Inked Stepbrother: New Adult Stepbrother Romance (4 page)

BOOK: Inked Stepbrother: New Adult Stepbrother Romance
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Chapter 9

He's gone all day long and I feel his absence deep in the pit of my belly. After last night, I'm feeling confused and angry, but despite all that, I want him more than ever ... My mind is swimming with memories of his long, thick cock, my fingers keep escaping between my legs and my body is burning up with the need for him.

It's almost midday when my computer starts playing a well-known tune, and as soon as I check the screen, a huge smile lights up my face. I sit down on my chair and answer the Skype call.

"Hey, pretty face," a rowdy voice greets me, immediately elevating my mood.

"Hey, bitch face," I reply with a wide grin and we both laugh.

Leigh-Ann is my best friend of all time. We were thick as thieves for a long time, being neighbors for most of my childhood. Then, she moved away our freshman year of high school, since her family relocated to Australia.

At the time, it broke my heart and I always thought our promises of staying in touch would fizzle out to nothing. But somehow, Leigh-Ann and I kept up with the e-mails, the Skype calls and even a visit or two over the years.

I've watched her grow from a sweet brunette with pigtails to a femme fatale with cotton candy pink hair and a cult following on her cosplay website. She's awesome, but it gets tough knowing she has it easy, while I'm wasting away at school, left all by myself.

But still, every day I'm thankful that I have Leigh-Ann on my side. She's a fierce girl, one that would kick ass to protect her friends. I'm lucky to have her.

She starts chattering about some new crush or other and I stare enviously at the screen, admiring her appearance. She's so confident, she doesn't give a fuck about anyone, and I love the fact that her Mom lets her get away with it. They're on their own since her Dad left, but I've never known a stronger person than Leigh-Ann.

"So, what's new with you?" she finally asks, and I can tell she's trying to read me with her eyes, which have electric blue contacts in today. I blush immediately.

"You little minx!" Leigh-Ann gasps, laughing right away. "I knew you were hiding something from me. Tell me right now before I board a plane and kick your butt for keeping secrets!"

I sigh heavily, realizing I'll have to admit all of it to her someday. Plus, I'd be lying if I said it didn't feel good to finally be able to confide in somebody.

"Hunter came home," I admit hesitantly and she curses out loud which makes me grin.

"You still got the hots for your big brother?" she asks teasingly, and I guess I blush again, because she curses again. "Fuck, you do, don't you?"

My silence serves as an answer.

"What did you do about it?" Leigh-Ann immediately wants to know.

"Nothing!" I exclaim too loudly, and I know she's aware of the fact that I'm lying.

"Does he know you have feelings for him?" she finally asks in hushed tones.

I hesitate for a moment, then finally shrug. "I ... sometimes I think he feels something, too. At least a physical attraction."

I look up into the screen, looking for Leigh-Ann's confirmation, and I see her eyes sparkling with mischief from so many miles away.

"Tell you what," she says devilishly. "Why don't you put him to the test? Sneak into his room at night ... no man could resist a piece of that."

She winks lewdly and I blush again. "I guess I could do that ..." I say hesitantly, not wanting to admit I'm not really that innocent and Hunter and I have done some stuff without her prompting us.

"You better!" she exclaims, then waves wildly to the camera. "In fact, I'm leaving now, and you'll report back tomorrow, right?"

I nod slowly and she does what she promised, disconnecting the call. I walk over to my bed, falling backwards on it as I sigh heavily with the thought of what Leigh-Ann wants me to do.

But deep down, I know I'm looking forward to it.


I hear him come home in the late afternoon, but he doesn't come down for dinner so Daddy, Kate and I eat alone. I'm finding it hard to swallow, and I excuse myself as soon as I can, feigning a stomach ache.

I lay on my bed until the clock tells me it's past midnight. It is only then that I get up, my whole body shivering with anticipation. I walk out of my room as quietly as possible and stand for a few long moments in front of Hunter's door, unsure of what to do.

Finally, before I can stop myself, I raise my hand and knock lightly on his door.

He opens it so fast it's almost as if he's been waiting for me.

He's also shirtless and my eyes stay glued to his well-defined chest.

"Eyes up here, sweetness," he says, the amusement plain to hear in his voice. I blush, but do as he suggests and smile slowly.

"Can we go for a ride?" I ask impulsively, suddenly realizing that if anything were to happen between us, I don't want it to be in the house where we live with our parents.

Hunter stares at me for a long moment and I'm pretty sure he'll shoot me down within a second, but to my surprise, he nods, dipping back into his room to grab a shirt. He takes my hand and immediately, I feel butterflies fluttering in my stomach as we walk down the stairs, exchanging smiling glances.

I love the way his eyes light up ... I like to imagine it's just for me.

