Learning to Live with Her Master [Prometheus in Chains 4] (Siren Publishing Classic) (10 page)

BOOK: Learning to Live with Her Master [Prometheus in Chains 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Jane whispered in his ear, and Master Angus said, “Are you sure she knew why you were feeding her and why you wouldn’t have sex with her?”

“Yes, I’m sure. We all sat down and discussed it. I take communication very seriously, and any such matters are always talked about before we come to a decision and act. We got her a vibrator for the present and explained the latex problem and the pill and what she needed to do to make herself healthy again. She said she was fine with it all. We had no warning of this whatsoever. I’ve had to leave my slave alone, a thing I don’t like doing, to come after her. What’s going to happen now?”

“More than likely she will face charges for what she did before. She should certainly have counselling. She may go to prison, too.”

“jeremy and I care for her, but I don’t think that after this, we can agree to live with her. We could never be sure that she really accepted the situation and she might hurt
out of jealousy.”

Master Prometheus said, “She was given a second chance and told to make it work and that if she came back here, we would release the evidence to the police, and that’s what we have done. She’s made her bed and now she must lie on it. The police will have offered her a lawyer, and he will no doubt get a psychiatric report. I for one intend to go to bed and let tomorrow bring what it brings. Maybe retribution is a good thing in this case as she will get the help she needs. The only bad thing is that she’s here in this city and far too close for comfort.”

Jane was satisfied with what she had heard. jessica was still her own worst enemy and had thrown away the chance of a loving triad. There was little more they could do, so they decided to call it a night and went home. They would go into the police station the next day and see where matters went from there. Prometheus didn’t want publicity for the club, so he told them his first task would be to call his lawyers to see if they had any solution to offer. jessica’s lawyer would be the one on the rota and likely to be a new young one and no match for his.


* * * *


The next day the signing of the statements took longer than they thought, but it was all over by midday, so Master Angus took Jane to lunch in a pub in the town centre. Prometheus was there, too. He had spoken to his lawyers, and they had come up with some sort of solution.

“If her lawyer can get her to agree, she will plead guilty. There is little doubt of her guilt, but if she wastes the court’s time by demanding a trial, it will be reflected in the sentence. If she agrees to that, they will press for her to be sent to a prison in Wales, where she is now resident. It all depends on what her lawyer can negotiate with her and what the court decides is in her best interest.”

It sounded like a good solution for them, but would she go for it? Jane wondered. jessica was going to prison. There was no doubt about that and would get treatment as part of her sentence. She’d never been one to make it easy for others, so it was up to her lawyer to persuade her to act in her own interest. Only time would tell if she’d take his advice, so all they could do was contain themselves in patience.

They ate a pub lunch of a huge Yorkshire pudding filled with onion gravy, slices of roast beef, roast potatoes, and baby carrots, and they all felt better for it. Master Angus insisted Jane had a pudding and, after a token resistance, she chose a knickerbocker glory, and the men laughed as she ate it with a long spoon and hummed and sighed her appreciation of the treat. She’d decided to try to lose a little weight for their wedding, but he told her he didn’t want a stick insect nor did he want her to make herself ill. He said an occasional treat was what she needed, and he’d make sure she got it, in spite of herself. As she ate the ice-cream treat, she couldn’t help but agree with him, not that she was going to admit that to
. She was submissive and enjoyed it but she wasn’t going to let him have it all his own way.


* * * *


At the next Dom’s meeting Master Prometheus had news. Wiser councils had prevailed, and jessica had pleaded guilty. She still had to do some time in prison but could earn time off for good behaviour, and the expected order for assessment and psychiatric treatment had been issued.

“So that’s that, and she gets her just deserts. Let’s hope she gets the counselling she needs,” said Angus.

Chapter Twenty


One week later Jane awoke alone in bed. There was a large parcel on her night table and a card saying “From Angus” on it. She tore off the wrapping. She loved surprises, and this one was no letdown. It was a beautiful midnight-blue bathing costume. The label said Curvy Woman. She got out of bed and put on the bathing costume and went over to look in the full-length mirror, turning this way and that to see the fit. It was perfect, and she was just about to take it off when Angus came in also ready for a swim.

