Read Kincaid: Cerberus Mc Book 1 Online

Authors: Marie James

Tags: #Romance

Kincaid: Cerberus Mc Book 1 (26 page)

BOOK: Kincaid: Cerberus Mc Book 1
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She gives me a weak smile, and I kiss her forehead and pull her against my chest.

“I should have let you explain, but walking in there…” She takes a shuddering breath.

“It looked pretty bad. It never crossed my mind that you thought I’d cheated, Emmalyn. I figured you were pissed because Bunny was acting like the bitch she is, trying to stake some claim on me.” Being with another woman hasn’t crossed my mind since the first time I’d laid eyes on her, and I hate that she would consider for a second that I’d do something like that.

“Cheated?” She asks. “Do you consider us in a relationship?”

I smile at her, looking from one bright blue eye to the other. “Since the minute you climbed on my bike, Em.”

I look around the room realizing just how quiet it is. “Where’s Ollie?” Rose and Doc kept him while we went to Denver yesterday, but I knew she had to be missing him.

“He was downstairs sleeping at Doc’s feet when I came up here. I was too upset to wake him up and bring him up with me.”

“I’m sorry you were hurting, Em. Please, next time something doesn’t look right or if you’re not sure about something, talk to me. I’ll never intentionally hurt you.”

She nods her head but keeps it resting against my chest.

I pull out my phone and shoot off a quick text to Kid and Shadow.

“We won’t be able to take Ollie tonight because I’m on the bike, but we can swing by and get him tomorrow.” I kiss the top of her head. “Come home with me, Emmalyn?”

She shakes her head against my chest. “I can’t go back there tonight, Diego. Please don’t ask me to go.”

I tilt her face up once again. “Not the clubhouse, Em. Come
with me.”

I trace her jawline with the tip of my finger and gently kiss her lips. “I don’t want to ever spend another night away from you if I can help it.”

“You’ll leave again soon for work.” I hate that she’s right.

“I won’t have to leave for a while.” I kiss the tip of her nose and stand from her bed, pulling her up with me. “We’re going to spend so much time together you’re going to want to get rid of me by the time we get called out again.”


I loved the feel of Emmalyn at my back on the short drive from Doc’s. I let her climb off first then pull the small bag of clothes I had her pack from the saddle bags.

“What are they doing here?” she asks as we make our way to the wrap around porch.

Both Kid and Shadow are on the front porch, exactly where I told them to be in the text I sent before leaving Doc’s house.

“I’ll explain everything when we get in the house.” I nod at both of the men that I know will keep us safe while we’re inside.

I knew we needed to have a conversation; I needed to explain myself, my behavior, and exactly what is going on with Wrench and her husband. However, when I got her in my home, in my space, all I could think about was keeping her here forever, even though I knew that wasn’t a possibility. At least, it wasn’t today.

She tries to hide her yawn from me by covering her mouth.

“It’s late, Em. Come upstairs with me.” She takes my hand as I hold it out to her, and we make our way to the master bedroom.

I open the door and let her walk in ahead of me, loving the smile on her face as she steps into my most personal space for the very first time. I wrap myself around her back and rest my head on her shoulder, breathing her in.

I’ve said the words to her, but now I feel an insatiable urge to show her how I feel about her. I need to make her understand she’s the only one I want, the only one I need. I need to show her, so it leaves no doubt whatsoever in her mind that I’m hers, that she’s mine.

She reaches her arm up and behind my head, groaning softly when my hands slide under the bottom of her t-shirt and touch her warm skin.

“I need you,” I whisper huskily in her ear.

“Then have me,” she pants breathlessly, responding to the feel of my teasing fingers on her nipples over the lace fabric of her bra.

I nip at her shoulder and neck as my anxious hands snake down her body and unsnap her jeans. I slide my hands under the front of the now loosened fabric and sweep two fingers over her already swollen clit and into her perfectly wet pussy.

I’m already impatient to sink into her, but her moan and the circling of her hips against my straining cock is almost more than I can handle. I don’t stop her even though it makes me want to come in my jeans. I know she’s fully in the moment and love that she can’t seem to control herself right now either.

With my free hand, I tug her shirt off, unsnap her bra, and throw them both on the cream colored carpet. My hand automatically returns to her now uncovered breast. Her head turns, and my eyes zero in on her pink glistening lips, recently wet from the swipe of her tongue. I angle my mouth to fit over hers and hiss when I feel her hand grip my cock through my jeans.

“Why are we still wearing pants?” she asks against my lips. I smile against hers pulling my now slick fingers from her pants.

I suck them into my mouth mere inches from her own and watch her eyes dilate at my brazenness. The taste of her on my skin only serves as a reminder of what I’m missing.

I turn her in my arms and begin to push her jeans and panties down her milky white thighs. She bites her lip and watches with lust-filled blue eyes as I sink to the floor in front of her. I waste no time putting my mouth exactly where it needs to be. She cries out and grabs my head when I suck her into my mouth.

The whimpering slipping past her lips and the feel of her fingers flexing against my head makes me want to stay here and please her forever. Holding the back of one of her thighs, I use my other hand to lift and hitch her leg over my shoulder. She opens beautifully, giving me a better ability to devour her like my mouth needs to.

I become aware of the growl from my own mouth just as her legs begin to quiver, her body on the cusp of release.

“Please,” she begs when I pull my mouth back marginally.

