Kane, Samantha - Brothers In Arms 06 (7 page)

BOOK: Kane, Samantha - Brothers In Arms 06
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“Lee,” Nat said, barely able to think much less speak at this point. Bloody hell, Palu was going to fuck him. Right now his finger was coated with his seed and he was fucking Nat with it. Nat shivered.

Nat rubbed his face against Palu’s hair as he heard the bed linens rustling and a drawer open. He tried to ignore the sounds. He wanted to stay where he was, full of the magic of Palu. Palu’s hair was coarse, but not rough. It tickled his cheeks, and smelled like soap, so clean and marvelous, and sexual musk, an aphrodisiac like no other. Nat pulled back a bit when Palu pushed him gently away. Palu pulled his finger out and Nat ached with desire there.

“Help me,” Palu whispered thickly to Alecia as she poured oil into his hand. She poured some into her hand and then capped the bottle. When both of their hands wrapped around his cock and began to massage the oil in Palu groaned and Nat’s back passage trembled.

As Palu and Alecia rubbed the oil on his cock, Nat fingered the gray hairs at Palu’s temple. “How old are you?” he asked, running his fingers through that hair, extracting them gently when they got tangled in Palu’s curls.


Love in Exile

“Thirty-six,” Palu replied. He grabbed Nat’s hips and pulled him back in. “Look at me, Nat.”

Nat looked down, and he could see the candle flame from across the room reflected in Palu’s dark eyes.

“How do you want this, Nat?” Palu asked. “I think it would be easier if you were on your knees.”

“Mmm,” Alecia hummed behind him. “Yes. So I can see.”

That was enough to pull Nat out of his strange stupor. Suddenly lust slammed into him so hard he lost his balance and had to steady himself with a hand on Palu’s hard, sticky stomach. “Yes, so Alecia can watch,” he growled. “Yes, that’s what I want.”

Alecia scrambled off Palu’s legs and Palu pushed Nat off him and down on the mattress. “On your knees, Natty,” Palu growled. “I can’t wait much longer. You two have me about to spend right now, and I’m not even inside you yet.”

“Don’t you fucking dare,” Nat growled over his shoulder at him as he pushed up on his knees, “not until you’re inside.”

Palu grinned darkly back. “You don’t tell me what to do, Nat. Not now.”

“The hell I don’t,” Nat snarled. He was wild for this dark stranger.

Suddenly Alecia was there, her hand fisted in Nat’s hair. “Bad Natty,” she whispered. She leaned in and bit his lip sharply, and Nat jerked back. Alecia laughed.

“Settle down, darling. Palu wants to fuck you.” Alecia ran her hand softly over Nat’s hair. “You look so good, Nat. I love to watch you. I love to watch you and Palu.”

Nat leaned forward and kissed her, waiting. But Palu simply sat on his knees behind Nat, not touching him. Nat broke the kiss and looked over his shoulder to see Palu staring at Alecia.

“Come,” he said to her and held out his hand. Alecia crawled to his side and Palu bent to kiss the corner of her mouth, then her cheek, and finally his lips came to rest on her ear. “Help me,” he said again. He reached for the oil and poured some drops in Nat’s crease. Palu caught the oil on his fingers and rubbed it around Nat’s entrance. It felt so good and Nat bit his lip to hold back another moan. Once Alecia put the bottle down Palu guided Alecia’s oil-slick hand to Nat’s behind. Palu pressed his finger back in and Nat gasped, his head dropping forward. Suddenly he felt another touch and a second, smaller finger pressed inside.

“Oh God,” Alecia whispered, and Nat couldn’t control his shaking. Christ, Alecia had her finger inside him.

“Have you ever done this?” Palu whispered. “Have you ever fucked your husband like this, Alecia?” Another finger was added, slick and smooth, Alecia’s, and Nat groaned.

“No,” she whispered. “He’s so tight and hot.”

“Mmm,” Palu hummed, the sound deep and aroused. “Yes, he is.” Then Palu

pressed another finger inside. Nat was on fire, but it was a sweet, wild burn.


Samantha Kane

“You can take these fingers, Nat,” Palu told him with satisfaction. “Should we fuck you now?”

“Right fucking now,” Nat gasped and Palu laughed before they both slid their fingers out.

“Watch,” Palu told him, tugging his hip. Nat looked over his shoulder and saw Alecia’s hand guiding Palu’s cock to his hole. Christ, the
was bloody beautiful.

Palu pressed his cock against Nat’s entrance and Nat held his breath. Then Palu was inside, so big and thick that Nat feared he couldn’t take him, couldn’t take that beautiful cock with its dark

“Breathe, Nat,” Palu whispered, “breathe and relax. Let me in.”

