Learning to Live with Her Master [Prometheus in Chains 4] (Siren Publishing Classic) (3 page)

BOOK: Learning to Live with Her Master [Prometheus in Chains 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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He thought back to their day. He’d booked tickets to see the Alhambra, choosing the first visit of the day so it would not be so crowded. They had ascended the slope out of the shop and ticket office with their audio guides tuned in. Once over the hill, the Alhambra lay below, and he had allowed Jane to hurry him down to see it. He had enjoyed looking at her as she was struck speechless by its beauty and the use of water as an art form. The sound of running water and the reflection of the ornately carved ceilings in the still pools of water made it a magical place.

He’d taken her to lunch in the old town higher on the hill, and then they had gone to visit the cathedral. The small shops selling tea and spices in the arcades under the cathedral would have been there for centuries. She had surprised both him and the young man selling tea by her ability to speak Spanish. The young man had been charmed and paid her compliments. Not that Angus understood Spanish, but he saw her blush and say thank you as the young man gave her the tea she’d bought and a few sticks of cinnamon as a gift. He thought her adorable.

He could smell the spices in the tea now. The whole room was redolent of orange and her beloved cinnamon. Then she awoke and smiled sleepily up at him and he stopped thinking and took her in his arms.

“Time to get up and pack to move on to Cordoba,” he said. She protested, snuggling back under the covers, and he stripped them off her and swatted her bottom, until, moaning, she turned over and spread her legs so he could see how wet he had made her. He loved the way she offered herself to him now. She no longer worried about how she’d measure up. He had made sure she knew he fancied her.
What can a gentleman do when his ladylove makes her desires so plain? He obliges her of course.
Lowering himself onto the bed between her legs, he curled his arms around her thighs, anchoring her. He proceeded to lick away all the cream she had created due to his spanking. As fast as he licked, she made more so in the end he settled for nipping and suckling her clit until she came. He watched the usual rush of pleasure make her lift her back off the bed and clutch at his hair in her ecstasy.

“Oh, Master.” She sighed, limp in his arms.

He was not satisfied with one orgasm for her and continued to lick and nibble and suckle until she was almost there again. Then he bit down gently on her clit and brought her screaming to another one. Before the aftershocks had time to fade, he pushed his cock deep inside her and fucked her hard and fast until he, too, found his release deep in her hot, tight folds.

“Jane, you are so wet and tight, and you fit me like a glove. I cannot get enough of your sweet pussy,” he said.

His hips bucked, and he pumped relentlessly into her as she clung on to him, murmuring his name. He lowered himself onto his elbows and proceeded to kiss her witless. He knew she liked to taste her juices on him, and his tongue gently invaded her mouth and sucked her tongue into his, inviting her to explore in her turn.

All too soon, they had to get up and pack. They had breakfast in their room on the balcony overlooking the Alhambra that had been the scene of their loving the previous evening. He enjoyed her blushes as he teased her about it. A text message from her granddaughter, Emma, told Jane all was well with her. Angus could see that Jane was a little happier after she read the text. She was close to Emma, and Angus liked the young woman, too. He was glad he had taken her on as a designer. He hoped the job would work out well and Emma would stay in Sheffield, close to her grandma.

In Cordoba they visited the Mezquita, and they were both amazed at its size and beauty. Crossing the old Roman bridge, they could see that the Mezquita dominated the town. They joined a guided tour and had the origins and the alterations explained. The vistas of columns, painted white and red, stretching away on either side were breathtaking and, to their minds, more beautiful than the ornate conversion to a Catholic cathedral with all the gilding and heavy carved oak.

They left by the main door and crossed the street to a shop to buy postcards, and Angus bought her a pair of earrings. The design was intricate, consisting of small, delicate flowers, in very fine silver wire, made up of what looked like more small flowers. They weighed hardly anything at all but looked very pretty when she put them on. After wandering the streets and seeing the patios full of flowers and the whitewashed houses, they had lunch and returned to the hotel. They were going home the next day, so Angus wanted to make their last evening special. He took her out to dinner in a beautiful restaurant where he ordered a paella. As they sat and waited for it to be made, he fed her nibbles of olives and anchovies and talked of what they had seen. He saw Jane was concerned about how Emma was getting on as they had had no more than a couple of text messages from her.

