His Mafia Princess (Family First #1) (5 page)

BOOK: His Mafia Princess (Family First #1)
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Chapter Ten


, Gregorio thought with his back to her door. He was breathing hard and struggling to get his fucking cock in line. He was harder than he had ever been in his life, all from the innocent kisses he’d stolen from Alessandra. Only she could do that to him. Any other woman would have to suck his cock for an hour to get him this hard, but Alessandra with her innocent smile, with her scent could get him hard enough to drive fucking nails into concrete.

He finally wrangled his control into place, tugging at his jacket to ensure he was presentable. With that final thought in his mind, he walked down the back stairs and toward Giovanni’s office. It was time. He had guards he trusted watching over Alessandra’s door now, men that were loyal to him and not Giovanni. It was time for him to take over the family before Giovanni fucked everything up.

Entering the office of the man that had groomed him to be his heir, he stood with his back to the closed door. “Giovanni.” He said the man’s name aloud to get his attention.

Giovanni stood and walked to the bar, pouring himself a glass of wine and offering Gregorio one. When he refused, Giovanni shrugged and walked back to the desk and watched him. “I’ve wondered how long it would take.”

“What’s that?” Gregorio wasn’t in the mood for any of Giovanni’s word games.

“For you to come in here and take over. I thought for sure you would have tried last year when the Hell’s Sinners swore their fealty to you.” Giovanni laughed, which pissed Gregorio off. “You aren’t the only one who has spies around, you know.”

That pissed Greg off. Someone in his inner circle was running their fucking mouth. He would take care of that later. “The time wasn’t right then.”

“And it is now? What’s changed?” Giovanni asked as he took another drink of his wine.

“Alessandra is now of age.”

“Ah, so that is it.” Giovanni watched him and that pissed Greg off even more. “And if I don’t give you my blessing?”

“I kill you. That simple.”

“You would kill the father of the woman you are lusting after?”

Gregorio was across the room in three strides and slammed his hands down onto the desk. “
think to use her against me, because you will find you will come out bloody from it.”

Leaning back in his large chair, Giovanni laughed. “So it is what I thought.” He crossed his hands over his stomach before he spoke again. “I have wondered for a couple of years if it was true and now I know. How long have you been in love with my daughter?”

“None. Of. Your. Fucking. Business.” Each word was forced between clenched teeth. Greg’s hands shook with the need to wipe that smug fucking smile off of Giovanni’s face. “I’m taking over. Step aside or I’m going through you. With what the Russians did on top of several other blunders you’ve made, it’s time for new blood to run the business. You have fucked up one too many times. First allowing Alessandra to get kidnapped and then taken a second time, but those are both personal. Those aren’t the biggest fuck-ups, if that’s possible. You came perilously close to bringing the business out of the shadows where we operate the best and into the sights of the Federal Agencies that would love to put every fucking one of us in a cage.”

“And you can keep from doing that?” Giovanni asked curiously.

“I can and I fucking will. I’m the one who dealt with the agent sent here a couple months ago. I will deal with anyone that dares to try to disturb my life, my family, and my interests.”

“And what will you tell Alessandra? She knows now what I am thanks to the Russian fuck that took her.”

“The truth. Since she now knows, I will tell her.”

“And you think someone like my daughter will accept a killer in her bed? How many is it now?”

“That’s not important because when I share my bed with her it will be the two of us, not the ghosts of those I’ve killed.”

“So you think. They will always be around your neck. They will always be waiting in the shadows.”

“And you are being overly dramatic.” Greg growled. “Answer the fucking question.”

“I’ve been grooming you to take over for me since you killed Romano for peeping on Alessandra when she was sixteen.” Well that shocked the shit out of Greg. He hadn’t thought the old man knew that. “I will step aside, but know this…” Giovanni stood. “If she even gets so much as a hangnail I will ensure you are the next lesson to be taught to others. I was the butcher before you, boy. Never forget who taught you.”

“I learned a great deal from you, but I’ve also learned from others. You might have been the first Butcher, but I’m the one they will all remember. I will never stop leading my men by stepping out first. I won’t sit and hide behind a desk while my men do my dirty work.”

“You will. One day,” Giovanni said.

“I doubt that. I fucking love the killing far too much.”

Giovanni bowed his head. “My last act as Boss” —He stood and walked to his bookcase— “will be to give my daughter away at her wedding. The wedding will bring in all of the families that report to us. They will all come to honor not only me, but to meet you, their new Boss as well. Just be warned you might have to fight for your place. Are you ready for that?”

