Read Rock Stars Do It Dirty Online

Authors: Jasinda Wilder

Rock Stars Do It Dirty (3 page)

BOOK: Rock Stars Do It Dirty
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Ian crossed the space between them in a single stride, kneeling between her thighs and kissing her suddenly, silencing her. His hands were on her legs, and he tasted like beer and faintly of spearmint gum. “I get it, Jamie. I do. You don’t have to explain.”

Jamie wasn’t sure what to say, for once. She
to explain. She wanted him to understand what he was getting into, but she wasn’t sure what it was herself. It didn’t feel like a one-time-only hookup, and nothing had even happened yet. They both clearly knew the score. They both knew how it was supposed to go: They’d fuck, and then Jamie would sneak out at some point in the early hours of the morning and walk back to her car. Only…she didn’t want to.

She kissed Ian back, hesitantly, exploring the sensation of lips on lips, his hands daring up her thighs to curl around her hips inches above her ass. She felt butterflies in her stomach at his touch. She was looking forward to feeling him peel her shirt off, strip her of her jeans. It wasn’t fire in her belly, but it was enough.

Ian might even be more than a distraction
, she thought. She could run with that.

When he pulled away to slide up onto the bed next to her, Jamie kicked her shoes off and set her purse on the floor. She watched as Ian untied his shoes and tossed them near the table by the window.


“Yeah?” He sat cross-legged and barefoot in the middle of the bed, combing his fingers through his shaggy blond hair.

“What if I said I didn’t want to do the walk of shame tomorrow morning?”

He shrugged. “Then don’t.”

She picked at a loose thread on the comforter. “I mean…wake up here, tomorrow. I mean, we both know how this usually goes. This is your hotel room, so normally I’m the one who’s supposed to sneak out at four a.m. But…I don’t want to. I’m not sure what that would make this between us, but…yeah. What if I just want to do things differently?”

Ian nodded. “Ah. I…you know, normally that would make me rather uncomfortable. We’ve been honest with each other thus far, so I’ll go ahead and continue the trend. I actually asked a girl to leave once. She was just…lingering. All bloody morning, she was there. Tea and breakfast, and checking her email and whatever, and I just wanted to tell her that wasn’t how it worked. So I asked her if she would mind being on her way. I said I had business to take care of, only it was Sunday and I didn’t. I felt like rubbish all the rest of the day. I kept seeing her disappointed face, like she thought we were going to
something and it was awkward. I hated that. I’ve never gone looking for a relationship, you know? I had one once. A serious one, too. Introduced her to Mum and Dad and went on holidays with her, all that rot. It was nice for bit, having someone to come home to, someone to watch the telly with.” Ian’s accent, fairly unpronounced until then, had grown stronger. “She was a beautiful girl, Nina was. Great in the sack. But…she was a slob around the flat. Couldn’t make a decent cup of tea to save her life, either. And it was shite like that that did us in. The little things. No one cheated on anyone, we never really fought, and I really did enjoy having her around, but it was just…it wasn’t
, you know?”

Jamie nodded, unsure where he was going with it. “Relationships are hard,” she said, just to fill the silence. “I’m never sure how they’re supposed to work. I always feel like it should be just sex, and he obviously thinks it’s something more, but I never know
it’s supposed to be, you know? Like, it’s fun, and they’re nice, and it’s great not being alone at home all the time, but…”

“What’s the point?” Ian finished for her.

“Exactly. If it’s not just sex, and we’re not getting married, what’s the point?” Jamie pulled the thread free, popping seams until she had a few inches of clear thread like thin fishing line. “So…yeah. I guess I’ll go, then. I really don’t want to do the whole hook-up thing. I’m tired of it. I don’t know what I do want, but I know I
want that.” She stood up, slipping a toe into her sneaker.

Ian looked up sharply, confusion on his face. “Go? No, that’s not what I meant. I’m not sure why I said that. I shouldn’t have told you all that. I’m sorry.” He scooted across the bed and pulled her down by the hand so she was sitting on his lap. “Stay. Please? Stay here tonight. Let’s both of us try something new. No expectations either way. You don’t do the walk of shame, and I won’t wake up alone, stuck somewhere between relieved and disappointed.”

“So no expectations either way?”


