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Authors: Sam Crescent

Office Hours (6 page)

BOOK: Office Hours
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At times they felt like a real couple, something neither had experienced in the full sense of the word.

Until they came up against a huge wall, unexpected, not planned for, with nowhere else to go. They would either have to go through it or go over it.

“Okay, so this has seriously dented my plans for an Italian dinner.” Anya looked one way and then the other, “Right, Mr Banks, any clues or help?” Hands on hips, Anya waited.

Frowning, concerned, he got out his map. There was nothing on the map that said anything about a wall. For the first time, Nathan was not so sure of where he was.

There was only one thing he could think of.

“Climb the wall.” Nathan folded the map, placing it carefully in his pocket.

“What?” Anya glanced from the wall to Nathan and back again.


Sam Crescent


“We need to climb this wall. I’ll give you a boost up. You’re too small to get over on your own.” He stood next to the wall, cupping his hands together so she would have somewhere to step up to.

“There has to be another way around. Here, let me double-check the map.” She put her hand out for him to give her the map.

“No, that wasn’t the agreement, remember? You control food and camp, and I control navigation. Now step up.” He nodded down to his hands, concerned about where they were and not wanting to embarrass himself if he’d made a huge mistake.

Groaning, Anya saw no other choice. She took one final look around and then pressed one foot into his tightly clasped hands. “Don’t drop me.”

“You’re too light to drop.”

She blew a raspberry, heaving her body weight unsteadily onto his hands.

“Whoa, steady.” She tensed, wobbling.

“Hold on to the wall,” he ordered.

“But my nails!” she joked, already holding on to the wall.

“Stop joking around and hold on to the god damn wall.”

“Stop cursing,” she complained, gripping the wall. “There is nothing to hold on to!”

“Just grip it.” Frustration marred his voice.

“Don’t yell at—Ahh!” Too busy arguing, she slipped. At the same time, instinct took over and Nathan reached up to steady her, to stop her falling and hurting herself. His hand, palm side up, cupped her between the legs. “Oh.” Frozen, Anya could not help the heat pouring from her mound.

Time froze as sensation increased. He aligned his fingers against her deliciously swollen clit.

She could hear his breath coming out in pants, but he wasn’t doing anything. Tired, bored and desperate, she wiggled her pelvis against his misplaced hand. Her head fell back, a scream of pleasure erupting from her lips.

“Anya…” He hesitated for a second before his finger pressed deeper through her clothing, pressing harder against her pleasure centre. Her mind focussed on his movement.

Hours of searching for a way to relieve herself, and in a shock of fate she’d come in her boss’s hand!


Sam Crescent


“Oh my God,” she screamed, collapsing against the wall as a wave of orgasm, strong and overpowering, overcame her. Her eyes closed. She couldn’t hear a thing over the buzzing in her ears. Anya felt him gently ease her down, turning her so she was in front of him, but her eyes remained closed.

It didn’t just happen,
she chanted over and over in her mind.

“Anya?” She kept her eyes closed. “Anya? Anya?” He repeated her name several more times, then he grabbed her jaw roughly, startling her into opening her eyes.

“There she is.” He didn’t remove his hands, holding her firmly, securely in his grip.

Anya noticed his eyes did not hold anger or disgust; more intrigue and confusion.

“What?” Her whisper was filled with defiance, daring him to ridicule her.

Nathan opened his mouth to speak and then closed it, not sure what to say or even think. He never could have anticipated the events that had transpired between him and his personal assistant. Anya was proving to be the complete opposite to all of his ideas about her. The woman owned a vibrating purple fake cock, for crying out loud. The thought of her skimpy underwear left him salivating. Holy shit, this woman was turning out to be the woman of his dreams.

“What?” She snapped again, grabbing his attention.

“You truly are something else.” Nathan stroked a fiery red curl away from her face.

Anya leaned close to him, invading his personal space. “You’ve seen nothing yet,” she threatened.

His cock jumped in his pants as the natural, earthy scent of her release teased his senses, sending out promises he hoped she would act on.

Images of her in his life, his bed, were consuming him daily, hourly—Christ, every waking and sleeping moment was filled with thoughts of her in his life.