“Oh, Nat,” Alecia breathed, “it’s perfect, absolutely perfect.”

“Ah, kiss me, Alecia,” Palu purred, and Nat felt her weight settle on her hands against his buttocks as she complied. When they broke the kiss Nat could hear both of them breathing heavily over his back, and he knew without a doubt that this was the most exciting thing he and Alecia had ever done.

Nat forced his back out of its instinctive bow and made the muscles clenched tight around Palu’s cock relax, too. Alecia moved to sit on her heels in front of him. Nat pressed his face to the bed linens between her knees. Suddenly Palu thrust all the way into him, and Nat had no time to tense against him. He was panting, his arse on fire.

“Nat?” Alecia asked. “Are you all right?”

“Christ, it feels like he split me in two,” he whispered.

Palu was rubbing his hands over Nat’s back and buttocks. “I’m sorry, Nat,” he said quietly, and Nat could hear the sincerity in his voice. “Do you want me to pull out?”

“No,” Nat told him quickly. “No, just let me get used to it.” He took several deep breaths and concentrated on Palu’s hands rubbing his backside, and then Alecia began to knead his shoulders and smooth her hands gently over his upper back. It was so soothing, so relaxing, and soon Nat found that the fullness in his back passage was pleasurable instead of painful, the heat there of a different kind.

Nat snaked his arms up around Alecia’s thighs and grabbed her sweet, plump bottom in both palms. She squeaked and Nat chuckled. Palu’s warm rumble of a laugh made gooseflesh skitter up his back and Nat jerked a little at the sensation. His movement caused Palu’s cock to move within him, hitting him deep, and Nat moaned.

“Oh, that sounded good,” Alecia murmured.

“Yes, it did,” Palu agreed in that deep, rich voice, and one hand slid down to grasp Nat’s hip while the other stayed on his lower back, pressing him down to hold him in place. “Nat?”

Nat knew what he was asking. “Yes,” he said, his voice thick. Alecia rose up on her knees again so that Nat had to let go of her bottom and instead held onto her legs. Her hands slid down his back until they were right above Palu’s. “Have you got a good view?” Nat asked with amused indulgence.


Love in Exile

“Mmm, yes,” she hummed happily, and Palu laughed again. Then he tentatively pulled out, just an inch or two, and pressed back in.

“Bloody hell,” Nat cried out, arching his back. It was the most incredible thing he’d ever felt. No one had ever felt like this inside him, no one.

Palu froze.

“No,” Nat said, his breathing ragged. “I meant bloody hell that feels amazing.”

“Ah,” Palu chuckled roughly, “bloody fucking amazing.”

Nat laughed breathlessly. “Exactly.”

“Then I won’t stop,” Palu told him, and he did it again. And again.

Nat lost track of time. He just lay there holding tight to Alecia while Palu showed him what this was supposed to be between men.

He could hear Alecia above him, her breathing ragged as every now and then a moan escaped. Christ, she loved to watch him with another man. He was fiercely glad, glad that something he enjoyed so much also brought her pleasure. Her nails dug into his back, and it was just one more layer of sensation on top of the incredible things Palu was doing to Nat with that primitive-looking cock of his.

“Nat,” Palu groaned. His hands slid up Nat’s back and Alecia pulled back. Palu’s hands continued down his arms to hold Nat’s hands over Alecia’s calves. The heat and hardness of Palu’s chest pressed him down and he buried his face against Nat’s nape. “I can’t wait, Natty. I’m going to come inside you,” he groaned. “Come with me.” Palu pushed a hand under Nat and wrapped his big fist around Nat’s aching cock and Nat shouted at the streak of heat that raced from cock to balls to buttocks.

“God,” Palu said roughly in his ear as he worked Nat’s cock and fucked him with controlled force. “It’s been a very long time since I watched this dark cock of mine with its black
fuck a sweet, tight, white arse. It looks so damn good.
look so damn good, Natty, taking it so hot and tight. And the little sounds you make…”

Nat was momentarily startled. He made little sounds?

Palu’s grip on his cock tightened then and Nat knew he was going to come. His balls pulled up and tingled, and he felt the pressure, the ache of his impending release.

“Nat,” Palu cried out, and his fist squeezed tight as he pressed deep into Nat and came. Palu’s hips jerked shallowly inside him and Nat could feel the slick heat of his seed. It was enough. With a shout he came, his cock pumping hard in Palu’s fist.

