Read Mated to the Vampire Kings Online

Authors: Charlene Hartnady

Mated to the Vampire Kings (7 page)

BOOK: Mated to the Vampire Kings
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on my dick, sweetness. Do it now.” He growled using the gruffest voice he could

smiled against his mouth. “That’s better.” Her voice was husky. Her little hand
circled him, guiding his cock into her snug heat.

couldn’t help but to groan as he breached her very tight opening. He would
never grow used to how perfect she felt. How her wet, velvet sheath devoured
him. Leaving him aching to cum from the word go. “You feel so fucking good,

embarrassed to say that I won’t last very long.”

could cum right now. Thank fuck for my years of experience in holding back.” He
hissed as she pushed herself all the way onto him.

thought I told you not to talk about your previous conquests during sex.”
Tanya’s voice was thick. “I don’t like it.”

in preparation for you, Tanya. I swear.” His voice was so deep that he barely
recognized himself. “Now less talking and more fucking.” He thrust up into her
using his hands to anchor her in place.

snarled as he lifted her slightly, putting her in a better position to rut her
from below. His female threw her head back taking ahold of each side of the
tub. Her jaw was slack as he pulled out.

thought you wanted me to ride you.” She moaned.

only thing I want you to do is cum…hard.” Even though he tried not to jostle
her with each hard movement, her heavy mammary glands still bounced with each
thrust. So fucking sexy, he felt his sacks tighten.

problem.” She moaned as her pussy tightened around his dick. She shouted his
name, drawing it out as her channel held him so damned tight that his eyes
actually watered with the intensity of his orgasm.

dick stayed hard inside her. Throbbing, wanting more. He had to actually force
himself to pull out of her and groaned in frustration when he finally did.

can do that again you know. In fact, I really want a round two.”

we can’t.” It came out sounding gruffer than he intended and he could see that
it affected her. He clasped her cheeks. “It’s not that I don’t want you, Tanya.
You know that I do.”

nodded, chewing on her lip.

take a shower. I’ll wash your hair. You can have breakfast in bed and maybe
take a nap before we go and see Selina. You need to take it easy. It’s not long
now, Ysnaar.”

sounds great. I just wish you would let me…”

shook his head. “Brant and I will survive, I assure you.”

do need to wash my hair and I am pretty hungry…” he noticed how her eyes
dropped to his throat.

couldn’t help but to smile. “Take as much as you want, Ysnaar.”

looked a little crestfallen. “I’m hungry for you and for eggs…no, french
toast…lathered in syrup.” Her eyes fluttered closed and she groaned before
opening them back up. “I also want tomato soup. What’s up with that?”

chuckled. “You can have it all, starting with me.” He turned his head, giving
her better access to the pulse at his neck. Loving the gasp of pleasure his
little human made as she sank her fangs into him.




Chapter 5


old healer moved her hands over her belly. Poking and prodding but mostly just
using firm easy strokes. Just like with vampires, her womb was impenetrable and
scanning to see the unborn child was not possible.

face was neutral and completely unreadable the entire time. “How often do you
feel the child move?”

Only, he squirms more than he kicks. I don’t think I have as much room

She said while continuing to palpitate her abdomen. “Have you had any bad back

shook her head. “Stop that.” She said, watching Brant pace up and down.

squeezed her hand. “We’re a little anxious. It’s normal, Ysnaar. It is our duty
to protect you, but in this situation”—he gestured to her belly—“we feel

is she?” Brant growled, his eyes swept to Selina.

haven’t finished my examination yet but you can stop pacing now. There’s no
need for that.” The older female put her hands on her hips and backed the
statement up with a hard look.

actually looked sheepish for a few beats before moving to stand at the other
side of the bed. He clasped her hand while looking down at her with so much
emotion that it brought a lump to her throat.

Cenwein. It’s just that I couldn’t stand losing you.”

the first time in a long while she felt worry seep into her veins. A hundred
different what if’s accosted her. All of them ending badly.

being such an idiot, my lord. The queen is perfectly fine. Listen to her heartrate”—she
shook her head—“you’ve scared her. Males are such morons…I will never
understand you lot.”

can’t help that I am honest. I’m sorry, sweetheart, I didn’t mean to…” His eyes
were filled with such concern. “I love you so damned much. Losing you would…”

fucking helping…” Zane growled. “Finish your examination so that everyone can
breathe a sigh of relief. Did you bring your medical kit?” He looked Selina’s

vampire female frowned. “It’s over there. Why?”

word from you and Selina is going to have to use it.” His eyes narrowed on
Brant who clenched his jaw.

squeezed Brant’s hand tighter. The last thing she needed right now was to see
them fly at one another. Brant had come home with blood on his shirt last night.
He had quickly changed but not before she had seen it. It had to be because the
two of them were fighting.

dropped a kiss onto her forehead just as Becky burst into the room. “I’m so
freaking sorry I’m late.” Her hair was tussled and she smelled of sex. Tanya
had to hold back a giggle when she noticed that her bestie’s dress was on
inside out.

