Read Snowed In Online

Authors: Rhianne Aile and Madeleine Urban

Snowed In (2 page)

BOOK: Snowed In
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Tilting his head, Warren studied Mitch for a moment. “Truth or dare, Mitch?” he asked.

“Why not? Dare me, Warren,” Mitch challenged.

Warren’s face stilled, and he looked nonplussed for a moment. Then he glanced to Kasey, who was grinning at his discomfort, and got a crafty look in his eyes. “I dare you to kiss Kasey. To
kiss him.”

Mitch stood up and walked over to Kasey, bracing his hands on the arms of the brunet’s chair. Eyeing Mitch’s lips, Kasey took a quick swallow of brandy and set his glass down, looking up and nodding his permission. Mitch butted their foreheads together gently to break the tension. “Just friends, right?” Waiting for Kasey’s slight nod and smile, he tilted his head, bringing their mouths together with light exploratory brushes. He could feel Warren’s eyes burning into his back and caught a blur of movement as the Warren shifted to get a better angle. Closing his eyes, he sank into the feeling of kissing Kasey, the soft, smooth lips surrounded by the day-old growth of beard. That was what he liked best about men. The contradictions.

Drawing a slightly shaky breath, Kasey closed his eyes as Mitch’s lips lightly brushed his, and he was surprised, though he knew he shouldn’t have been, that his insides warmed up so quickly. He’d always liked experimenting. Then the kiss deepened and without thinking he opened his mouth, letting Mitch kiss him as he pleased.

Hesitating at the unexpected invitation, Mitch moved a hand up behind Kasey’s head, threading his fingers into the soft, dark hair, pulling him closer. Mitch slipped his tongue between the parted lips. Kasey tasted of coffee and brandy, and Mitch drank both greedily from his mouth. He was snapped out of the moment by a low moan that didn’t come from either him or Kasey. Separating their lips reluctantly, he looked over his shoulder at Warren.

Warren knew his eyes were wide, and he felt almost... jealous? Kasey had practically melted into Mitch’s kiss and it was obvious they both enjoyed it. He swallowed hard and focused on
not shifting, not shifting, not shifting!
on the couch, which would reveal he had started to get a hard-on. The fact that Kasey sighed regretfully as Mitch pulled away just made it all the more strange. Warren lifted his glass and took a hefty swallow.

Kasey stared at Mitch thoughtfully as the other man pulled away and then smiled and lifted his glass. “Cheers,” he husked before taking a swallow.

Mitch returned the salute. “My turn, I think. Kasey, truth or dare?”

Kasey considered for a moment, his tongue darting out to lick his bottom lip. “Dare,” he answered.

Unable to resist, Mitch’s eyes darted from Kasey to Warren. “What goes around comes around. Kasey, I dare you to kiss Warren. To
kiss him,” he mimicked.

This time it was Warren who took a drink right away before he looked at Kasey, blinking owlishly.

“Nothing you don’t want,” Mitch reminded Warren quietly.

Kasey stood up and moved to sit on the arm of the couch next to Warren. “It’s painless,” he teased gently. “Trust me?” he asked as he slid his fingers along Warren’s cheek. The blond man nodded, watching intently as Kasey leaned over to kiss him oh-so-lightly, their lips barely touching, and for a moment Warren felt cheated. But then Kasey’s lips pressed fully against his and he forgot thinking altogether as his head started to spin.

Almost afraid when Warren was like stone as their lips first touched, Kasey fell into the kiss as Warren went soft and warm, and he groaned quietly and leaned closer, sliding a hand into Warren’s hair, opening his mouth and lightly tracing the nearby lips with his tongue. But what really thrilled him was how after a moment, Warren shuddered, his lips parted and went pliable, and he started to kiss Kasey back. The younger man moaned against Warren’s mouth, and the blond raised his hand to cup it over the back of Kasey’s neck, holding him close as the kiss continued. It was Kasey who finally pulled back, bluish eyes large and dilated as he drew a deep breath while he tried to focus on Warren’s gaze.

Mitch raised his glass to his lips and drank deeply. “Your turn, Kasey,” he prompted, breaking the spell between his two friends.

Kasey turned his chin toward Mitch, but his eyes were slow to follow as he was still watching Warren. “Truth or dare, Mitch?” he asked.

Settling back against the cushions, he tried to read Kasey’s eyes. “Dare.” He had started this after all. It seemed only fair that he play along.

Eyes glowing, Kasey answered, “I dare you to kiss Warren. To
kiss him.”