Palu collapsed above him, but he still supported most of his weight on his arms so Nat didn’t feel crushed. He should have. He should have felt suffocated beneath the larger man, by his physical weight and the weight of what he’d made Nat feel as he fucked him into oblivion. But he didn’t. All he felt was content.

Alecia still kneeled in front of them. She leaned back, and Nat lifted his head just a little to see her knees spread, the fingers of one hand tunneling into her cunt while she rubbed her clitoris with the other. He could still see Palu’s earlier release on her.


Samantha Kane

Nat moved until he was next to Alecia and he tugged on her leg. “Open up, Lee,”

he whispered. “I want to see what Palu tastes like.”

Alecia complied readily, turning onto her back and spreading her legs. Nat leaned down and buried his nose in her wet hair. It smelled sharp and tangy, like the ocean.

Did he smell like that now? He felt the slick heat of Palu’s seed trickling down his crease and moaned. He pulled back and slid the tip of his tongue into her slit. The combination of Palu and Alecia there was ambrosia. Nat groaned and began to lick her stomach clean.

“Mmm,” Palu growled. He came to his knees and kissed Nat on the back. “What do I taste like?” he murmured.

“Like the ocean,” Nat told him, nibbling on Alecia’s stomach, sucking Palu’s seed off her soft skin. “Like adventure, and discovery, and excitement.”

Palu’s laugh rumbled along Nat’s nerve endings, leaving gooseflesh behind. “All that? I had no idea I was so tasty. Let me see.” He leaned down over Alecia, and tangled his tongue with Nat’s as he licked her clean. Alecia moaned and thrust her hips up.

“My quim, Nat,” she said breathlessly. “Lick me there. Both of you.”

Nat pressed his mouth against her sex and thrust his tongue between her folds, licking the hidden valleys there, finding the tangy taste he craved. Alecia moaned and thrust again, and then Nat felt Palu’s breath on his ear, and he heard Palu sucking on the hard button at the apex of her slit. She cried out and her legs fell open further. Her hand pressed against Nat’s head, holding his mouth on her, and he fought her grip until he could lift his head enough to see her other hand buried in Palu’s curls, holding him on that spot he was sucking and licking with abandon.

In moments she was bucking beneath them, crying out with another release. Nat pressed a finger inside her, into that space that had been his and his alone for years now, and something made him grab Palu’s hand and bring it there, made him press Palu’s finger in beside his until they both filled her. Alecia sobbed her pleasure as she gripped the fingers inside her, her strong contractions pressing their two fingers together.

When Alecia’s muscles relaxed, Nat sat up. Palu was staring at their two hands pressed so tightly to her, their two fingers clearly fucking into her. Nat’s breathing was ragged. He’d never shared Alecia like this, never. His heart was pounding with excitement, but also fear. Why tonight? Why Palu?

Alecia gave a breathless laugh. “Oh, Natty,” she sighed. And didn’t that just say it all?


Love in Exile

Chapter Five

Alecia was in heaven. They had bathed, and she was snuggled on Nat’s lap at the head of the bed, her feet resting on Palu’s beautiful thigh. She frowned. He was too far away.

“Come closer,” she ordered, pouting. She grabbed Palu’s arm and tugged, pulling him closer to Nat until the two men’s shoulders were touching. She liked the look of that, of Nat’s broad shoulder with those darling freckles next to Palu’s wide, heavily muscled one, with the black, curling primitive swirls of ink in his skin. Palu ran his hand up Alecia’s leg, kneading her calf and the back of her thigh and Alecia sighed with contentment.

“That feels wonderful,” she said happily, smoothing her hand over the light dusting of hair on Nat’s chest. His nipples peaked and Alecia ran a finger around one of them, toying with it.

“Lee,” Nat laughed, brushing her hand away. He shivered a little, and she rubbed his arm briskly. “I’m just a little too sensitive still, I think.”

“Are you all right?” Palu asked again. He was so sweet, so worried about Nat, afraid he’d been too rough. But Nat had loved it, Alecia could tell. And Nat had reassured them both of that repeatedly.

“Palu, for the last time I am fine. I am better than fine. I am well-fucked and content to be so. Please stop asking me. You’d think you’d never fucked a man before.” Nat went still beneath her and looked at Palu with wide eyes. “You have fucked a man before, haven’t you?”

Palu laughed, shaking the bed. “Many. I don’t think I need to tell you that women are few and far between on a ship sailing in uncharted and dangerous waters.”

“Was it common then, for the men on board to fuck one another?” Alecia asked with interest. She rather thought she’d enjoy a ship like that.

BOOK: Kane, Samantha - Brothers In Arms 06
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