His Mafia Princess (Family First #1) (8 page)

BOOK: His Mafia Princess (Family First #1)
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He fucked her hard and fast. His balls slapped against her ass time and time again. His hands were at the side of her head with her body nearly in half.

She loved the feelings of this position, they were perfect. Every single slap of his balls to her ass had her moaning all the more. She shuddered and whimpered in pleasure. “More.” She begged him. “Please.” She loved the way he was fucking her right now. It wasn’t making love. It was fucking, plain and simple.

“Give it to me, baby.”

“Yes.” She whimpered the one word. She had no idea what it was he wanted her to give him. “What?” She gasped aloud. “What do I need to give to you?” She was proud of being able to put so many words out there at once.

“Come for me, baby. That’s what you need to give to me.” He pulled back slightly so he could look down at her. She kissed him back when his mouth closed over hers. She moaned into his mouth when he nipped at her lips with his teeth.

It was almost as if he turned on a switch inside of her with that demand of his. She sobbed his name and screamed. It was a sound that couldn’t be stopped, even if she had wanted to. He had tilted his hips just slightly and had hit her deep inside on that one thrust. It had her begging for more even when screaming out her orgasm.

“That’s right, baby.” He praised her just a half a second before she felt him tense up over her. His balls were tight against her ass as he held himself to her body and emptied his balls deep into her waiting pussy.

She felt him push into her two or three more times, almost like he was trying to force every ounce of his seed deep into her body. She didn’t argue it however. She simply clutched at him and held him tightly to her body. “Oh god that felt amazing,” Alessandra finally whispered against the side of his neck.

“You were perfect, baby.” He brushed his nose along the side of her neck, nipping at her shoulder from time to time. He turned them slightly so they were lying on their sides.


Chapter Fifteen


He looked down into her eyes and was absolutely stunned by what he saw there. The emotions reflected in her dark brown eyes floored him. He lifted his hand and cupped her cheek. His thumb stroked over her lip and he smiled. Her lips were swollen from his kisses and he loved it. “You are perfect.”

She flushed. It was so fucking cute on her. The way that she would blush from time to time instantly had him hard. “I’m not perfect, but I’m glad you liked making love to me.”

“More than liked it. I loved it. It’s something I look forward to for the rest of our lives. Will it always be this good? In the future when we make love?”

“It will be better than that, honey. From here out, there won’t be any pain. There will only be pleasure. I will introduce you to all sorts of it in the time we have in our lives.” He pulled out of her body and felt her clenching at his cock. He wanted to pump back into her cunt all over again. He didn’t, only because he knew she might still be in pain.

“Stay here, baby.” He rose from the bed and walked to the bathroom. When he came back, it was with a warm, wet cloth. He cleaned her gently, stroking the cloth over her body time and time again. He opened her folds and cleaned her bare pussy as well, the blood on the cloth not lost upon him. He had been her first. He knew that, but somehow seeing that blood had him wanting to slide back into her all over again. However, he needed to take care of her. He had to ensure she was okay before he thought about his own pleasure.

He heard her moan and whimper with his cleaning of her pussy. “Come on, little love.” He then reached down and scooped her into his arms. A nice hot bath would be good for her. It would have her body relaxing, and she needed that after the fucking he had just given her.

Once in his bathroom, he sat her on the counter and smiled. “Stay. I will get the bath started, and then we will take one together. No more making love tonight, little bird. More tomorrow.” He got the bath started and even put some bath salts into it, some he knew she liked. “Now, come on, baby.” He picked her up again and stepped into the bathtub. Once they were settled there, he turned on the jets and pulled her closer. “Just relax, little bird.”

“Why do you call me that?” Alessandra asked as she shifted slightly against him until she was comfortable, or so he was assuming.

“What’s that?” He gently moved his hands up and down her arms, bringing the water over them to soothe and calm her.

“Little bird, why do you call me that?”

