Read Pretty Pink Ribbons Online

Authors: K. L. Grayson

Tags: #Novel

Pretty Pink Ribbons (10 page)

BOOK: Pretty Pink Ribbons
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His mouth ticks up in a smirk. “No. I said I wasn’t married. I never said I didn’t have a girlfriend.”

Tears burn at the back of my eyes and I blink several times, willing them to stay away. “Fuck,” he growls, running a hand down his face. He looks up at the ceiling for a few seconds and then his eyes find mine again. “But I don’t have a girlfriend.”

Air rushes from my lungs and my shoulders instantly relax. I can’t even explain how relieved I am to hear that. “I shouldn’t have made you think that we are together. Her name is Harley and we’re close friends.” He looks down for several beats and mumbles, “She’s engaged.”

“It’s okay, I shouldn’t have barged in on you like that. It wasn’t fair of me.” Levi nods, his eyes still trained on the ground. For the first time, I notice how exhausted he looks. His shirt is untucked and a little wrinkly, which isn’t at all the way I remember him from the old days. “Are you sure you’re okay with me working here?” I blurt.

His head snaps up. “Why would you ask that?”

“I don’t know.” I shrug my shoulders. “You’ve avoided me the past couple of days and Mason—”

“Mason needs to mind his own damn business,” he snaps. “And I haven’t been avoiding you. I’ve been . . . I’ve been busy.” I purse my lips and cock a brow. Mmm-hmm, and I’m the freaking queen of England.

Levi steps toward me and every hair on my body stands at attention at his close proximity. “I’m glad you’re here, Laney.” A smile tugs at the corner of my mouth and when he returns it, I know he’s being sincere. “One day at a time, okay?”

I nod, repeating his words, “One day at a time.”

One day at a time.

It keeps playing over and over in my head as I spend the next several hours cooking. How many days is it going to take? Will I ever get the chance to make it right? It’s a darn good thing that I’m at work tonight, because as long as I’m cooking, I’m able to keep my mind from wandering too far down that beaten path.

With a gentle touch that I’ve mastered over the last several years, I place the veal in the center of the plate, top it with a sweet marsala wine sauce and hand the plate to one of the other chefs, who adds the baked potato and mixed vegetables.

“That’s it for you, Laney.” Mark flashes me a sweet smile. “You’re good to go.”

“I can stay if you need me.”

“Nope,” he replies. “You’ve worked your tail off this week. Enjoy your day off tomorrow.”

Enjoy my day off . . . that’s not gonna happen.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I dig it out to find a text from Mia.
I’ll be waiting in the bathroom.
I rush in that direction, suddenly excited to get all dolled up and go check out Blue. And not just because a certain someone might be there . . . okay, that’s probably the biggest reason. But I really am looking forward to a glass of wine and some girl time with Mia.

I walk in the bathroom and as soon as I see Mia, I let out a low whistle. “Look at you, hot mama!”

Mia starts laughing and twirls in a circle. “Thank you. Thank you.” She gives a little bow. “I couldn’t get Ben to join us, but I did get a scorching hot look from him when I walked out of the bedroom.”

“You probably gave the poor guy a heart attack. That shirt doesn’t even have a back.”

Mia cranes her neck to look at herself in the mirror. “Is it too much? I thought you said the place was fancy?”

“I’ve never been inside of Blue, but it looks fancy.”

Mia shrugs her shoulders. “Oh well. Now”—she claps her hands, turning toward the sink—“let’s get you dressed.” Flicking the lock on the door, I start stripping out of my clothes. I shimmy into the skirt and blouse, slip on the heels and pull my hair band out. I finger comb my hair and Mia hands me my makeup bag.

“Thank God you remembered that.” I don’t usually wear makeup to work; there’s just no point when you work over a hot stove all day. I spend a few minutes applying my makeup as Mia fusses over herself in the mirror.

“Done,” I announce, tossing my makeup bag in the backpack Mia brought, along with my work clothes. “How do I look?”

