Pull Me Closer (Suits in Pursuit) (13 page)

BOOK: Pull Me Closer (Suits in Pursuit)
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On Wednesday evening,
she received a message from his work email address. It was direct, demanding and short, void of anything seemingly personal.

11:53 p.m.
on Wednesday, August 29

To: Kerrigan Mulls

From: Axel Christensen

Subject: Coming back early


Change of plans. I’ll be back in the office on Friday. We need to
meet. Brenda will send follow-up details. We’re off for Saturday.

Axel Christensen

President and Chief Executive Officer

A.C. Advertising

A wave of nausea flooded over her, and she flinched. She wasn’t sure what his email meant, but she noted the change in his signature. Her eyes welled up with tears at the thought that he had given up on her. She had made it impossible for him to think there could be anything more than a friendly work relationship between them. That’s what she had been working so hard to accomplish. Her tears flowed freely as she drifted into a restless sleep, the painful sting of regret chasing her into unconsciousness.


Friday, August 31

Axel sat at his desk staring at his computer screen eagerly awaiting Kerrigan’s arrival. He had asked Brenda to leave a message for her that morning, explaining that he needed to see her right away. He glanced at the time—a few minutes after nine o’clock. He knew she was probably in the office by then. Minutes later, he heard a light tap at the door. He took a deep breath and exhaled.

“Come in.” The thunder of his deep bravado reverberated off the walls.

Just thinking about Kerrigan heightened his anxiety. The sight of her always made his palms dampen and his throat dry. He couldn’t wait to see her again, to talk to her, to be near her, to smell her sweet scent. The large doors opened slowly, and his gut wrenched.

Axel jumped up from his seat.
His jaw dropped. “What, what in the hell are you doing in my office?”

“Well, hello to you too.”

Misty strolled over to his desk, her large leather handbag smacking against her side. A boney hand rested on her right hip and she rolled her eyes. “Oh, come on, Axel. I remember a time when you were always glad to see me. I was in the neighborhood and thought I’d stop by to say hello.”

His eyes swept her tall,
thin form. “Misty, I don’t know why you’re here. How did you get pass Brenda?”

Misty peeled her jacket away and tossed
the garment on the red leather sofa. “Brenda wasn’t at her desk.” Her cherry red heels tapped against the floor as she strutted around his desk and paused in front of him. “My timing couldn’t have been better. Don’t you agree?” Misty spun around, her bare-naked ass and breasts were within inches of Axel’s twitching fingers.

eyes stretched wide. He swallowed hard. “Misty, put your goddamn clothes on. Now!” His loud yell didn’t rattle her.

large steps to put distance between them, he moved to the other side of the desk.

Misty followed.
She sank her nails into Axel’s biceps, forced herself onto him. “Axel, you know you want this. What’s stopping you?” She batted her green eyes and smiled.

He jerked away and took two steps back.
“Misty, I’ve already told you. You and I are done. I, I’m involved with someone else.” Losing his footing, Axel stumbled and plunged onto the sofa, bringing Misty’s naked body flush on top of his.

doors to Axel’s office opened slowly. “Ah!” The loud gasp commanded his attention.

s eyes filled with tears. Her jaw trembled. Cupping her mouth as she gasped for air, she turned, and then fled.

Axel s
hoved Misty aside, sending her tumbling to the cold hardwood floor. He stood and ran to the doorway. His heart hammered and his clammy hands forced the doors open. “Kerrigan, wait. Please. Kerrigan, this isn’t what you think. Wait, please.” She was gone.

“I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but…”
Ashley paused, adjusted herself in the seat. “Maybe Misty threw herself at Axel.”

Her lips trembled. “Ash, I don’t care. He can do whatever, whenever, with whomever he pleases. What I saw proved exactly what I already know to be
true. Axel Christensen can’t be trusted.” Kerrigan whispered and waived her hand, a dismissive gesture. She didn’t want the people sitting at the other end of the long table to hear their conversation.

