Kane, Samantha - Brothers In Arms 06 (4 page)

BOOK: Kane, Samantha - Brothers In Arms 06
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“Christ,” he whispered, “you’re huge.”

Palu laughed out loud. “Yes, I am.” Again, his simple answer seemed to please Nat.

Nat gazed up at him from under his eyelashes, a sensual, teasing glance. “What do you want me to do, Palu?”

Palu felt as if he was running up hill. His blood was thick in his veins and his heart was pounding in his chest. He could see Nat’s hard cock outlined by his tight breeches, and he could hear Alecia’s excited breathing from the bed. He looked over at her and she was flushed, her eyes wide and a little wild as she watched her husband touch him.

He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this excited to fuck anyone. He’d never had a man and woman together. Separately, yes, but never two lovers at the same time. He knew just how he was going to do it, however. He’d love sweet little Alecia while Nat watched. He’d eat her pretty pink and white cunt and palm her beautiful breasts. And he knew Nat would not be idle. No, the pretty, laughing Englishman would probably be unable to keep his hands off Palu. But he wouldn’t let Nat rush him with Alecia. He wanted to take her slow and deep and hear her moan and cry for him.

He knew that it would make Nat mad for him. And after Alecia was well pleasured, Palu would take her laughing, teasing husband hard and fast and rough, because he knew that’s what Nat wanted. And Nat would moan and cry, too. And perhaps pretty little Alecia would come again just from watching them.

“I want you both to undress for me,” Palu told him with a bit of a growl in his voice. He couldn’t help it. He was close to losing his control with these two. It had been too long for him, too long since he’d been wanted like this. He hadn’t looked away from Alecia and he saw her close her eyes briefly, as if overcome by the thought of being naked for him. “And then I want the two of you to undress me.”

“Do you?” Nat asked softly, a hard edge to his voice. “And if we want something different?”

“That is my price,” Palu replied calmly. “The journey begins here.”

“It is a small price,” Alecia said as she rose from the bed, one hand holding onto the bedpost as if she felt unbalanced. “Surely you value your secrets more?”

“They are mine to sell as I deem fit,” he assured her with a grin. “And I would reveal them all to see the two of you naked and awaiting my pleasure.”

Nat huffed out a small laugh and Palu turned to see the grin that he was quickly coming to crave. When Nat laughed his eyes crinkled so they were mere slits of sky blue in his face. Palu found it charming. “Then Alecia is right. It is a small price to pay for all your secrets.” He ran his hand teasingly down Palu’s chest to his stomach, 19

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pulling it away when he reached the top of Palu’s breeches. “And I believe that you may have quite a few, Palu.”

Palu just grinned back, making Nat laugh again.

Nat beckoned Alecia over and he turned her without a word and began to undo the back of her dress. Palu’s heart stuttered in his chest as her dress gaped open over her back. She wore a corset underneath, but he found the intimate scene breathtakingly arousing. It was obvious Nat had undressed his wife many times. He did so efficiently, but each touch was lovingly bestowed, and Nat interspersed his ministrations with kisses and murmured words. Would he undress Palu the same way?

Nat turned slightly and Palu realized that he was deliberately blocking his view of Alecia. For a moment he was alarmed, thinking that perhaps Nat had changed his mind and didn’t want him to see his wife naked. But then Nat threw a grin over his shoulder and Palu knew it was just another form of teasing. He found he liked Nat’s teasing very much.

“Now don’t look,” Nat chided him. “I want you to see us both together. Turn around.”

He sighed with resignation and turned to face the wall. He heard Alecia giggle from behind Nat. “Very well, but do not keep me waiting too long, Nat,” he warned. “I am desperate to fuck the two of you.”

“Oh God,” Alecia murmured fervently and Palu grinned at the wall in front of him.

He heard clothes rustling behind him.

“Honestly, Nat,” Alecia said in exasperation, “must you have your coats cut so tight? It is like peeling an orange.”

Palu burst out laughing. “I like the cut of his coat. It shows off his shoulders and small waist to perfection.”

He heard Nat chuckle. “You see, Alecia? He was enamored of the cut of my coat. If I had my tailor alter it as you wish, Palu would not be chomping at the bit to fuck you, my pretty.”

“Oh, and I suppose the neckline of my gown had nothing to do with attracting his interest?” Alecia teased right back. “It wasn’t your waist he was staring at half the night.”

