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Authors: Sam Crescent

Office Hours (2 page)

BOOK: Office Hours
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Sam Crescent


had planned for the Christmas season. He quickly stemmed the thought. Work stayed at work and sex stayed in the bedroom. No more dirty thoughts about his PA.

An hour later, after hitting some heavy traffic, he parked in the underground parking area available with his flat. He nodded to the doorman and proceeded to the lift that would take him straight up to his penthouse suite. The view overlooking London city was truly spectacular around the festive season.

Nathan poured himself a shot of dark whisky and for several moments took in the sights he paid handsomely for. The liquor burned the back of his throat, the delicious intensity giving him a buzz. He loosened his tie, closing his curtains, shutting out the world.

Peace descended on him, quiet and tranquil. Closing his eyes, he rested on the sofa, leaning back, allowing the tight knots to work out of his shoulders and back, the pulsing headache to ease as he relaxed his entire body.

He sighed. Having a woman to work out the kinks in his body would be even better.

He checked the time. Nine-thirty glowed at him from his digital clock. Groaning, he stood up, stretching, and moved to his bedroom where a suitcase lay filled with the weekend’s clothes. Sweaters, light trousers—in case he got wet they would dry quickly in the cold air. He smiled in gratitude, thankful for the laundry service. They would be receiving a healthy Christmas bonus this year.

After a shower he added his toiletries to the bag and zipped it up, leaving it on his chair until the morning.

It was going to be a long weekend.

Anya walked into her office at exactly nine o’clock. She wouldn’t give Nathan the satisfaction of arriving late. No. So she’d made sure she stayed on the staircase outside their floor for the last five minutes, timing it perfectly, keeping her eyes on the clock just above the door so when the hands reached exactly nine o’clock, she could enter.

She felt rather smug.

“On time as usual.” She could hear the mockery in his tone but she refused to bite. She would be utterly professional until five o’clock this afternoon, when she was due to finish work, then Boss Man was in for a surprise—or maybe she would leave it until they left the office, who knew?


Sam Crescent


“You said nine. I’m here.” She walked straight into his office. Anya wore a pair of black walking trousers and a light T-shirt with two thick, woolly sweaters. She also had with her a waterproof jacket, just in case. She didn’t like the cold. A suitcase hung at her side. “What’re we waiting for?”

He lifted his eyebrow at her attitude. If Anya hadn’t known better, she would have thought he was imagining her without any clothes on. Naked. Smiling, Anya cocked a hip.

Stupid, though—he wouldn’t have the first clue what to do with a woman. It was going to be a long weekend.

“We’re waiting for my driver.” He lifted up a mug of coffee and took a long, leisurely sip. Anya took the seat across from him and eased back, waiting.

The silence between them felt surprisingly comfortable. Anya closed her eyes briefly, her thoughts wandering to the possibilities of the weekend ahead.

“What’re you thinking?” Nathan asked, breaking the silence.

Anya opened her eyes, “I was wondering about this weekend. What exactly is this work-together—”

“Team-building weekend,” he corrected. Anya glared at him, not liking his interruption.

“Yes, team-building weekend.” She crossed her leg over her knee. “I have never been on this type of training exercise before, Mr Banks. Could you please explain in little more detail what exactly it is and what we can expect from this weekend?” Genuinely interested, she waited while Nathan rested his coffee cup on his knee before answering.

“On Saturday we’ll be driven ten miles in any direction away from our hotel. We’ll be given a walking bag each, one with a tent, a map and a compass, and the other with food and water.”

“And how long are we expected to take to get back to the hotel?”
A tent?
She would not be staying outside, no matter where they were. No way.

“Couples have ended up staying out overnight together. I’ve been told it’s very successful and extremely safe. Don’t worry, Miss King, I’ve thought about your safety.” There was something about what he’d said… Anya’s brain scrambled as she tried to think what it was.



Sam Crescent


Nathan Banks blushed. Anya watched his pale features deepen as a red, embarrassed blush worked up his neck, swamping his cheeks, but she couldn’t find the will to laugh or mock. He’d messed up the bookings—served him right for not appreciating his efficient PA more!—and they were going on some harebrained lovers’ retreat.

