Read Kincaid: Cerberus Mc Book 1 Online

Authors: Marie James

Tags: #Romance

Kincaid: Cerberus Mc Book 1 (23 page)

BOOK: Kincaid: Cerberus Mc Book 1
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I run every scenario through my head. We can wait. I can make him come; he can make me come. He could go to the store and get some.

“What’s going through that head of yours?” He asks as he tries to unknit my brow that has drawn up in contemplation.

“You’re worried about STDs,” I say now wondering about the same thing. He’s the President of a motorcycle club, and I’m certain he gets around. It’s something I should’ve given more thought to prior to tonight, but thinking about his past escapades, especially when some of his conquests are always around at the clubhouse, is something I try not to let invade my brain.

“Hell no, Em. I’m clean. We have blood tests done each and every time we get back from a job.” What the hell kind of a job does he do that he’s worried about STDs?

I begin to shift out from under him, unsure now of this entire thing. “You have to test for STDs every time?”

This is the least sexy conversation in the history of conversations. My libido has taken a nose dive, and I’m not certain I want to even be in the bed with him anymore.

“Where are you going?” Diego asks when I try to pull the sheet to cover my body up.

“I know it’s a big secret, and you can’t talk about your work, but I don’t know if I can handle taking this forward if you’re away,” I lower my voice even more, “having sex with other women.”

“Having… what the hell are you talking about, Em?” He sits back on his knees, and now my confusion from earlier is on his face.

I feel like I’m in the damn twilight zone.

“You have to get tested for STDs,” I say it like the statement covers the entire conversation. It answers his question perfectly.

He hangs his head and rubs his hands down his face, but when he looks back up at me, he has a smirk of understanding on his lips, which confuses me even further.

“We’re like,” he pauses as if he’s looking for the right word to use. “Like special forces, but civilians.”

“Special forces have to have sex with women on jobs?”

He laughs, and my anger at this point is through the roof. He reaches for me, and I hold my hands up to ward him off. “I’m glad you think this is funny because I sure as hell don’t. I know this is probably just some fun for you, Diego, but I’m not the mess around with a guy without expectations type of girl. I’m a little insulted you’d even think I’d be okay with something like this.”

“First off,” he says, his tone growing suddenly serious. “You are not just some fun for me. I thought you knew that but apparently I haven’t been as transparent in my intentions for you, so I’ll work harder on that. Secondly, there typically isn’t sex involved when we go on a mission, Emmalyn.”

I raise my eyebrow at the word ‘typically.’

“I haven’t had sex with anyone in three long ass months.” I begin to interrupt him, but he holds his hand up to silence me. “We have blood work done because there is a lot of violence with what we do. The combatant’s blood doesn’t always stay in their body. Sometimes it gets on us. We test for not only STDs but also other diseases that may not be common in the US.”

Well, that changes things. I want to smile, but after my outburst, it doesn’t seem very appropriate. I’m afraid I’ve ruined our evening. What I’d hoped was going to a long night of hands, mouths, and earth shattering pleasure has taken a turn for the worse, and it’s all my fault for jumping to conclusions. Once again I’ve reacted before getting the full story.

“Sorry,” I mutter and try to wiggle away from him. His hands on my thighs stop me.

“No, darlin’, that’s not how this night ends. You’re not running from me.” He leans in kisses my lips softly.

His mouth on mine is gentle, calming. He doesn’t attempt to take it further until I sigh at his touch and open my mouth slightly. Then and only then does he sweep his tongue along mine. A tingle of electric current crawls down my spine and my nipples begin to harden against his broad chest.

I pull my head back an inch and look into his warm, chocolate colored eyes. “I’m on birth control, and I haven’t had sex in months either,” I confess. “That being said, I don’t know about Bobby and his extracurricular activities.” I let my voice trail off because there’s really nothing more to offer on the subject.

