Read Mated to the Vampire Kings Online

Authors: Charlene Hartnady

Mated to the Vampire Kings (3 page)

BOOK: Mated to the Vampire Kings
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slid his arm around her as she kneeled at his side. The burst of rapture on her
tongue had her crying out as she sank her fangs into his neck. Zane growled
just as Brant moaned. Her eyes locked with Zane’s, they’d darkened up a whole
lot. Her mate folded his arms across his chest, a muscle ticked in his jaw.

a few weeks, may as well be a lifetime.




Chapter 2


female stretched her back and if he really tried, Zane was sure he would be
able to see her pussy. Her dress was short, and so tight that he could make out
the outline of her breasts including her pebbled nipples. He wasn’t in the
least bit interested and was sure to keep his eyes on hers in order to convey
that. There was nothing she had that he wanted to see. Especially with the
thought of his female’s lush curves still at the forefront of his mind. His
attraction to Tanya grew as she ripened with child. It was becoming harder and
harder to stick to the pact he and Brant had agreed to. Especially since their
human didn’t agree. They needed to do what was best for their mate and unborn
child even if it killed them.

at him from under long lashes, she touched his arm. “You look like you are
hungry, my lord.” She purred. “Would you like to come back to my room? I’m sure
that the queen will understand.”

took in a deep breath trying hard not to smile. There was no way in hell his
little human would understand. Tanya would have his dick and both his balls if
he even thought about being with another female…
in any way shape or fucking
. Zane loved that she was so possessive.

a brow, the female obviously took his silence as permission to continue. The
hand that had lightly touched the side of his arm closed over his bicep and he
found everything in him tightening and not in a good way.

will make you feel so good.” She purred some more.

thank you,” Zane growled a little too harshly. Not liking how forward she was.
It felt like she was slighting the queen. “I am a mated male.”

have needs, my lord.” She took a small step towards him and he had to work not
to step back. “The queen is in no position to satisfy those needs. Not right

made a noise of frustration, one she misinterpreted as need.

ready for you.” He could scent her arousal. It irritated him. “I know you are
busy, we could be done in minutes.”

said that I wasn’t interested.” He moved away, intent on leaving.

tells me different.” She pointed at the bulge in his pants. The one he sported
since leaving Tanya. A hand job just wasn’t the same as the real thing. Even if
he had watched Tanya find her pleasure while fisting his cock. It might have
been the next best thing to full blown sex but it still wasn’t nearly enough.
He would fucking deal. There would be no female taking his Ysnaar’s place. Not
now and not ever.

dick being hard has nothing to do with you.” He decided to be blunt. “My female
is the cause and my female will ease me.”

giggled. “Why are you walking in the opposite direction to her chamber then?”
There was no malice in her voice. She was simply stating the obvious. “Have you
told our queen that you are permitted to take other females while she enters
her final stages of pregnancy?”

shook his head. “That is none of your business.”

my king.” She tsk’d. “Both you and Brant are too virile to abstain for any
length of time. You are alpha males of the highest order. Vampire royalty. There
is just no way.”

his teeth, Zane had to work hard to keep the growl from his voice. “We will not
need to abstain. Our human is strong—”

the female laughed, cocking her head to the side as she looked up at him. “You
know where to find me
you change your mind. Your sentiment is sweet
but not sustainable.” She shook her head. “I am not an emotional female. I
understand that you love your human. If you need a warm body, I am more than
willing.” She winked at him. “You need to let your human know what the rules
are though, before she finds out from someone else. You would be well within
your rights to take me up on my offer. To take any of the many unmated females
to your bed. This will be the first of many offers, and you know it. Speak with
our queen. If she loves you and puts your needs first, she will understand. I
sincerely hope that she will be respectful of our vampire ways. Respectful of
both you and King Brant, my lord.” She briefly bowed her head before flashing
him a smile which exposed a long, ivory fang. Turning on her heel, the female
left before he could set the record straight.

cursed under his breath. The thing was, the female was right. It was one of
those ancient, bullshit lores that said that vampire royalty and their elite
could rut with substitute females while their mates were too heavily pregnant
to accommodate them. There were those that evoked the lore, but it was rare for
a male to go against the wishes of their female. Especially during such a
precarious time.

felt his lips twitch at the thought of how his Ysnaar would react when she
found out about the lore. His little human would have a meltdown. She was the
most possessive female he had ever known. At one time he would’ve thought that
such a trait in a female would irritate him. Yet, the opposite was true. Unless
of course her possessiveness was brought on due to a lack of self-confidence.

shook his head as he made his way to the front of the castle that led to the main
doors. The best course of action would be to have a discussion with Brant, to make
sure that they were united in this. His jaw clenched at the thought of Brant
hurting their female. He had better fucking be onboard or so help him…

there, they would need to gently break the news to Tanya while assuring her
that neither of them would ever actually evoke the lore. His hand could cramp
and his balls could burst, it wouldn’t change anything. His little human was
everything he needed.


closed the door behind him. The human lawyers rose to their feet. Three of them.
He motioned for them to take a seat. “I’m sorry I’m late. Something came up
that needed attending to.”

humans would not be able to scent that he had just rutted his female. By now,
he had met with these males countless times so he was beginning to become
reacquainted with their human shortcomings. It had been almost a year since
they had mated Tanya. Thank the gods, her senses were much more developed and
she was so much stronger than she used to be. Being with these humans reminded
him of just how far his mate had come. They were puny and clueless and he
looked forward to a day very soon when the contracts would be wrapped up and
such frequent meetings would no longer be necessary.