A snowflake fell between them.

“What the hell?” Panic erupted between both of them as they looked around.

“Could be the start of a snow storm.” Nathan pulled out the map, searching for a building or a barn, anywhere they could take cover. The need to protect her was fierce, knowing he might have brought them the wrong way. “A couple of fields away there is a house, according to the map.” He put it away, cupping his hands again. “Hurry.” With no arguments this time, Anya did what she was told, stepping up and jumping over the wall. After a moment, Nathan landed effortlessly beside her. He took hold of her OFFICE HOURS

Sam Crescent


hand and they ran together as fast as they could, vision fast decreasing as the storm built into full force, the snowflakes thick and feathery, the cold nipping their fingertips.

“How much farther?” she called over the winds.

Nathan didn’t answer, but took her hand in a firm grip so they wouldn’t lose each other. They ran for the next five minutes, and Nathan was beginning to wonder if he’d made the worst mistake of his life, was about to give up hope, when he finally saw the house.

Perhaps he’d not misread the map and they were back on course?

But as they got nearer it became clear it was an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere. Nope, he’d taken a wrong turning somewhere.

“No one is there.” Stating the obvious.

“Anya, try thinking positively.” Nathan looked at the boarded-up doors assessingly.

But before he could come up with a plan to get into the building, in one swift movement out of the corner of his eye, he saw Anya throw a brick through the nearest window.

“What the hell are you doing?” he yelled.

“Getting us to safety. If this piece of shit is owned by anyone, you can leave a card, offer to pay for any repairs necessary. It’s the least you can do for putting my life in danger,” she accused, moments before she disappeared through the smashed window.

Having no choice, he followed her through.

“Here, help me prop this against it.” They propped a huge cabinet in front of the window, using dust covers to seal it as best as they could. “Wow, at least it’s fully furnished.

I take back about it being a piece of shit.”

“We’ll probably go to gaol,” Nathan moaned, opening a door.

“Rather gaol than freezing to death. Why don’t you phone through, see if anyone will be able to come and pick us up.?” Shivering, Anya began to unpack their cases, seeing what they could use, checking the house for any way of starting a fire.

“Nathan…” she yelled, “Do you know how to start a fire?”

“Stop bloody yelling at me, woman! I’m not deaf! There’s no signal. So no way of getting in touch with the outside world. We’re alone.”


“This is no laughing matter.”

Hands on hips, Anya stormed over to him. “Do I look like I’m laughing? Hmm? I don’t find our situation funny at all. Now, do you know how to start a fucking fire?” OFFICE HOURS

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He nodded, chastened.

After lighting a fire, Nathan went to see how she was doing.

He found her going through the contents of the sack, shivering.

“Jesus, Anya, you’re freezing.” He pulled her into his arms, rubbing her back, trying to heat her up.

“This is no good.” He started pulling her jacket off.

“What are you doing?”

“Take your clothes off. We need to get warm.” He started pulling his own clothes off, showing her his powerful, muscled body.

“H—how is taking our c—clothes off going to keep us w—warm, s—stupid?”

“Remember what Linda and Andrew told us about body heat? Now strip.” Freezing cold, Anya didn’t bother arguing—she wanted the warmth too much.

Within seconds, they had both stripped off. Nathan moved first, taking her in his arms leading her back to the heat of the fire. Pulling off one of the furniture covers, he draped it over them both.

“You feel warm.” Anya cupped his back, his arse inches away from her touch.

Nathan stroked her back, her butterfly nipple clips digging into his skin, his cock hardening with every passing second. Her body pressed against him, sending pleasure sensations colliding around his body, his skin sensitive to the touch. Her scent hit him—

heady, earthy female and desirable woman.

She moaned, pressing closer.

“Stop it, Anya.” But he didn’t pull away. He
pull away.

“Stop what?” Anya glanced up at him, clear, aching need reflecting back at him.

“This… This is not right.”

“Why not? We both want to. I can feel it.”

“You can’t handle me,” he warned.

“You think I can’t handle you?” Teasing, Anya stroked her nails along his chest, biting into his light smattering of curls.