“Come along, sleepyhead, time to go swimming,” he said. She was sure he’d said nothing about it the previous day and was puzzled. He just hustled her into her clothes, over her bathing suit and she grabbed a towel and underwear, and they were off.

The pool was beautiful. It was in a country club she’d heard of but never dreamed she’d be visiting. The locker rooms were tiled in dark blue with a wave design at shoulder height and a few tiles had fish on them.

She joined Angus in the pool, which had a design of mermaids on the bottom, and swam happily for an hour. He was very attentive and didn’t leave her side until he saw she could swim and was happy doing slow lengths. Then he set off and in a powerful crawl, swam several lengths of the pool in a very fast time. She noticed he came to check on her from time to time, and when she was feeling tired, he put an end to the exercise.

When they were dressed and seated in the cafe enjoying hot chocolate, with whipped cream and marshmallows, and brown toast with morello cherry jam she said, “Thank you, that was a real treat. It is years since I went swimming. I can’t justify eating this toast and drinking this hot chocolate often though, or none of my wedding clothes will fit me!”

“Rubbish, you aren’t fat, so eat your food. I need curves to hold and squeeze. Also you are coming here twice a week from now on and will get plenty of exercise to compensate. I can be with you at the weekend, but in the week you will come on your own. You can come as many times as you like. It’s good exercise and, with arthritis, better for you than walking. We have a temporary membership here, but if you find you’d like our own pool, we can have one put in by the side of the house. The badminton courts are not often used and a covered pool would fit there easily.”

Jane couldn’t speak for a few minutes. Tears of joy threatened and this was not the place to indulge them. She said, “Thank you so much. You are spoiling me. I don’t know what to say. I love to swim, but had got out of the habit. This pool is enough. I’m sure you don’t need to go to the expense of your own.”

“The expense isn’t the issue. If you prefer to have your own pool where you can swim often, even if you only have half an hour to spare, then we can get one put in. Would you like to wait and see if you can manage to get here on your own? I mean it, Jane. I want you to be here at least once every week as well as with me on Saturday or Sunday.”

“Yes, Angus, I’ll do that. I will come here once a week at least and more after the wedding. I noticed the bathing costume was from Curvy Woman. I didn’t know you made swimwear.”

Jane was now used to calling him Angus in public places. It had taken some getting used to at first but now came naturally to her.

“We didn’t. I asked Emma to make that up for you, and she will make three or four more in different colours. If you like them, we are thinking of starting a range of swimwear. You can test them out and tell us what needs to be changed and what colours you prefer.”

Jane was delighted that Emma was doing so well and would do anything in her power to be of help to her.

They finished their toast and chocolate. Jane enjoyed it, too.

Chapter Twenty-one


Jane had gone to call on Gloria, who had moved in next door, with her Master, Llewellyn, who was a trainer of Doms and subs in Prometheus in Chains. He and Gloria had just got back together after a five-year gap. Jane was very happy to have Gloria living next door.

“Shall we go shopping together one day? Will Master Llewellyn allow that?” Jane asked.

“Why wouldn't he?” Gloria asked, looking surprised.

“Well you are his slave, aren’t you?”

“Yes but that’s here and in the club. When I am out in the world I live normally.”

“Oh.” Jane was puzzled.

“It’s different for every Master/slave pair. We have our own protocols and rituals.”

“Would you mind telling me? I am new to all this and find some of it hard to understand.”

“I don’t mind. Master controls my day, my clothes and my studies. We have a ritual for when we get up and one for when He comes home. I have a checklist for chores and things I have to do. When He comes home He inspects and puts ticks on my list or a note if something has to be done again,” Gloria replied.

“Oh my goodness. Don’t you mind that?”

“No. Master trained me when we were first together and I like it. I am happy to offer him my service. It gives my life meaning and worth.”

Jane was struggling to understand.