“Don’t worry, little darling. She will be very busy with the designs for that new range of underwear. It is her first job, and she will want to get it right to prove she was not hired just because she is your granddaughter.”

He could see he had her soothed with his words. He continued to feed her choice morsels of chicken and seafood, and she drank her wine, then they strolled back to the hotel in the cool of the evening and made love until they both fell asleep, sated and entwined in each other’s arms.

He again awoke before her and looked at her as she slept in the same position as always. When he had asked about it, she had said it was how she slept while having her babies as it was the most comfortable. He’d liked that and her obvious love and concern for her children and their children. He had no children of his own. He had two nephews, both very much like him physically. Their parents died when they were young men, so he’d looked out for them and kept an eye on their doings and their progress without ever encroaching on their independence. Consequently, they loved him and kept in close touch with him. Thinking of that, he wondered why he hadn’t heard from them all the time Jane and he had been away. Usually they kept in touch by phone or text every couple of days. He began to feel a little uneasy, wondering if something was amiss. He could tell Jane felt the same about Emma’s lack of contact, though she did her best to hide her concern. He hoped that the old saying, “no news is good news,” proved to be true in their case.

He looked down on her as she slept, the rounded curves and the gentle swell of her ample breasts. He felt his cock harden. It would be a pity to disturb her, but he knew she wouldn’t complain. Maybe she’d enjoy being taken that way. He eased her over onto her stomach then gently parted her thighs and raised her hips.

“Hm?” she breathed, still half-asleep.

“I want you now. I need you again,” he said gruffly.

She chuckled sleepily and obligingly parted her thighs and raised her hips a little more.

“Please feel free, Master,” she said.

Angus sighed deeply, “Ah!” as he sank into her and took her slowly from behind.

“Oh, Master, please fuck me harder, faster,” she gasped, He obliged, raising her hips higher and thrusting all his length into her hot, sweet pussy. The clenching of her cunt muscles encouraged him to greater efforts as did her little pants and sobs as he thrust home hard and fast and withdrew slowly, teasing her.

“Oh! Oh! Yes! Please faster, harder, Master.” She panted.

He reached his hand around and began to rub the side of it hard over her clit, and she moaned until he felt the spasm of her orgasm squeeze his cock inside her. She screamed his name as she fell apart in his arms. He nibbled her neck and then could hold back no longer. He thrust deep into her, once, twice, then, he exploded in a mind-numbing orgasm of his own. He fell forward on top of her, managing to take his weight on his elbows and then turn on his side, taking her with him and leaving his cock inside her as he knew she preferred.

“I love you, Master,” she said, and he saw the tears in her eyes and felt his own cloud over. He was such a lucky man to have found her, and he would never let her go. Later they got up and showered. She packed, and he helped her. Time to be back at home and find the answers to all those questions.

Chapter Six


Master Angus and Jane arrived home the following day. He was pleased and also surprised to find Ruari and Alexander in the spare room but delighted to see them.

“This is Jane. Jane, these are my nephews, Ruari and Alexander. They are Doms, too, so I suggest you address them as ‘Sir.’ I don’t share, so they will not expect anything other than the good manners due to any Dom.”

As he was explaining, the phone rang, and he went to answer it. When he came back, he was looking anything but pleased. Prometheus, the co-owner, with Angus, of Prometheus in Chains had told him all about jessica. As Jane was out of reach, she had decided to get at Jane through Emma. jessica had stolen Emma’s identity with the help of an ex-boyfriend. She spent lots of money online on Emma’s credit card, buying sex toys and having them delivered to Emma’s address. She’d sent abusive, threatening e-mails to the Doms and subs in the club as well as to Emma’s coworkers in Curvy Woman. Eric had set a trap for jessica, who had then been sent to Wales to join a triad with a new Dom. Now Angus had to tell his Jane, and he assumed it wasn’t going to be easy. He was right. He was no sooner done telling her, than she began to pace the room.

