Taming Lo: A You and I Novel (5 page)

BOOK: Taming Lo: A You and I Novel
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That's right
baby. Fuck......” He growls, as I pulse around his hard
erection still moving inside of me.

Dax.” I
cry out, balling my hands into fists as my second orgasm starts to
build directly behind my first. I have never had two orgasms happen
in such close proximity but the deep burning build is a dead giveaway
that my next is just moments from erupting.

Let it go baby.
Let me feel you quiver around my cock again.” He rasps behind
me. His words instantly send me into another earth shattering orgasm,
this one even stronger than the first. Every part of my body feels
the effects.

I don't know how Dax is still moving behind me. I don't
know how my withering and cries of pleasure have not sent him over
the edge, but I have a feeling that he has been fighting it for a
while now. I can tell by how tightly he grips my hips and how his
groans have a hint of pain in them like he doesn't know if he can
hold on for another moment.

One more Lo.
Give me one more.” He commands, pounding into me so hard, that
my pleasure mixes with the perfect amount of pain and sends me
climbing once more.

I don't know if my body can take another orgasm. I feel
so sensitive, so spent. And yet, the pleasure still continues to
build inside of me. I imagined many things when I thought about Dax.
Imagined what he would feel like, what this would be like. Never in
my wildest dreams did I envision this.

Usually men are so gentle with me. Afraid to make a
mistake. I think a lot of them hope that if they make a good enough
impression, treat me like a real lady, maybe they will be the one
that I change my rules for. What no one ever realizes is this is what
I need. A man. A real man to take me hard and rough, without apology.

Why can't every man
fuck the way Dax does? It's not emotional. There's no intimacy. He is
And I have never experienced anything like this in my entire life. My
third orgasm builds to the surface, and as it rips through me so
intense it's just as painful as it is pleasurable, I know Dax is at
his breaking point. His entire body goes rigid behind me and within
seconds he lets out a deep groan, pumping his erection in and out
until he has drained ever ounce of pleasure he can get before
collapsing down on top of me.

His breath is hot against my skin, his heart beating
rapidly against my back. We both struggle to level out our breathing
as the last of the pleasure passes.

was better than I imagined.” He smiles into my shoulder blade
before pulling out of me and pushing into a stand, crossing the room
to discard his condom in a nearby trashcan.

aim to please.” I joke, finding it difficult to stand because
of how weak my body feels. My legs are wobbly and feel like they are
made of jello.

please you definitely did.” He reappears in front of me,
pulling me into his chest. The action feels too good, too right and
immediately sends a panic seething through me. Sex I can do, intimacy
not so much.

should go.” I say abruptly, backing out of his embrace and
reaching down to retrieve my dress from the floor.

He sounds surprised. I hear the rustle of material and turn just in
time to see him stepping into his boxers before crossing the room.

I am pulling my dress straps back onto my shoulders when
he flips on a small lamp on the bedside table. I squint into the
brightness, my eyes having trouble adjusting to the light. Turning, I
find him staring at me curiously from his spot next to the bed.

try to force myself not to look at his body. That incredible body
that at the moment, is covered only by a tight pair of black boxer
briefs. I dart my eyes back up to his face but there is not one piece
of him that isn't jaw dropping sexy and at the moment, I need him to
so fucking irresistible. Truth is, I just need to get the hell out of

late. I have some things to take care of first thing in the morning.”
I immediately start making excuses even though I know it's a lie.
“This was fun.” I smile at him, my stomach twisting when
he takes a couple of steps towards me.

was.” He agrees. “Let me get dressed and I will drive you
home.” He says, reaching down to retrieve his shirt from the
floor. I try not to look at his body again. I try not to get
distracted by his incredible build or those sexy as hell tattoos but
it's no use. I'm distracted.

Shaking my head, I swipe my hand through the air. “No
need. I will call a cab.” I say, finding my shoes and then
walking out into the open living space of the room to find my coat.

Dax's stern voice sounds from behind me. “Let me take you
home.” He says, stepping up next to me, my coat already in his
hands. Reaching out, I take it from him and quickly slip it on,
trying my best not to look up at his handsome face or those
breathtaking eyes.

do I feel like this? Why do I feel like if I look at him too long, I
won't be able to walk away? This has been the least intimate sexual
encounter I have had in a very long time and yet, I
than I have ever felt.

It's just his looks. I try to rationalize with myself.
The way he smells. It's that I have waited for this night for weeks.
That's all. I am just all over the place tonight and need to get away
from here.

not necessary.” I say, barely meeting his gaze. “Thank
you for tonight.” Resting my hand on his forearm, I push up on
my tiptoes to lay a soft kiss to his cheek. “Something I won't
soon forget.” I wink, quickly turning and exiting into the
hallway, leaving him standing in the middle of the living room, half
naked, and more than a little confused.

I'm sure he thinks he did something wrong. I wish he
had. The real problem is, he did everything right.......



My phone springs to life on my nightstand pulling me
from my light sleep. It vibrates and dances across the dark wood for
several seconds before going silent again. I'm too tired to deal with
whoever is trying to reach me.

