Greyson - Part 1: An Alpha Billionaire Shifter Romance (The Silver Moon Pack) (6 page)

BOOK: Greyson - Part 1: An Alpha Billionaire Shifter Romance (The Silver Moon Pack)
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Chapter Nine


Greyson regretted telling Juno that becoming a shifter was an option, since it was terribly dangerous and most people didn’t survive the excruciating transformation. And yet, he’d had to tell her, since she’d skin him alive if she found out later that he’d somehow kept it from her.

“Trust me when I tell you…” Greyson trailed kisses down the length of her neck, raking his teeth over her delicate skin, her scent filling his head and making him want to ravage her. His free hand started to wander over her body, her wrists still trapped in his grip, as his hard length ached to take her once again. “Marrying me is the better option.”

“I don’t doubt it, Greyson…especially when you do stuff like…
.” She gasped as he nipped at her ear and pinched her nipple. “But if you’re trying to distract me, it’s not going to work.”

“Then maybe I need to try harder.” Nestling himself between her legs, he pressed his hard length along her pussy, grinding against her as her hips tilted up to meet his as if of their own volition.

She bit back a moan and struggled to get her hands free of his grip. “You need to stop that. I want answers, damn it.”

If it was information she wanted, then he’d give it to her—and though he finally let her go, it was only so he could make quick work of tearing the clothes from her body. “Only one in ten survive the transformation from start to finish, sweetheart.” He rid her of her top and bra, so she was now naked from the waist up as he worked her jeans off. “When you transform, it’ll feel like every bone in your body is being smashed and shattered as it re-knits into its new form. The pain is so excruciating, the heart usually gives out. And if you somehow manage to survive that, you then need to fight through the insanity and fever that will infect your brain.”

There…naked. And with the amount of experience he had getting out of his clothes in a hurry to shift, it took all of fifteen seconds before he, too, was naked and sinking into her, her body tight and slick around his cock.

“Damn, Greyson…you don’t take things slow, do you?”

He pulled out of her until just the head of his cock remained buried in her tight cunt, and then thrust into her again, loving how she gasped in response with a needy cry.

“I’ll take things slow once I’ve fucked you into submission, June bug. And maybe then you’ll even agree to marry me.” He gave her a shit-eating grin as she shook her head and wrapped her legs around his, raking her nails down his back. The flicker of pain spurred him on, as he fought back the building energy of his orgasm. “You’re a feisty thing, aren’t you?”

Each hard thrust pulled yet another needy moan from her lips, her hips rocking to meet his as his pace increased and she gave him a sultry smile. “Hope you weren’t looking for someone timid and agreeable.”

“Never.” Gripping her ass to keep them coupled, he rolled them over so she was now straddling him, his hands gripping her hips as he took her in, a smile tugging at his lips. The girl was gorgeous, her skin luminous, with full pert breasts that were tipped with dark rosy areolas and pert nipples, her lilac locks falling over her shoulder as she rode him. “You’re so fucking beautiful, Juno… Marry me. Let me make you happy.”

“And you’re so gorgeous, I don’t even know where to start…but I can’t think…not when you’re fucking me.” She ran her hands up his chest as she rocked her hips up his length before pivoting them and slipping her sweet cunt down his length, repeating it over and over, like a sensuous dance of incredible pleasure. Needing her close, he sat up and wrapped an arm around her waist, sucking her nipples into his mouth, each hard tug eliciting a needy cry from her lips as she arched over his arm, giving herself to him in offering.

Running his hands down her smooth back to her plump ass, he gripped it firmly and pulled her to him with each deepening thrust, and then pressed a finger to the bud of her ass, making her frantic. Her pace quickened as she teetered on the edge, clinging to him as she bit his shoulder, stifling the cries of her orgasm as her body trembled and quivered in his arms. He slowed his thrusts, so as not to overwhelm her, milking every last bit of her orgasm from her, before he slipped her off his cock and got her on all fours so he could take her behind.

Fucking hell…he wouldn’t last, looking at that plump ass of hers. He gave it a hard slap, sinking into her as she cried out. He half expected her to glare at him, but instead she looked over her shoulder at him with a mischievous smile. “Do that again, Greyson.”

He swore, the girl was full of surprises. “Happily.”

He pulled free of her, ignoring his need to be buried in her sweet cunt, alternating between her two cheeks as he slapped her ass repeatedly, pulling a needy cry from her lips with each stinging strike. Her pale skin was marked red with his handprints, but as she buried her face in the crook of her elbow to stifle her moans, it tilted her ass higher up in the air.

Grabbing her hips in a bruising grip as if it might keep him from ravaging her, he slowly slipped his hard cock into her, inch by inch, until he was fully buried and his head was spinning. He stayed there with her body tightening around him, pulsing with her need, until he could take no more. With a long, slow draw, he pulled out of her until he was nearly unsheathed, and then pounded his next thrust into her, again and again, his pace starting to quicken as he claimed her body as his once more.