“I can do that.” She let herself settle onto his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I have to warn you, though, I’m pretty sure I’d make a shitty cup of tea.”

“I drink coffee, too.” Ian grinned, sliding his hands under the hem of her shirt to touch the skin on her back.

Jamie explored the muscles of his shoulders and back through his shirt. “Well, you’re in luck then, ’cause I make a killer pot of coffee.”

His lips touched her neck on the side an inch above her shoulder, then moved down to her throat, kissing the hollow at the base of her throat. Jamie let her head fall back, feeling an exhilarating rush of pleasure at the touch of his mouth on her flesh. She found the bottom edge of his shirt and lifted it up over his head, tossed it aside, then resumed her roaming of his torso with her palms. His skin was fair and smooth, his body toned and muscular, but not overly developed. He continued kissing her throat, then slid to the right, moving the neck of her shirt aside to touch his lips to her shoulder blade. With his other hand he touched her belly, dragging his fingers upward, lifting her shirt as he went. Jamie pulled back and raised her arms over her head, and Ian drew the fabric off, tossing it aside.

His gaze roved over her body, her full breasts held in by the red lace of her bra. “You’re very beautiful, Jamie.” He reached up and brushed one of the bra straps off her shoulder. “Very beautiful indeed.”

Jamie glanced away. “Thanks.”

His fingers slid the other strap off, and then he was unhooking the back with one hand, his eyes never leaving hers. Jamie held his gaze as her breasts fell free, and then her eyes slid shut involuntarily when his fingers grazed the underside of one breast. She clutched his forearm, and he cupped the heavy weight of one breast in his hand, then pinched the nipple between two fingers, rolling it. Jamie let herself gasp. She wriggled her bottom on his lap, feeling his erection thickening. Slipping sideways off him, Jamie lay back and pulled Ian down over her, tangling her fingers in his hair as he dipped in to kiss her lips. She felt her pulse quicken as their lips met. Butterflies again, more of them now, fluttering in her belly.

She slid her palms down his spine, curved around his waist and found the button of his jeans, popped it open and unzipped his fly. He was on his hands and knees over her, his palms by her face and his knees on either side of her hips. She pushed his pants down and he lifted up to let her get them off. She grasped his shaft in her hand, her pulse go from a rabbiting patter to a hammering thunder. He was well-endowed, thick, straight, pointing away from his belly. She slid her fist down his length, then paused at the base as he lowered his mouth to her breast, and she gasped when he sucked her nipple between his teeth. He reached between them and stripped her of her jeans quickly, then let his fingers roam along the outside of her hip, running in along the swell of her hipbone, across the dip where leg met groin, then down between her thighs.

Jamie let her legs fall apart, stroking his length as he slid a single finger along her crease. She reveled in the sensation of a man who knew what he was doing. He didn’t just plunge in, but let the tip of his finger tease her, dragging up and down her pussy before probing in, ever so gently at first, then more and more, until his finger was inside her to the first knuckle, and then the second. She rubbed her thumb over the tip of his cock, drawing the pre-come out and smearing it over him with her fingers. Jamie let her hand move down to cup his balls, testing their weight, exploring them gently before resuming her slow and steady stroking of his cock.

He circled her clit with his middle finger, slowly, teasingly, then brushed the nub quickly, once, twice, and then she was arching her back and whispering a moan. He had her moments away from coming already, and they were just starting. This boded well. He slipped his fingers deeper into her, curling in to unerringly find her G-spot, then flicked his fingertips across it, pushing her closer to the edge, rubbing it, and now she was there,
right there…
Ian added his thumb, pressing it lightly against her clit, and that was all it took. Jamie gasped, shuddering, as the orgasm ripped through her. She pulsed her fist on his cock as she came, and then when the waves lessened, she pulled him toward her.

Ian pulled away. “Wait…wait. My trousers. I have a rubber in my wallet.” He hung off the bed and dug his wallet out of his jeans while Jamie watched.

She was on the pill, obviously, but she didn’t stop him. An aftershock rippled through her, and she pulled him to her as he sat up with the wrapper in his hand, moving toward her.