“No other woman before you ever could.”


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Anya smiled. This man had no idea who he was dealing with. She wiggled closer, her breasts flush against his chest, her belly pressing against his arousal. “None of your other women have ever been me.” She moved her hands down until she cupped him in her palm.

“You think grabbing my cock is going to change my mind?” He didn’t move away.

“No. I just wanted to touch you.”

“You have no idea who you’re dealing with.”

Anya chuckled, his attempt to scare her doing the exact opposite, her swollen clit rubbing against the cotton of her skin-hugging panties Oh, she really wanted to come.

“What do you want to do to me?”

“Wicked things.”

Anya laughed. “Wicked things.” She pulled on his cock, making him gasp. Ah, she understood. “Wicked things. Do you mean stuff like putting me over your knee and spanking my arse until it shines red from your hand print? Punishment for being a bad girl?” she whispered in his ear. “Forcing me to take all of your cock to the back of my throat till you come, making me swallow every delicious drop? How about fucking my arse, stretched as you pummel this length inside me? Believe me, Nathan, when I say you don’t scare me, I mean it. I would do anything. I mean I would do
.” With no warning whatsoever, he grabbed her face between his two large hands, not hard enough to hurt but forceful with passion. Anya gasped. That one simple movement took her breath away. No man in all of her life had ever touched her in such a way. His eyes penetrated her very soul. She could feel him all the way down to her toes. He lowered his lips, grazing hers, the shock of the contact making an electric connection between them. Her hands stayed by her sides.

He pulled back slightly to gaze at her. His lips grazed hers once more, gentle, delicate, a mere whisper of contact. Anya half-feared she was imagining it. He tilted her head, deepening the kiss. His lips opened, his tongue encouraging her to open to him. She met his tongue with her own, stroking his lips, tasting him, absorbing his own unique taste into the furthest part of her brain, where she would never forget him.


Sam Crescent


Neither of them touched but for the connection of their kiss, a kiss that lasted a lifetime, a turning point in their relationship. Something shifted inside Anya. She didn’t know what, but she could feel it changing her.

He took over, calling to a secret part of Anya long ago hidden in her desperate search for independence.

“Mr Banks…” She pulled away, protesting, frightened of what this all meant.

“No, don’t pull away. Nathan.”


“Call me Nathan. I love to hear my name from your lips.” Adamant, determined, he stroked her wayward hair away from her face, exposing her to his searching eyes.

“Nathan.” She tested his name on her lips.

“You truly are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” He was enraptured by her glazed, confused expression.

“You’ve not seen enough of the women in the world to make a decent comparison.” Tears shone in her eyes as she tried to smile, his compliment touching her heart.

“No, but I’ve seen enough women to make an average and there aren’t many women with pink hair.”

Anya laughed. She couldn’t help it. “You and numbers.” She cupped his cheek, stroking along his jaw line. “You need to shave.” Her voice was hoarse as she rubbed her cheek along the lines of the stubble decorating his jaw line.

“Consider it shaved as soon as we get to the hotel.”

“It’s a pub, but sounds like a good plan.”

“I want to fuck you, Anya.” Blunt and to the point. He cupped her cheeks between his hands. He heard her gasp, the rise and fall of her breasts giving away her own desire.

“Fuck me,” she told him.

His crushed his lips to hers, his dominant side shining through, taking control His hands were all over her, her face, her hair. He cupped her arse, squeezing the plumpness. She writhed in his arms, coming alive with every daring caress.

“Feels so good,” she panted.

Anya stroked his cock, the tip leaking his pre-cum. She rubbed her thumb along the slit, gathering up his juice, and brought it to her mouth, sucking in his taste.


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“Fuck, that’s sexy,” he growled. He glided his finger through her wet, moist heat, then brought his fingers up and sucked her taste into his mouth. Sweet, juicy, the way only Anya could taste on his lips. She moaned, watching him. He took her to the floor, the soft carpet cushioning her body, the heat from the fire warming her skin. He followed her down, stroking her skin, teasing the butterfly clips. “This is hot.” He flicked one nipple.

BOOK: Office Hours
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