is the final contract for the trials.” The older of the three males pushed a
document across the wide mahogany table towards him.

stretched the rest of the way and took the thick contract. The male was one of
the partners at a law firm. His helicopter was parked on the lawns outside. The
much younger male next to him was his associate. The third male was from
Sweetwater, his suit was cheap and off the rack but his smile was genuine.
Brant was much more inclined to trust the latter male than the other two. His
only concern was that the human scented of alcohol now and had on every other occasion
they had met as well. He knew that the substance was addictive to humans and
that it at times impaired their ability to think rationally. The only consolation
was that the scent was never overpowering and that the male had never seemed affected.
Brant didn’t like having to involve humans in vampire affairs but since they
planned on integrating human females into their coven, they had no other

flipped through the document. “Are all the loopholes taken care of?” He kept
his eyes on the older male, Eugene Carlyle.

male nodded. “Yes. We may need to make amendments once you roll out the

made a small growling noise and all three males flinched. They were so damned
weak in both stature and mind. “I don’t want comebacks. I certainly don’t want dealings
with your human law.”

sighed, he threaded his fingers together, resting his elbows on the table in
front of him. “Please understand that a contract will never circumvent the law.
The best way to ensure that this
breeding program
of yours”—he wrinkled
his nose—“runs smoothly, is to ensure that the rules are followed and that the
risk is minimized. There cannot be any major incidents.”

curious, you don’t seem to like the idea of our program, why is that? Since we
will soon begin advertising the trial positions in the local paper, I am
interested in hearing your views.”

smiled, the expression didn’t reach his eyes. “I am a married man, Mr…Brant.
The thought of propositioning women so that your men can have sex with them is
crazy to me. The idea that random strangers would have sex in the hope of them
pairing up for the purpose of having offspring just doesn’t compute.”

felt his brow crease. “To clear things up. The idea is that your human females will
mate with our best males in the hope of offspring. It’s not quite as crude as what
you are making it sound like.”

face wrinkled in disgust. “Yeah, but before they pair off they would have lots
of sex with one another. They would be expected to test the waters with various
vampire men. Humans are monogamous, we don’t hop from bed to bed. It’s just not
done. Our women in general are even more opposed to the idea.”

frowned. Although the male was right to a degree, none of what he was saying
made any sense. “They wouldn’t be expected to do a damn thing. If they don’t
want to have sex, they don’t have to. It would be strictly up to the human
women and not the other way around. The human females would be in the driver’s
seat. Though I certainly do hope that the interaction will result in matings
and offspring. As that is the whole purpose of the program.” He felt his frown
deepen as the male turned his nose up, his mouth was set in a grimace. “Tell me,
Eugene. You say that humans are monogamous yet you had sex with a female just
this morning. From her scent, I would say that she is much younger than you.”
He sniffed in Eugene’s general direction not caring for the moment that humans
disliked such gestures. “From the scent of the female, she was intimate with
another male hours before you. So you’re not as monogamous as you are making
out to be.”

mouth dropped open and he made a strangled noise.

week you had sex twice and I could scent that both females were not your mate.
You seem to fuck random strangers regularly, you are not monogamous. Why does
the thought of this program disgust you?”

do not fuck around.” The male’s eyes were the size of saucers. “I would never
cheat on my wife. You don’t know what you are talking about. I’ll sue you for
defamation…” Eugene began to stand.

down,” Brant growled. “I sometimes forget how…private”—
Fucking deceptive
can be.” His dislike for the male grew. Thing was, he’d came highly recommended
as the best and in this instance, they needed to ensure that their asses were
covered. They didn’t want incidences of any kind. If one of his males so much
as left a scratch on one of the humans, or a female laid charges against them,
it could spell disaster and not just for the program.

apologize.” It was hard for Brant to say the words. “I must have been

fucking hell
. This male fucked a whole bevy of
women. In fact, in all the time he had known Eugene, he had only scented that
he had rutted with his actual mate on him once. What a complete asshole. A
hypocrite in the first fucking order. If he wasn’t so far down the road with
this agency he would fire him on the spot. As it stood, his hands were tied.

male in question finally nodded, giving Brant a tight smile. “Apology accepted.
It’s not wise to throw around such statements without facts to back them up.”

flashed a fang at the male who cringed back in his chair. “I am a vampire, Eugene.”
He had to work to keep his voice even.

cleared his throat. “If you don’t mind me chiming in…”

fuck, he was liking this kid more and more. Way to defuse a sticky situation. Brant

the focus has been on the women that you plan on bringing into this program,
which is understandable.” He swallowed, licking his lips. “Know that this type
of program is not the norm for human women. You explained that it is standard
within vampire society to have sex with many different partners before a
partnership is established. It’s normal, for example, for a vampire to have sex
with more than one partner on the same day. For your men to share the same
woman and for that woman to be completely onboard. What I’m trying to get at”—he
took a sip of the glass of water on the table in front of him—“despite
anomalies.” He cleared his throat.

felt his mouth twitch. It was clear the young buck was referring to his boss
who turned a bright shade of red.

fact of the matter is that we are very different, Brant. Women entering this
program need to fully understand your ways, what the rules are and what is
expected of them.”

will be fully briefed and will need to sign these.” Brant touched his hand to
the contract.

BOOK: Mated to the Vampire Kings
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