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Authors: Ryan Field

Ricky's Business (10 page)

BOOK: Ricky's Business
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down between Chad’s legs and grabbed his crotch. To his surprise, Chad had wood in his pants.


Ricky hadn’t expected him to be aroused. Ricky just thought he’d get a good cheap feel. He


rubbed it and said, “You’re hard.”


Chad reached down and grabbed his ass with both hands. He looked into Ricky’s eyes


and kissed his nose “You’re hot. I told you that last night. You’re making me hard. For some


reason, you make me feel different than the others, Ricky. But I can’t let that get in the way of


business. I’m sorry.”


Ricky squeezed his dick and kissed his chest. For reasons he didn’t quite understand


because he was too young and inexperienced to know better, he felt a sense of empowerment


he’d never experienced before. But his instincts kicked in and he started to manipulate Chad by


taking control from the bottom without even knowing what he was doing. He knew Chad’s ego,


and he knew it needed to be stroked just as much as his dick needed to be stroked. He spoke


softly, almost a whisper. “I can pull down my pants again. I can get down on the floor on my


hands and knees and make it fast.” He licked Chad’s chin. “I only want to please you, Chad. I


hate to see you leave with this guy so excited.” He was talking about Chad’s dick, pulsing in his




Chad smiled, then released Ricky’s ass and stepped back. After he adjusted his erection,


he said, “I don’t mind waiting for you while you go to the bank, baby. You’re a sweet little thing.


I trust you.” Ricky thought about pursuing the seduction. He had a feeling he could get away with it,


too. Though Chad was acting all tough and businesslike, his face was flushed and he had trouble


looking Ricky in the eye. But it wouldn’t have been fair. Ricky had called him, he’d worked for


his money, and he deserved to get paid.


“I won’t be long,” Ricky said. Then he lifted his chin and took a few steps forward. He


wanted to see what kind of reaction he’d get, so he kissed Chad on the mouth one more time.


When Chad wrapped his arms around him and pulled him closer, he ran his palm down the back


of Chad’s head—he’d always wanted to do this to a man. There was something between them he


couldn’t understand or explain. And when he felt Chad’s tongue against his, he decided to give


him six hundred instead of five hundred even if he never saw him again.


* * * *


Ricky didn’t have school that day. The entire school district was off for some kind of


yearly teacher function. But he knew the bank would be open. All he had to do was go to the


safety deposit box and cash in one bond. There was a stack of them. These bonds had been gifts


from his parents. They’d been saving them for years so he could use them for college, or to buy a


car, or for some other important life event. Ricky didn’t feel an ounce of guilt. While all his


friends had been going out on dates and experiencing normal puberty, he’d been sitting home,


playing cards with Leyland. This event with Chad was an important life event and worth every


single penny.


When Ricky left the house, Chad was sitting outside next to the swimming pool. It wasn’t


a hot day, but the sun was strong and Chad said he wanted to get a little color. But when Ricky returned with an eager step and a huge smile, hoping Chad would fuck him one more time, Chad


wasn’t next to the pool and the house was empty. Ricky frowned. He was carrying almost a


thousand dollars in his wallet and he couldn’t wait to pay Chad. He even checked the kitchen and


the rest of the first floor. He jogged up the stairs and checked all the bedrooms. But there was no


sign of Chad anywhere, not a note on the kitchen counter or a message on the bathroom mirror.


The waste management truck pulled up outside the house and made a few clanking noises.


The yappy little dog across the street barked and the truck went into reverse and made those


annoying beeping sounds. Ricky went downstairs and plopped down on the sofa in the living


room. He pulled out his wallet and stared at the thick wad of cash in the insert. Then he looked at


the coffee table to see if Chad had left a note. But there was nothing.


So he sat back and closed his eyes, wondering what had happened and why Chad hadn’t


waited for him. He yawned and thought about going upstairs to get a little more sleep. He’d only


had about four hours and his eyelids felt heavy. But while he was sitting there, a strange feeling


passed through his body. Something wasn’t right; the house wasn’t the same. He opened his eyes


and sat up. He looked to the right and stared at the hallway. The tall clock was still ticking and


nothing had been moved. Then he looked straight ahead into the dining room. His mother’s


baccarat candlestick holders were still on the table and nothing looked out of place there either.


He took a quick breath and told himself this was just his imagination running overtime.


Everything was fine: the house was the same as he’d left it. But then, just as he was about to go


upstairs, he glanced around the living room fast. And when he looked up at the mantel over the


fireplace, he felt the same hard thud in his stomach he’d felt when Dawn the she-male had


showed up at his doorstep.


His mother’s crystal putto was gone. The gilded base was still on the mantel, but now there was a huge gaping absence


between the two candlestick holders. He stood up and crossed the room. He ran his hand across


the gilded base and clenched his fist. Then he looked up at the ceiling, shook his head, and said,


“Thank you, Chad. You’re a real prince charming.”


Chapter Seven


After Ricky paced the living room for a half hour, mentally kicking himself for being


naïve enough to leave a total stranger, no less an escort, in his home alone, he called Leyland’s


cell phone so he could tell Leyland what has just happened to his mother’s prized possession.


Ricky kept punching the furniture and kicking the rugs. He didn’t care about the putto. The thing


that left Ricky’s head pounding was that Chad would betray him this way. He thought there was


something between them. He’d never felt this way about anyone or anything. There were many


ways people can fake affection, but not with a kiss. It was the penultimate magic of the entire


intimate experience. And Ricky found it hard to believe Chad had been faking when he’d kissed




Ricky had to speak to Leyland. Leyland was his best friend, and he’d been the one who’d


piqued Ricky’s interest in all this male escort business in the first place. Ricky figured Leyland


might be able to help him find a solution to the problem. When it came to less-than-noble acts,


Leyland usually knew what he was doing. And he was always fearless about doing them.


