Read Snowed In Online

Authors: Rhianne Aile and Madeleine Urban

Snowed In (3 page)

BOOK: Snowed In
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Licking his lips, Kasey sucked in a breath and nodded, then he deliberately wiggled, rubbing his ass back against the hardness he could feel pressing against him. “I guess there’s no question that you’re interested in me,” Kasey said, ad-libbing more conversation for the book although he felt it was true for them anyway.

Mitch thought hard about how to respond. If it had been just them, different circumstances… But it wasn’t. There was an element of play-acting going on and the odd truth or dare situation to take into account. “You’re an incredibly sexy man. Your body feels incredible under my hands,
you’re my best friend. I’d have to be dead not to react.” If it had been a normal seduction, Mitch would have just moved forward, taking his cues from Kasey’s body and reactions, but he felt the need to ask permission at every juncture, and it bothered him – ruined the flow of the moment. “Tell me if you want me to stop,” he said. He started kneading Kasey’s shoulders again, rocking his body against Kasey’s ass in time with the strokes of his massage.

Groaning, Kasey’s eyes practically rolled back into his head. The dual sensations were making him even harder, and it was almost uncomfortable to lie on his cock. “I don’t want you to stop,” he admitted hoarsely. After a beat, he continued, voice lower. “You’re turning me on like crazy.”

Warren’s eyes rounded as he heard Kasey, and he leaned forward, nervously licking his bottom lip. Mitch was bronzed and lightly muscled, looking very appealing in the firelight, and Kasey was long and lean and his lips.... Warren remembered their kiss and his cock twitched. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out but a clipped whimpering noise.

Mitch groaned, pushing harder against Kasey’s body, planting his hands on either side of Kasey’s head and placing kisses across his neck and up behind his ears. Kasey’s head tipped to the side, and Mitch sucked strongly on the stretched tendons. “Fuck, Kasey,” Mitch panted, his desire escalating rapidly with Kasey’s willingness. Lifting the weight of his body to his hands and knees, he stayed bridged over the brunet’s body. “Turn over for me,” he asked.

Shuddering as he heard his own name in Mitch’s rasp, Kasey turned smoothly and looked up to his friend, taking in the hunger that was clear in his eyes. “Kiss me again,” he murmured, reaching to frame the other man’s face with both hands.

Shifting to perch on the edge of the couch to try to relieve the pressure in his groin, Warren swallowed hard, recognizing that he wasn’t nearly as drunk as he had been... and that he was more aroused than ever. These men, his best friends, having sex. No, he corrected himself, tilting his head as he watched. It was more than that, somehow, and he felt left out. He swallowed the last of the brandy in his glass convulsively.

Mitch complied with Kasey’s demand readily, sucking and biting at his lips and teasing his tongue until he lured it back into his mouth. The new position brought their groins into intimate contact, and Mitch felt for the first time exactly how excited Kasey was. Feeling Kasey’s hard shaft pressed next to his added fuel to his own flame, sending it out of control. Sliding a knee between Kasey’s thighs, he pressed down, separating his legs and applying pressure to his cock.

“Oh Christ,” Kasey gasped, his hands sliding to grasp Mitch’s hips. “Don’t stop.”

Kasey’s cries went straight to Mitch’s cock, causing a surge of electricity that made him grind down even harder, his body coming to rest completely between Kasey’s thighs. Without breaking the kiss, Mitch worked a hand between their bodies, rubbing the hard outline of Kasey’s cock with his hand. “God, I want to feel you.”

Breathing just as hard as the men on the floor, Warren’s hand strayed to his groin, where he felt hard to the point of bursting – and he’d not even been touched. Kasey’s obvious pleasure in letting Mitch touch him astounded Warren; he hadn’t ever even imagined giving control over during sex to a woman, much less a man. He pressed his palm down hard, trying to alleviate the problem.

Eyes wide and face flushed with desire, Kasey nodded quickly, cramming his own hand between them to unfasten his jeans. To hell with being nervous. This felt better than he could ever have imagined. He was so fucking turned on. “Yeah, touch me,” he rasped, pulling down the zipper.

Mitch’s hand followed Kasey’s, pushing past the silky boxers to the even silkier flesh. Circling the hard shaft, he stroked from base to head, swirling the pad of his thumb through the thick fluid leaking from the tip. Sitting back on his heels to pull Kasey’s jeans lower, he raised his hand, holding Kasey’s eyes and licking the liquid from his thumb. “You taste good.”

Kasey groaned, his eyes rolling back in his head. “Shit, Mitch,” he whispered. A gasp from the couch drew Mitch’s eyes. Warren was perched so close to the edge of the couch that Mitch was worried he was going to fall to the floor at any minute. His hands were closed around his glass so hard that his knuckles were white.