“How long are you going to ignore the man? He’s still your boss.” Ashley glanced at the conference room door. The door handle jingled.

“He may be my boss, but that doesn’t entitle him to treat me however he pleases.” Kerrigan glanced up as Megan and Rich walked in. She cut a sideways glance at Ashley. “I’m done talking about this.”

Rich took the seat directly next to Kerrigan. Megan plopped down across from Ashley.

He cut his eyes at Kerrigan and then passed a furtive glance to Megan. “Kerrigan, are you giving an update on the Hollister account?” Rich asked, a smug grin possessing his thin lips.

“Yes, I am.”

“Hmm. That’ll be a short update,” he grumbled under his breath.

Megan laughed. “Four people managed that account before you did, Kerrigan. I can’t imagi
ne that you could make much more progress than any one of them.”

“That’s where you’d be wrong, Megan.”
A hush fell across the room at the sound of the deep baritone voice.

stood at the head of the table, his scowl directed at Rich, and then Megan.

Megan cleared her throat and wrestled in her chair. “Oh, Mr. Christensen.
I, I didn’t see you come in; didn’t realize you’d be joining us today.”

he scolded as he took his seat. “Kerrigan, can you give the team an update? We’re all interested in your progress, including me, since you’ve canceled our last four one-on-one meetings.”

Girding herself against
Axel’s intense stare and icy tone, she stood and walked to the projector screen, directly behind him.

wheeled his chair to the side and extended his arm. “Here, take the pointer.”

Kerrigan reached for the device
. Their eyes met in a fleeting glance and the tips of his fingers grazed hers, sent scorching heat up her arm. She pivoted on her heel. Her back facing the audience, she swallowed hard. She hated how he affected her, made her knees wobble and stomach quiver.

Regaining her
center, she straightened her shoulders and looked pass Axel, her focus on the other faces in the room. “I’ve been hard at work with the Hollister team for the past few weeks. I had to rebuild their trust. The good news is that I convinced the head of their marketing department to give A.C. Advertising one more chance.”

Axel’s narrow gaze unnerved her and the pointer slipped out of her sweaty palms. Kerrigan squatted to retrieve contraption that had landed next to his chair. The unexpected heat of Axel’s hand on hers as he kneeled beside her forced her eyes to his.

He mouthed silently, “We need to talk.”

“Fine,” she whispered, and then stood.

Kerrigan advance
d the slides. “Hollister owns less than five percent of the market today. Here are income projections over the next ten years for Hollister’s main customer base—doctors, lawyers, executives.” Her eyes landed on Axel, who stared back, rubbing his chin. “The options I outlined for Hollister were very simple. Get serious about their marketing efforts now or go out of business within three years.” Kerrigan glanced at Megan, and then at Rich. “The challenge they have is building and holding onto a loyal customer base. Hollister needs a loyalty program targeted to their most distinguished clients who have the discretionary income to spend at their retail stores. They have to make those customers feel like they belong to an exclusive group.” Kerrigan advanced the slides again. “I delivered three concepts around a strategy that I’m calling Platinum Rewards that encourages and rewards loyalty. Early this week, I received the call. They signed a three and half million dollar contract with us.”

Megan’s mouth dropped open.
Rich squirmed in his seat, ogling Kerrigan.

This morning, I received a call from the head of marketing at Hollister.” Axel glanced around the room and halted his gaze on Kerrigan. “She said Kerrigan presented a compelling case. I’m sure you’ll become an expert on the meaning of loyalty.” Kerrigan flustered at his scalding stare and the inflection of his voice. “Outstanding work,” Axel said flatly.

“Thank you.”
Kerrigan took her seat at the table.

The meeting continued
and the account managers went around the table sharing client updates. Axel remained quiet, but kept his eyes on Kerrigan until the end.

Everyone, let’s get back to work,” he said dismissing the team. “Kerrigan, I need to speak with you now.”

The room cleared out and Kerriga
n didn’t budge from her spot at the table.