Dropping forward so his chest was now pressed to her back, he wrapped an arm around her as he drove into her, pausing to tease and pinch her nipples, before his hand slipped around her neck with gentle pressure. Energy coursed through him like the crackle of lightning building in a summer storm, and when he spoke, he all but growled the words. “You’re fucking mine, Juno.”

And then she was coming, crying out so half the mountain could hear her, as he joined her, his cock pulsing his seed deep inside her, as his heart pounded in rhythm to hers.

“Marry me, Juno.” Holding her in his arms with his cock still buried deep inside her, he covered her face and neck in gentle kisses, before finally capturing her mouth with his in a slow and sweet kiss, even as his cock started to grow hard again, his hips slowly rocking against her as he started to take her once more.

“I suppose I might just have to—but please, Greyson…I just need a little more time to wrap my head around it all.” She looked up at him, her eyes pleading with him for some understanding.

“We’re taking a risk to put it off, but…I know this isn’t easy for you. We’ll see if we can give it a few more days. Maybe take off for a bit and head into the mountains.” It’d buy them a bit of time at least, since they’d be deep in pack territory, and the bears would have a hard time catching up to them without getting found out.

She gave him an easy smile and stole a lingering kiss. “Sounds perfect.”

And this time when he took her, he took her slow and sweet, knowing he was one step closer to being with his mate.


Greyson watched Juno wander about his kitchen, opening and closing the cabinet doors as she hunted around for whatever it was she was looking for. He swore, he’d never tire of watching her. “I can’t believe you’re going to cook me dinner. I can’t tell you how long it’s been since I had a decent home cooked meal.”

She gave him a teasing smile over her shoulder as he leaned against the counter so he could watch her work. “It’s my attempt to get you to rethink this whole marriage thing. I figure once I give you food poisoning a few times, you’ll be happy to let the bears have me.”

Fucking hell… He grabbed her hand and pulled her to him, tangling his fingers in her lilac hair as he forced her to look at him. “Don’t even joke about that, Juno. Have you not seen the bruises on your body from the attack? Aren’t you sore?”

She let out a little laugh, humor dancing in those aqua eyes of hers, making her look like a pixie. “I am. But that’s probably because you’ve fucked me a half dozen times since morning.”

“Are you complaining? Because I have every intention of fucking you another half dozen times before the night’s over.” He’d had a constant hard-on since he first laid eyes on her, and it wasn’t showing any signs of letting up.

“Shocking.” Her lips quirked into a teasing smile. “Maybe we should watch a movie instead—or get ready for that trip up into the mountains. You know…so that I’ll actually be capable of riding on that dirt bike without cringing. ’Cause I’ve got to tell you, I’m not sure what it’s like for female shifters, but my girly parts are human, and they’re getting sore.”

“Fair enough. Besides, I can think of more than a few activities to keep us busy—and one that might even heal what ails you.”




Chapter Ten


Juno tasted the mashed potatoes and added a little more salt, as Greyson grabbed a few plates so he could serve up the steaks she’d cooked. Of course, it’d figure that Greyson wanted his still practically mooing. And though they were having quite the mundane evening as they sat down to have dinner and watch a movie, on the inside she was still freaking out.

Clearly, she had very few options, and yet if she just held off for a bit, then maybe new options would open up to her. Because getting married was freaking her out, especially when she’d yet to tell Greyson about her little curse.

And…maybe she wasn’t one-hundred percent convinced that she couldn’t escape to some remote part of the world without the bears finding her. A remote town in the Scottish Highlands…Paris…New York…a little Greek island…Tokyo… Was she really worth the effort, especially when there was no real proof that she’d killed Atticus?

“If your plan was to have me second-guessing getting married to you based on your cooking, you’re shit out of luck, June bug. This is fucking fantastic.” Greyson was already helping himself to seconds. Good thing he’d warned her about a shifter’s appetite, since she’d have likely cooked nowhere near enough food.

“Well, I’m glad you liked it. Now I just need to wait for the sedative to kick in, so I can make my escape.” She gave him a teasing smile, and though she was just kidding, she would have considered it, given half a chance. Except, she had no sedatives and there were still some very pissed-off mangy bears wandering the woods who wanted to maul her.

“Don’t even fucking joke about it, Juno. You may have gotten lucky when it came to Atticus dropping dead before he really got the chance to hurt you, but you won’t be so lucky again. They’ll tear you to pieces before you can blink—or worse.” Greyson glared at her, though she knew his frustration with her was out of concern. “Like I said, if I need to tie you to my bed to keep you from doing something stupid, I will.”

“And of course, this whole tying me to your bed wouldn’t involve a whole lot of sex, would it? Especially since I wouldn’t be able to get away.” Not that he’d assault her in
way. That at least she thought she knew.

“You’re my mate, Juno. That said…I’d never force myself on you.” He looked so serious—and worried—it had her reaching across the table to give his hand a squeeze, knotting her fingers with his. “I’m not saying I always manage to keep a cool head when it comes to fucking you. I know I don’t. And I know I can be…intense. But fuck…not like that. You know that, right?”

