Read Rock Stars Do It Dirty Online

Authors: Jasinda Wilder

Rock Stars Do It Dirty (5 page)

BOOK: Rock Stars Do It Dirty
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She lifted an eyebrow at him. “Really? You’re using
line on me?”

Chase laughed, and felt the pall of numbness receding. “It’s not a line, I swear. I don’t come here often, so I’m honestly wondering if you do.”

“Uh-huh. Sure. It’s a pick-up line if I’ve ever heard one, but I’ll take the bait.” She rubbed her wrist across her forehead and shook her head to toss her braid away so it dangled down her back.

Chase found himself wanting to wrap that braid around his fist and use it to hold her in place while he drove himself into her from behind; faint shock rippled through him at the ferocity of the sudden desire. He felt a smile curl his lips, a feral, seductive smile. He felt satisfaction at the way Tess reacted, nostrils flaring, breasts swelling as she dragged in a deep, steadying breath. Her fingers tightened into the leather of the heavy bag, and her eyes narrowed. Chase took a few steps toward Tess until he loomed over her, staring down into her eyes. She didn’t back up, but he could tell she wanted to. Instead, she seemed to swell in presence, meeting his gaze head-on, the corners of her mouth lifting in a smile as hungry and feral as Chase’s.

Without warning, she shoved the bag at him, hard, knocking him back. While he reeled, stumbling for balance, she snapped a kick at his stomach, which he didn’t quite block. He was knocked farther back, heaving in a breath. She didn’t relent, however, and closed in with him, curling in a pair of swift uppercuts to his ribs. She wasn’t trying to hurt him, he could tell, but she wasn’t holding back, either. Her eyes gleamed with adrenalized excitement, and even as she crushed her knee into his chest, her eyes betrayed her desire.

Chase slapped away a straight right punch with his wrist, then darted his own blow at her ribs, hard enough to let her know he wasn’t fooling around, but not enough to really hurt. He’d never sparred with a girl before, and it unnerved him. She was clearly skilled, more so than he was, Chase realized, but he still couldn’t bring himself to open up the way he would with Eric. Chase might not have had much good to say about his upbringing, but at least his old man had drilled into him a bone-deep respect for women, a refusal to ever strike a woman under any circumstances.

Tess was inviting him to come at her, though. She was dancing around him, having lured him into the ring, bouncing from one foot to the other, fists up, braid-end swaying in a serpentine rhythm. She was a tiny ball of energy, quick and fierce and wild. Chase snapped a kick at her, worried it was too hard. If he connected wrong, he could easily send her flying, injured. He need not have worried, though. She dodged it with ease, knocking his heel upward with a forearm and lunging in underneath it to crash into him with her body. She might have been small, but that body-blow had a huge amount of force behind it, her fae frame slamming into him hard enough to topple him backward. He landed on his back, winded once more, gasping for breath like a fish out of water.

He felt a weight settle on him, blinked hard to clear his vision. Tess was above him, on top of him, green eyes glinting merrily, barely breathing hard. Her knee was in his groin, a subtle warning that nonetheless managed to be an erotic promise.

“Yeah, I come here a lot,” she said, her face mere inches from his.

“I can tell,” Chase gasped.

He wrapped his fingers around her wrists next to his head, holding but not restraining. Tess tensed, eyes narrowed, chin lifting in defiance, her knee shoving ever-so-slightly harder into his crotch. Chase moved his hands up Tess’s arms slowly, non-threateningly, until he reached her shoulders. Tess was frozen now, eyes locked onto Chase’s, waiting for his next move. Chase held her gaze as he slid his palms down her spine, hesitating at the small of her back for a millisecond before continuing down to cup her ass. Tess’s eyes widened and her breath caught. Chase gripped the firm globes of her ass, kneading the flesh through the thin, skintight fabric of her knee-length yoga pants. Tess moved her hips—involuntarily, it seemed to Chase—so her ass worked deeper into his grip. Chase let his fingers spread apart, exploring the expanse of each cheek, then tracing the crease between them. Tess shivered above him, widening her knees and pushing her hips backward to open herself to him.