Axel strolled to the window behind her, placed his hands in his pockets. His musky scent made her lightheaded.

“Kerrigan, I commend you for your work. I’ve always believed in your talent, supported your decisions.” He whirled around and leaned against the table, directly facing her. “Imagine my surprise when Diane at Hollister told me that she had interviewed you for a junior-level research position at her company.” She peered up at him blinking rapidly. “Hmm. Loyalty,” he muttered under his breath.

Her belly fluttered as the intensity between them grew. “Diane approached me. The position isn’t in sales and I’m not in violation of the non-compete disclosure.
I, I…”

He leaned down, his frowning mug inches from her glistening brow. “
I don’t care about that damned disclosure, Kerrigan. This is what you want? Career suicide. Simply to get away from me.” He stood, and paced from the door to the table where she remained seated. “Kerrigan, Misty Scott doesn’t mean anything to me. She came to my office, stripped her clothes off and threw herself at me.” His eyes narrowed on her. “Do whatever you want. I just wanted you to know the truth in case that incident had any bearing on your decision to leave.” His large hand covered the doorknob. “I want you … here at A.C. Advertising.” His eyes flashed with tenderness quickly replaced by a frigid glare. “Whatever you decide, I want to hear from you directly, not from Marie, not from Diane. If you leave me Kerrigan, I expect for you to tell me face-to-face.”

The knob twisted and he
shut the door behind him. Left in the room alone, Kerrigan buried her face in her palms. If he was telling the truth about Misty, she would be making the biggest mistake in her life.


Saturday, September 15

For weeks
, Kerrigan had managed to do everything in her power to avoid Axel, but she hadn’t found a way to forget him. Even now, lounging on the sandy shore under an umbrella with a book in one hand and a drink in the other hand, she couldn’t stop thinking about the man. The last minute decision to take a mini vacation on Tybee Island wasn’t the most thought out plan she’d ever made, but she needed a break. She needed time to make her decision.

“Kerri, snap out of it. Everything is going to be fine.” Ashley’s gentle hand caressed Kerrigan’s forearm rested on the lounge chair’s edge.

Kerrigan shook her head. “I know. I’m just nervous about telling him.”

Ashley tilted her head, gazing a
t her friend through expensive designer sun glasses as she relaxed on the lounger next to Kerrigan. “You don’t owe Axel Christensen anything. He doesn’t own you. If you want to leave the company, then accept the position at Hollister. But, Kerri, if you’re taking that job to run away from Axel or your feelings, then you’ll be disappointed in yourself. Are you sure this is what you really want?”

Kerrigan shot up in her seat. “Ash, I know this doesn’t make sense to you, but I have to get away from him. After seeing him with that naked woman in his office and thinking about what would have
happened if I hadn’t walked in …” Her stomach rolled in waves. “Leaving A.C. Advertising is the best thing for me.”

“I hear you Kerri, but Axel knew you were comin
g to his office. In fact, he arranged those meetings so that he could get closer to you. He’s been chasing you since day one. The thing with Misty just doesn’t add up.”

“Ash, the man is a player. Nothing has to add up. The opportunity was there and well,” she said glancing at an incoming call. “I can’t believe this. I’ve spoken the devil up.” She lifted the cellphone to Ashley, showing her Axe
l’s phone number flashing on the screen.

Ashley leaped forward and snatched the phone from Kerrigan
’s slippery hands.

lunged forward, tumbling to the sand. “Ash, don’t you dare answer that call.”

A playful grin
emerged, Ashley pressed the speaker button. “Hello,” Ashley said.

Throwing a tantrum, Kerrigan
waved her arms in protest, and then tossed a handful of sand at Ashley. “Hi, Kerrigan?” The sound of Axel’s voice made Kerrigan’s throat dry and she couldn’t speak.

“Kerrigan, its Axel. Hello?”

Kerrigan pressed her lips together tightly, refusing to speak.

BOOK: Pull Me Closer (Suits in Pursuit)
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