We head into the garage, still not speaking. He hands me the helmet and I climb on the back of his bike, wrapping my arms around him as he joins me. I'm only dressed in denim cutoffs and a tank top, but the night is balmy and I'm not feeling cold.

He starts the bike and we start driving.

It's different than last time, when I was petrified for most of the time, clutching on to him for dear life. Today, I'm learning to enjoy the wind in my hair, the bursts of cold and the feel of his rock hard body under my palms.

We drive for a long time, but I don't mind at all. Finally, I realize where we're going and my face immediately lights up as I figure out we're going to the beach.

Only a few moments longer and Hunter pulls up in an empty parking lot. We both get off the bike, and I hand him my helmet, feeling giddy with excitement. Before he can stop me, I've taken off my Converse and am running towards the sea, the sand cold between my toes.

I hear Hunter's laughter behind me as I crash into the waves, the water lapping at my ankles. I let myself go in that moment, laughing wildly as I tread the water, getting wetter and wetter by the moment.

This night has magic in it - I don't know how or why, but I feel like I can finally be myself right here on the beach, with the moon and stars shining down on me and the man I can never be with.

One moment, he's smiling fondly at me, but the next, he treads into the water himself and pulls me into his arms. I'm still laughing, but then I raise my eyes to his and see such intensity there, my smile falters ...

He lifts me up in the air, my feet dangling above the water. Slowly, slowly, he lowers me down until I'm so close to his mouth I could taste him. Impulsively, I wrap my legs around his waist and he grips my ass, looking for answers in my eyes.

"I want you," he admits brokenly, the first words we've spoken since we left the house. In those three words, there's so much longing, yearning, promises and questions ... I don't know how to deal, so I do the only thing I think might help.

I crash my lips against his, my mouth burning with need as our tongues find one another. I kiss him hard and demanding, like he used to kiss me, but he keeps me at bay. Walking backwards, he stumbles on the beach still holding on to me, and he slowly drops me on the sand.

I pull him down with me and we end up on the wet sand. I can feel the grains in my hair, on my skin, my wet clothes. But none of it matters as I let Hunter take all of me.

He kisses me deep and long, so much hidden passion in his movements I wonder how he's able to hold back when I cannot at all. I tug at his shirt and he silently obeys, pulling it over his head so I come face to face with his chiseled body. Running my hands down his tattoos, I moan with the wetness growing between my legs.

I try to take my clothes off, but his hand stops me when I'm shirtless and reaching for the button on my cut-offs.

"I can't," he admits softly. "I can't take that from you ... It would be ... wrong."

My heart breaks for Hunter, and all I want to do is scream that I want it to be him, always wanted only him. But he won't let me, putting his pointer finger on my lips. I whimper, writhing under his heavy body, but he makes me calmer with his reassuring kisses - long, delicious and forbidden.

I can't help myself, I still pull down his jeans until he springs free and my eyes widen once more at the sight of his perfect cock. I reach for him, and he stops me immediately.

"Don't, Candace," he says and I can feel the tension in his voice.

I don't know what's happening, but I've never wanted to break his resolve more.

He rolls away from me until he's lying on his back, exposed to the moonlight, the waves lapping at his feet. He groans, running a hand through his hair.

If I were the good girl he thinks I am, I would stop right about now.

But I don't.

Instead, I move over to him, my hands shaking as I position myself between his legs and finally grip his cock. He looks down with shock and our eyes connect, his warning me, mine asking for more.

"Candace," he groans. "Don't tempt me, doll."

I move my hand over his thick shaft slowly, hesitantly, and I love the groans I get from him in response. He reaches for me hesitantly, half-heartedly attempting to push me away.

"Don't," he says softly, his voice darker than before. "Don't break me."

But can't you see you're breaking me?
I ask him silently in my mind.

And for once in my life, I don't do what I'm told. I move my hands all over his body, slowly moving my lips closer to his most tip. Hesitantly, my tongue darts out between my lips and I taste him for the first time.

He curses out loud and I feel tingling all over my body, knowing I won't be able to stop now. I lick slowly at first, but then start to lap him up, needing more and more of him in my mouth.

His hands find my hair and he tries to push me away, but ends up pulling me closer. I take him in my mouth, his thickness barely fitting, the balls of his piercing hitting my throat with a delicious sound.

I start slowly, but I can't resist for long and I take him as deep as I can, his velvet skin grazing the insides of my mouth.

"Fuck, baby," he moans, and I can tell it's driving him crazy. Know that he won't be able to stop me, because even though it's not right,
it feels so damn good

I suck his whole length inside my mouth, running my tongue along the underside of his cock, the silken skin the most delicious thing I've ever tasted. He groans and hesitantly pushes deeper, thrusting his hips into my mouth. I almost choke, but take all of him in his mouth until he's gasping for air.