Ross happy to see you by any chance?” She asked, noticing how Becky blushed.
Her friend never blushed.

not every day that I see him at work. He’s so good with a sword. All that hard
muscle and tight leather. You can’t blame a girl…can you?” Tanya realized that
her friend was worried that she would be upset with her.

growled, looking distinctly unimpressed.

gave him a dirty look. “We don’t mind at all, do we?” She squeezed both of
their hands, relieved when Zane chuckled.

don’t blame him in the least. Ross was probably just desperate for some alone
time. I’m sure that dog gets underfoot regularly.”

choked out a laugh. “The scent of flea powder must get old fast.”

you two please cut the shit?” Becky glared at each one of them in turn.

so sorry.” Tanya released their hands, feeling mortified. “That is totally
unacceptable. Rushe is Becky’s mate. It doesn’t matter that he is a wolf shifter.
What the hell is wrong with you?”

Brant tried to take her hand back but she wouldn’t let him.

also sorry.” Zane held his hands up. “It was in bad taste.”

it on the nerves.” Finally giving up trying to take ahold of her hand, Brant growled
while putting a hand on her shoulder instead. His eyes were on Becky.

mean it,” Zane said. “Ross can take the day off. Feel free to explore the
castle and the grounds. Ross’ old room is still unoccupied. Go nuts.” He added
while smiling broadly.

nodded. “No more wise cracks. I’m here as your mate’s physician even though I
still think she should be dealing with an actual gynecologist.” She widened her
eyes at Tanya.

gynecologist would have no experience in birthing a vampire baby. You do.”
Tanya put a hand to her belly, still ignoring her mates.

because I was there when Stephany’s babies were born does not make me an
expert. It was one time…one.”

also delivered plenty of human children.” Tanya added and Becky nodded.

delivered countless vampire young,” Selina piped in. “I think we will be fine.”

Tanya pulled a tongue at her friend.

make me spank your ass. Just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean you’re exempt.”

growled, it was so low that it almost wasn’t audible.

it.” Tanya hit the side of his arm. “We’re only fooling around. Becky is not
going to hit me.”

you.” Becky’s eyes twinkled mischievously. “I will so spank you if you deserve
it.” Opening the black bag on the floor in front of her, she pulled out some latex
gloves and set them down on a nearby table together with a tube of lube.

freaking days.

worked hard not to think about what those were for. “Um, Becks.” Tanya said
nodding her head towards the table in question.

Becky pulled out a stethoscope.

of us can get any diseases or illnesses.” Tanya kept her eyes on the gloves.

me okay?” Her friend arched a brow. “Old habits die hard. Besides, I don’t want
to take any chances. I’m also not sure I like the idea of my hand inside your
vagina without gloves.”

giggled. “You’re right. I’m not sure I want your naked hand in there either.”
She made a snorting noise. “Hell, I don’t even want your gloved hand in there.”
A nervous giggle popped out and she bit down on her lip to stop it.

are a big baby.” Becky smiled, inserting the stethoscope ear thingies into her
ears. After checking her heart rate and blood pressure, Becky moved to the foot
of the bed. “Now for the fun part.”

this really necessary?” This would be her second exam down there and she didn’t
like it much. Not at freaking all really.

nodded, pulling the gloves onto her hands with a snap. “Open up, buttercup. I
need to check your cervix.”

groaned. “It hurts.” Like a bitch, but she pulled off her underwear anyway.
When Becky had checked her the previous week, she had, had to use all of her
will power not to pull away and snap her legs shut.

sorry.” Becky did look upset. “I’ll make it really quick. You are still a
couple of weeks away from having this baby so it is normal to have a tight
cervix, which usually makes the exam a little uncomfortable. You’ll find that
as I check you each week, it will get better.” She gave her a tight smile. “Thing
is, the baby is really low down in the pelvis. That coupled with not being able
to do a scan, it would be better to be safe rather than sorry.”

made a noise of agreement. “Vampire babies are rarely born before they are full
term. From the check I conducted, I am certain he is weeks away from coming.
The little one is still very much on the small side and has a lot of growing
still to do.”