Rolling onto my side, it immediately comes to life
again. “Fuck me.” I groan out, pushing up far enough to
pull the device off of its charger before collapsing back down onto
the mattress.

Dax.” I
answer, seeing Bentley's name flash across the screen.

Where have you
been?” He sighs into the phone. “I was beginning to think
I was going to have to send out a search party for you.”

What? Why?”
I ask, confused by his statement.

You missed
dinner.” He says, causing me to look over at the clock on the
bedside table. Just after nine at night. I was supposed to meet him
and Shira for dinner and drinks a couple of hours ago. “I tried
to call you a few times.” He tacks on.

Fuck man. I
totally forgot.” I drape my arm across my forehead. “I
signed the lease on my new apartment today and then hit happy hour a
little too early this afternoon.” I admit, still trying to wake
up completely. “Came back to the room and crashed out.”

good?” He asks.

Yeah, yeah.
Everything is fine. Listen, I'm sorry about dinner. Can we reschedule
for tomorrow?” I ask, cursing at myself for being so

Truth is, I haven't slept for shit the last three days
and my mind has been somewhat preoccupied. I can't get Lo out of my
head. How cold and distant she seemed when she rushed out of my hotel
room Saturday night. The sex was incredible. I know it was for her
too. That wasn't the problem. I just wish I knew what I did.

Can't. I
promised the wife I would go with her to her dance recital tomorrow
night.” He says.

Wow. Bentley
Reed. Going to a dance recital. Never thought I'd see the day.”
I laugh, running my hand through my hair as I stare up at the

choreographed the dance and it's her first recital since her mom
Patty passed away. It's kind of a big deal for her.” He says,
clearly not finding humor in my reaction.

No, I know.”
I say, instantly feeling like the worlds biggest asshole. “Sorry
I missed tonight.” I tack on.

No worries man.
Listen, a few of us are meeting up at
for dinner and drinks. You should come. Derek is the head chef there
and I'm sure he would like to see you. It's only been what, like five
years?” He laughs, referring to one of our college buddies that
I haven't seen since I moved to Philly.

Close yeah.”
I say. “What time?” I ask, knowing I have nothing better
to do.

Seven o'clock.”

Alright sounds
good. I will see you then.” I say, waiting for his
acknowledgment before clicking off the phone and tossing it back down
onto the night stand.



I knew it. You
totally slept with him.” Anna whispers excitedly from her place
beside me at the dinner table. I knew when I agreed to join her and a
few others for dinner and drinks, that she would want to know what
happened Saturday.

Don't act so
surprised. It was pretty much a done deal before we even left the
reception.” I laugh.

So..... Tell me
everything.” She bounces in the seat next to me. “Was it
as good as you hoped?” She asks.

Would you be
quiet?” I laugh, shaking my head at her as I look around the
table. Not that I care if Bentley or Shira know but I would prefer to
keep it from others that work at the club. Specifically Malcolm and
Chelle. While I may like to know other people's business, it doesn't
mean I want people to know mine.

Malcolm is new to
management at
Chelle used to be one of the dancers but has since moved to tending
bar. I guess since her and Malcolm are getting married soon, she
didn't feel it was appropriate to continue to dance so Bentley agreed
to give her Malcolm's old job.

one is even paying attention to us.” She nudges my shoulder,
pulling my attention back to her. “Come on.” She whines.
“I'm fat and married now. The least you can do is let me in on
your exciting sexcapades.” She laughs when I turn wide eyes on
her. “What?” She asks innocently.

ridiculous.” I laugh. “And for your information, it was
better than I imagined..... So much better.” I say, giving her
everything she needs to know.

I knew it.” She squeals under her breath. “You can tell
just by looking at him that he could probably fuck a girl from here
to Sunday.” She laughs at her own phrasing.

have no idea.” I sigh. “Honestly Anna. I just....”
I start, but then immediately freeze when out of the corner of my eye
I catch someone approaching our table. I don't even have to look all
the way up to know it's him.

he is.” I hear Bentley say just as I turn in his direction. The
moment my eyes land on his face, my stomach twists violently and I
can feel the heat flush to my cheeks. What the hell is he doing here?
He doesn't look in my direction as he takes the seat between Bentley
and Shira, reaching across the table to shake Malcolm's hand.

you know he was coming?” I turn towards Anna, trying to keep my
whisper where only she can hear.

mentioned it but I didn't know for sure. Why? Is everything okay?”
She asks, clearly not missing my panicked reaction.

fine.” I brush it off, trying to act unphased by Dax's
unexpected appearance. “I need to run to the ladies for a
moment.” I say, excusing myself from the table without looking
in his direction again.

The minute I duck inside the lavish bathrooms, I lean
against the sink and try to pull myself together. I knew I would see
him again. Hell, tomorrow he is technically my boss and I will see
him nearly everyday. I need to snap out of this and get over whatever
my malfunction is.

up at my refection, I straighten my black wrap dress and push my long
waves away from my face. My cheeks are a little flushed but other
than that, you would never know there is a battle raging deep inside
of me. A war that I have been fighting for years, but one that I
never thought I would have to come face to face with again...

BOOK: Taming Lo: A You and I Novel
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