“You’ve signed us up for some lovers’ retreat in the dead of winter, days before Christmas?”

“I’m sure it will be worthwhile,” he blustered. “It works to bring couples together.

There’s no reason that shouldn’t extend to working relationships within the work place.” He scowled, growling at her. “I’m more than capable of organising a business trip.” Obviously not! “Will there be other couples there?” She checked her watch. Nine-ten.

She drummed her fingers on her knee.

“I believe so. Stop fidgeting.” He gestured to her drumming fingers.

She stopped, instantly laying her hand flat on her knee instead.

“It’s not like your driver to be late,” she pointed out.

The phone rang and Nathan looked relieved. “Yeah, you’re ready—excellent. We’ll be right down.” He placed the receiver back on the cradle, and Anya couldn’t help it.

“Speak of the devil, or is it more like saved by the bell?” she teased, following him out of his office.

She nodded and waved at some colleagues as they passed. Mr Grumpy stared straight ahead, not acknowledging anyone. Maybe this weekend would be a good thing, teach Mr Rude some manners.

She wondered how many nicknames she’d have for Sour Face by Monday morning.

It was their first lift ride together, and she couldn’t help but notice how he dominated the small space, staring at the buttons on the panel as they descended each floor.

“Are you scared of lifts?” she said out of the blue. She suddenly wanted to know more about him. Maybe it was her sex drive kicking in, Nathan being the only available male near her.

“Do I look scared of lifts?” he snapped, his back ramrod straight.

“Touchy today, I see.” She smirked when he tapped the button for the ground floor again.

His shoulders relaxed as the ping of the lift confirmed they had reached the ground floor.


Sam Crescent


His driver greeted them, a charming smile adorning his handsome features. He took Anya’s suitcase, placing it alongside Nathan’s in the boot of the car.

“Thanks, Paul.” She smiled at him as he opened her door. She sat next to Nathan, her leg brushing against the side of his.

She wouldn’t move her leg. She was having way too much fun tormenting him. He didn’t move his leg, either. Instead he pulled his BlackBerry out of his pocket, and started making a phone call.

Slightly annoyed that her teasing seemed to have gone unnoticed, Anya spent most of the time looking out of the window as they travelled down the motorway. Her thoughts were running wild thinking about sex. She hoped her toys would be able to help her get through this weekend without her thoughts turning constantly to sex, about a cock fucking her pussy. She reached inside her jacket and pressed the ‘mild’ button on the remote control to her secret weapon. She sat back, allowing the silent vibrations to ease her tight, aching pussy. The vibrating panties had been her best purchase yet. No one could hear them, and only the most astute man would see her becoming increasingly aroused. If only Nathan knew how close she was to getting off, while he was obliviously making another million to add to his already wealthy name. He was all business and she was close to orgasm.

She would take the orgasm over the million pounds, every time. She squeezed her legs together, taking a deep breath as she felt the first ripples of climax ease over her. The light orgasm took the edge off her frustration, but she raised the tempo after her climax eased off.

If only she could squeeze her nipples and thrust a fake cock inside her—it’d slide in so easily, all of her cream creating the perfect lube for a cock. She stifled a moan, turning off the machine as another, stronger climax overtook her. She didn’t want the batteries sucked dry before the weekend had even begun.

She lay back, relaxed and tired. They were stuck in traffic—at the rate they were moving they’d get there faster by walking. Anya closed her eyes, drifting off into a sated sleep, her last thought,

If only Nathan knew.

Nathan switched his phone off, watching Anya sleep peacefully with a smile on her lips. He wondered what she was dreaming about to put such ease on her face. A musky, OFFICE HOURS

Sam Crescent


beautifully feminine smell filled the car. When he’d first smelt it teasing his nostrils, he’d been sure it was her female essence, but now he thought he must be losing his mind. There was no way she could have climaxed in the back of his limousine.