"Don't stop," he begs now. "Don't, please, I need more."

I obey, licking and lapping up his moist tip, moving my mouth along his length until a slew of curse words escapes his lips.

"Can't," he gasps. "Can't hold on anymore ... I'm sorry, baby."

His voice breaks and I feel my mouth filling up as warm liquid starts squirting out of his tip. I look him right in the eyes and lap up every last drop, loving his taste in my mouth. Our eyes connect and he caresses my cheek, groaning as he comes on my tongue.

No going back now.

Chapter 10

I have no idea how we make it home after everything that happens on the beach. I want to be quiet and pensive, but I can't help but stare at Candy, my mind swimming with thoughts of her sucking on my cock.

Fuck, she drives me crazy.

I drive her home and make her stay in her room though she desperately wants to stay in mine. Then I go to bed, and I lie awake for an hour pondering everything that has happened.

I should have never, ever let her do that.

But a stupid grin lights up my face and even though I know what I did was wrong, I can't stop smiling like a fool.

I fall asleep with the corners of my mouth turned upwards, my dreams filled with sweet, sweet Candy ...


I wake up early and head down for breakfast, fidgeting to get dressed as quickly as possible, already excited about seeing her again. I pull on a sweatshirt and some jeans after jumping in the shower, then head downstairs where everyone's milling around the kitchen and dining room.

Candy has apparently decided she wants to kill me, because she's wearing cutoffs even shorter than those from yesterday, as well as an oversized top I'm pretty sure she found in my closet and - yep - no bra.

Fuck, I want her.

Her eyes meet mine and she grins at me mischievously, sending my heart into overdrive. I smile back and pile eggs and bacon on my plate before joining everyone at the table.

My mother is her sweet, placating self, but I can feel Candy's Dad's eyes on me as I eat. He's burning into my skin with his gaze. The old man hates me, and I never did a thing to set him off - well, let's forget about all the teasing and the fact that I let his little girl suck me off yesterday. But what he doesn't know can't hurt him, right?

Mom makes pleasant conversation and we chat about life through breakfast. I keep stealing glances at Candy, beautiful in her natural skin. She's not wearing makeup, her skin glowing, her hair silky soft. I want to run my fingers through it so badly it hurts, but the stolen looks we share are enough for now.

We're finishing up with breakfast when Mom says something that catches my attention.

"So we'll leave you some cash and the fridge and pantry are both stocked," she says and I start paying attention instead of staring at my stepsister. Mom notices my look and sighs, but the corners of her lips are turned upwards.

"We're leaving today," she explains, for what I bet is the billionth time. "We're going to stay with some friends in their cabin for a week."

"Oh," I say innocently, but my mind is swimming with ideas on how to use that time, and all of them involve a certain princess who is currently sitting to my right.

"Don't you get any funny ideas," my stepfather says sternly and I give him a blank look.

Oh, they're not funny. They just involve your daughter with my cock in her various holes, old man,
I think silently.

He keeps staring at me as we finally finish breakfast, after which Mom disappears into the kitchen and Candy heads upstairs, gently grazing my hand as she leaves, which I take as an invitation. I'm about to rush after her when I hear my name being called.

"Hunter, would you get over here," my stepfather commands sternly.

My mood immediately sours, but I don't want to deal with the consequences of leaving now, so I purse my lips and slowly turn towards the old man.

"Yes?" I ask through gritted teeth.

"Come here."

His voice doesn't allow me to object, but I take my sweet time walking back to the table and plopping down on the chair in front of the man. "Yes?" I ask in a clipped tone.

He looks at me like he hates me, which is a sentiment we share.

"You're slacking," he accuses me, and I stay quiet, because I'm sure that's not all he has to tell me. "You're useless. You sit around the house and expect us to cover your ass?"

"I have job prospects," I explain plainly, which is followed by a sarcastic laugh from him.

"Oh, I'm sure," he says darkly, pointing to my exposed biceps. "Who's gonna hire you with that shit all over your arms? You think you'll get a normal job looking like

I stare him down hard. He has no idea. No fucking clue.

"Is that all?" I ask harshly.

He stares at me coldly for a long time, but then pushes his chair forward and grips the fabric of my shirt between his fingers, pulling me closer.

"Yeah, one more thing," he growls in my face. "You so much as touch my daughter and I'll rip your tongue out through your teeth."

I get up abruptly from my seat, ripping his hands from my body. He stares at me, his gaze challenging, but I won't let him have the satisfaction of knowing he got to me.

"Take care, old man," I say bitterly, then turn on my heels and walk out of that room which is dripping with venom and hatred he harbors for me.

BOOK: Inked Stepbrother: New Adult Stepbrother Romance
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