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Authors: Emily Jane Trent

Naked Submission (8 page)

BOOK: Naked Submission
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“Just enjoy yourself. That’s what Tanner needs,” Cheryl told her, sagely.

Natalie felt much better after talking to Cheryl, having shared her concerns. She knew Cheryl had much more experience with men and had survived it well. She must know a thing or two. What she’d told her made sense. Natalie was enjoying herself. Possibly, she shouldn’t be. So much of what they did would be considered taboo.

It was their relationship. Others judgment shouldn’t affect them, only how they felt about each other mattered. Natalie knew how she felt. She wasn’t sure about Tanner. He was hard to read. For now, he wanted her and she was happy about that.

There were several hours to wait before seeing Tanner. A pang of homesickness struck and she called Jazzy, who wanted to hear everything about Milan. Natalie told her what she could in a quick overview, promising to fill her in more, as soon as she got back to New York.

Jazzy passed the phone to her mom and Natalie’s heart wrenched. Emma’s weak voice revealed her failing condition. Natalie had always been the backbone of the family, so she felt guilty over abandoning her mother at this vulnerable time. She promised to visit soon and hung up, feeling sad.

She spent the rest of the morning working on her design sketches. In the quiet and solitude, her creative mind soared, fueled by the aesthetic tone of fashionable Milan. Seeing all the trendy designs at the fashion show, and during her shopping excursion, had been the spark that ignited a whole new line she intended to create.


17 – Romantic Milan

For the rest of the time in Italy, Tanner managed his
meeting and business engagements, yet still found time to take Natalie to some of the most beautiful places in Milan. They ate at classy restaurants with fresh, local Italian food and drank wine that was, truly, nectar of the gods.

On two occasions, Tanner drove hi
s glossy, red Ferrari through the countryside. Once, he drove her to Lake Como, with starkly white stucco Italian buildings, on a hillside projected out into the lake. It was as beautiful as romantic scenes she’d seen of Greece, with the blue water and the bright sky.

The other time they cruised through the green
hills of Lombardy on the outskirts of Milan. She enjoyed seeing how the Italians lived outside the big city. Tanner got a thrill by opening the retractable top, turning the classy Ferrari into a convertible and driving fast over the country roads.

It was the only time they went out with
out bodyguards. It was nice to be alone, just the two of them, enjoying Italy at its best.

When Tanner was
involved with business, he had his staff see to her every need. One afternoon, she went to the Armani spa, remembering Cheryl’s recommendation. It was the height of luxury, and she was pampered beyond belief. Once again, she was presented with the option of a full body wax. Tanner had never urged her to do it. She was curious, but it seemed so drastic. Although tempted, she declined.

Sex became more intense
each night. Natalie was a willing participant in the process of self-discovery. The more Tanner taught her, the more she enjoyed the relationship. He could be fierce in his tastes, but he was very much in tune with her responses, seeming to instinctively know her limits. He was an expert lover, and skilled in techniques, that combined pain and pleasure into an exotic elixir.

Yet, despite the numerous demonstration
s of his sexual prowess, he still had one surprise in store for her on their last night. He took her to the luxury of his bedroom, foregoing the need of the playroom.

Against the wall was a long sofa with no arms or back. Tanner pulled it away from the wall and told Natalie he’d like to do something beyond what he’d done with her before, if she were willing. After so many romantic days in Milan, she was excited to see what he had in mind
, and readily agreed.

He lovingly undressed her and asked her to undress him. The slow, sensual process set the mood for what was to come. Tanner turned on beautiful operatic music and dimmed the cei
ling lights. He asked her to lie on the long sofa. From the drawer by his bed, he withdrew a long, three-strand rope made of hemp. Natalie was more curious than afraid. Tanner hadn’t hurt her so far, and she didn’t think tonight would be any different.