Without another word he leans in and slants his mouth over mine. He settles over me, and I love every inch of his hard body against mine. I can’t remember another time when I’ve felt so nurtured and protected. I let myself get lost in this moment with him.

His hands slide down my ribcage and clutches at my hip. When I lift my leg and wrap it around his back, he moans into my mouth, and it makes me think he can feel the wetness my panties are no longer able to hold.

“I feel like I’ve been waiting for you forever,” he says placing a kiss on my chest just above my heart.

I wonder inwardly if the sentiment is just about sex or if his words go deeper than that. I know I can get lost easily in the attention and affection he’s showing me, and not just tonight. Even though we’re in dangerous waters, I don’t stop him. My body needs this, but I’m not sure my heart can survive it.

I close my eyes and bite my bottom lip as he nips, licks, and sucks his way down my body. I feel his mouth everywhere. Each and every nerve ending in my body is either going haywire from his touch or is tingling in anticipation of it.

I look down when I feel his fingers tug at the sides of my thong and pull them seductively slow down my legs. The look in his eyes when he sees my exposed flesh makes me moan. I’m writhing under his hands and mouth as he makes his way from my knee to my core.

“Shit!” I spit out when his hot mouth and talented tongue lock onto my sex. My hands fly out to his head, and I don’t know if I want to pull him harder against me or push him away. The sensation of his mouth on me again has my senses dumbfounded.

As his tongue strikes out at my clit, I feel his fingers tracing around the edge of my opening, which I’m certain is the most incredible feeling in the world. That is until he slowly presses two fingers inside of me. I buck against him as his relentless torture continues.

The combination of his mouth and hands sends me over the edge spectacularly. I press my forearm to my mouth and bite to muffle the scream, somehow realizing, even in my blissed out state, that we are not the only ones in this house. He continues to lick and nip at me until every last pulse from my orgasm dissipates.

He grins at me from between my thighs and sweeps his tongue over my sensitive skin once more. I wince happily at the sensation it sends up my spine. Slowly he retraces the steps he took down my body. I can’t keep my hips from circling as I impatiently wait for him to slip inside of me.

This makes twice that he’s had his amazing mouth on me, and I have yet to taste him.

“I know how much you like… I want you in my mouth.” I say knowing using the word blow job right now just sounds tawdry.

He groans. “Em, if you so much as touch my cock to your mouth I’ll come instantly.” He kisses me deep and whispers, “That’s not where I’m coming tonight.”

I blink up at him knowing we are about to take the next step. A leap, I should say since we have no protection.

I use my toes to push his underwear down his legs, not wanting him to pull away from me to take them off. I can feel the heat from his thick cock as it lays heavily on the lips of my equally pulsing core.

He takes a deep breath almost like he has to prepare himself for a tense workout and flexes his hips back. I close my eyes in anticipation.

“Watch, Emmalyn,” he commands quietly. “This is the best part. Remember this moment.” He watches me as I watch him enter me for the very first time.

We groan at the same time as he has to flex his hips back and forth a few times before my body will accept all of him.

“Fuck,” he mutters. “So snug.”

“Bobby wasn’t very…”

His eyes snap to mine. “Don’t mention him in our bed.” I nod in understanding and clench my inner muscles as a distraction. He squeezes his eyes tight. “Mmm.” Is all I get in response.

In and out, his hips move torturously slow and I begin to wonder if he’s punishing me for mentioning Bobby, but when I look in his eyes they’re full of rapture. He leans in and kisses me, his hips never missing a beat. My need, along with my arousal, builds slowly with each thrust. Before long my body is rippling along him, begging for more.

“You know that first morning you said my name as you came on your hand?” I moan loudly as he thrusts into me expertly. “I need you to touch yourself again, Em. I need to hear my name again.”

I reach down and skim my fingers over my swollen clit and swallow thickly.

“I’m going to… Diego!” I scream as he rams into me harder than he’s done so far. I explode. My body is absolute turmoil as it clutches at him, trying to take him deeper.