I smile against her skin and rotate my tongue over every delicate piece of flesh within reach. Adding two fingers into the mix has her grinding against my mouth like a woman so entangled in her pleasure she’s merely working on instinct, doing whatever it takes to meet the demands her body is making. I angle my fingers forward and hollow my cheeks as I suck her tiny bud in my mouth and inwardly pat myself on the back when her core grips my fingers hard and begins to pulse repeatedly.

I want to pull my mouth away and watch her fall apart, because I can already picture the look of pure erotic pleasure I know is on her face, but I don’t. I continue to suck and stroke her from the inside until she’s a languid, quivering mess in my arms.

I straighten from my crouch on the floor and carry her to the bed. She smiles from her sprawled out position on the bed as I slide my jeans off. I kick my boots off and shake the jeans off my legs, climbing over her the second the fabric is free from my body.

Resting on my elbows, I cup her face in my big hands. She reaches up and strokes my cheek as well. No words are spoken; they’re not needed at this moment. We’re saying everything we need to with our bodies. My heart is speaking to her through the touch of my hands and the softness of my lips on hers.

She opens her legs wider, pulling them up and wrapping them around my hips. I kiss her as I enter her, unable to withhold the contented sigh as her core wraps around me perfectly. Stomach to stomach, chest to chest, I rock into her, only taking my eyes off of hers when they close as my mouth covers hers.

Her rapid breaths whisper across my face as she closes her eyes, and her back begins to arch. Soundlessly she falls over the edge as I watch her memorizing every inch of her face as it twists slightly, satisfied and replete. Seconds later I’m joining her in bliss.

“Em,” I whisper as her amazing body pulls the pleasure from mine.

Chapter 37

Trepidation washes over my body when I wake alone in Diego’s huge bed. I pull the covers tighter to my body but remind myself that he told me he loved me last night. I’m not the best judge of character, and that’s clear from my prior choice in husband, but Diego doesn’t seem like the type of guy to use words he doesn’t mean just to get a woman in bed.

He didn’t have to chase me, but he did, twice. I hear a thump and register the sound of the shower for the first time. I grin slyly and crawl out of the bed. Not bothering with clothes I enter the bathroom and watch as he soaps up his legs.

“You like what you see?” he asks without looking up. I’m certain he can sense me, much the same way I’m sure I woke up because he was no longer beside me.

“Everything looks good from here,” I say still leaning against the doorjamb.

He straightens from washing his legs and looks toward me. “You look beautiful from here, but I know you’ll look even better in here with me.”

“Is that so?” I raise an eyebrow at him.

I walk slowly toward the shower, taking in the amazing marble and tile that surrounds him. This bathroom is gorgeous and nothing compared to the simple bathrooms at the clubhouse. I love being in his space with him.

As soon as I’m within reach he’s grabbing me with wet hands and pulling me against his chest. He runs his nose down my neck and gooseflesh covers my entire body. This man is intoxicating, and my senses go berserk when I’m touching him, almost as if I short-circuit when he’s near.

“I hated waking up alone,” I say against his lips.

He pulls his head back and grins at my admission.

“Wake me up before you desert me next time.” He reaches up and runs a lone finger down my cheek.

“Why would you miss me? We spent the night in each other’s arms.” His eyes follow the caress of his hand as it makes it way over my shoulder and down my damp arm.

I swallow thickly and decide to just take the plunge.

“I love you,” I confess.

His eyes snap to mine and soften, the flecks of gold in them shimmering brightly.

“You do?” he asks and cups my cheek with his large hand.

I nod and bite my lip. The air is thick and warm and not just from the steam of the shower. I shift my weight on my feet because he’s just looking down at me in amazement as if loving him is asking too much of me.

I lift up on my toes and kiss his mouth. He pulls me tight against his chest and holds me steady for several long moments. “I love you, Emmalyn,” I hear in my ear.

I don’t bother to wipe away the tears that have begun to fall down my face. I always thought my life would be spent living in brutality until Bobby finally killed me. When Diego helped me get away, I assumed I’d be a different kind of miserable spent alone. I never for once thought I’d find love in the form of a muscled, tattooed biker.

The moment is sweet and tender, but I have the urge to claim him entirely as mine. I look into his eyes and reach between us wrapping my hand around his jutting erection. I peck his lips and slowly sink to the built in bench along the back wall of the shower.

Keeping eye contact with him, I pump his cock a few times in my fist.

“What are you doing?” The rasp of his voice betrays his anticipation.

I grin widely.

“You don’t have to do that.” He swallows thickly.

“Do you like blowjobs?” He grins slightly and nods his head marginally.

“If I’m not sucking your dick, Diego, then who is?” I look up at him.

“No one,” he says slightly aghast as if I’m accusing him of something.

“Then I guess I get the pleasure.” I lean in and let my tongue slide up the length of him.

He grunts and flexes, his cock bouncing teasingly in my face.

I trap it with my hand and lick around the tip. He leans his head back against the wall as I swirl my tongue around the head and trace the thick veins down his shaft.

“Diego,” I whisper causing him to look down at me. “Watch. This is the best part.” I repeat his words from the first time he entered me.

I squirm at the look in his eyes as I wrap my lips around him and suck him to the back of my throat. I hum my approval as I get the first taste of precome on my tongue, and I swallow it down, my throat flexing against him. He moans loudly at the sensations and reaches for my head.

“Jesus, Em. Your mouth,” he mutters.

BOOK: Kincaid: Cerberus Mc Book 1
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