“Why wasn’t I told? I would have been here to help her.”

“That’s why you weren’t told and neither was I. They allowed us time alone together.”

“They didn’t have the right to withhold that from me, from us,” she said angrily.

Master Angus watched his Jane pace back and forth. Her eyes blazed, and her hands were balled into fists. She looked so angry, and he could understand why, but she looked magnificent in her fury, too, and his cock twitched.

“Just let me get my hands on her. I’ll tear her limb from limb. How dare she do that to my Emma?” Jane fumed.

He couldn’t wait to get her upstairs and fuck her but realised it might be a while before he could do that.


* * * *


Just then the doorbell rang and he went to answer it, leaving Jane to pace. Alexander and Ruari watched in silence. She heard a familiar voice, and Emma ran into the room and into her arms just like when she was a small girl with a hurt knee. Jane hugged her, and Emma, who had cried little up to this point, wept and clung to her grandma.

“Grandma, Oh I am so glad you’re back. I missed you and I needed you so. jessica stole my identity and she used my credit card to buy sex toys. She had them all sent to my address, so the credit card company didn’t want to know. I had to send them back myself and get refunds. I was so scared, Grandma. I didn’t have the money to pay for all that stuff.”

“There, there my Emma, it’s all right now. I’m here and we’ll sort it all out. Don’t you worry about a thing. Grandma will make it better.” As she spoke she cuddled Emma close and patted her back, just like she used to do when Emma was a child.

“That’s not all, Grandma. She used my e-mail account to send e-mails to everyone, in the club and at Curvy Woman. She called them all sorts of names, and threatened to send stories about them to the newspapers. They all thought it was me, Grandma, and they said such horrible things to me.” Emma broke down in Jane’s arms and sobbed. “There, there, my little one, please, don’t cry, Grandma will make it better,” Jane said. Gradually Emma became calmer.

Jane noticed Masters Ruari and Alexander had recognised Emma and wondered where they had met her. She was soon to find out.

“You’re Master Eric’s sub. We met you in Prometheus in Chains last night,” Ruari said, then all hell broke loose.

“Who is this Master Eric and what are you doing in the club, Emma?” Jane was angry, and someone was going to pay for embroiling her Emma in the lifestyle.

“Master Eric is the Dom behind the bar,” said Master Alexander.

“How do you know the Dom behind the bar, Emma?” Jane was fast losing her temper.

“I don’t think he likes being called that,” Master Angus said.

“I don’t care a tuppeny toss what he likes,” Jane ground out, throwing caution to the wind. She was far too angry to care.

“Master Eric is the one who saved me and made it all right, Grandma.”

“Have you done scenes with him? Had sex with him?”

“Yes to the first, and the second is nobody’s business,” said Emma.

“And just what do you think your parents are going to say to your being a submissive in a BDSM club?” Jane asked.

“They don’t need to know. If we decide to see more of each other, then we will be discreet and vanilla around them. I don’t want to upset them, but I am a grown woman, and I have a right to live my life like you’re doing, Grandma. I know what you do in the club and wouldn’t dream of saying anything to anyone, least of all the rest of the family.”

Jane was going to reply when the option was taken from her. Master Angus took control of the situation and took her breath away. “She has a point, Jane. Your grandma is very tired after the journey, Emma. She is going to bed now. We can continue this in the morning,” he said.

Jane was beside herself with fury now and didn’t care who knew it. She’d had enough of being told what she was going to do. She wanted to sort it out. She
sort it out and

“We can? But
want to discuss it
right now.
” Hands on hips, she glared in challenge at Master Angus.

BOOK: Learning to Live with Her Master [Prometheus in Chains 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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