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Authors: Emily Jane Trent

Naked Submission (2 page)

BOOK: Naked Submission
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She found Tanner was true to his word
, and she was already registered. A slim employee in a tight-fitted spandex dress gave her the full tour. Each student had their own computer screen mounted stylishly on the wall. Everywhere she looked, there were pictures and sketches of new designs.

She knew it was going to be hard work
, but it’s all she’d ever wanted, at least until Tanner came into her life. He seemed to consume her thoughts, every waking hour since he’d swept her off her feet, such a short time ago. Focus was going to be required, if she hoped to create the innovative designs that were her passion. She’d have to learn to discipline her thoughts, which she already knew was easier said than done.

She talked with a
friendly admissions clerk, an attractive male with spiky hair and trendy clothing. He told her that Margie Sims, the manager of the patterns department, wasn’t in this week. He gave her Margie’s business card, and suggested she call to make an appointment to get the details about starting her part time job as a seamstress for the posh school.

Adam was his name
, and he was more than willing to chat about the school and the program. Natalie found herself riveted, and half an hour flew by before she knew it.

By the time she
left, she was exhilarated, head-to-toe. She couldn’t wait to tell Cheryl, and gain more insight into the business. Having been a supermodel, Cheryl was a wealth of inside information. She’d have the driver take her home. Maybe Cheryl was back from her appointment. She wanted to hear how it went, and she wasn’t ready to talk to Tanner, just yet. She needed to calm down.

Natalie was relieved to find Cheryl in the kitchen, reviewing some papers from her agent
, and having some tea. Tea sounded great. As soon as Natalie settled in a comfortable chair, she began to tell Cheryl about her exasperation with Tanner.

She filled her in on how the new relationship was developing. Natalie admitted that she missed Tanner already
, even though she’d seen him, just last night. He was rapidly becoming the center of her life, but she didn’t know how to deal with his over protectiveness and jealousy.

Cheryl listened and let Natalie pour her heart out, being no stranger to possessive men. When Natalie went quiet and looked at her for guidance, she offered, “Men can be very possessive, especially one like Tanner. He’s strong and controlling. His father groomed him to run the business. You can’t be weak and keep a world-wide business on track.

But, you’re wise to set boundaries early in the relationship. In my experience, once things get out of control, it’s harder to rein them in. He’s caring for you in his own way, but that can become suffocating.”

“Yes,” Natalie agreed. “His heart
is in the right place, but I question his methods. Having me followed? What is he thinking? I’m not his employee. I feel like I’m a subject under investigation, instead of his lover.”

Cheryl laughed at the absurdity. “You hold your ground. He can’t bully you
, unless you allow it.”

Natalie wasn’t so sure. She projected confidence in the safe company of her friend
, but had her doubts about carrying through. When she was with Tanner, he had such an effect on her. Refusing him, was asking the impossible. But, for the good of their relationship, she was going to have to stand firm.

Listening to Cheryl talk about her new modeling assignment was a welcome distraction from her problem. Yet, even though she was delighted to hear more details about the program at design school and the inner workings of the fashion world,
the entire time, Natalie mentally wrestled with how she was going to deal with Tanner.

5 – Confrontation

Tanner was waiting for her in the penthouse lobby. Business had kept him away all day, but he’d called and invited her to dinner. It was a brief call. Both of them were still mad. Even with the tension, hearing his voice soothed her. It was hard to be apart from him. It was a new experience for her to want someone, in the way she wanted Tanner.

There he stood
, wearing a gray suit and jacket with silver tie, simple garb that possessed unexpected sexuality on him. His dark hair, recently gelled and spiked, was alluring. She wanted to run her hands through it. She looked over his hard, lean body, and her heart raced. She’d have to get a grip, if she intended to hold the line with this gorgeous man.

“Natalie,” he said. Just hearing her name aroused her. He had a way of saying it…

Tanner looked at her dark brown eyes, trying to assess how mad she still was. He was distracted by the short, white cocktail dress she wore. It was unremarkable, by any designer standards. Yet, on her it took his breath away. It did little to cover her pale, flawless skin, and was so short he was tempted to reach under it, right here in the lobby, privacy be damned.

ing that Natalie was warming to him, he pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly. Feeling her perfectly-curved body pressed against him, he realized how much he’d missed her. It had only been hours, yet it was too long.

He’d chosen a
n intimate restaurant, hoping to set the mood. The architecture was contemporary, but executed in grand style. “This is where you go for a casual dinner?” Natalie gawked. Tanner looked at her, rolling his shoulders to convey it was nothing.

If she felt outclassed by the ambiance, the prices on the menu made her feel faint. She steeled herself to get used to it. If she was going to date Tanner
, she couldn’t wince at a little luxury. It was his lifestyle.

Natalie was already beginning to enjoy the availability of fine wines at Tanner’s fingertips. The sommelier had app
eared at their table, and had a short discussion with Tanner about the wine he wished to enjoy with the meal. The white-suited, black tie-clad wine expert smiled in knowing agreement, and was back in short order with the selected wine.

Natalie sipped the delicious red wine
, then reached out for the bottle and read the label. Good wine was beginning to intrigue her. The label was designed in a traditional French style. She read out loud, “2003
Domaine Jean-Louis Chave.”

“Northern Rhone, wine
appellation of Hermitage, 40-year-old Syrah vines,” Tanner informed her, with a satisfied look on his face.

didn’t dare think of the price. Tanner showed her how to swirl the wine and breathe in the bouquet. She held the crystal glass by the stem, so as not to mar the bowl of the glass with her fingerprints, and sipped again. “Yum,” she said, making Tanner smile.