This time, Warren didn’t take an automatic drink. Instead, he looked at Mitch, waiting to see what he’d do. He was a little wild about the eyes, but his posture was still relaxed.

“Seems only fair, since you seemed to enjoy him so much.” Mitch got to his knees and crawled across the couch toward Warren. Just their positions on the couch made it seem more intimate, so Mitch was careful not touch his friend anywhere but the face. He stroked the slightly scruffy cheek, his thumb pulling over Warren’s bottom lip. “Do you want me to kiss you?” he asked, lips only inches away.

Warren’s lips parted slightly as he focused on the sensation of Mitch’s thumb, and he nodded, just barely. Not giving Warren a chance to change his mind or get nervous, Mitch claimed his mouth, not gently as he had with Kasey, but rather completely dominating. His tongue plunged deep, mapped every corner, claimed Warren’s tongue, and sucked it strongly back into his mouth. “Kiss me back,” Mitch rasped before resealing their lips.

Almost shaking under the onslaught, Warren moaned silently, then joined in the kiss, lips moving and tongue stroking. Mitch’s taste filled his mouth, mingling with the brandy, and Warren thought he might get even more drunk. Surely he must be sloshed to be enjoying this so much. And Kasey... Both of them.... Warren shivered, his hands settling on Mitch’s shoulders.

Rapt, Kasey watched as Mitch first kissed Warren possessively and then got Warren to go along with it. Swallowing, he knew he wouldn’t be choosing between the two of them, especially based on kisses. Although the idea chased through him: Why should he choose when he already had both?

Damn, Warren could kiss
, Mitch admitted silently. It was tempting to push forward, pressing Warren back into the couch and covering his body. Mitch’s libido was screaming for more contact than just their lips, but what he’d told Kasey was true. You couldn’t expect immediate passion from a man who’d been straight all his life. Lightening the kiss by stages, Mitch nibbled and pulled on the willing lips, moaning as Warren’s hand wound into his hair, holding him close. Tilting his head, he rubbed their cheeks together, nuzzling Warren’s neck. “You are one hell of a kisser,” he murmured, scooting back to his original position on the couch.

The other man opened dazed eyes and looked back and forth between Kasey and Mitch. “Thanks,” he acknowledged, meaning more than one thing, he knew. Somewhere inside, insulated by warmth, comfort with his friends, and brandy, Warren was fretting. He had enjoyed those kisses. Maybe too much?  He reached for his glass with a shaky hand.

“Your turn, Mitch,” Kasey prompted, sliding off the arm of the couch where he had perched and sitting on the floor at Warren’s feet, reaching for his own glass.

Mitch turned to Kasey. “Well, this is supposed to be about research, so let’s open up that book of yours. What do you have your characters doing the first night they are together?”

Kasey moved back to his chair, opening the original document. “Ah, basically they’re next to each other in front of the hearth, touching, with the goal of getting them both off by hand,” he answered, not noticing the color rise in Warren’s cheeks.

“Well then,” Mitch started, rubbing his hands together and pulling the quilt off the back of the couch and spreading it in front of the fire, “Kasey, truth or dare?”

Glancing to Warren and seeing discomfort surfacing again as he stared at the spread quilt, Kasey answered, “Ah, truth,” as he set the laptop aside and stood, planning on moving back to the couch.

Mitch stopped next to Kasey so close that their bodies were almost touching and looked up into the bright hazel eyes. “Do you want to lie down on the quilt with me?”

Kasey’s insides clenched as heat flared inside him. He was riveted; he had no idea Mitch could radiate such sensual magnetism. “Yeah,” he rasped, voice a little shaky.

If possible, Warren sank even further back into the couch, realizing that he was going to get to watch as his two best friends…. He swallowed, feeling his cock twitch inside his pants. He sucked in a breath, surprised by how much just the thought turned him on.

“Your turn, Kasey,” Mitch said, eyes never wavering.

Mesmerized and aroused both by the idea and by the man in front of him, Kasey screwed up his considerable courage. He was adventurous, after all. “Truth or dare, Mitch?” he whispered. He was oblivious to the intently watching Warren.

“Dare me.”

Kasey sucked in a breath and spoke: “Do the scene with me.”

Warren’s eyebrows were crawling up into his hairline but he held his tongue. And the arm of the couch, so he wouldn’t try to hold onto something else that was getting rather stiff.

Pulling his shirt over his head, Mitch sat down smoothly and stretched out on the quilt in nothing but his faded jeans. He extended a hand to Kasey. “Join me.”