She was spellbound by what he did next. With an expertise that could only be called an art, he tied her to the sof
a with the long rope. He tied the rope in very specific, rope patterns, knowing just how to do it. The rope created a beautiful display of twists and knots. It took Tanner a while to complete his task.

He’d tied her so her breasts were openly exposed
, with rope wrapped over and under them. Her legs were wide apart. The rope looped once around her neck like a necklace, so she was free to turn her head. Her arms were bound to her body. The ropes weren’t too tight, just confining.

She watched
as he deftly made the last knot and admired his handiwork. “Where did you learn to do this?” She asked. Tanner only looked at her without replying. It was obvious he’d done this many times. He was certainly good at it.

Kinbaku – Japanese rope bondage,” he said with satisfaction. “Trust me, baby,” he said and stroked her cheek sweetly. She was completely restrained, and had no choice but to trust him. As beautiful a display as she made, she was no less vulnerable.

Tanner enjoyed seeing her tied to the sofa and admired his own
sensual creation. “I’m going to fuck you and I’m going to fuck you hard,” he confessed. He leaned in, felt the wetness between her legs, and whispered in her ear in a sexy voice, “Use the safeword, if you need to.”

Natalie’s mind was a blur. She was overly excited and felt her wetness seep onto the fabric of the sofa.

Tanner seemed oblivious. “You’re mine and I’m going to take you,” he stated with ferocity. His hot cock plunged into her, causing her to gasp and begin to pant. The thrill of his huge cock deep inside her aroused her to new levels. She couldn’t raise her hips to meet his thrusts. She couldn’t move at all.

Tanner moved
slowing in and out of her. Eyes locked, they watched each other’s pleasure reactions. It was slow and sensual. Natalie felt as if time had stopped. All that existed was her wet pussy and Tanner’s hard cock. Slow, slow, ever so slow, he moved on and on, never losing patience, never stopping. They panted together in unison, watching each other careen toward orgasm.

Tanner perceived Natalie’s arousal. His eyes only left hers when he dipped his head to suck and bite her needy nipples. He kissed and nibbled at her lovely neck. The instant he felt her vagina tighten over his bulging cock
, he looked up at Natalie again.

Her dark, brown eyes neve
r left his for endless minutes, as he fucked in a controlled rhythm. In and out, in and out, his motions were beautiful torture. Natalie’s eyes glazed over and Tanner’s cock swelled at seeing her pleasure and sensing the beginning of her orgasm. He knew he was with her every step and his own orgasm pushed forward. He found himself losing control.

Watching each other, they moaned and yelled
, as each saw the other plunge into the strong waves of orgasm. Natalie and Tanner tightened in unison and fell into an erotic pleasure as one, falling on and on, unable to stop. The sweetness, the pleasure, the other-worldliness of the experience left them both quiet at the end.

Tanner untied her and took her with him to a relaxing, delicious bath, after which they fell into a deep sleep in each other’s arms. They felt warm and peaceful and dreamed of nothing, just drifted off into a state of happy repose.

18 – Details

Natalie had a need to know more about Tanner’s sexual experiences
and glean some clue about his frozen heart. She determined to know about his past behavior. Being so intimate, she wanted to know her man fully, and didn’t like feeling that his life before her was secret.

he loving nature he’d shown the night before, told her that her instinct had been right all along. He wasn’t the evil man he’d tried to portray from the beginning. He was Tanner and he was a good man, a loving man. She wanted him to realize that and let go of the demons that had haunted him too long.

In the
morning at Milan International Airport, returning to New York, they experienced a delay. Tanner found this frustrating, much preferring his own personal jet. Yet, for international travel he often opted for first class passage on commercial airlines, due to the distance. Natalie took the opportunity to ask the questions she needed answers to. They sat at the back of a VIP lounge and, for once, Tanner didn’t have pressing calls or work to do deal with.

“I’m interested in your life before me. I have some questions,” she started.

