Loose Ends (Magnolia Series Book 1) (27 page)

BOOK: Loose Ends (Magnolia Series Book 1)
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In 2015 I had the pleasure of attending a book signing in Pennsylvania. As fate would allow, I met the most amazing individual there. Her name is Danielle. Low and behold Danielle is a fellow princess like me. We became great friends over the past months and I couldn’t be any more grateful to have her as a part of my life. You’re probably wondering why I dedicated Loose Ends to her. Here’s why…I found out that Danielle has cancer and is the same age as myself. How devastating to find out that a disease has taken over your body like that? But Danielle doesn’t show her weakness. She puts on her tiara and faces each day with bravery and beauty. I don’t know that I’ll ever be as strong as Danielle. To possess even 1/10 the courage she has would be astounding to me. I know in my heart of hearts she will beat this disease. She has to. If this shining light is taken from this world, there will be a hole that can never be filled with another human being. So Danielle, Loose Ends is for you. It’s your book and I hope you love it. And of course I want to say just one more thing…




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BOOK: Loose Ends (Magnolia Series Book 1)
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