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Authors: Ryan Field

Ricky's Business (27 page)

BOOK: Ricky's Business
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sunny, not too warm yet and not a hint of humidity in the air. They walked up and down side


streets gazing into windows. They held hands for a little while. Then, on Fifth Avenue, Chad put


his arm around Ricky’s shoulders and Ricky put his arm around Chad’s waist.


Ricky couldn’t help thinking about his entrepreneurial project, the one he’d been kicked


out of because he’d yanked Nurse Cunt by the collar. Here he was walking around New York,


with a man’s arm around his shoulders, while his other classmates were back in New Jersey


wading through a long, dreary lecture by blank-faced teacher in charge of a project he didn’t


know the first thing about. The poor things were plotting their hapless little businesses and


hoping to make a profit. Some were selling crafty homemade decorative planters and hoping to make a five-hundred-dollar profit. Another group was marketing and selling flameless candles


and hoping to make an eight-hundred-dollar profit. Even though he’d been kicked out of the


entrepreneurial project, it made Ricky smile. Ricky had already made more money in just one


night than his business teacher or his classmates would make in an entire year with their little


projects. He’d grossed over sixty thousand dollars, thanks to Chad’s idea. When it had all been


divided up, he’d collected almost thirty thousand for himself. But more than that, he’d had better


sex in one week than most people have in one lifetime. And he’d gained more self-confidence


than most people his age could hope to gain in a year.


Ricky and Chad wound up in Central Park, near a bridge that overlooked a small body of


water. It was dark by then and they were still holding hands. When they walked beneath the


bridge and reached the middle, Chad grabbed Ricky by the waist and pushed him into the


cobblestone wall. Chad put his arms around him and kissed him on the mouth. A guy jogging


slowed down and gaped as Chad unbuckled Ricky’s pants and slid his hands inside so he could


grab Ricky’s ass.


Ricky didn’t care. He arched his back and rested his palms on Chad’s shoulders, allowing


his pants to drop below his waist. “I thought we were going for ice cream,” he said. “I should


have known better than to trust you. You always have an ulterior motive.”


“I’m horny,” Chad said, running his hands up the back of Ricky’s shirt.


“You’re always horny.”


He bit Ricky’s neck. “Should I stop?”


Ricky reached down and grabbed Chad. He squeezed the bulge in Chad’s pants; a guy on


a bike slowed down to see what they were doing. “Do you have a condom?” Ricky asked.


“Three in my back pocket just for you.” When the guy on the bike stopped and started edging toward them, Chad took Ricky’s


hand and they walked out from under the bridge. He pulled Ricky into a cluster of bushes on the


other side of the bridge where it was dark and private. He put his arms around him again and


kissed him so hard Ricky almost lost his footing and fell backwards into the water.


Ricky’s pants were down around his knees by then. He didn’t care; he knew they were


alone. When they stopped kissing, he caressed the back of Chad’s head and told him to put on


the condom. Chad had one hand between Ricky’s shoulder blades and the other pressed to the


small of Ricky’s back. He didn’t reach for the condom immediately. His chest was heaving and


he couldn’t catch his breath.


So Ricky leaned into Chad’s warm body and ran his fingers up through Chad’s thick


black hair. He whispered about how much he loved Chad and how perfect he thought Chad was.


Chad’s hands went up and down his naked back. Ricky rambled on, taking quick pauses to catch


his breath. Ricky said he wanted to introduce Chad to his parents. He told Chad he wanted him at


his graduation, sitting in the front row with his mother and father. Ricky wanted to exchange


rings and he wanted to go to the movies with Chad on a Friday night. Then he promised Chad


that if anyone even so much as looked at him sideways, including his mother and father, he’d fix


it so they’d never make that mistake again.


When Chad began to unbutton his Ricky’s shirt, Ricky was still talking. He leaned back


and said he was tired of sneaking around. He was proud of who he was, he was proud of the man


he was with, and he wanted the entire world to know it. And when Chad removed Ricky’s shirt


and jacket at the same time and let them drop to the ground, and caressed the right side of


Ricky’s face, he said he was ready and willing to do anything, as long as it would make Ricky


happy. THE END


BOOK: Ricky's Business
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