In the cocoon of the rich restaurant, it was hard to stay mad. Yet, they both knew the issue from earlier in the day was unresolved. Neither really wanted to argue and spoil the mood
, but Tanner had no intention of losing the battle. In true style, he controlled the conversation, and waited until the
Oven Baked Black Sea Bass With Syrah Sauce
was announced and served, before he initiated the discussion.

Natalie looked at the aromatic dish before her
, and then, up at Tanner. She froze when she saw his piercing look, and a chill ran up her spin. “Eat, please,” he said stiffly.

Natalie’s appetite waned. Anxiety rode heavy in her stomach.

“What were you doing with the clerk at the school for half an hour?” he challenged.

That’s the last thing she expected to hear. “What do you mean?” She couldn’t fathom that he was really talking about that
charming clerk, who had been so willing to talk to her about the school, and make her feel welcome.

“He was clearly hot for you. And
, you sat there and chatted along, as if you were unaware,” he accused.

“Are we talking about the same person?” She asked incredulously.

“Was there more than one today?” He shot back.

Natalie felt anger rise to a new high. “You were spyi
ng on me at the school?” She spat in a shrill voice.

“The school has cameras. It’s not as if I don’t have access,” he said
, matter-of-factly.

Natalie would have yelled at him
, if she could have found her voice. The knowledge that he’d watched her, the entire time she’d toured the school, was bad enough. But, that he was challenged by the fact that she talked to a clerk there, spoke loudly of his insecurity. In a blinding moment, she realized that’s what was going on. It took her a minute to digest this new perception of the handsome man, glaring across the table at her.

“Cameras,” she repeated. Tanner waited for her response. “The clerk, Adam is his name, was just telling me about the school.”

Tanner’s lips tightened. At least, he was showing some restraint. A shouting match, in this public place, would be embarrassing, so she was grateful that he was keeping quiet.

“Adam was not coming—
on to me. He was just being friendly and telling me about the program. I am new there, you know.” Logic was lost on Tanner.

“You are so naïve,” he said
, derogatorily. “You don’t see how beautiful you are. Any man in his right mind would want you. And Adam, as you call him, would be first in line. If you think that’s not true, then you are just imperceptive.”

Natalie was sure that wasn’t the case
, but it was obvious that Tanner was overly jealous. She hadn’t known this about him before, and it could become an issue.

“That’s not the point,” she started. “The point is that you are watching me. Wherever I go, you have cameras on me or guards reporting my every move. It’s distressing, Tanner. I am a free woman
, and I won’t allow it.”

She saw
rage flood his face, and before she could think, the memory of him spanking her popped into her mind. She’d angered him, even more now than before. Well, she wasn’t a child to be spanked every time she crossed the line. Yet, his intention radiated through her. And, she was disconcerted to realize that the idea he might spank her, had aroused her.

Everything was just out of control. Natalie pushed aside her food
, which annoyed him further. She couldn’t eat, when he got her into such a state.

“We need to talk privately,” he said
, tersely.

6 –

The ride to Tanner’s penthouse wa
s strained. Neither dared to talk. Both waited until they were safely inside, leaving security not far behind, guarding the door.

“You are so rebellious, Natalie,” he stated, his eyes cold.

Natalie felt the heat of desire flood her body. She wanted to tell him he couldn’t bully her, but was unable to look at him, without wanting him. If he touched her, she wouldn’t be able to deny him. She thought of many things she could say. Instead, she just stood there, looking into his blue eyes, and feeling her body melt.

“I’m not going to spank you,” he told her. “I don’t think you are so easily

He looked at the impossibly sexy woman within arm’s reach. He intended to have her, to show her who
was master here. He was becoming obsessed with her, a fact which infuriated him. He maintained the upper hand with women. He possessed them, not the other way around.

“I have something else in mind for you,” he said in a thick voice.

Natalie thought to refuse, still unable to fully let go of her anger. But, looking at Tanner put her at a loss for words. His steely blue eyes, and predatory look, froze her. She felt her clit harden at the prospect that he might do something to her as punishment, something she hadn’t experienced before. What was wrong with her? She felt lost and ungrounded. She hardly recognized her reactions.

Upstairs in
his bedroom, engulfed in the rich emerald-green decor, Natalie stood still watching Tanner undress. He seemed unashamed of his nakedness. He looked powerful and confident. When he pulled down his boxers, she could see he was already hard, and she knew the prospect of punishing her had excited him. She knew she should feel rebellious, but she didn’t. She wanted it, and couldn’t even explain to herself, why.

Tanner’s look was harsh as he stepped toward her
, and proceeded to undress her, with purpose. The heavy velvet drapes were open and twilight gleamed through the window, causing her to glow like an angel who’d flown too close to the earth. Or, so it looked to Tanner. His eyes roamed over her lovely figure, as he peeled off her clothing.

Her dark hair and fair skin were a stunning combination. Her flawless skin made him want to caress her
, everywhere. He meant to own her, to command her. Yet, she was rebellious. The prospect of teaching her to obey him caused his dick to swell larger. He caught her glance down at his blood-filled, weighty member, and it aroused him further.

To maintain control, he lifted her chin to force her to l
ook him in the eyes. She was now completely naked, and he intended to make her submit. She would submit and behave. He didn’t want her flirting with other men. She belonged to him, and only him. He kissed her firmly on the mouth, demonstrating his possessiveness, and heat flooded Natalie’s belly.

She wanted what he would give her. There was no denying her
Take me Tanner
. His hand dug into her thick hair, and he pulled her head back, to look into her dark eyes. His look said everything. He was in command. She would please him.

BOOK: Naked Submission
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