felt her mouth drop open. “You can’t be serious.” Her voice was a little high
pitched. “Please tell me that you are joking.”

vampire female shook her head. “You will get much bigger, my queen. The time
has come to rest. Do not over do things. Even though you are stronger because
you mated the kings, you are still a human carrying a vampire child.” For a
brief second Selina looked a little worried. The emotion was gone before Tanya
could really analyze it.

time, both of her males growled. When they grabbed ahold of her hands, she let
them. “I don’t care how big I get, I just need my baby to be okay.” It came out
in a shuddery whisper.

are doing great.” Selina smiled and the skin around her eyes wrinkled. “These
last few weeks will be over before you know it.”

you say so.” Her palms felt sweaty and her mouth had turned a little dry.

your whining and say
.” Becky may have made a silly joke but the deep
vee between her eyes belied her worry.

opened her legs.

honey. I’m a big girl.” Becky moved between her legs, which she spread further.
“Holy freaking hell sister. Somebody find me a weed eater and fast. This bush
needs a serious trim.”

bitch.” Tanya gasped. “You didn’t just say that?”

know I love you right?” Becky lifted her head till they locked eyes. Her bestie
was smiling.

sometimes I wonder.” Tanya couldn’t help but to smile back.

sighed. “I don’t get you females. Not even one bit.”

worry, friend…” Becky winked at her. “I’ll help a girl out. A quick trim and a
wax and you’ll be all sorted. I’ll even throw in a free pedi.”

a fuck,” Zane growled. “I like my female’s fur just the way it is and you won’t
touch it.”

Tanya tried to sound stern. “It would just be a little trim. You do know that
they are going to shave me for the birth, right?” Tanya giggled at his
horrified look. “It’ll grow back.” She squeezed his hand.

squirted some lube onto the gloved hand and slid her fingers together to get
them all well coated. “I will never understand vampire males, so that makes us
even.” Becky giggled as she moved back between Tanya’s parted thighs. “Suck in
a nice deep breath for me. This shouldn’t be so bad since my hand is still
smaller than their monster dicks.” She nodded her head in the direction of Zane
and Brant.

laughed so hard that she actually felt tears run down her cheeks. All the
tension drained right out of her. Even Brant’s mouth twitched.

all out chuckled. “Better believe it,” he growled.

she finally got it together, Tanya used the back of her hand to wipe away her
tears and sucked in a breath like Becky had asked. Aside from the invasion of
another person’s fingers inside of her, it didn’t hurt. Not one bit, even
though she had braced for the pain.

made a humming noise. She managed to sound both surprised and concerned all at

is it?” Selina asked, taking the words right out of her own mouth.

friend kept her eyes firmly on Tanya’s. The vee between her eyes was back and
Becky was chewing on her lip. “You’re already four centimeters dilated. Your
cervix is soft and about fifty percent effaced.”

centimeters?” She gasped.

the fuck does that mean?” Brant growled. Zane was squeezing her hand so hard
that she was sure her fingers would break at any second.

too early.” Selina looked overly concerned. The lines around her mouth and eyes
looked way more prominent.

removed the gloves and then threw them into a nearby waste bin. “In my
professional opinion, and please”—she put her hands up—“I have very little
experience with this type of pregnancy…”

it to us straight,” Zane said. Tanya could see how his neck muscles bulged,
tension radiated off of both males.

baby could come any day. I would be surprised if you lasted more than a week
although it’s hard to tell with this type of thing.” Becky turned to Selina.
“The infant should be fully formed and ready for birth. This would not be cause
for concern in a human pregnancy.”

child is too small. Vampire young are very strong but an infant is an infant
regardless of the species. We need to try and keep this baby inside of our
queen for as long as possible.” The female shook her head, her eyes wide in her
skull. “The only time we ever lose vampire young is when they are born
prematurely. When the child is too small and weak, which I am sure this little
one still is.”

could feel hot tears course down her cheeks. Surely one pregnancy scare was
enough. This wasn’t happening.
It just wasn’t

our fucking fault!” Zane roared. “My fault,” he added, sounding completely
gutted. “You were right.” His eyes flashed to Brant. “Male seed weakens the
entrance to the womb. We should never have rutted so many times with our
female. Twice a day was still too often.”

snorted, sounding pissed. “Especially considering how fucking potent our seed
is. I’m so sorry, Cenwein. I hope you can forgive us.” Brant wiped away her
tears with his thumb. The stricken look he gave her tore at her, making her
feel even worse.

BOOK: Mated to the Vampire Kings
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