Meeting Warren’s green eyes, much as he had Kasey’s moments before, Mitch beckoned the other man closer. “Come kiss me, Warren,” he said. “I want to taste you.”

Warren shifted, uncertain of what to do next. His body had started to move as soon as Mitch called to him, but....

“Just a kiss, Warren,” Mitch coaxed. “Come sit here on the table so I can reach your lips.”

Just a kiss, how bad could that be? They’d already shared a kiss. Warren scooted from the couch to the corner of the low table, leaning towards Mitch.

Trying to catch his breath, Kasey watched Warren move over cautiously. Remembering the hell of a kiss Warren had given him, Kasey breathed, “I want a kiss too.”

Both Warren’s eyebrows rose as he settled close to Mitch, glancing to Kasey all sprawled out on the quilt. “Don’t think I’ve ever been in such demand,” he tried to joke.

“I think you’re going to have to get used to it,” Mitch rasped. “Me first.” Continuing to stroke Kasey at a maddeningly leisurely pace, he used his free hand to hook Warren’s neck and pull him close for a kiss. His hips continue to rock into the juncture of Kasey’s thighs, his own cock seeking friction.

Warren melted into the kiss, the firm touch of Mitch’s lips already feeling familiar. With his eyes closed he could almost forget that Kasey lay sprawled half-naked, only inches away. Almost.

Kasey whimpered as Mitch made small circles over the smooth head of his cock, his thumb sliding easily in the slick liquid. The noise captured Mitch’s attention, and he released Warren’s lips with a lingering pull on his bottom lip. “Kiss Kasey,” he directed, thinking he had a different place he wanted to kiss the wanton beauty stretched out under him.

Warren looked from Mitch to Kasey. Sliding to his knees, he leaned over Kasey, staring at his face, flushed lips wet and parted, eyes bright and dilated almost midnight blue. Fuck, Kasey aroused was an undeniable turn-on. Before he could join their lips, Kasey’s eyes closed and his back arched up off the quilt. Looking down at Mitch, Warren saw his friend’s lips sealed around Kasey’s cock, cheeks hollowed and nose buried deep in the bed of dark curls at the base. “Fuck me sideways! I didn’t think that was possible,” Warren exclaimed before he could bite back the words, amazed that Kasey’s entire cock was engulfed in Mitch’s mouth.

Mitch pulled up slowly, letting the head of Kasey’s cock to slip from his mouth with a wet ‘pop.’ Grinning, he licked a circle around the purpled cap. “Oh, I assure you it is very much possible,” he said with a smirk.

“And feels fucking awesome,” Kasey croaked, his hand landing in Mitch’s hair, trying to encourage him to resume his attentions.

“I’d be happy to show you,” Mitch offered, eyes focused on the other man in that way that made Warren squirm from the sheer erotic intensity of the look. “Or show you how to do it.” He licked at Kasey like an ice cream cone, eyes still locked with Warren’s.

Warren’s mouth opened and closed like a fish, the sight of Mitch licking Kasey like that making his own cock sit up and howl. He had almost started to answer when Kasey spoke up. “Hey, man in serious case of arousal here! Warren, I want my kiss,” he whined, lifting his hips to press himself further into Mitch’s mouth.

Looking between the two, Warren swallowed hard and knelt next to Kasey, deciding it would be best not to watch what Mitch was doing if he hoped to keep himself in his pants, because he wasn’t quite ready to admit he wanted to be out of them. He reached with a shaking hand to brush dark hair away from Kasey’s sparkling eyes before leaning to rub their lips together carefully, tentatively opening his mouth to lick along Kasey’s lower lip.

Mitch fluttered his tongue in fast percussion against the tender V just under the head of Kasey’s cock. His hand fisting the stiff length rapidly, his mouth moved up to capture a flat brown nipple, sucking and tugging at it with his teeth. Nudging Warren, he suggested, “Kiss him here.”

Kasey whined as Warren pulled away, but then Mitch’s words registered and that whine turned into a groan. “You’re driving me fucking wild, Mitch,” he rasped.

Looking at Kasey’s delectable chest, Warren reached out and slowly drew a finger from his throat to his belly. “Can... may I?” he tried to ask before losing his nerve.

“Yes, Christ, Warren, please!” Kasey exclaimed, reaching to take the other man’s hand and holding it against his chest. “If you wanna touch, you go right ahead,” he added, wondering if the want in his eyes would register with Warren.

