Inked Stepbrother: New Adult Stepbrother Romance (6 page)

BOOK: Inked Stepbrother: New Adult Stepbrother Romance
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Chapter 13

"What in holy hell is this?"

I wake up to screaming. Lots of it, loud, oppressive and threatening. My first instinct is to protect Candy who's still curled up in my arms, just waking up slowly. I wrap her in a blanket, covering us both up and look at the person who rudely intruded on our little fantasy.

Well, holy fuck.

It's Candy's Dad, and my mother. They're standing three steps away and I am currently holding the man's naked daughter in my arms, both of us barely covered by a blanket.

I just stare at them as Candy stirs in my arms, waking up slowly. "What's going on?" she asks softly, nuzzling my neck.

"You fuck," her father whispers. "You

He walks over to me and takes Candy out of my arms gently, but his muscles are tight and ready to fight me. She's waking up properly and looks up to her Daddy with shock and surprise, struggling to her feet and wrapping the blanket around her. I quickly grab another one and cover myself up. I'm feeling frozen, numb and I know there's no fight left in me.

Why would I fight about something that I now know is so damn right?

Before I can react, Mr. Winters's fist connects with my eye and blood spills down my face immediately. I curse out loud, trying to wipe it away.

"You don't have a word to say to me?" he roars in my face, and I look into the man's eyes defiantly, realizing I
fight him. I'll fight for Candy, because now that I've had her, I won't be satisfied with second best.

"I don't have to defend myself," I spit out angrily. "I don't care what you think, old man. I ..." I look at Candy, whose bottom lip is trembling as she hides behind my shocked mother. Her eyes are filled to the brim with tears just waiting to spill over.

"I love her," I realize, and saying it out loud just cements my feelings.

Mr. Winters lunges for me again but I duck. He roars and screams my name as I stare him down.

"Don't you even fucking look at her," he yells at me. "You're sick, you fuck-up! I knew you would try to take her."

He rubs his eyes, turning towards my mother and Candy who are both trembling on the porch, too scared to even speak up. "I told you we needed to come back, Kate," he spits out, then looks at me. "Your mother tried convincing me you didn't have bad intentions. She's blind when it comes to you, but I see it all ..."

He points at me and I see pure hatred in his eyes. I know this man has seen a lot of evil in his time, and I know it makes him paranoid ...
But if he believes I am so bad, is there a chance of it all being true?

Am I really such a sick fuck for taking advantage of this innocent girl?

"You get out of here," he says, his voice shaking with anger. "I don't want you here. You need help. You've ruined enough."

I just stare at him.

"GET THE FUCK OUT!" he yells, more enraged than ever.

"Daddy!" Candy interrupts him, stepping forward and grabbing on to his arm, asking for mercy. "Don't send him away. Don't ... I love him, too."

He curses out loud and pushes Candy back a little too hard. That's the moment I come alive and I jump forward, clutching him by the throat.

Mr. Winters is a big man, but I am an angry one. And no one could stop me right now.

"Don't you dare fucking hurt her," I snarl at him.

He 's choking, but he manages to look straight into my eyes when he says his next words. "You already took care of that for me," he spits out.

I let him drop to the ground and he gets up, looking at me with such pure hatred I wonder how I haven't turned to stone.

"You think you can give her a good life?" he demands to know, laughing like he's just told me a joke. "You're a fuck-up. You're nothing, and she has everything ahead of her. You want the best for Candace? Get the fuck away from her."

"No, Daddy!" she interrupts desperately, but he ain't done yet.

He steps closer to me and I'm frozen to the spot, unable to move an inch. "She can be something," he says hoarsely. "She can become anything she wants. You're holding her back. You're her reigns, and you're pulling. Get away, Hunter. Let her shine on her own ..."

It's quiet enough for Kate and Candy not to hear, but his words are clear to me.

I move away, shaking. I take my clothes to the sound of Candy screaming my name between gasps and sobs. But I don't look at her once, realizing that will break my resolve immediately.

I take my stuff and I get the fuck out of there, ignoring everyone's shouts, cries and pleading.

I get dressed, take my bike and drive to my bleak future.

Candy doesn't need me. Candy needs me gone. And it might be too late for me, but she can still make it ... I haven't ruined her completely.

One thing I do know - she
shine. And if I'm gone, she'll shine brighter than any other star in the universe.

I've been selfish. I only thought of myself. She's just a girl, she doesn't know what love is.
Just a silly girl ...

I scream into the wind as I drive away from the girl I love.


Everyone looks at me strangely when I pull up in front of my destination. Luckily, I have my wallet with me, so I shove some money into the wallet's hands as he stares at me, motioning for him to take care of my bike.

I stroll inside and head straight for the elevators. My heart is pounding as I ride to the floor where she's waiting. I have no idea if she'll be here, or if this is a good idea. I could be making the biggest mistake of my life.

But I have nowhere else to go.

I find the room quickly, and think about swiping the card, but instead I knock slowly, hesitantly.

I wait for a long time and nearly lose my nerve, but then the door opens.

And there she is in all her glory, beautiful red hair like a halo around her perfect heart-shaped face, covered only by a fluffy towel. The elusive Allura Prescott.

And she looks more than happy to see me standing on her doorstep sheepishly.

"Knew you would come," she purrs with satisfaction before pulling me into her hotel room, her towel falling down in the process, revealing her perfect curvy body.

I feel like I just stepped into a snake's nest.

Chapter 14
6 months later

I'm broken.

I smile, I laugh, I pretend I'm perfectly okay. But my insides are all torn up, shredded to pieces, and it has been like that ever since Hunter walked out on me.