“I am. I will kill anyone that dares try to ruin her day. How long?” he asked.

“Thirty days. I will have the wedding set up, and we will ensure the passing of the torch is done in a way that none will ever question your rule.”

“If they do I will kill them.”

“It’s more than that,” Gio said and turned to Gregorio.

“No, it's not. I will destroy them, their families, everyone that stands in the way of me running this Family and having Alessandra as mine.”

“It’s about respect.”

“And that’s something I have. Unlike you I have continued to speak with those in other parts of the world. I’ve ensured they understand they are a part of this organization, of this Family.”

“You think that I’m weak because I haven’t?”

“Yes. I know you are. When I brought in the Clubs you fought that with tooth and nail.”

“Because they are vagabonds with daddy issues.”

Gregorio snorted. “And that’s where you are wrong. They might not live in a palatial mansion like this one, but they are far from vagabonds. They have homes. They have home bases and clubs. They aren’t what you think, but you never let go of your prejudice to see it.”

“This could be true,” Giovanni said simply. “Have you asked Alessandra if she will be yours?”

Greg hadn’t expected that turn of the subject. “Not yet, but I told her in two days I was coming back and claiming her.” 

“And how did she react to that?” Giovanni asked with a frown.

“She seemed to be fine with it.” Greg smiled. “In two days, I will be back to take her home with me. You have your thirty days to prepare the wedding and the get-together, but I will not wait thirty days to have her in my bed, to have her safe and know nothing and no one will hurt her.”

“And what of other lovers? Are you going to take them while you are with my daughter?”

“What business is that of yours? Didn’t you have three mistresses while married?”

“I did, but then again while I cared for Anna she wasn’t it for me. I truly did marry her just to keep her from wedding that Russian bastard.”

Greg frowned and shook his head. He would never understand this man that had been his mentor, but he also wouldn’t be weakened by wedding Alessandra.

“I will return in two days. Do not think to bar me from my bride.”

“If I do?”

“You will die.” Greg stated this simply.

“Two days. Make sure when you return you have a ring for her and know that she’s far more than a pawn in your rise to power.”

“I’m not the one who married a woman just to keep her from my enemies.”

“Touché.” Gio lifted his glass once more.

Gregorio turned and walked away before he shoved his fist down Giovanni’s throat.

Chapter Eleven


He tossed back his whiskey and leaned back once more. Greg watched the strippers on stage before him and grinned. Damn these women were good. Snake kept tossing money at them, which had them doing even more to please the tattoo covered man.

When Amy bent her head again, he watched Teresa moan and toss her head back and forth. Teresa was holding Amy’s head between her legs, lifting a leg slightly so all of the men around the dance floor could see Amy licking Teresa’s pussy and pushing the vibrator in and out of her cunt as well. Greg nodded and waved to the waiting dancer. Then he leaned forward to watch.

He watched as Sally placed the large strap on dildo at Amy’s pussy and started fucking her. The sounds of Amy’s cunt slurping at that dildo made all of the men groan. They all watched Sally fucking the shit out of Amy while she tongued Teresa. He wasn’t surprised when one of the men got on stage with them and started to fuck Sally, his hips pushing against Sally, which caused her to fuck Amy harder. It seemed that was what Amy needed, because she was munching Teresa like a woman starved for pussy.

Snake and a couple more of his men got onto the stage with the others. One grabbed Amy’s head and shoved his cock into her throat. His hips pumped in and out of her mouth several times before he blew his load. Once he came, he walked away from them, doing up his pants as he did so. “Have fun, boys.”

Greg laughed when Snake took position behind Sally and shove his fat cock up her ass. He heard her scream, a sound that was cut off by a cock shoved down her throat. He snapped his fingers.

Kandy, one of the other women under his employee, came up to him.

He looked to the men around the room and the stage. “Make sure that they all get their rocks off. Take care of them, Kandy.” Greg would normally be fucking these women right along with his men, but he couldn’t. Instead, all he wanted to do was get home and think of Alessandra.

“And what about you, sir? Do you need someone to take care of you?”

“No. I’m getting married soon.”

“And?” She twirled her hair around her fingers. “That’s not a shackle around your beautiful cock.”

“To me it is. She’s more than a vow. She’s going to be my forever, Kandy.”

“How about a goodbye fuck, for old times’ sake?” she asked. “I will even let you fuck my ass if you want to.”