She turns to me and grins. “Fantastic. But you always look great. I wish you would dress like this more often.” She reaches in her purse and pulls out a small bottle of perfume. She sprays me twice and when I give her a questioning look, she shrugs. “What? You don’t want to go in there looking like
and smelling like

“Smelling like what?” Mia picks up our bag and we make our way out to my car. I sniff my hair . . . food. Who cares? We’re going out for one drink, and I’m certainly not going out to pick up any guy—except maybe Levi.
Hmm . . .”
I think I need more perfume.” Mia snorts with laughter and when I unlock the car door, she tosses the bag in. “Wait.” I pin her with a questioning gaze. “How did you get here?”

“Benny.” Her eyes take on a dreamy look and she gets a goofy grin on her face. When the fog clears and she finally sees me, she sobers up. “What? What are you smiling at?”

“You,” I laugh, pushing her toward Blue. “You are smitten over Benny.”

“Am not.”

“Are too,” I sing as she pushes through the front door of the bar. A beautiful young woman is seated behind a large wooden podium.

“Good evening, ladies,” she says, walking toward us. She’s wearing a pencil skirt, white tuxedo shirt, and red tie. To top it all off, she’s wearing the most gorgeous pair of red peep-toe stilettos that I’ve ever seen. And then it hits me. Levi works side by side next to her every day, and if I had to guess, I’d say there are probably several more where she came from. “Are you ladies here with a party tonight or would you like a table?”

“We’ll just sit at the bar, if that’s okay?” Mia looks to me for confirmation and I nod.

“Absolutely,” she says and points us in the direction of the bar. “Tatum and Riley are the bartenders tonight and they’ll be more than happy to serve you.” Mia and I smile and as we make our way to the bar. Meanwhile, my eyes roam across the room. The ceiling is open with exposed wooden beams. The tables and booths are all sleek lines and warm colors. This place screams sophistication but not in a stuffy sort of way. I’d call it

Mia and I each pull out a stool and scoot up next to the bar. “Hi. My name is Tatum. What can I get you ladies tonight?” Yup, I was right. Another beautiful woman. I take a deep breath and roll my eyes, more at myself than anything. I’m not a jealous person, but the thought of Levi working with these perfect women all night long puts a little damper on my self-confidence. Although I’ve been told I’m pretty, these girls are stunning. Mia nudges my arm and I look up.

“What? Sorry, I missed the question.”

“What would you like to drink?” Tatum’s voice is low and husky, but her smile is incredibly bright.

Mia hands me the drink menu. “What are you getting?” I ask her.

“Pinot Noir.”

My eyes skim the page and when they land on the prices per glass, I set the menu down. “Can I just get a water, please?”

“What?” Mia scoffs. “No. I’m buying tonight.”

“Shut your mouth. You are not buying tonight. I just changed my mind.” There is no way she is going to believe that, but I don’t have any other option. I can’t pay that much for a glass of wine, especially when I don’t have any money actually coming in at the moment. A warm hand lands on my back and I twirl around.

“Hi.” Levi looks at me for a brief second before shifting his attention to Mia. “Good evening,” he says, offering Mia his hand and a warm smile. A huge grin splits Mia’s face. She’s seen pictures of Levi, albeit a much younger version of him, but he hasn’t changed that much—if you don’t count the broadened shoulders, thick biceps, and thighs that look like cannons. Mia knows exactly who she’s talking to as she slips her hand in his.

“You must be Levi.” Her voice is silky smooth. Levi cocks his head in confusion, and if it’s at all possible, her smile gets a little bit bigger. Crap. I know that look. She glances at me, and she must register the look of dismay on my face because she shoots me a quick wink before refocusing her attention on the larger-than-life hunk of a man standing next to us. “Laney’s told me all about you. All good things, of course.”

A smug little grin floats across Levi’s face and he looks at me. “All good things, huh?”

“There only are good things. There’s nothing bad to tell.” The words are easy for me to say, but I can tell they aren’t so easy for Levi to hear. His smile falters. Clearing his throat, he turns away from me and watches Tatum as she places Mia’s glass of wine in front of her before handing me my water.

“Why are you drinking water?” he asks. I open my mouth to respond, but Mouthy Mia beats me to the punch.