I have a boyfriend now. A perfectly respectable guy called David, who takes me out to dinner and brings me flowers on every date. I haven't let him touch me yet, but his kisses are lackluster - nothing compared to the passion I shared with ...


I never let myself say his name, or even think about it. It hurts too much. Plus, my father has pretty much forbidden even thinking about him in our house. When Kate mentioned him once at the dinner table, he slammed his fist down on the wood, making all of the dishes dance.

So I live my life in denial. I spend 6 months pretending it can all be okay, and I can make it on my own. I don't need one man to make me happy, I'm growing up now and that was just an experience I need to forget about as soon as possible.

Easier said than done.

It is on a night out with David that I finally crack. We have a nice enough dinner at our favorite Italian place - and I hate the fact that it's 'our' with a passion - then head back to his place for dessert.

I'm now living in the dorms, attending college. David is a teacher's assistant, making our relationship at least a little forbidden. But the thrill isn't enough for me.

He lives in a nice place a little off campus, a pretty brick house he's told me time and time again needs a woman's touch.
I can take a hint, you jerk,
I think viciously, immediately scolding myself in my head for being so evil.

As soon as we step into his house, David's lips latch onto mine like he's about to suck the life of me. I return his kisses without a hint of passion. I just let him kiss me, like a half-dead person.

"Baby," he moans in my ear. "I need to have you ... I can't wait any longer."

He takes his blazer off, never moving his lips off of mine. His glasses are bumping against my nose, which annoys me to no end, making the whole experience even more awkward.

And then he takes his shirt off.

He isn't scrawny despite being a bookish type. I guess he hits up the gym pretty often, because his body is broad and muscled. But his skin ...

His skin is tanned and unmarred. Perfect in all aspects.

And suddenly, I have a longing for metal, for images, for black ink.

And I can't fight it any longer. I push David away.

"I can't," I whisper softly and he looks at me with confusion.

"What's wrong, Candace?" he asks worriedly, but I raise my hand, wanting to be left alone. He shoots questions all over the place as I back out of the room, and as soon as I'm outside, I break into a run, hearing his shouts after me.

He doesn't come after me though, which should tell me something.

I run the whole way to campus and to the parking lot, my hands shaking as I stuff a key inside the lock and get in my beaten up car. I bought it with my own money I made working in a coffee shop, not wanting to take a cent from my Dad. He's screwed the only good thing in my life, and I'm not about to forgive him anytime soon.

Despite all that, I find myself driving the twenty miles back home. I don't know why, but like a child needing comfort, I return to the place where I was happy for the last time.

I park the car and head inside the house. It's late, and I collapse on a chair at the kitchen table, too tired to go on.

A few minutes later, I head steps behind me and turn around with a nasty scowl, ready to pick a fight with my Dad. But it's not him.

It's Kate, his mother and my stepmom.

I've always liked Kate, though we aren't especially close. She keeps her distance, and I believe it's because she doesn't want to try and replace my mother. Sometimes, I wish I could tell her I just need some closeness and warmth instead of her polite smiles.

Kate is holding her nightgown closed in front of her and heads into the kitchen without asking a single question. She returns a couple of minutes later and sets a steaming cup in front of me.

"What's this?" I ask, unwilling to look at her.

"Hot chocolate," Kate replies quietly.

I raise the mug to my lips and take a long sip, nearly choking when I realize this isn't just hot chocolate. "And?" I ask with amusement, my brows shooting upwards.

"And a little something to calm you down," Kate replies innocently, giving me a grin. It has that same crooked feature I liked on ... him. It hurts me to see the similarities between the two of them. And I know Kate keeps in touch with him secretly.

I sip my spiked hot chocolate for a while and she keeps me company. Finally, I trust my voice enough to speak up. "I miss him," I admit for the first time.

"I know you do, honey," Kate says, reaching for my hand across the table. I let her stroke me, feeling good under her soothing touch. "Have you tried contacting him?"

I snort. "As if Dad would let me do that. He would kill me if I so much as tried."

Kate's expression stiffens and I look at her with surprise. I've never seen her argue with my father. This is the first time she's expressed displeasure over something that he did.

"I wish your father wouldn't be so stubborn," she murmurs quietly, then looks into my eyes. "I always knew, Candy ... I knew you and my son had something special."

I swallow the lump in my throat, unable to break eye contact with my stepmother.

"You mustn't break that bond," she says. "He needs you just as much as you need him."

I nod slowly, even though it'll be a long time before I believe that.

Kate gets up, getting a piece of paper and a pen, then scribbles something on it. She pushes it towards me and I look at it curiously.

Parker Media, it says. I look at Kate questioningly, and find her face lit up with pride.

"He started his own company," she explains. "He's the head of it. They're doing very well."

"Always knew he would," I admit.

"You should go and see him," Kate suggests, her voice strong.

"But my Dad ..."

"Forget about your Dad," she immediately insists. "Leave me to him. I have some ideas of how to convince him to approve." There's that devilish smile, and somehow, I start to feel a little hopeful. I return her smile.

"Maybe," I say lamely, clutching the piece of paper between my fingers. "But ... What if he's moved on?"

Kate laughs softly, looking away for a moment. She looks beautiful illuminated by moonlight, younger than her age, a true beauty. "I know love," she says softly. "And I know you don't just get over it."

We're both lost in our own thoughts for a while and I finish my chocolate, getting up, suddenly tired to the bone. "Thanks for the chocolate, Kate," I say sincerely.

She gets up too, and before I know it, she grabs me in a tight embrace. "Will you go?" she whispers in my ear.

I think it over for a moment, but the answer is clear in my mind already.

"Yes," I decide.

BOOK: Inked Stepbrother: New Adult Stepbrother Romance
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