His eyes lock with mine. “Ah!” he exclaims, and I feel him pulse inside of me. He continues to pump, flexing in and out. I grip his back so hard with my fingernails I’m certain I’ve drawn blood.

I hum into his mouth as he kisses me while our bodies try to return to normal.

“Never better,” he says against my mouth. I smile against his mouth because he has no idea how impressed I am with what he just did to my body.

Chapter 32

I was certain I’d crash on the bed beside Emmalyn the second my heart rate returned to normal. That isn’t what happened. I’d hoped that after being inside of her amazing body I’d be sated and content. Touching her, feeling her that way was nothing but fuel to a fire that has burned at extraordinary temperatures since the first time I laid eyes on her. Right now, with her asleep on my chest, I’m combustible.

I want nothing more than to slide between her thighs and stay there as long as she will let me. She’s exhausted, that was evident by the way she crashed and was asleep on me within minutes of easing out of her. I’m overwhelmed with how amazing she is and how I’d do anything to protect her. I know our next order of business needs to be to get her divorce papers filed. She may not be with him anymore, but I don’t even want a piece of paper tying herself to that asshole.

I mumble when my cell phone pings a text alert. With my life, work, and the club I don’t have the luxury of just ignoring it, even though my most precious person is in my arms. I scoot closer to the edge of the bed and allow Emmalyn to take the spot I leave. She grumbles her annoyance at me pulling away; it makes me smile.

I grab my pants off of the dresser and fish my phone out of the pocket. My blood runs cold when I open the text.

Wrench: I’m not the only one who knows that bitch is in Denver.

He knew I was coming here today. Hell, Wrench knows a lot of things. I didn’t share every detail with the asshole, but I didn’t feel the need to particularly watch what I said around him. He was a jerk, and I wished every day he’d just disappear, but I didn’t consider he’d be involved in any type of retribution after his ass whooping at the MC two days ago.

I can only presume he’s talking about Emmalyn’s husband. I narrow my eyes in understanding. He’s contacted the fucking abusive-ass husband, knowing as much as I do, how territorial abusive men are over women they consider theirs.

I text Shadow, hoping his night has wrapped up because if it hasn’t, it’s over now. I send another text to Kid telling him and Ace to get on the road and head this way now. I look at the clock at the top of my phone. It’s four in the morning and even if they ride hard all day they won’t make it here until close to noon. Shadow will be out front within the hour.

I climb back in bed with my girl and hold her to my chest. Wrench may not even know it, but he has just started a war, one he has no hope of ever winning.


I do my best to keep everyone from knowing I’m on edge. Kaleb and Josie’s family are all around, my aunt is here, and all I can think about is getting her out of Colorado and back home safely. Wrench wasn’t the best Marine, but he’s been through all of the same tactical training as the rest of us. I don’t know if his text last night was a threat, but that’s how it’s been received, and that’s how it will be treated when I meet up with him again.

I know Emmalyn can sense that something is off even though I’ve lied to her each time I told her everything is fine when she’s asked me what’s wrong. I don’t want to worry her; I’m carrying enough of that on my own shoulders. I’ve kept her right against my side all morning, unwilling to let her out of my sight even though instinct tells me nothing will happen here. I’m not going to take my chances as far as she’s concerned.

Thankfully, just as brunch is coming to an end, I get a text from Shadow letting me know that Kid and Ace have arrived. I stand and hold my hand out for Em to take it. As manners dictate, both Ian and Lorali and Kaleb and Josie walk us to the front door.

“Thank you so much for coming,” Lorali says as we walk to the front door.

“We appreciate the hospitality,” I tell her and turn to Kaleb. “Congrats, man. Best of luck,” I say giving him a hug and a quick slap on the back. Then my eyes land on Josie. She’s glowing, and her happiness is evident in every breath she takes. I reach up and stroke her cheek with my thumb. “You look much better than the last time I saw you, Sugar.”

BOOK: Kincaid: Cerberus Mc Book 1
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