“I told her I’d pay for her drink, but she’s being stubborn.” She peers around Levi to look at me. “You’re stubborn.” I stick my tongue out at her. Real mature, I know. “They aren’t that expensive,” she mumbles, taking a sip of her wine.

I blanch. There’s no way Levi missed what she said and the curious look in his eyes confirms that. I turn to the bar, determined not to discuss my financial situation. Levi bends down so we’re cheek to cheek.

“What are you drinking?”

“Water,” I answer sarcastically, lifting up my glass.

“Still a smartass, I see,” he says with a hint of humor. “Let me rephrase. What would you like to drink?”

“She loves Moscato.” I pin Mia with a glare.
she mouths. I shake my head. Levi leans across the bar and flags down Tatum.

“What’s up, Levi?” she says, planting her hands on top of the bar. Her eyes drift over to me and she smiles. There is a gleam in her eye, but I can’t quite pinpoint what exactly I’m seeing.

“Could you get Laney a glass of Moscato?”

“Sure thing, boss.” She turns to walk away and I don’t miss the little wink she gives me.

“She likes you,” Levi whispers. His warm breath fans the side of my face and I feel my bones melt into a big pile of goo. He smells

“She seems nice,” I whisper back. Levi smiles, and I have to hold on to the bar to keep myself from toppling out of my chair. I’ve seen this smile before, but it’s been a really long time and oh boy, have I missed it. I can’t believe he’s being this nice to me. His behavior has been so hot and cold the past few days, but I’ll take it regardless.

“You don’t get it, do you?”

“Get what?” I ask as Tatum walks up and hands me a glass of Moscato. She leans her elbows on the bar and looks at Levi and then back at me.

“I take it you’re already spoken for?” My eyes widen as what she’s asking sinks in. Mia throws her head back and laughs right along with Levi.

“Um. Actually, no, I’m not,” I reply, slightly dumbfounded that she is hitting on me. I don’t think I’ve had anyone hit on me or even flirt with me in at least three years. And it feels good.

“But you’re not gay.” She isn’t asking . . . she knows. I smile at Tatum. She’s a beautiful girl and I’m sure she could have her pick of any woman she wants—just not this woman. Because this woman’s heart already belongs to someone else.

“I’m not, but you can bet that cute little tushy of yours that if I was gay, I’d be on you like white on rice.” Tatum’s face lights up and she points a finger at a stunned Levi.

“She’s a keeper.” She turns toward me. “You’re a keeper. I like you, Laney.”

“Back at ya, Tatum.” I reach for my glass with a smug grin and take a sip. I may have always played things safe, but I’ve never once been called shy.

Levi hasn’t moved an inch and I can feel his body behind me. He has one foot propped on the bottom of my chair and if I shift to the left, I’m certain that I would be cradled between his legs. We fall into a comfortable silence, all of us sipping our drinks as we take in the crowd around us. A small band has taken the stage and is playing a sweet jazzy tune that I find myself swaying to.

“So, Levi, what are those?” Mia asks, pointing up to the ceiling.

Levi’s eyes follow hers and he clears his throat. “Those are cages.”

Mia rolls her eyes. “Well, no shit. What are they for? Do people have sex in there?”

“Mia, this isn’t a sex club.” He chuckles. “No, no sex in the cages. But girls do like to dance in them.”

“Like the girls that work for you? Or any girls?”

“Some of my workers do and sometimes the patrons do. It’s purely for entertainment, and the girls are not allowed to strip. Dance only.”

“Laney,” Mia says. “We are
going to dance in one of those.”

“There is no way you’ll ever get Laney up in one of those,” Levi interjects before I can respond.

Mia stares at him with a cocky little grin. “I got her to get a tattoo. I’m sure I could get her in one of those. She just needs to be nice and sauced up first.”

Levi spins toward me, the shock evident on his face. “You got a tattoo?” he asks incredulously, his eyebrows pushing into his hairline.

I smile around the rim of my glass. See? People would never expect that from me, which makes me incredibly happy.
is how I want to live my life.

“I did,” I answer, matter of fact. “It was on my bucket list and I checked it off.”

“And,” Mia adds, “she didn’t even cry.”

BOOK: Pretty Pink Ribbons
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