Pull Me Closer (Suits in Pursuit) (18 page)

BOOK: Pull Me Closer (Suits in Pursuit)
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“More than okay. Give me some time to get to know you
more, to learn to trust you,” she said softly.

loosely wrapped robe had sprung open, exposing the sexy red nightgown she wore underneath it. Axel stepped back further.

His eyes swept over her body
. The ravenous look he gave unnerved her was as if she were the most luscious, temptress on the earth. “I’ll take you whenever you’re ready to have me. Goodnight Kerrigan. Lock your door.” He took three broad steps backwards to make his retreat.

She quaked
inside, the desire blazing in his eyes the inducement. “Goodnight Axel. I will.”

Saturday, September 22

After a refreshing shower, Kerrigan tossed herself onto the bed and called Ashley. She confided in her, sharing every detail of the night before. Ashley was supportive and encouraging, not even once making light of her circumstance with one of her typical smart-alecky quips.

Kerri, you really like him, don’t you?”

“Yes.” Kerrigan paused and
inhaled a deep breath. “But, I’m afraid of what it means and of what he wants.”

“What do you
mean? Are you afraid of getting hurt?”

of course. The man can have any woman he wants. I wonder if his fascination with me is driven by something else, sexualizing me because I’m a black woman. I wonder if I’m an experiment.”

that’s something you two need to discuss. Just because he’s attracted to you, doesn’t make him the bad guy. He’s a man and you’re a woman, and when there’s chemistry like you two seem to have, that naturally leads to … well, you know what that leads to.”

Thank you Ash. I’m just so inexperienced at this relationship stuff. You know I have a horrible track record with men. What happens if he breaks my heart?”

“What happens if he doesn’t
? I know I talk a lot of crap about Axel, but don’t doom yourself to be hurt before you give yourself a chance to be loved.”

Her toes dug into the soft pile, feet planted firmly on the carpet, and she stood.
“I hope it’s not too late. Thanks again Ash. I’ll call you later.” Her cell phone went down on the wooden nightstand with a light thump.

One hand twisted the doorknob. Kerrigan’s throat suddenly dry, shaky legs carried her on impulse into the hallway and downstairs, moist palms sliding across the banister.

Axel sat behind his desk, his attention captured by his computer screen. The door opened, and a light tapping sound pulled his attention away from his monitor. He swiveled his chair around, looked up, and drank her in with his eyes.
God, she’s beautiful.
He loved the way the spaghetti strap of her yellow dress hung slightly off her left shoulder with tendrils of her hair flowing over its naked skin. He motioned her to come inside the room. She made her way toward him. Without saying a word, he stood, walked to the other side of the large oak desk and stopped in front of her.

Her lips parted as though she was about to speak.
He didn’t want to talk. Stepping closer to her, their bodies were nearly touching. Her words halted, she stood in silence looking up at him, and then lowered her head. Anxiety hid behind those beautiful eyes, and he imagined she needed to escape his heated gaze.

Since their sensual kiss on the balcony, he hadn’t been able to think of much else. It would take another bold act on his part to reignite that flame, and he wasn’t at a loss for what to do next
. He wrapped his fingers around her left wrist and moved her hand behind her back, pinning it against the small of her waist. Her head lifted, and her eyes found his, widening as a subtle gasp escaped her lips. He grabbed her other wrist and pinned it behind her, and then pulled her into him. With his arms swaddling her and their bodies pressed together, he could feel her heart beat wildly.

She didn’t put up a fight, or protest—only searched his eyes with her soft round ones, timid and willing to
surrender herself to him completely. He tilted his head down and covered her lips with his. The second he tasted her supple lips, every inch of him warmed and his stomach tightened. Fueled by raw masculine desire and a rush of testosterone, he devoured her sweet, tender kiss with the savagery of his rough, invading tongue, dipping in and out of her mouth, his lips sucking hers voraciously.

released her wrists and pulled her closer, allowing him to deepen their kiss. His hands slid from her waist, then to her behind cupping and kneading her firm roundness. He tightened his embrace and felt her small trembling hands against his chest. Knowing that he affected her in his way excited him to the brink of no return. Their bodies collided in a fit of passionate rage. He backed her into the desk so forcefully that she stumbled onto it, planting her into a seated position on its edge. Her hands gripped his biceps, steadying her quivering body. Their lips remained locked, each one breathless and aching with want for the other. He wedged himself between her legs, opening her wide to receive this girth.

“Axel, I … I …” She whispered sweetly, managing to break the possessive hold he had over her mouth. “Axel?” She moaned softly.

His name coming from her lips rang like music to his ears. “Hmm.” The guttural groan escaped his lips.

ressed hard against his sweat pants, his erection threatened to pierce through and thrust into her moisture. He shifted his position to make use of his eager fingers. His hand slowly massaged her knee and made its way to her inner thigh—his fingers eager to find her hidden treasure.