That memory had him smiling. He chuckled. “You were about ten, I think it was.” He scooped another handful of water and let it slide over her arm. “You were in the maze behind your father’s home. I believe you were in the center in the little grotto he has there.” He felt her nod and continued. “You were singing. I don’t know what it was, but it was beautiful. I noticed that even the birds had stopped their songs to listen to yours.” He knew that likely wasn’t why, but he was willing to pretend that was it.

He looked down at her and saw her cheeks turning just the slightest hint of pink and smiled. He watched her as her tongue darted out and moistened her lower lip. “I didn’t know anyone could hear me.”

“We all could. That’s why you catch the men sometimes humming that tune. It’s a haunting melody we all remembered even if none of us knew what the name of it was.”

“It was
I Hope You Dance
by Lee Ann Womack. I loved that song. I still do. There is something about that song that simply sticks with me.”

“I enjoyed it. I wouldn’t mind if you hummed or sang it around here from time to time.” He meant his words too. He enjoyed the sound of her voice, not just her singing but everything.

“Thank you, I will.” She rubbed her cheek to his shoulder and it made him feel as if he was the most important person in the whole fucking world. Her trust in him, her leaning on him had him wanting to be better and wanting to be more for her.

They talked for a time in the bath until he felt her waning. “All right, little bird, it’s time for us to get you out of here.” He stood and shifted her slightly so he could get out first. Once he was out, he grabbed a towel and quickly dried off. Wrapping the towel around his hips, he then helped her out of the bathtub and dried her off.


The following day, Gregorio stood before Giovanni and fisted his hands tightly. “How dare you.” He growled at the older man who sat before him behind his desk. Yesterday, they had ensured the continuation of the Family Legacy. He had been assured he was next in line, and now here was this moldy old fuck trying to tell him no. No, Gregorio wasn’t going to have it. “If I must I will kill you in order to take over. You know that, don’t you?”

“I do, but would you really kill your lover’s father?” The way Giovani said those words made it feel as if this was some sort of test, one that had Gregorio seeing red.

“She is my finance and you had better fucking believe I will kill you.” Gregorio heard the shifting behind him and held his hand to the side, stopping his second from approaching and standing at his side to fight against the man before them.

“She is still my daughter, and this is still my fucking Family!” Giovanni punctuated his statement with a fist to his desk, which didn’t amuse Gregorio in the least. “You might have taken her innocence, but I know of others that will take a used woman.”

Gregorio didn’t even think. He jumped over the desk, pulled Giovanni from his chair, and started to pound the man’s face. He was beyond pissed off that this bastard had said something like that about Alessandra. He heard Giovanni’s guards enter the room but also heard Tony and Adam pulling their weapons to back him up. When he pulled back, he looked down at Giovanni. “Step down or I will kill you.” He couldn’t stop the feeling of failing a test, of somehow being pushed into a corner the Boss had wanted him in.

“You don’t have the balls,” Giovanni said. “Besides, how will you keep the men tight under your control if you killed me? They would then think they could take you out in order to wrestle control from you. And the Russians, are you forgetting that we’ve just called war with them?”

“I’ve forgotten nothing, but you have,” Gregorio said. “The men are loyal to me. I’ve been the one who has been at their sides and had their backs for the last twenty years, not you. I’ve grown up in this Family, and I’ve always taken the hard missions to prove myself. They would follow me no matter if I killed you or not, and none would dare to challenge me.” He heard several grunts of approval behind him. “As for the Russians, who the fuck did you have planned to lead the war against them? Sure as shit not you. You didn’t even leave your mansion to get your daughter back. What kind of message do you think that sends out to your men? Let me tell you.” Gregorio now held Giovanni close by the front of his shirt. “It tells them that you are a fucking pussy. You are a god damn coward, and that’s why it’s time for a leadership change. You’ve grown too complacent. You’ve grown too fat and too full of your own power.”

“And you forget who it is that groomed you to take this position on.”

“Not that you wanted to. You fought me tooth and nail on it. Step down and retract what you just said about the woman I am damn well going to share a life with or I will kill you. There are no questions about it. I will.”

