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Authors: K. L. Grayson

Tags: #Novel

Pretty Pink Ribbons (40 page)

BOOK: Pretty Pink Ribbons
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Whitney and Lex—There are not enough words in the English language to express how much your friendship means to me. You both spent countless hours talking to me, encouraging me and plotting with me, and I will never forget the way you both stepped in to help me out and offer your endless support. #TRIFECTA

Michelle and Jackie—It’s hard to believe that we’ve only been friends for a year because it seems like we’ve known each other for a lifetime. We’ve spent nearly every single night together plotting, sprinting, laughing and encouraging each other, and I am incredibly grateful that I get to call the two of you my friends. Thank you so much for absolutely every single talk, tear, laugh and smile.

Kristen and Jena—I could not have asked for two better beta readers. It was an absolute pleasure having the two of you read this book as I was writing it, and I treasure your opinions more than you’ll ever know. I’ll never forget the little notes you sent me or the late-night messages begging me to #SaveLaney.

Grayson’s Girls—Each and every one of you have touched my heart and my life in a way I cannot explain. I love that you loved Harley and Ty, and I love that you fell in love with Levi and begged for his story. I can’t thank you enough for all of the encouragement and support you’ve shown me; I’ll never be able to repay your kindness and generosity.

Nevaeh—You’re the calm to my storm, the person who can talk me down from every single ledge and I can’t wait for the day that I get to hug you and tell you this in person. Expect lots of tears, my friend!

Karrie—I’ll never forget the way you stepped up with a clear determination to make people fall in love with my stories. You pimped, supported and encouraged me countless times, and I’m eternally grateful for your friendship. *hugs*

A big huge thank you to Love Between the Sheets for putting together and rocking my cover reveal and blog tour.

THANK YOU to every single blog that participated in my cover reveal, release blitz and blog tour. And thank you to every blog for liking, sharing and pimping my teasers and excerpts. I absolutely could not have done this without you.

THANK YOU to the readers. I was flabbergasted by the endless amount of support and messages you showered me with after I published Where We Belong and I truly hope that you enjoyed Levi and Laney’s story.

K.L. Grayson resides in a small town outside of St. Louis, MO. She is entertained daily by her extraordinary husband, who will forever inspire every good quality she writes in a man. Her entire life rests in the palms of six dirty little hands, and when the day is over and those pint-sized cherubs have been washed and tucked into bed, you can find her typing away furiously on her computer. She has a love for alpha-males, brownies, reading, tattoos, sunglasses, and happy endings . . . and not particularly in that order.

BOOK: Pretty Pink Ribbons
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