But this wasn’t like cheating at cards, shoplifting a CD, or figuring out how to buy beer at


the local liquor store. When Ricky met up with Leyland at the mall and told him what had


happened, Leyland just shrugged his shoulders and said, “Too bad, man. I feel for you. I know


how much your mother loves that tacky angel.” Then he rubbed his palms together and asked,


“Tell me all about what happened last night. Did this Chad guy pork you? I want all the details.”


His eyes were bulging and he was biting his bottom lip. They were walking from the food court to the exit. Leyland had just downed four corn


dogs and he was wiping grease from his chin and smelling his fingertips. Ricky grabbed


Leyland’s jacket and shook him. “That’s all you can say? You’re the one who talked me into all


this. You’re the one who invited a she-male to my house. You’re the one who said I should stop


worrying so much and start saying, ‘kiss my fucking ass.’ And all you want to know about is


what happened last night.”


Leyland sent him a blank stare. He licked his fingers and wiped them on his jeans. “And


you listened to me? I wasn’t serious. Half the time I’m so full of shit I don’t even believe myself


when I’m talking. I didn’t tell you to hire another escort and leave him alone in the house. You


did that. You wanted to get porked and you got it.”


“I have to get that angel back,” Ricky said. Leyland was right. Ricky couldn’t blame him


for what had happened last night. “And I have to get it before my parents come home.” When he


thought about how his mother would react to the missing angel, the thud in his stomach returned


and he felt a little lightheaded. “I’ll give Chad the cash. But I want the angel back. It’s worth one


hundred times more than the amount of cash he wanted.”


“Just tell your mother the house was robbed while you were out,” Leyland said. “You’ll


never find this guy again, and the whole town will be better off without that ugly fucking angel.”


“That won’t work. Nothing else was touched. It doesn’t even make sense to me. I have to


get it back.”


“How are you going to do that?” They were outside now, walking toward the mall


parking lot. Leyland’s mother had dropped him off and Ricky was giving him a ride home.


Leyland leaned into a large concrete-and-pebble waste container and folded his arms across his


chest. Ricky stopped and ran his hand through his hair. “I don’t know. Are you coming with




“Sure. When?”


“Right now,” Ricky said. “Let’s go.”


“I can’t do it now,” Leyland said. “I have math homework, and we still have to come up


with an idea for the entrepreneurial project.” His tone became softer, far less bold and obnoxious.


He sounded more like a twelve-year-old than an eighteen-year-old.


“Thanks, buddy,” Ricky said. He turned his back and started walking to the car. He


couldn’t believe his best friend would abandon him this way, so he stopped walking and looked


back. Leyland’s back was still against the waste container and his arms were still folded across


his chest. Ricky leaned forward and gaped at him. “Are you coming or what?”


* * * *


They returned to Ricky’s house and Ricky started making phone calls. Leyland back


tracked on the computer (he’d deleted the number from his cell phone), found Dawn’s phone


number, and Ricky called Dawn first. He left a message on Dawn’s voice mail and begged Dawn


to return his call. Dawn was his only hope of finding Chad. Ricky knew if he called Chad


himself, Chad would never return his call. After all, Dawn had been the one to recommend Chad


in the first place, and Ricky figured that if Dawn knew Chad even slightly, Dawn might know


where Chad hung out in New York. Ricky assumed these escort types all traveled in the same


circles. They crossed paths often and followed the same protocol.


By the time Dawn returned Ricky’s call, Ricky was ready to open the liquor cabinet and


pour a tall glass of vodka. It was after six in the evening and Ricky had given up almost all hope of ever finding Chad or his mother’s angel. But Dawn not only returned the call, he sounded


upset, and sympathetic to Ricky’s situation. He told Ricky he ran an honest, upscale business and


he never mistreated his clients by stealing from them. Discretion and trust were two key


ingredients and he despised other escorts who didn’t hold the same set of standards. Then he told


Ricky he didn’t want to get involved and he didn’t want Ricky to use his name, but he mentioned


a few places in Manhattan where Ricky might run into Chad.


Though Ricky and Leyland didn’t know anything definite, when they hung up with Dawn


they jumped into the Porsche and drove to Manhattan. This was the first time Ricky had ever


driven in New York and he probably should have taken his mother’s minivan. For some reason


he couldn’t explain, he was feeling bolder and stronger now. After being with Chad, he wasn’t


worried about little things like dented fenders and the expression on his father’s face if he knew


Ricky was driving the Porsche. As it turned out, driving in New York wasn’t much different


from driving in New Jersey. It just looked worse than it really was.


They parked at an indoor garage across the street from a large midtown Manhattan hotel.


Then they went into the hotel bar area and sat at a table near the entrance, between two tall


potted palms in massive porcelain urns, where they could see everyone coming and going


through the main lobby without appearing conspicuous. The grand lobby was virtually empty at


that hour and it wasn’t difficult to see who was coming and going. Ricky kept his head held high


and his expression blank. Before they’d left the house, Ricky had put on a white dress shirt and a


dark sport jacket and he’d made Leyland dress the same. Ricky wanted to appear older than


eighteen. Iit must have worked, because the young redheaded guy in his mid-twenties who
BOOK: Ricky's Business
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