Mitch chuckled silently at the scene playing out between his friends – his two
friends. Before returning to his task, he pulled off Kasey’s socks and slid the jeans and boxers the rest of the way down the long, muscular legs. Mitch knew that Kasey ran and played basketball to keep in shape, but damn. His thighs were rock hard under the light sprinkling of hair. Spreading the long legs wider, he crawled towards Kasey’s body, licking his way up the bare inner thighs, running his tongue over the cut muscles, making them twitch. Before touching Kasey’s cock, he gently rolled the soft balls, lifting and sucking them, his fingers exploring the sensitive skin even lower.

Kasey tensed as Mitch’s fingers brushed near sensitive territory. Feeling the withdrawal, Mitch moved his hands back to Kasey’s thighs, stroking soothingly. “Shhhh... That’s not where we’re going. There are plenty of ways to make each other feel good.”

“No, you just surprised me, Mitch,” Kasey answered as he lifted his chest into Warren’s hand, his own still lightly covering the other man’s. “Go ahead. It’s not new. Well, from a man, it is,” he added, looking down at Mitch with heated eyes. “If you want to, I mean,” he added.

Warren paused in his tentative attentions to look down toward Mitch, inhaling sharply as he saw Kasey’s stiff erection and where Mitch’s mouth was. Kasey had to pull gently on his hand to break his stare. “It’s great, Warren,” Kasey whispered. “Don’t worry,” he tried to reassure him. “I’ve had a woman touch me there before.”

“And I promised. Nothing either of you don’t want. You trust me, don’t you, Warren?” Mitch asked.

Looking at his friend who knelt between Kasey’s legs, Warren blinked in confusion. He’d known Mitch for more than five years. “Of course I trust you,” he said clearly.

Mitch smiled. He knew how much it had taken for Warren to say that in the present circumstances. “Then let’s see if we can drive Kasey a little more crazy, shall we?” he invited with a mischievous glint in his eye.

Blinking in pleasant surprise, Warren actually relaxed and smiled, looking down at Kasey, who was looking particularly appealing. “That okay with you, Kasey?” he asked, wanting there to be no confusion whatsoever.

“Hell, yes, it’s okay with me!” Kasey practically yelped as Mitch licked him again.

Mitch wished in passing for some lube, but having packed to spend a weekend with his two straight friends, it had never occurred to him. The guy they were renting from was a gay friend of his, so there was a good chance he could scare some up; however, now was not the time to go searching through cabinets. Wetting his finger, he played with Kasey’s opening, probing the tight furl and slipping just inside as he sucked strongly on his cock, pulling it deeper and deeper into his throat. Having established a pleasing rhythm, he hummed, using the momentary distraction to slip his finger completely inside Kasey’s body. On an upstroke, he tossed out “Watch this” to Warren and curled his finger, stroking directly over Kasey’s prostate.

Kasey had been moaning quietly, enjoying Warren’s hand stroking over his chest and craving more of Mitch’s touch, when suddenly every nerve seemed to explode. His eyes flew open, and an incredulous yell tore out of him. “Holy shit!” he nearly shrieked.

Shocked, Warren jerked back, looking at Mitch to see what the hell he’d done. “What?”

Mitch didn’t want to stop what he was doing, but could tell Warren was afraid he’d hurt Kasey. Lifting his mouth long enough to make a request, he asked, “Kasey, tell Warren I’m not killing you. Well, maybe just a little.” He winked, stroking the spot again as his wet lips sank down Kasey’s shaft again. He knew that he’d just told Kasey to talk, but he was probably making it impossible for him to do that. He hummed happily.

“Sweet Jesus, Mitch!” Kasey yelped as he clutched at Warren’s hand. “Oh, he’s killing me all right, killing me so damn good,” he said, writhing under Mitch’s hands. “Shit... Warren... please, I want that kiss. I’m not going to last much longer.”

Mitch doubled his pace, finger-fucking Kasey’s hole while he attempted to suck his cock through a straw. His free hand rested on Kasey’s thigh, which was trembling uncontrollably. He rolled his eyes up to watch as Kasey and Warren’s lips came together.

Shuddering under Mitch’s sucking and Warren’s kissing, Kasey’s body snapped to attention and he knew he couldn’t hold back. He broke the kiss, gasping. “Mitch, Mitch....” he cried, desperately trying to warn the other man.

Warren sat up, looking at Kasey openly, almost hungrily, settling his hand on the heaving chest and dragging it down to his belly and waist, stopping just short of Mitch’s head. He was amazed by Kasey’s responsiveness. Amazed that he had a part in evoking it. Amazed that he wanted to feel the same.

BOOK: Snowed In
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