“Strip. I’m not fucking you, but others are.” He snapped his fingers and Roland and Tony both looked his way. “Get on your fucking knees whore and suck Roland’s cock.” He looked behind her and nodded. “Tony’s going to fuck your pussy with Roland in your asshole. You’re taking both cocks.” Gregorio might not want to have another lover, not knowing what was waiting for him, but he was perfectly happy to make these whores work for their money tonight, and he loved to watch.

“Fuck yes.” She practically moaned those two words and dropped to her knees. She motioned Tony closer and started to work on Roland’s cock first, determination he figured. Her hand was working on Tony’s cock, squeezing the head of his shaft while she deep throated Roland.

He watched as Roland fisted his hands in her hair and started to brutally face fuck her. Greg didn’t give two fucking shits for this woman, and she was the one who wanted it. All of it, so they were all going to give it to her.

Roland sat on one of the club chairs and looked to Kandy. “Get your fucking ass over here bitch.” Greg listened to the low rumbling growl coming from Roland as he spoke. When she turned her back to him, he tugged her close, his latex covered dick dipping into her dripping wet pussy first to lubricate his cock. Then he pushed her ass just a bit so he could press his dick into her ass. Roland held onto her hips and lifted his ass from the chair so he could push his cock deeper into the dark back passage on the woman.

Greg listened to the groans of Roland and leaned back, grinning.

“Fuck, Kandy, you are squeezing my dick like crazy.”

“Unlike the other bitches, I don’t let Snake fuck my asshole. That bastard has a fucking Louisville Slugger for a cock.”

Greg barked out a laugh and watched Roland pull her fully down on his cock. “Spread your fucking legs whore.”

When she had her legs wide, Tony slid his covered dick into her pussy for several thrusts. Both men moved in tandem. Something they had done often was the sharing of pussy. Both of them were rocking on Kandy until Tony gave a small nod to Roland.

Soon everyone else is going to fuck your ass if they want, including Snake,” Roland growled against her ear.

“And are you going to share little miss perfect?” Kandy asked Greg snidely, turning to look at the man watching her getting fucked.

Greg stood quickly and moved to her. Grabbing her neck, he squeezed tightly and said, “Don’t fucking talk about her. Ever.” He growled. “Or you will find out what working the streets will do for your fucking ass. Got it?”

When she nodded, he looked to Tony and gave him a look. He smiled when Kandy cried out in pain when Tony shoved his cock and three fingers into her pussy while Roland fucked her ass. Yes, Snake might have the thickest cock around, but when Roland and Tony were together inside a woman, they put Snake to shame, even if their dicks were in separate holes.

“Fuck yeah.”

Greg heard Tony moaning and that fast both men started to hammer hard inside of the stripper. It wasn’t long before both men were filling their condoms with their semen, both of them grunting with their pleasure.

As fast as they came, Tony pulled out of her pussy, and Roland pushed her off of his lap and off his dick. Both men dropped their condoms into the wastebasket as they pulled up their pants.

“Drinks and whores on me tonight.” Greg called this out to the room after watching the fascinating porn show that had been put on just for him. “And Kandy’s eager to have her ass reamed tonight. Have at it, boys.” He shot Kandy a look. “Never talk about her again. Ever. Got it?” When she nodded, he looked at Tony and then both men walked out of the bar to their bikes.

“What was that all about, Boss?” Tony asked as they sat on their Harleys.

“I don’t fucking know. It pissed me off. I wanted to choke her for even thinking about Alessandra.”

Tony laughed and shook his head. He kicked his bike to turn it over. When the motor was rumbling, he looked to his friend. “Three words you need to learn so you can tell Alessandra when you take her virginity.”

“What words?”

“I. Love. You.” Tony laughed and then rode off, leaving Greg sitting there with his mouth opening and closing like a guppy trying to get water.

Greg watched his friend as his lights disappeared down the highway and cursed. “Fuck.” He did love her. Jesus Fucking Christ he was in love with the woman. He knew she was an obsession for him but love? She was going to be his Achilles heel, but he couldn’t and wouldn’t push her away because of it. He would just protect her more. He would ensure she was protected around the clock when he couldn’t be there with her.

He took off after picking his proverbial jaw from the pavement. He still had to find the Russians and Vasily as well as his sons, but he had to see Alessandra again. He had to know she was safe.

With that in mind, he rode off toward the mansion.

BOOK: His Mafia Princess (Family First #1)
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