“I confess that I found you both irresistible,” Palu assured them. “Now may I please see what all those clothes were hiding?”

“Turn around,” Nat told him roughly.

If Palu thought he had wanted before, he’d been a fool. Nat stood behind Alecia and slightly off to the side so Palu could see the uninterrupted line of his body from shoulder to toes on the right side. Alecia was tucked in close to him, one of her hands resting on Nat’s against her bare stomach. Her other hand reached behind her and grasped Nat’s hip. Nat cupped one large breast in his hand, and as Palu watched he ran his thumb lightly over her pale pink nipple and both men watched it pucker and 20

Love in Exile

darken. Palu let his eyes wander, his blood heating at the sight of her soft belly and the blonde curls between her legs. She was perfection. His mouth watered at the thought of tasting every delectable inch of her.

After memorizing every line of Alecia’s body, Palu turned his examination on Nat.

The first thing he noticed was that Nat’s shoulders were covered with freckles. He wanted to taste those, too. Could you feel them on your tongue? Nat’s skin wasn’t a clear porcelain like Alecia’s, but it still gleamed pink and white in the candlelight. He had lean, hard muscles, a heavy chest lightly dusted with hair and a tight stomach, thighs thick with muscles and a well-turned calf. They were beautiful, every English inch of them.

“Well?” Nat asked wryly, “have you stopped speaking again?”

“You are beautiful, both of you,” he answered. There were no other words. He was extremely aroused at the thought of having these two lovers. They were so obviously in love with one another. To be allowed to share that, for even one night, was a gift.

“Palu,” Alecia whispered, and when he looked at her he could see in her eyes that she understood what he couldn’t say.

“Will you let your hair down?” he asked, hoping she would. He wanted to wrap his big, brown fist in her bright curls.

She nodded and let go of Nat to take the pins out of her hair one by one. Nat held out his hand and she deposited them in his open palm as she took them out. Again the intimacy of it struck Palu. When she was done she shook her head and Nat stepped away to empty his palm onto the top of the dressing table.

Palu watched Nat as he turned to walk back to Alecia. Nat’s cock was hard, curving up toward his belly from a crotch full of curly hair, darker than the hair on his head. His rod was pink and white, like the rest of him, the head a darker, mouthwatering pink.

He wasn’t overly large, but he was pretty, and Palu was quite sure that Nat knew how to use his cock very well.

“Do you like it?” Nat asked quietly. He had stopped and now just stood there letting Palu look.

Palu nodded. “Yes. That was going to be my next request. I wanted to see all of you.”

He saw Nat’s chest and stomach quiver as he took a deep breath, and when Palu looked at his face he was flushed, his eyes small and intense, slitted with desire now, not laughter.

“All you had to do was ask,” Nat told him, his voice deep and slow. Palu liked his voice. Hell, he liked everything about Nat.

He nodded. “I was going to.”

This time Nat did laugh, and then he walked back over to Alecia. He wrapped both arms around Alecia’s waist and rested his chin on her shoulder, frowning at Palu. “You are wearing too many clothes.”


Samantha Kane

He nodded, all the old fears rising in his chest. Would they still want him when they saw the secrets he hid under his English clothes? He never looked more savage than when he was naked. But for some inexplicable reason he wanted very much to reveal that side of himself to these two. He only prayed that they still found him acceptable when he did.

Nat watched Palu’s expressive face. The other man couldn’t hide much of what he was thinking, or perhaps he simply didn’t try to hide it. Either way, Nat enjoyed the pleasure he’d seen on Palu’s face as he’d stared at him and Alecia, the hunger in his gaze when he’d seen Nat’s cock. He liked how open Palu was, how eager. God, Nat wanted to fuck him. He wanted to see the other man’s face as Nat filled him. But first things first.

“It’s our job to undress you, isn’t it?” Nat asked, trying to keep his tone light and conversational. Fair was fair, after all. Palu had seen them and now it was time for recompense.

“Come.” The big man beckoned slowly. “Come and strip me.”

Nat started to walk over, but stopped when Alecia didn’t immediately follow. He turned back to her with a frown and saw her watching Palu, nervously biting her lip.

Nat knew she did that when she was worried about something. He looked back at Palu and saw him drop his hand and tilt his head to stare at Alecia.

“What is it, my love?” Nat asked.