Gregorio could see the look on Giovanni’s face, and he knew there would be no way around it. “You announce me now before all of the Families or I will kill you.” He looked over his shoulder at Tony. “Get them all on Skype. Every family. I don’t give a fuck what time it is or where they are. You tell those sons of bitches they have no choice in the matter. If any of them don’t come to the meeting, tell them I will personally come to them and tear them apart one by one. I will kill them all with my bare hands.” He was barely holding his temper right now and at the moment couldn’t give a fucking shit what people thought about him.

“Got it, Boss.” Tony grabbed a laptop from one of the men and brought it closer.

“Announce it. Do you understand me?” There was no two ways about it. He was damn good and well going to ensure that this mother fucker paid for the insult to Alessandra, after he announced Gregorio was taking over for him. He was angrier that the man had just the day before given his blessing, and now he was trying to take it back. He was willing to shun his daughter and leave her to any that might come her way instead of keeping his word.

“I am Giovanni Falco. I am your Boss, your Don.” Gregorio watched as Giovanni looked at the small screen, which held men in power on every continent. They were men he had hand-picked, but ones that Gregorio had quietly gained the trust of and the ones that now thought of Gregorio as Boss. “Gregorio has been my second for a number of years, as you all know. I’ve been grooming him to take over for me. I want you all to know that the time has come. I am handing over everything to Gregorio as of today. Do you all understand?”

“Yes, sir.” The men spoke nearly as a full unit.

“He is a fine replacement.” This came from the contact in Milan. “And your daughter?”

Gregorio growled. “She is mine.” He stepped into frame. “Do not even once think to approach her without my express permission.”

All of the men looked from Gregorio to Giovanni.

“My daughter is to marry Gregorio in twenty-nine days. You are all invited as well as your loved ones. My secretary will have the wedding planner get in touch with you all to confirm your space. After that, I believe I will take a vacation. Somewhere I’ve never been. I believe I will go to Morocco.” It was a place Gregorio knew was controlled by the Family, a woman of all things and a woman that was pissed at Gregorio.

Gregorio nodded to the men and added, “I will personally be in touch with all of you today.” He then cut the connection. He looked at Giovanni and said, “Do not think that you will go to Ilsa and have her bend to your will. Do you understand me?” 

“Yes, I understand, but that is not why I would go to Ilsa.” Giovanni actually started to flush a bit, the skin around his neck turning slightly red. “I’ve been seeing Ilsa since Alessandra’s mother died. In truth, I was seeing her before then. Ilsa is…” Giovanni hesitated and then smiled. “She is good for me. She could never have children, which was too bad. However, I’m happy to have her in my life. Especially now. I will enjoy spending time with her.” There was a hesitation to the old man and then he spoke quietly. “I had to know you were good enough for her. Only a man willing to fight for his love would be worthy of her. You were willing not only to fight me but to get rid of me and tell my daughter you had done just that. That took balls.”

Gregorio got it then. He understood but didn’t. In that moment, he knew that if anything ever happened to Alessandra, he wouldn’t find another lover to replace her. He cared far too much for her to desecrate the memory of that feeling. He bowed his head to his soon to be father-in-law. “Have your wedding planner contact me. In the meantime, I am going to go find Alessandra and ensure she’s okay.”

“We are flying in a designer to create her dress,” Giovanni said. “She wants to wear her mother’s gown with some updates, so that’s what we will give her. She will have everything she wants. No expenses will be spared.”

“On that we agree.” Gregorio didn’t have the full funding Giovanni did, but he had more than enough to make Alessandra’s dreams come true. Then he would soon control the Family Funds. “Are we good?” he asked Giovanni.

“Yeah. We are good.” It was clear Giovanni hadn’t wanted to give up his position, but he was because of the simple fact that Gregorio was younger. Not only that, but it was clear Gregorio had fostered relationships with everyone in the Family. Therefore he knew not to fight a losing battle.


BOOK: His Mafia Princess (Family First #1)
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