He traced the outline of the thin strip of soaking wet
fabric with his finger, the only thing preventing his entrance to her place of ecstasy. She writhed and moaned softly under his sensual assault. He was lost in the moment, and he could take all her pleasure that morning in his office.

Breaking free of his kiss, she whimpered again. “Axel?”

“Hmm. You okay?” he asked.

“Yes. No, I mean I want to, but I can’t … Yes,” She stammered, breathless and strained.

In an abrupt, swift motion, he stepped back and ran his hands through his hair. His face was a contorted mixture of pain, pleasure, confusion and passion.

“Whoa. Whoa. Let’s slow this down. I don’t
want to stop, but I don’t want there to be any regrets between us, especially after last night. Obviously, you have mixed feelings. Your body is saying ‘yes,’ but your heart and mind isn’t ready,” he said, his coarse words wild and ragged.

In a hushed
whisper with her head hung low, she poured out her heart. “When I came looking for you, I only wanted to explain the reason for my reaction last night. I was overcome with emotions that I’ve never experienced before, emotions that have been dormant inside me for a while.”

He nodded his head.
“I feel the same way Kerrigan. I’ve never had feelings for anyone like I have for you. That’s the reason I want to get to know you better, to learn more about you and share myself with you.”

Avoiding his eyes, she traced invisible shapes onto her lap with her fingertip. “
I don’t know how to handle these feelings. This is new to me. I don’t understand how someone like you can possibly want someone like me.”

He smiled warmly at her. “
A man like me would consider himself lucky to have a woman like you at his side. You’re beautiful, fun and caring and your intelligence was one of the first things I admired about you.” What or who had her insecure?

Our lives are on opposite ends of two entirely different spectrums.” Trembling, she wrapped her arms around herself.

He frowned. “I think we have more in common than either of us realized.
We’re not that different, and we’re the same in every way that matters between a man and a woman.”

“You make me lose control, I forget myself and that makes me afraid. I’ve never lost control of myself with anyone before.” He watched the changing expressions on her beautiful face.

His pulse raced. “
I like that you lose control with me, but I won’t have you unless you trust me with your heart,” he said, shaking his head.

I don’t want to be hurt, and you could do that to me easily.” Her voice cracked.

If I only wanted a quick score, there are plenty of eager women out there. I will tell you as many times as I have to until you understand and believe me—I want you Kerrigan, only you.”

He moved closer, careful not to touch her
or that would send him over the edge. He had to maintain control in this situation. He loved that she shared this much of herself with him. He took a seat on one of the guest chairs facing Kerrigan who still sat on the desk’s edge.

was trying hard to say the right things to allay her fears and gain her trust.

Her hands folded in her lap
, she glanced up, and he held her gaze. “I can’t be the first woman you’ve had strong emotions for. When was your last relationship?”

The memory was too painful. He breathed in deeply and sighed
. “It was years ago. It’s been an awful long time. What about you? When was your last relationship?” He asked, his head cocked to one side.

She folded her arms across her chest.
“I’ve never had one,” she said timidly.

His head jerked up.
“What! Why haven’t you been in a relationship before?”

“I mean,
I’ve dated here and there, and some guys have tried, but I’ve never been interested. Not until now.” She fidgeted with her hands.

“Well, I’m glad you’ve had a change of heart.” Then a thought
occurred to him. Narrowing his eyes, his forehead wrinkled and brows pinched. “I’m a modern man and I know women have needs too. You don’t strike me as the type of woman who does the casual sex thing. What do you do for intimacy?”

She shifted on top of the desk, her legs swung
and she diverted her gaze. “No, I don’t do casual sex. My experiences have been … well, somewhat limited until very recently.” Her cheeks glowed crimson, revealing her embarrassment.

His face turned to stone. “How recently Kerrigan?” His jaw clenched.

“This-weekend-recently,” she said, softly.

Like a heat-seeking missile, his gaze landed on her.
“What! Are you telling me that you’ve never had sex, never made out before? You’re a virgin?”

Her eyes cast down, she fidgeted with her hands.
“You say that like being a virgin is a curse. No, I’ve never had sex before. What just happened is the farthest I’ve ever gone.”

He tilted his head back until it rested against the back of the chair.
Remaining silent for several moments, he brought his head down. She wiggled restlessly were she sat. He knew she was uneasy. 

“Axel, what are you thinking? Is this a deal-breaker for you?”
Clutching her sides, her voice pitched as if she had ingested a canister of helium.

He released a
low chuckle. His response was serious and strained. “No, this isn’t a deal-breaker.”

She stretched her brow.
“But?” she asked nervously.

was furious. He shook his head and then stilled his movements. “Kerrigan, did you have any idea what would have happened if I hadn’t stopped last night or a few minutes ago? Were you going to tell me that you were a virgin after I fucked you?” A twinge of pain hit him in the stomach. “Your first time should be unforgettable, only when the time is right. Were you going to give yourself to me right here on my desk?”

BOOK: Pull Me Closer (Suits in Pursuit)
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