grazed my flesh, teeth nibbling at every inch of bare flesh that was exposed.

Roughly, he yanked at my dress, trying to get more and more of my skin into his mouth.

Finally, I pulled back, gasping for breath, head spinning wildly as though I were on one of those carnival rides that doesn't stop until you're breathless and begging for a moment to think.

"Sebastian." I whispered, as his dark green eyes glittered, begging for more, "I can't. I need..."

Slowly, he lifted his lips away from my trembling, wanting skin. With delicate fingers he fixed the wedding dress, though it'd been ripped at the top in his desperate need.

"I understand." He replied quietly, though his voice was still more of a growl.

He turned me so I lay across his lap, my head nestled into his neck. His arms wrapped tight around me, protecting me from everything, "I understand." He repeated, sweetly kissing my forehead.

I relaxed in his hold, feeling very much like a small child in his muscled arms. The limo softly bounced and wobbled, lulling me half to sleep by the time I felt Sebastian shifting against me.

"We're here." He whispered into my ear, setting me upright.

With a stifled yawn, I glanced around, taking in the huge home that lay before us.

A manor with dozens of room lit up the paved, round driveway. The homey red brick welcomed us inside as Sebastian carefully directed me in and towards a staircase.

We walked upwards, coming to a closed set of double doors. Uncertainly, I pushed it open as my husband followed me inside.

A great chandelier hung in the center of the room, sending sparkles of light dancing in all corners. A fireplace, not lit at the moment, sat in the corner. A great, huge bed with sheer white drapes sat off to the side next to a huge, open window. I walked to the window, gazing down at the sparkling water of a lake below us. The water was so mirror like and clear that it reflected the moon above like a shimmering painting.

"It's magical." I breathed, as Sebastian came to stand behind me.

His hands smoothed over my hips, feeling me beneath my dress. Though he would obey my reluctance, I could tell it was difficult for him.

"Go ahead and get comfortable." He murmured hungrily as his mouth pressed against the back of my neck. I closed my eyes, a sharp shiver rolling through my entire body, nodding slightly.

He gestured to a large closet door, allowing me to walk inside alone.

Dresses, blouses, and pants hung from every corner of the huge closet, which was big enough to hold my entire room back in the apartment.

"It's all for you." He said, peeking his head in as I stared around in astonishment, "Every last bit."

My fingers darted across the soft, fine fabrics, trying to take in all of the different colors and styles. This was no doubt what a princess would feel like.

A large drawer set sat in the corner of the closet. I opened it, taking in the silky, chiffon nightgowns and teddy sets. After a moment of deliberation, I chose a baby blue nightgown, carefully climbing free of the white wedding dress. I inhaled deeply, enjoying the liberation of my lungs as I slid into the nightie.

I gazed at myself in a full length mirror in the corner of the closet, turning in a slow circle and peeking over my shoulder. The nightgown hung down to the upper part of my thigh, though it was almost see through. It was cute though, and it would do, I'd never been a sex kitten, and I wasn’t ready to start now.

I tiptoed out from the closet, peeking into the huge bedroom.

Sebastian had just finished removing his own clothing, climbing into our bed with nothing but a pair of sleek black boxers on. Fighting the mad scarlet blush that burned my cheeks, I hesitantly left the closet, making my way across the soft plush carpet quickly to the bed.

Though my husband made no comment, I could tell his eyes followed my every movement intensely.

"Welcome home." He whispered as I crawled beneath the covers.

He scooted closer to me, grabbing my cheeks in his warm hands and bringing my lips to his. We drank each other's kiss greedily, his hands running over me, feeling every bit of my body. His fingertips slid under the nightgown, brushing upwards over my abdomen and wrapping around my body to bring me against him. His bare chest brushed against mine, lighting me on fire.

Then, he released me, reclining against the pillow. I crawled closer, wrapping my arms around him as he kissed the top of my head.

"Goodnight, Sebastian." I said quietly, eyes lulled shut with the sound of his quickened heartbeat.

"Goodnight, Mrs. Fox." He replied.

Though my eyes were closed, I could hear the smirk on his lips.

I smiled, snuggling closer against his warm body as I slowly fell asleep.

Sleeping on that bed was like sleeping on a cloud. It supported my body in all the right places, the scent of Sebastian's masculinity ever present in my nose. Even the sheets smelled of his handsome body. In his arms, I slept more soundly than I had in years. I wanted to spend every night just like that, in the safe embrace of my billionaire husband.

When the sun rose the next morning, I was already sure that this was paradise. Our birthdays were approaching, each sunrise brought us closer and closer. Perhaps this year, mine wouldn’t be so terrible. Perhaps I would spend it enjoying my day, instead of missing my parents with a pain that consumed me.

Being with Sebastian, though it'd been a last resort and a measure of desperation, had filled me with happiness I never knew existed.

He lay quietly at my side, arms still tangled around me even in his sleep.

I leaned over, pressing my mouth to his.

He stirred slightly, one eye peeking open, "Is it time to get up?" He murmured with a yawn, almost pouting as I giggled.

"Are you hungry?" he asked, lithe body stretching on the comforter.

To be honest, I could no longer recall if I'd even eaten last night at our wedding. My stomach, however, grumbled with a vengeance.

"I am." I mumbled, blushing at the sound.

Sebastian smirked, nodding as he pulled himself upwards. He leaned over, grabbing his cell phone off the nightstand and dialing a number.

"Ah, good morning, Serena." He said, "Yes. Yes we're up. Yes. Thank you." He hung up, collapsing back against the downy pillows.

"Serena?" I asked, falling beside him.

"My other lover." He stated matter of factly, before a grin played on his lips, "The head chef. She's preparing breakfast in bed for the newlyweds."

My stomach rumbled again, pleased with this news.

"We're going to have to quiet that beast." Sebastian said, in a surprisingly playful tone.

He grabbed me, pulling me on top of him as his lips once again found mine ravenously. His hands splayed along my back, searching lower and lower as I moaned against his lips.

A sharp banging on the door turned his attention from my wanting lips.

"Serena?" He said in surprise, "She doesn't normally finish this quickly." He added to me.

The door burst open, Cornelius standing before us.

His face was cherry red, white beard trembling in anger.

"Father." Sebastian said in shock, sitting up sharply. He wrapped the blanket around me, hiding my exposed body.

"Get away from her." Cornelius roared, "That woman is nothing but a filthy gold digger."

BOOK: The Birthday Deadline (Billionaire Brides)
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