Taming Lo: A You and I Novel (3 page)

BOOK: Taming Lo: A You and I Novel
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I'd be stupid to think that the same couldn't happen to
me. Can he even do just one night? Can he accept that it will never
happen again? What if he wants more? What if he doesn't want anything
at all? I am so preoccupied with my inner battle, that I find myself
blanking for most of the ceremony.

I am so relieved when Bentley finally pulls Anna into
his arms and lays a passionate kiss on her lips, that the moment they
take off down the aisle, I practically run behind them, desperate to
get out of this room and clear my head for a moment. I just need to
get out of the heat of his stare and then maybe, just maybe, I can
think straight again.


bastard.” I hear his deep voice radiate behind me, followed by
the skid of the chair legs as he pulls out the seat next to me and
plops down, leaning forward to rest his elbows against the table.

sorry?” I question, turning my face to look at him, regretting
it the moment I do. His hazel eyes stand out brightly against his
handsome face and it takes everything I have to hold my mouth closed
and not gape at how attractive he is.

He gives me a lopsided grin and tilts his head to where Bentley and
Anna are dancing.

considering he landed a girl like Anna, I don't know that
be the appropriate term to use.” I take a sip of my wine before
setting my glass down on the table.

not about Anna love.” He smiles, revealing a mouth full of
perfectly straight white teeth. My god, is there nothing about this
man that isn't perfect?

I picked this spot because it sits at the back of the
room, several feet from the dance floor. I was hoping I could hide
out back here long enough to avoid any kind of interaction with him.
I want him. I know myself well enough to know that if I want any
chance of making it out of this night without sleeping with him, I
need to stay away from him. But alas, my plan has been foiled.

much on marriage I gather?” I turn my head to face him as I
lean back in my chair. Crossing my arms in front of my chest, I do my
best to just keep my shit together.

could say that.” He shrugs, mirroring my action as he leans
back in his own chair and turns his face towards me.

I agree with you. But for them, I think it'll work.” I say, not
able to contain my smile when I look out just in time to see Bentley
whisper something to Anna, her head falling back on a laugh the
moment he pulls away. They look so incredibly happy that for a
moment, even I am envious, and I have no desire to find someone and
settle down. Not now, not ever.

He shakes his head slowly as a smile pulls up the corners of his
mouth. “We haven't been formally introduced.” His smile
widens. “Dax Riley.” He says, holding his hand out to me.

Hannock. But everyone calls me Lo.” I say, taking his hand and
giving it a light shake before pulling away.

He lets the word roll off his tongue. “I like it.” He
relaxes back in his seat again, his eyes not leaving my face for even
a second.

I ask, trying to fight down the weird nervousness that this man stirs
deep in the pit of my stomach.

I don't get nervous. I don't pine after men. And I
certainly do not battle with whether or not I will or will not sleep
with one. If I want to, I do. If I don't, I won't. It's that simple.
But with him.... I just can't explain it. I don't know, he just
throws me off my game.

are extremely beautiful.” He says, his eyes taking in every
inch of my face.

a man who has seen me practically naked, that's the best you got?”
I shake my head slowly back and forth at him playfully.

you have preferred,
have not been able to stop thinking about you since I saw you almost
He smiles, seeing how my body stiffens at his words.

But I hate to tell you, you're wasting your time. I am not a fancy
lines kind of girl.” I laugh, when he cocks his head to the
side and really looks at me, his eyes remaining playful.

Well then, what kind of girl are you?” He asks, his tongue
sliding slowly across his bottom lip, immediately distracting me. I
wish I could say that this man has no effect on me whatsoever but the
truth is, it is taking everything I have not to let on just how much
he actually does.

you have been watching me all night, why don't you tell me.” I

says I have been watching you all night?” He fakes innocence.

you denying it?” I challenge, having caught his eyes on me on
more than one occasion throughout the evening.

I didn't say that.” He laughs. “But that is besides the
point. So tell me Lo, what kind of girl are you?”

kind you wouldn't be able to handle.” I promise, loving the way
his eyes darken at my words.

wouldn't count on that.” He lets out a deep laugh.

would.” I can't contain my smile when he laughs harder, his
smile stretching across his entire face.

get out of here.” He laughs again when he sees the look of
instant surprise that crosses my face.

I ask, not sure what else to say and needing to stall for a moment to
gather my bearings.

of your maid of honor duties have been fulfilled. I doubt the bride
and groom will even stay for that much longer. Come on, I'll buy you
a drink.” He pushes out of his seat and extends his hand to me.

to his hand and then back to his face, I hesitate, knowing if I leave
with him that I am sealing my fate. “Pretty sure they have
I say, scrunching my forehead as I look up at his playful expression.

do, but it's the atmosphere that leaves a bit to be desired, wouldn't
you agree?” One side of his mouth pulls up in a knowing smirk.

