Loose Ends (Magnolia Series Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: Loose Ends (Magnolia Series Book 1)
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Two years later

“Just a little off the top?”
Ava glanced in the mirror at Jack Thompson. He’d been stepping into the small one-chair salon since she’d planted her new roots in Biloxi, Mississippi. Every week like clockwork, Jack would plop his alcohol-soaked ass in the styling chair so Ava could take the extra quarter of an inch of hair off his mostly bald head. Jack was one of those men who constantly ogled her chest, but she wasn’t one to complain—the guy was a fantastic tipper.

“You know the drill, Ava.” He smiled.

“I think you only come in here to see me, Jack. You don’t really need a haircut this week,” Ava joked while spreading the styling cape over his body, snapping it around his sweat soaked neck.

“You caught me.” He began to laugh but was interrupted by his own coughing fit. “Don’t tell anyone.” He finally recovered and patted his heaving chest.

“You have my word.” She made a “cross my heart” motion and reached for the electric clippers hanging from a hook on the wall. Every time she flipped the switch on the cutting tool it was like a sound of home. A comforting racket that told her this was who she was, and where she was supposed to be.

Watching the small chunks of hair fall across the cutting cape as she worked, Ava whipped the clippers across Jack’s head until he was completely bald once more. “Alright, you’re good to go.” She brushed some talcum powder across his neck and unsnapped the cape, its
sound another comfort in her small business.

“Much better.” He rubbed a hand across his scalp and grinned. “Not sure how I managed until you got here.”

“What can I say, I’m a miracle worker.” Ava shrugged. She jerked her head around when a snort sounded behind her. Ready with a retort to whomever was rudely interrupting her and her client, she stopped at the sight of what could only be described as “man candy” standing in the doorway.

His entire body was backlit with a glow from the beaming sun filtering through the plate glass door. Her eyes raked over his physique, her mouth drying up like a Miniature Mohave Dessert with each dose of eye-fucking she managed to shell out.
Holy shit balls
Who let the sexy beast out of his cage?
Her dry mouth dropped open while she continued to stand there gawking at the artwork of a man in the doorway. Under a dark blue sleeveless t-shirt sat broad muscled shoulders and biceps that were clearly made for hard work.
I have some hard work he could do,
she internally mused. A flat stomach led into lean hips that were tucked into an extremely dirty and worn pair of blue jeans. Scuffed-up cowboy boots were on his feet with the jean bottoms tucked into each one.
Okay, yuck
That’s not cool, at all
. She decided to move her gaze back to his face.
Holy Christ on a cracker!
She didn’t think they even made men like him anymore.
His jawline held at least a days’ worth of scruff but under that un-refinement was a gorgeous bone structure that was the right amount of masculine and perfection. Bits of curled-up light brown hair peeked out from underneath his filthy camouflaged ball cap and when he lifted his head just a tiny bit, she could see a set of glittering blue eyes. Every single feature on this man was nothing shy of gorgeous. The pants tucked into the boots she could deal with if it meant being able to mentally screw him for as long as he stood there.

“Are you gonna stand there and ogle the shit outta me all day, or can a man get a haircut?” He had a knowing smile on his face.

“Uh, yeah sure.” Ava nervously gestured to the styling chair.

“Here ya go, young lady. I’ll see ya next week.” Jack cut in and laid the payment for his haircut on the counter beside the silver hair dryer.

“Thank you, Jack. Same time next week.” Ava gave him a pat on the back like she did every single week.

Once Jack was through the door, the air in the salon became somewhat uncomfortable. She was all alone with the tall drink of water but somehow she was parched beyond belief.

“Where do you want me?” he asked.

She had several places she
him, but none appropriate to say out loud. “Right here.” She spun the chair around in invitation.

Ava had never had an issue with nervousness when doing her job. Each client was money in her pocket and she’d been trained by the best. But for some strange reason, this guy was causing her hands to tremble. Her only savior would be her knack for conversation;
was one thing she knew how to do.
. “So, how do you want me to do you?”
! “I mean…do it. How do you want me to do your hair?” She felt the flame of embarrassment crawl up her face.

The chuckle that escaped his sexy lips resonated around her causing a shudder to rack her overheated body. Trying to keep busy she draped the cutting cloth over him and began to fasten it around his neck
Oh, God, his scent.
He was putting off an aroma that was a combination of expensive cologne and fresh Mississippi soil. Thoughts of leaning down and trailing her tongue across the smooth expanse of his neck crossed her mind.
No, I can’t do that
. She mentally slapped her wrist with a ruler.

“Just clean it up a bit. I’ve got a date tonight,” he said. The thought that some other woman would get the pleasure of his company sent jealousy and disappointment coursing through her veins. What was she supposed to say to that?

“Congrats.” The dumbest thing possible flew out of her nervy lips.

“Yeah, thanks. I guess.” He raised his eyebrows.

“No, I didn’t mean it like “oh you’re so hideous that you couldn’t possibly procure a date’.” Ava tried to explain.

“What the hell does “procure” mean?”

“To obtain…you know, to get a date?”

“Gotcha. Well, I appreciate you thinking I’m
a dog.”

“Thanks.” She ducked her head in awkwardness. “I’m Ava by the way.” She decided to introduce herself to lead the conversation away from its current territory.