Chase felt his erection stiffening between their bodies, and Tess licked her lips and let her gaze flicker down to take in the bulge in his gym shorts. Without warning, Chase gripped Tess’s hips and flipped them over so he was on top, one hand pressing her hips to the floor, the other capturing her wrists and pinning them above her head. Tess writhed beneath him, bucked and kicked, but Chase had his knees between her thighs, preventing her from gaining leverage against him.

Lowering his lips to her ear, Chase whispered, “How about this: I’ll take you out to dinner, wherever you want, and then I’ll bring you back to my house.”

Tess bucked again, this time less to get free than to remind him she wasn’t going to go down without a fight. Then she said, “Sure. But what are we going to do at your house?” Her voice was low and sultry, breathy against his cheek.

Chase nipped her earlobe with his teeth. “Hmm. We could play euchre?”

Tess laughed, a seductive, rippling sound. “You need four for that.” She returned the bite, worrying at his ear with her teeth. “I don’t share.”

“Oh. Well. Hmmm.” Chase shifted his position so his rigid shaft brushed against her cotton-covered mound. He could smell her arousal, a dizzying musk. “I have an idea. How about I bend you over my bed and fuck you from behind until you’re screaming my name? I’ll wrap my fist around that sexy braid of yours and make you come a dozen times before I let you leave.”

Tess’s mouth opened in a breathless gasp of surprise. When she found her voice, it was shuddering and broken with desire. “Only a dozen?”

“Greedy? I can make it more, if you want. Maybe I’ll tie you up and see how many times I can make you come before you pass out?”

Tess writhed her hips into his, and he nearly forgot they were in a public gym—empty, by the sounds of it, but still a public place. He had to tense every muscle in his body to keep from ripping her pants off and taking her there on the mat of the sparring ring.

“How about I give you three hours to make me come as many times as you can? If you can give me more than four orgasms in three hours, I’ll do whatever you want, or let you do whatever you want to me, within the limits of safety and consensual agreement.”

Chase laughed. “Is this a bet?”

“Yep. I don’t think you can do it.”

Chase narrowed his eyes. “Doubting me already? We just met, honey. You have no idea what I’m capable of.”

“Oh, I’m not doubting
, I’m doubting
. I’ve never in my life orgasmed more than once in a row.”

Chase laughed, but this time it was a rumble of pleasure containing a promise. “Then you’ve been with all the wrong men, sweetheart.”

“Maybe I have,” she said. “But I guess we’ll see, won’t we?”

“I guess we will.”

They used the gym showers and dressed, then took Chase’s rental car to dinner at P.F. Chang’s in the Somerset Collection. They learned a bit about each other during their leisurely dinner. Tess was a flight attendant for Northwest Airlines, was currently single following what Chase gathered was a pretty bad breakup, although she glossed over it with a few curt phrases of dismissal. She was the youngest of three children, and the only girl, and her much-older brothers were both in law enforcement, so she’d learned young how to defend herself. For himself, Chase told her about his band’s recent success and left out any mention of Jamie or Anna, saying only that he’d been single for quite a while. Tess’s eyes narrowed when he said this.

“You know my brothers are both cops, right? I did mention that? You should realize they’ve taught me how to detect a liar, and how to cause intense physical pain to men who lie to me.”

Chase didn’t answer right away, dragging his last pea pod through the sauce on his place without looking at her. Finally, he met her eyes. “It’s a lie of omission. Let’s just say it was a complicated situation that I don’t want to talk about. If it’s something that needs to be told, eventually, then I’ll tell you.”

Tess nodded. “Eventually, hmm? I can live with that. As long as you’re not secretly married or something.” She finished her glass of red wine, then twisted the stem between her fingers. “Are you planning on there being an
between us?”

Chase shrugged. “I honestly hadn’t thought that far. It’s not impossible.”

“Fair enough,” Tess said.

“About our bet,” Chase said.


“What do you get if I lose?”

Tess gave him an amused grin. “Hmmm. I’m glad you asked.” She ran her tongue along her upper lip suggestively. “If you lose, you agree to be my bitch for three days. Sexually and otherwise. Everything. Do my dishes, vacuum my floor, wash my car…shirtless. Go down on me whenever I want without having the favor returned. Rub my feet.”

Chase tilted his head to the side. “Damn. You drive a hard bargain. How about that’s the bet both ways? I lose, I’m your bitch. If you lose, you’re mine. Including the topless car washing.”