Recognizing that Mitch was acting out his writing, Kasey swallowed and stepped forward to lightly clasp Mitch’s hand and sink down to the blanket, sitting next to his friend’s knees, feeling just as jittery as his long-time straight character. Their palms slid together lightly, just touching.

“You know that I’ve been attracted to you for a long time, but I never thought I’d have this chance. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. Just do what feels good. You say ‘stop’ at any point and I’ll stop.” Mitch was ad libbing the dialogue at this point, trying to show Kasey how the scene could go, as well as getting a chance to say some things that he’d held silent for a long time under the cover of acting. He rested his hand on Kasey’s shoulder, kneading at the tense muscles. “Why don’t you lie down and I’ll give you a massage?”

Wondering if his character would feel this warmth buzzing throughout his whole body, Kasey swallowed again, licked his lips, and then nodded, shifting to his knees to settle on his belly. Over on the couch, Warren watched silently, lightly biting his lower lip.

Mitch tugged at the hem of Kasey’s T-shirt. “Take this off. Can’t give a decent back rub with the fabric bunching up.” 

Kasey sat up again, glancing to Warren before he could stop himself. The other man had an inscrutable look on his face. Turning his attention back to Mitch – and Mitch’s already bared chest – Kasey pulled the sweater over his head and tossed it to the side, feeling awfully exposed next to the other man.

Blue and green eyes skimmed the length of Kasey’s body: smooth bare skin, muscled arms, and impossibly long legs hugged by almost threadbare denim. Mitch started at Kasey’s ankles, letting his hands map the area his eyes had just traveled. He kneaded the muscles of Kasey’s calves and thighs, making sure his fingers traveled around, scraping against the inner seam. He continued over the gentle swell of his ass, the firmness of the touch making it seem more clinical than groping. Mitch heard Warren shift and looked up, their eyes locking. Warren wasn’t quite there yet, but soon, hopefully, he’d be ready for an invitation to join them. One of Mitch’s favorite wet dreams….

Warren was absorbed by the scene in front of him, the brandy blurring the line between what he’d always accepted as true and the feelings he was experiencing now as he tried to figure out when Mitch and Kasey had gotten so damn good-looking. And Mitch’s hands on Kasey’s sleek body.... Warren shifted unconsciously as Kasey moaned.

“Relax,” Mitch hummed, leaning close to Kasey’s ear so that his voice would be felt as well as heard. It was also the perfect excuse to let his chest rub against Kasey’s back. Sitting back up, he swung a leg over Kasey’s body, straddling his thighs. “Leverage,” he explained when Kasey looked over his shoulder.

Sagging into the quilt, Kasey felt himself doing just that – relaxing under Mitch’s touch. Except one part of him that was staying half-hard. He let his eyes flutter shut and sighed happily. “You can keep that up,” he murmured. “Your hands are great.”

Mitch chuckled. “You have
idea.” Digging his fingers deep into the tight shoulder muscles, he pulled and squeezed until he felt them relaxing under his touch. He worked down the sides of Kasey’s spine and back up, letting his fingers curl around the broad shoulders and over Kasey’s clavicle to tease at the top of his pectoral muscles. He’d noticed before when they’d been shirtless at the company summer picnics what a gorgeous chest Kasey had, and it felt just as good as it looked. The man under him arched enticingly, granting him greater access and unintentionally pressing his ass back into Mitch’s quite obvious erection. Mitch froze and waited for Kasey’s reaction.

It took a long moment for Kasey to realize what he was pushing up against, and when he did, he felt a moment of shock, then embarrassment, then heat. He’d caused that? Mitch touching him had caused that? He swallowed as his own body responded, and he turned his head to the other side, pillowing his cheek on his hands, Warren now in his line of vision. Could Warren tell Mitch was aroused? Kasey shivered though he wasn’t at all cold.

Watching, his hand gripping his drink tightly, Warren wondered if he ought to get up and leave. Give them some privacy. Especially when Mitch’s movements became progressively slower and more enticing. He spared a thought for wishing he was in Kasey’s place, just for a moment, wondering what it was like. But the vision in front of him was too gorgeous to leave just yet. The brandy helped to quell his initial nervousness in dealing with anything about male parts and male parts. Mitch’s hands looked incredible on Kasey’s back.

Mitch felt Kasey tremble beneath him and squashed the desire to surge forward, forcefully rubbing his cock into the cleft of Kasey’s ass. His hand resumed their motion, sweeping in light arcs over his skin. Leaning forward, he brought his chest down to Kasey’s back, covering him like a blanket. Seeking reassurance, he whispered, “We okay?”

BOOK: Snowed In
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