“I just…” Alecia swallowed nervously, “I just want to make sure that Palu understands what we want. The two of us, I mean. And that he wants the same thing.”

The burst of laughter from Palu was unexpected and both Nat and Alecia were startled.

“My dear Alecia,” Palu told her with a wide grin, “you have no idea how much I want this. I’m sorry, the words don’t come easily for me. But yes, yes I want you both beneath me, on top of me, touching me, fucking me. This is what I want.
are what I want. Never doubt that.”

“I don’t fuck other men,” Alecia said hesitantly, looking over at Nat. He nodded at her, encouraging her to continue. Nat hadn’t said anything before because he wasn’t sure what Alecia wanted tonight. He knew she wanted Palu. And surprisingly, he didn’t think he’d object if she chose to break this unwritten rule of their affairs with Palu.

Palu looked between them for a moment, his face shockingly unreadable. So he’d deliberately chosen not to hide earlier, Nat realized. Then Palu nodded. “That is fair.

Whatever you two want, I will do.”

Alecia let out a breath as if she’d been holding it. “All right, then. I just wanted to be sure.” She laughed then, sounding quite relieved. “What a strange night this has been! I don’t believe I’ve ever had an encounter like it.”


Love in Exile

It was an offhand remark, but it struck Nat to the core. No, they’d never had an encounter like it. Usually Nat arranged for their men and orchestrated the evening.

Tonight had been spontaneous, unexpected, a headlong rush into adventure with an exotic stranger. And Nat knew he would never regret the impulsive desire that had brought this man to their bed.

“The journey has only just begun,” Palu told her with a grin. “We have much more territory to explore before we reach our destination.”

Alecia laughed and Nat grinned. He liked the sound of that.

“And you?” Palu had turned to Nat. “Do you fuck other men?”

Nat nodded, and couldn’t stop his grin from turning to one of anticipation. “Oh yes.”

Palu grinned back. “Good.”

When they walked over to Palu the atmosphere was considerably lighter than it had been. Nat was glad. He wanted a lighthearted night instead of the somber, intense couplings he and Alecia usually found with other men. Rarely were their partners jovial or playful. For the first time since Simon, Nat was looking forward to not just rutting, but being with a particular man. With Palu.

Nat knew that there were dangers lurking around this night. He liked Palu perhaps too much. He wasn’t looking for an emotional attachment to anyone else. He had Alecia. He loved her. They were man and wife, best friends, and that was all he wanted.

He knew their friends enjoyed marriages among three, but Nat had never desired it. He liked to fuck men, but he didn’t want to love one. How difficult that was. He’d seen it.

Seen them all have to deny their feelings among polite society, seen the hurt and pain and ostracism that love like that visited upon its victims. No, he didn’t want to do that.

He didn’t want to hurt anyone else whom he loved.

“Don’t frown, pretty Nat,” Palu said, and he put his large, rough, hot palm against the back of Nat’s neck and pulled Nat to him. Palu buried his face in the curve of Nat’s shoulder, rubbing his nose against him before he kissed the pulse beating heavily in his neck.

“Damn,” Nat murmured, swamped by lust at the feel of Palu’s mouth on him, the size of his hand against Nat’s neck. Palu chuckled and pulled again, until Nat took that last step that pressed his naked body against Palu’s fully clothed one. Palu’s heat soaked through his clothes, warming Nat. He had to gulp in a breath and swallow deeply to keep his knees from buckling at the eroticism of it.

“Undress me,” Palu whispered against him, and Nat could only nod.

Palu let go of him and Nat took an unsteady step back. Alecia was standing there with a smile on her face.

“That good?” she teased.

“Yes,” was all Nat said, and she and Palu laughed.

“Nat,” Palu growled, and Nat knew what he wanted.


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Nat reached for his cravat and untied it. He had a devil of a time. “Your man certainly knows how to tie these,” he complained as he struggled with the starched linen.

“Feel free to cut it off,” Palu said in disgust. “I hate them.”

“All men say that,” Alecia laughed as she stepped behind Palu to smooth her hands over his back and upper arms. She hummed with delight.

Nat finally got the cravat undone and threw it down. Palu’s shirt fell open nearly to his waist and Nat thought he glimpsed something on Palu’s chest. He glanced up and saw Palu watching him intently.

BOOK: Kane, Samantha - Brothers In Arms 06
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