“Luke. Luke Daughtry.” He did the same.

“Nice to meet you, Luke.” And it
nice to meet him. Even his name was sexy as hell. How could such perfection be wrapped up in even more perfection? Was this a dream? Was she going to wake up and find that this whole day never even happened? Wouldn’t
be an epic disappointment?

“Let’s get you looking great for your date, shall we?” Ava steadied her nerves and began her routine. She was damn good at what she did. This wasn’t the time to get all tongue-tied crazy over a hot guy in her chair. It was time to put her skills to work and make Luke look good for his lucky date. Damn the bitch, whoever she was.

“I’m all yours.” He looked in the mirror and gave a sweet half smile.  If only his words were true and he
all hers.

Grabbing her spray bottle of water she began to mist the liquid over the gleaming strands of Luke’s hair. She raked her fingers through the shaggy mop to distribute the water and cop a feel of his silky strands. Once he was prepped enough, she picked up her shears. “Here we go.”

Normally Ava was extremely chatty when doing her job, but with Luke she couldn’t find the right words to say. Everything she thought of sounded ridiculous, even to her. The silence was killing her. “I haven’t seen you around. Are you new in town?” she asked as she snipped off the curled ends of his hair.

“I’m originally from here. Just moved back a few months ago.”


“My grandma passed and left me her house and property in the will. I figured I’d come back, fix it all up and sell it for a nice profit,” he added.

“Where were you before here?” She relaxed a bit as the conversation progressed.

“You sure do ask a lot of questions.” He shot her a slightly annoyed look in the mirror.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry.”

“You’re one of those nosy hair dresser types aren’t you? You like to get in everyone’s business and spread gossip around town like a busybody.”

Whoa, what’s his problem?
She took a step away from the chair and fought the urge to stab him in the neck with the two blades of German steel in her hand. No, she wasn’t one of those types. If anything she was far from it. The fact that Luke thought she was something she wasn’t made her see red. “Look, I don’t give a damn about you. I was attempting to make polite conversation because that’s what I do to keep
from thinking I’m a stuck-up asshole. But clearly you’re the asshole here.”

“Could you put those scissors down? I don’t feel like getting impaled today.” He smirked.

“They. Are. Shears,” she corrected.

“Oh, excuse me. Could you put your pruning shears down, please?” He spun himself around in the chair and gave a look that she felt straight to her toes. “I’m not trying to be a dick,” he stated. “I just hate people digging around in my personal shit.”

“Fine.” She stepped back toward him and his yummy man smell intensified.

“Everything okay?” He raised an eyebrow.

“Just dandy. Do you want me to finish your hair?” Ava held up the comb and shears.

“Only if you promise not to slice and dice me.”

“I promise.” Grabbing the back of the chair, she spun it around until it was facing the mirror once more.

“Some women are ugly when they’re pissed, but not you. You’re kinda cute when someone ruffles your feathers.”

Was that some sort of compliment?
“Thanks,” she mumbled.

Silenced surrounded her once again as she finished up his haircut. Being around Luke was half torture and half pleasure. She needed him out of her shop before she either tackled him to the floor and fucked him six ways to Sunday, or slammed his head in the shampoo bowl and drowned him. The first option was for sure the best one, but number two was looking mighty tempting as well.

Her fingers couldn’t unsnap the buttons to the cape fast enough when she finished with him. Whipping the cloth from his body she turned to hang it on its hook on the wall.

“How much do I owe ya?” He pulled his wallet from his back pocket and began riffling through some bills.

“No charge.”

“Is it free haircut day and I didn’t know?” Luke’s attempt at a joke did nothing to lighten Ava’s mood.

“No. I just figured since I called you an asshole I wouldn’t charge you. Again, I apologize.”

“Sweetheart, if that’s the worst thing you ever call me, we’ll be just fine. Here.” He held out a fifty dollar bill.

“I don’t have change for that.” She flashed an apologetic smile.

“Keep the change.” He tossed it on the counter beside a stack of tips.

“That’s a $40 tip!” Her voice cracked as the words left her mouth.

“Glad to see you have math skills.” He snickered.

“I can’t take that big of a tip, it wouldn’t be right.”

“Jesus. Okay, how about this, you keep it and maybe one night you can buy me a drink?” Luke began to bargain.

“Are you
?” Ava looked at the money and back to Luke and his magnificent eyes.

than sure.”

“Okay. Deal.” She extended her hand for him to shake.

Luke did the same and when his calloused fingers and palm roughed over her smoother skin, it caused a ripple effect of awareness throughout her entire body. Her hand jerked out of his almost on its own accord, her palm now feeling like it’d been singed in three thousand degree

“See ya round, Ava.” Luke threw his ball cap on his head and issued a wink in her direction.

“Bye,” she whispered as he exited the shop.

Watching him walk out the door was painful in a way. Yeah, he was rough around the edges in the personality department, but underneath he seemed like a nice enough guy. Everyone had flaws, right? Ava grabbed the broom and began sweeping up the small piles of Luke’s freshly cut hair. She sighed as she looked up into the mirror stationed on the wall. “Why can’t my life be normal with someone like him?” She voiced the question aloud to the empty room. “Why do I have to be on the run from criminals like this?”

BOOK: Loose Ends (Magnolia Series Book 1)
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