Anya would never do such a thing—surely she was too prim and proper. No way he’d ever catch her with her hand down her pants. She had her hair in a bun, for crying out loud!

He sat staring at her, her lips full, slightly open, teasing him. He shook his head.
Get her out of
your mind

His cock swelled in his pants, forcing him to recognise his fella’s existence—no action in a while, and now he was trying to poke his head out when he least wanted it.

No sex with the PA. No sex with the PA

He could just imagine a sexual harassment case being slammed in his lap.

That killed his mood.

He called to his driver, “How much longer, Paul?” He tapped on the arm of the chair, doing exactly what he’d told Anya not to do earlier. Fidgeting.

“Sorry, Mr Banks, an accident has completely blocked the road. A few more hours yet, I’m afraid.”

Nathan nodded, rubbing his face, hit by boredom.

He tried to keep his gaze turned away from Anya but his betraying eyes kept seeking out her sleeping form. Giving in, he gave her his full, undivided attention, without fear of her scorn or a sexual harassment case. He started with her face. Tiny strands of hair escaped her bun. He leaned in closer to see the fiery red colour, and his cock jumped in his pants. Images of her spread out on his bed sheets, her red hair spread across his lap as she sucked him off, her hair fisted in his hand, assailed him. He clenched his hands together in his lap, the temptation to grab a handful of her glorious red hair too intense. It would be deeply inappropriate. He’d never really taken in the colour of her hair before. Was she the same around her pussy, or did she shave? Wax? He wanted to rip her pants from her body so he could see, could answer his own questions. Instead, he sat on his hands, moving his eyes away from her sexually appealing hair. Nathan didn’t understand why it aroused him so much. Her complexion was smooth, her face pale and unmarked—the sunshine would be dangerous to her skin. Her nose was small, delicate, cute, her eyes a deep blue he remembered from all the times she’d looked at him with mocking laughter. Her lips were plump. How would they look stretched around his shaft and juicy with her saliva? Nathan OFFICE HOURS

Sam Crescent


couldn’t resist—he touched himself, the twitch of his cock against his pants protesting its tight confines. He grumbled, wanting to take himself in hand and rub himself to completion.

The thought of her reaction if she woke up stopped him.

Sexual harassment

Sexual harassment

Though her body was covered by the warm winter jacket, he knew how full and supple she was. Her legs were smooth and curvy, with the strength to wrap tightly around his waist as he drove into her. Even her toes were probably as sexy as hell. He groaned, slumping back against his seat, folding his arms over his chest, his face set in what he knew was a childish pout. He wanted his PA. No way! He wouldn’t allow her to dominate his thoughts.

She was an overbearing tight-ass who had unattractive boobs.

Definitely. He was being ridiculous.

He shook his head, staring out of the lonely window at the slow-moving traffic.

He jumped as Anya’s head connected with his lap, her body curling against his tense leg. She moaned softly in her sleep, her hand moving until it rested snugly against the inside of his thigh, inches away from his increasing length.

This cannot be happening
. Her womanly scent teased his nostrils. The desire to open a window to allow the fresh air to play on his face was almost too tempting, but a sudden concern for her health stopped him. He didn’t want her getting ill this weekend. Even if she had taunted him, she was still his PA, and a good one. He needed her. Nathan had been intrigued when he’d discovered the team-building weekend on the internet and had wanted to see if it would work and improve his working relationship with Anya. Of course he hadn’t read the small print—being on a course designed to strengthen
relationships might complicate things a little.

Unconsciously, he began to stroke his hand through her hair, teasing his fingertips with the silkiness of the strands as they glided over his fingers. She must treat it with some special hair-care products—there was no way a woman could get her hair to be this silky naturally.

Why the hell am I thinking about women’s hair-care products? Like I care?
He tried to stop touching her, but he couldn’t help himself. He rested his head against the window, closing his eyes as he continued to run his hand through her hair.

Her scent began to comfort him, shocking him with the effect she was having on his body and nerves.


Sam Crescent

BOOK: Office Hours
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