Letting out a loud sigh, I shake my head and look back
to his still outstretched hand. Finally taking it, I allow him to
pull me to my feet before responding. “One drink.” I
agree. “Nothing more.”

see.” He chuckles lightly as he steps away from the table and
pulls me alongside him. His hand falls to the small of my back as he
leads me to the corner of the dance floor where Bentley and Anna are
talking to an older couple that I don’t' recognize.

The moment we approach, Bentley turns towards Dax and
extends his hand, giving it a shake. “Thanks for coming man.”
He smiles. Bentley Reed has to be one of the sexiest men I have ever
seen. When he smiles, revealing two perfect dimples, even I melt a
little. And for the record, I don't melt. Anna really is one lucky

have missed it.” Dax replies, dropping his hand and leaning in
to lay a light kiss on Anna's cheek. “Anna, you look as lovely
as ever.” He smiles, really laying on the charm.

are you two off to?” Anna asks, clearly picking up on the fact
that we came over to say our goodbyes. She flicks her eyes between me
and Dax before settling a knowing look on me.

are just gonna grab a quick drink.” I quickly respond, knowing
that Anna knows me too well to know that this night will end with
just a drink.

huh.” Her smile stretches across her beautiful face. “Well,
you two have fun.” She laughs lightly and throws me a discreet
wink before dragging her husband back out onto the dance floor.

we will.” Dax says low enough that only I can hear him.
Throwing him a playful dirty look over my shoulder, I quickly spin
and walk away, knowing full well that he is just steps behind me the
entire walk across the ballroom and out into the hallway.

your rush?” He laughs behind me, causing me to spin around to
face him.

get a few things clear Mr. Riley.” I snap, growing increasingly
frustrated with myself and the unexpected way being around Dax makes
me feel. “I agreed to have a drink with you. That's it.”

do I get the feeling you are trying to convince yourself of this and
not me?” He questions, his hazel eyes sparkling with a

up for a second.” I shake my head at him. “I'm serious.
You are technically my boss.” I start, but he immediately cuts
me off.

yet actually.” He laughs, taking a commanding step towards me.

But you will be.” I continue.

asked you to have a drink with me Lo, not marry me. I don't think it
requires you to lay out any ground rules or anything. I don't bite.”
He laughs, holding his hands up in front of himself. “Promise.”

why don't I believe that?” I narrow my eyes at him.

you always this difficult?” He asks, taking another step
towards me, leaving him standing directly in front of me.

no.” I laugh, thinking over his statement. “You make me
nervous.” I admit, regretting saying it the moment it leaves my

I have a confession.” He says, leaning in so close that our
noses almost touch. “You make me nervous too.” He
whispers, causing my breath to hitch and my stomach to twist tightly.

For a moment I think he's going to kiss me and I hold my
breath, not sure if I want him to or not. But then he smiles a
knowing smile and pulls back on a light laugh. “Now. How about
that drink?”



Something about watching Lo shift nervously in the
passenger seat of my truck has my body wired so tightly, I feel like
I might explode at any moment.

You okay?”
I ask, not able to control my smile as I flip my eyes between her and
the road. I like that I make her nervous. It means that she wants me.

She gets out weakly, before seeming to find her voice. “I
didn't have you pegged as a truck guy.” She smiles
apologetically, her forehead scrunching together in the most adorable
way as she looks around the cab of my new black Dodge Ram.

You don't like
trucks?” I ask.

No. I mean,
yes, I do like trucks. I just didn't picture you as a truck kind of
guy. I had you pegged more for a muscle car guy.” She says, her
stare hot on the side of my face.

So you've
thought about what I would drive? Wow, you really are obsessed with
me.” I joke, loving the way her eyes widen when my gaze darts
towards her for a brief moment.

Shut up.”
She rolls her eyes at me and then turns her face to the passenger
window, the city of Chicago passing by through the dark tinted glass.

Slowing to a near
stop, I pull off of the road and into a small hotel parking lot. Lo
shifts inward and looks up at the hotel directly in front of us but
doesn't say a word.
the truck in park, I power off the engine before turning to see her
twisting the ends of her blonde hair around her finger.

My mind instantly flips to the image of me taking her
hard, a handful of those beautiful waves tangled tightly in my fist.
Shaking my head, I clear my throat and push open the drivers side
door, sliding out into the cold winter air.

thought you were taking me for a drink.” She says, climbing out
of the truck and shutting the door just as I reach the passenger

am.” I laugh. “I'm staying here until I find a place more
permanent.” I respond. “Being bounced between
Philadelphia and Seattle gave me very time to apartment hunt. There's
a nice little bar inside.”

BOOK: Taming Lo: A You and I Novel
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