Tess lifted her chin defiantly. “Deal.” She extended her hand and they shook to seal the deal. “But you’d better bring your A-game, buddy, because I’m telling you, you’ve got your work cut out for you. It’s really difficult for me to reach climax, and I’m a mess afterward. Just sayin’. Be ready to be my bitch.”

Chase leaned forward and kissed the corner of her mouth, a tease, a promise. He sat back without delivering on the kiss, leaving Tess with her lips parted in anticipation, her eyes half-closed, nearly panting.

“Pay the bill so we can go,” Tess whispered. “I’ve got a bet to win.”

“There’s just one stipulation,” Chase said, sliding cash into the black bill-folder. “You can’t cheat. No pretending I didn’t make you come.”

Chase drove them to his house, and when he closed the door behind him, Tess stood in the middle of the living room, hands crossed over her stomach, grasping the hem of her shirt in preparation to strip it off.

“Not wasting any time, are you?” Chase said, crossing the space between them and capturing her wrists in his hands. “We’re doing this my way, sweetheart. And my way involves stripping you myself. Slowly.”

Tess released her shirt and stood, waiting.
“Your way, huh? What if I don’t want to do it your way?”

“Well, if you’re having trouble coming, then maybe your way isn’t working.” Chase ran his hand between the bottom of her shirt and the top of her calf-length skirt, brushing her skin with the calloused pads of his fingers.

“Maybe you’re just a cocky bastard,” she said, gasping, the breathy catch in her voice stealing the vitriol from her words.

“Or maybe I just know I can make you come as many times as I want. Maybe I just I know I can play your sweet little body like a guitar.”

Tess let her head loll back on her shoulders as he lifted the hem of her skirt up, dragging his fingers along the insides of her pressed-together thighs. “If I’m a musical instrument, I’m more of a mandolin: round at the base and strung tight.”

“You’re not self-conscious about your figure, are you?”

She shook her head. “Hell, no. I may be tiny, but I’ll kick your ass. I’ve got wide hips and big tits, and I’m so short I’m nearly a little person. If you don’t like it, that’s your loss.”

“I like it. I like it a lot.” Chase brushed her silk-covered slit with his fingers, feeling her grow damp as he touched her. “In fact, I plan to spend the rest of the night showing you how much I like it.”

“That works. I’d hate to have to break your arms.”

“You wouldn’t break my arms.”

“Yes, I would. Especially if you don’t quit teasing me and touch me already.”

Chase was slowly working his middle finger under the elastic leg-band of her panties, tracing the outer edge of her labia. “All in good time. I’m not sure you’re ready for me to touch you yet. You don’t want it bad enough.”

Tess clawed her fingers into his bicep, trying to tug his finger closer, deeper. “Yes, I do. I do. I want it.”

“How bad?”

“Really bad.”

Chase swiped his finger along her slit, feeling her slick, hot juices as they coated his fingers. “I don’t believe you.”

“I’m not gonna beg, Chase. You’re the one who has to prove yourself to me, remember. If you lose, you’ll spend three days licking my pussy and rubbing my feet.”

His middle finger dipped deeper, curling into her tight channel and rubbing against the ridge of her G-spot. She shuddered; her knees buckled, and she stiffened her legs to catch herself. “Maybe I shouldn’t tell you this, but that doesn’t sound like a loss for me.”

“You say that now…” she started, then trailed off as Chase hooked his fingers inside her panties and tugged them off with a single sharp motion, guiding her legs to step out of them one at a time.

Tess started unzipping her skirt, but Chase stopped her. “Not yet. You’re going to have your first orgasm fully clothed.”

“Except for my panties, you mean.” Tess ran her hands over his shoulders as Chase knelt in front of her.

He slid his palms up the backs of her legs from ankle to buttocks, tickling and tracing the strong curves. Her skirt was still draped down around her calves, disguising the way his hands were slipping between her thighs from behind, spreading her stance until her feet were shoulder-width apart, granting Chase access to her desire-wet nether lips. He cupped her buttocks, then traced a finger down the crease of her ass.

“Is this off-limits?” he asked, letting his finger move in near her anus.

“For now? Yes.” She pushed his hand away, moved it to her hip. “Ask me again later if you’ve managed to win our bet. I may change my answer.”

“Fair enough.”

BOOK: Rock Stars Do It Dirty
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