She took the condom from him, ripped it open, and slowly rolled the latex over his cock. He moved his hips into her grip, then settled himself over top of her again. He paused, his ocean-blue eyes pinning hers, and his mouth opened as if he was going to speak. She met his gaze evenly, waiting for him to say whatever was on the tip of his tongue. But he didn’t. He just smiled at her, a half-curve of his lips, and then swiveled his hips to caress her nether lips with the tip of his cock. Once again, he didn’t simply drive in but took his time, weight on one elbow, the other brushing her red curls away from her eyes and drifting down to cup her breast.

She ran her fingers through his coarse blond hair, then down his back, and cupped his firm ass, pulling at him, wanting him inside her.

He just shook his head. “Not just yet.”

She didn’t answer, held onto the hard globes of his ass and waited. His strong hand explored her body as he probed into her pussy with slow, soft rolls of his hips, teasing, teasing, and now he was inside her but only a few inches, and oh, god, he was right at her G-spot, gliding into her and away, sliding across that perfect place in a deliciously slow rhythm, driving her already orgasm-sensitive flesh wild. She clawed her fingers into the muscle of his ass, wanting to pull him in, pull him harder, but instead she merely held on and let him go at his own pace.

She felt his cock thickening inside her, felt his pulse beating hard against her chest, felt his muscles quivering and sweat sheen his pale skin as he moved inside her, slow, then a few quick strokes, then slow again until she was almost mad with frustration, wanting him to settle above her and drive in hard. But he didn’t. She wrapped her legs around his hips and pulled at him, but he only laughed into her mouth, kissed her, and moved slower and more unpredictably than ever.

“Goddammit, Ian. Just—oh, god, that feels good. Just fuck me. Hard.” Jamie whispered the words raggedly, her hips now fluttering against his with a life of their own, pushing in when he pulled away, pulling away when he began to drive in.

“You want me to fuck you hard?” Ian adjusted his position so he was directly over her now, his palms next to her ears and his hips between her thighs, his mouth next to her ear. “Is that what you want, Jamie?”

She clung to him, shuddering as the waves of her second orgasm began to tremble low in her belly. “Yes, Ian. Yes. Fuck me hard. I’m so close.”

He planted a kiss on her neck and drove into her, deep, hard. Jamie whimpered, meeting his thrust with her own. “Like that?”

“Yes…yes…just like that. Again.” Jamie arched her back, planting her heels to get herself closer, to get him deeper.

But he didn’t drive in hard again. He fluttered at her entrance, shallow bursts near her G-spot, pushing against the ribbed flesh there until sensation overwhelmed her and she flopped back to the bed, whimpering helplessly, mad with need, close to orgasm but not there, while a new kind of detonation crashed through her, not quite orgasm, but like it. It was an emotional sensation, something entirely wrapped up in Ian, in this experience with him.

Ian shifted again, moved upward and began thrusting slow and deep, his body close to hers, and now she felt true release build up, pressure rising as his pubic bone slid along her clit, his shaft moving deep inside her.

It was then that Jamie recognized the emotion tangled up with the physical release: relief.

She had been worried she would never be able to truly enjoy being with a man if it wasn’t—she stopped herself from even thinking the name—if it wasn’t
. Even though she’d never actually been
him, she was worried no one else would be able to meet her needs, to spark her desire the way he did.

This, with Ian, was as close as she’d ever come to the intense welter of desires
ignited with Jamie. It wasn’t the same, but it was close. And it was good.

She shook the thoughts free, feeling Ian begin to move with increasing desperation now, driving harder, if not faster. She was close, again. The pressure was a balloon inside her, pent-up need, layers of frustration building layer upon layer like a pearl in an oyster. The first orgasm had only added to the buildup, and now she was nearing a second, and felt a dizzying fear that this too would only add to the snowball effect.

It was just there, suddenly, that pulsating inferno of frustration, stress, pent-up need. It had been building up within her ever since she first saw Chase in the back room in Las Vegas, and now that she saw it for what it was, she couldn’t see or feel anything else. It was like panic. She needed release, but she didn’t think mere orgasm would do it; this was emotional in nature, internal, mental, psychological, not physical. The first orgasm Ian had given her had only put more on top of the pile. This second one was going to be intense, and Jamie found herself hoping desperately that it would give her the relief she needed. She felt doubt sneaking up on her, though.

BOOK: Rock Stars Do It Dirty
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