Tanner looked into her lovely, brown eyes, noting how his feelings for her had changed. The days in Milan had seemed like weeks, and the level of sexual activity had spiraled upward, much to his satisfaction. Natalie acclimated to his instruction, and he knew she found their sessions exciting.

“I don’t see how that has anything to do with us,” he said.

“It does. It’s not that I’m jealous of the women who came before me. I have you now, and that’s all that matters. But a person develops through their experiences. You’re hard to understand sometimes. You can be so tender, and then suddenly, so stern. Your sexual techniques are polished and well-learned. How did all that happen?” She asked, really wanting to know.

Tanner sighed. He’d rather not talk about all of this. He’d been open with her and told her right away what to expect. But
, if she knew of all the things he’d done, would she feel the same? Yet, she looked at him with those innocent eyes and he knew he’d have to tell her.

“From my early teens, I spent most of my time with my father. He was grooming me for the bu
siness. I didn’t fall into a normal dating scene. I had the stigma of being wealthy and was aware that my money was very attractive to women. My life was not normal and I began to feel the pressure of my responsibilities, very early.

I fel
l into an elite group, composed of others from my wealthy circle, and was introduced to submissive women. I can’t explain why I was pulled so strongly in that direction. However, once I had a taste, I wanted more.

I’ve never been the romantic
type. My past is not strewn with hearts and flowers. I found my thrill in taking women to a level of pain that gave them the pleasure they sought. They didn’t ask more of me, and that suited my preferences.

I don’t claim I’m good for women. But
, the women I’ve been with haven’t complained. I tried to protect you from my violent nature, but you refused to take heed. It’s too late now. We’ve done too much together. I’ve wiped out your innocence and I intend to plunge further into the possibilities of what we can experience together.

I crave you, Natalie. You must know that,” his blue eyes turned dark
, but the stern look so often on his face was replaced with a softness, causing Natalie’s heart to surge with emotion.

“I’m staying. I’m not afraid of where we are going,” she said boldly.”I do wonder at my own kinky tastes. You’ve shown me a side
, of myself, that I didn’t know existed. Yet, I can’t imagine suppressing those desires. Sex without passion would never satisfy me. Now that I know how it can be.”

She looked at Tanner’s emotionless face
, noting how gorgeous he was. And for a moment, she detected a fleeting change in his countenance, but couldn’t name what she saw. “How many women have you been with?” She asked.

Tanner emitted a deep, low laugh. “Not as many as you might imagine, although I wasn’t keeping a tally sheet
. Over time, I found a few women who were more than willing to do my bidding. Aime was one of my longest relationships. I didn’t tend to go from one to the other. It takes a while to train a submissive.”

“Is that what I am, a submissive?” Natalie asked
, honestly.

Tanner struggled for the right answer. Deep inside
, he knew Natalie was different. She wasn’t one of many. She was a special one. In this brief time, he’d come to know that he had to possess her completely. With the others, he hadn’t cared. He’d always known another woman was in line, as a willing replacement.

“No,” he answered thoughtfully. “I don’t think you are. In the playroom, you do an impressive job of playing the role. But
, you aren’t just one more in a long line of submissives, begging me to dominate them.

I think I’ve made it clear that there’s only so much you can expect of me. However, you’ve taught me somethi
ng. You’ve taught me to crave one woman, a special woman, so much that I want to consume her. I want you, Natalie. You’re mine completely. And I want it that way,” he declared.

Natalie knew he’d told her more than he intended. She treasured his desire for her. She knew her obsession with him was far from over. In fact, she knew there would never be another man for her. How she could know
with such certainty, at her tender age, she couldn’t have said. But some things a woman just knows.

– The Visitor

As soon as the plane landed in New York
, Natalie already missed Milan and understood why Tanner thought of his mansion as home. He had to maintain his penthouse, as much of his business was transacted in his New York office. But, being in Milan had felt like being in another world. And, it struck Natalie how much their time in Italy had changed her.

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