“What do you get out of it?” Jane asked.

“Love, care, comfort, and guidance. His is the responsibility. He reads my journal every day. He helps me face difficulties and disappointments.”

Jane must have looked sceptical because Gloria continued, “It’s what I want and need. When He went away I was lost, rudderless. Nobody cared if I cleaned the house or not, so my efforts seemed futile, wasted.”

“I could never live like that. I found submission difficult at first. I understand that what I am seen to do or say will reflect on him. He is fairly easygoing but he has his limits,” Jane said emphatically.

“Yes, that’s it! You know what His limits are. They don’t change every day. If you overstep the boundaries there are consequences. There will be punishment but then it’s over, forgotten. You start again with a clean slate and it’s not brought up endlessly.” 

Jane thought about it. “Yes, there is that. I like the punishment spankings, but I don’t understand why, after spanking me, he will rub in salve.”

“Well the punishment is over. He has spanked you and it’s all forgiven, so He gives you aftercare! That is how He sees it. You know what the boundaries are, you cross them and He punishes you.”

“I find it difficult sometimes to control my temper. I am rude to him!”

“That’s hard to do, if you are not used to submitting, but it does get better with time and punishments!” Gloria said, laughing at her pun. 

“If it has to be I prefer his hand!”

“So do I, but Master likes to use the crop and His favourite paddle and if it’s an erotic spanking I enjoy all of them,” said Gloria.

“I’m not a masochist. Master Angus isn’t a sadist, either. He does like his own way, and he did tell me, before we married, how it was so I can’t complain. Really he doesn’t often punish me. Every time he has done, it’s been my own fault, and I’ve pushed him into it. You’ve helped me understand more, Gloria, thank you. Now, no time like the present, let’s have a girls’ lunch and shop-a-thon!”

Gloria laughed and agreed.


* * * *


Gloria had given Jane a lot to think about. As she prepared Master Angus’s dinner she went over what Gloria had said. Master Angus certainly
want a slave. He had made that very clear. Jane didn’t want to be a slave. She
be one. It was difficult enough getting used to submission. Even if she liked to submit in the bedroom it wasn’t always easy outside of it. A journal was a horse of a different colour. Writing down all her hopes, fears, struggles and difficulties every day. Could she do that? She’d found it had always helped to write things down. It cleared her mind, and often put things into perspective. She thought she could do that. Then two large warm palms crept round her waist. She squeaked in surprise.

“Well, mo run, you must have been concentrating hard on something, if I crept up on you unawares,” Master Angus said, laughing.

“I have been shopping with Gloria and we had a long talk. She keeps a journal, Master Llewellyn reads it, and they sort out her difficulties together. I was thinking that maybe I could do the same. Then if I’m having problems, doubts, or difficulties we could sort them out together,” Jane said tentatively.

“Bless Master Llewellyn. He said that if you and Gloria became closer you’d both benefit and it seems
have already. I’ve wanted to suggest that to you for some time but didn’t want to push you into it. It will bring us closer and if you sit down and write whenever you are feeling worried or concerned it will help you to get it out of your system. I’ll get you a special journal tomorrow and a pen to write it and we’ll make a time for it every evening.”

“Thank you, Master, I look forward to my pen and journal and I shall enjoy having a quiet half hour with you to read it every day.”

Chapter Twenty-two


The wedding of Jane to Master Angus took place at his home. They’d decided it was best for all of them. Her family came down, and all their BDSM friends were invited. There was no chance that the family would find out about the club. Nobody would be so bad mannered as to out anyone to people not in the lifestyle. Jane had worried about that, but Master had reassured her on that point. Jane had decided to have Emma and Fiona as her two attendants. She dressed them in dark blue and dark green respectively. Their silk dresses clung, and the colours favoured their hair and complexions. They had long flowing skirts, tight waists, and crossover bodices that showed just a tasteful amount of bosom. Set in their hair they had small silk roses in a paler shade of their dresses.

BOOK: Learning to Live with Her Master [Prometheus in Chains 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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