“I know.” And she did. She knew he’d never rape her, even if sex with him left her feeling…ravaged and well-used. And she’d be lying if she tried to deny that his intensity and aggressiveness when it came to sex turned her on to no end, as did the thought of being tied to his bed and at his mercy. She knew how wrong that sounded after being attacked by those assholes, and yet it didn’t change the way her body reacted to him.

“It turns you on, doesn’t it?” His gold eyes skimmed over her face and body, taking her in, as if his keen wolf senses were picking up on every nuance, every beat of her heart, every breath, and reading her every thought and desire as if she’d simply told him everything there was to know. “You want me to tie you to my bed and have my way with you… You want me to fuck you until your bones turn liquid and there’s nothing left of you but your need for me. Isn’t that right?”

She felt her cheeks flame with an embarrassing heat, even as her pussy went wet and ached for him to fuck her once more. And yet, how could she admit to such a thing? “Why the hell would I want to give up that sort of control? So you can do anything you want to me? And meanwhile, I’ve known you how long?”

“You’ve known me long enough to know I’d mean you no harm. That said, you might be protesting, but everything about you—including your scent—tells me that you want me to strip you naked and leave you at my mercy.” Greyson leaned in so she could see the flecks of brown in his gold eyes, wearing a crooked smile that was all too smug and knowing. “Just be thankful I’m not into sharing, since you’re my mate. Or I wouldn’t be the only one ravaging you.”

“Is that a thing then with shifter packs? Sharing mates?” It’d be good to know since she was going to be stuck living among his pack for the foreseeable future—unless she found a way out of this mess.

“It’s rarer to share a fated mate, though it’s pretty common to share sexual partners. Even I’ve shared women, since there aren’t many female shifters around. It’s become a bit of a problem. The males either need to share, eliminate the competition, or go outside the pack. And not everyone finds their fated mate. With people moving away from their packs, the shifter population has dispersed, so it’s become harder to find that person you’re meant to be with. Then again, sometimes you meet them or have known them all your life, and you don’t immediately realize they’re your mate.” He leaned in and brushed her cheek before stealing a kiss. “You don’t know how lucky I am to have actually found you.”

“But a shifter’s fated mate can actually be a human?” She was sure that must go over well.

“It does happen, though it’s not…ideal. Especially when some members of the pack want to keep the bloodlines pure.”

“You realize that that sort of thing is often accompanied by hatred and violence, right?” Out of the frying pan and into the fire, as it were. She just couldn’t catch a break if she tried.

“I’m afraid so—though you have nothing to worry about. I’m not going to let anyone hurt you, Juno.” And yet his gold eyes darkened with concern, making her wonder if there was anything he wasn’t telling her.

Suddenly it all felt so overwhelming. “But you can’t deny that I’ll be causing you problems, Greyson. I have from the moment you set eyes on me.”

“And I’d happily do it all over again.” He pushed his seat back and got to his feet. “Come on, sweetheart…go pick out a movie while I get this cleared up. I refuse to spend the night worrying about things that don’t matter. Because they don’t. You’re all that matters, and people will need to deal with that—or I’ll make them find a new way to wrap their heads around it.”

No doubt by wrapping their heads around Greyson’s fist as it made impact. “Let me give you a hand.”

It took them all of five minutes to load the dishwasher, since there weren’t any leftovers that needed to be put away—and probably never would be. He then quickly made them a bowl of buttery popcorn as they settled in on the sofa with her nestled between his legs, his hard cock trapped against her ass as a constant reminder of what was to come.

They threw on one of the latest blockbuster releases, and though it was good, it was damn hard for her to concentrate on the movie once Greyson’s hands started to roam.

“What about it?” Greyson swept her hair away from her neck and shoulder, before nipping at the sensitive skin of her neck, making it so she couldn’t focus on anything but the sensation each bite had on her body, as if his mouth was mysteriously connected to her clit. Each nip, each kiss, was echoed with a tug that coursed right through her body, leaving her desperate for a bit of relief, even if her body was sore from him taking her rough. “Or are you trying to tell me that you’ll be sorely disappointed if you don’t find out whether or not Earth survives the alien attack?”

As he reached up to cup her breast with one hand, his other slipped up her thighs to stroke her clit, making it so she could barely string together a coherent thought or sentence. “You have a one-track mind, Greyson.”

“It’s hard not to when your scent makes me crazy.” He nuzzled her as if to make a point, taking a deep breath, when he quickly pulled away.

“What is it?” With the bears so close, she couldn’t help but worry.

After another deep breath, he gave her an easy smile that immediately had her heart slowing back to its normal rhythm. “We have company, sweetheart. No worries though—it’s just a friend.”

Greyson padded over to the front door, and opened it just as a tall man—or rather a shifter, who was actually wearing some clothes—walked up the steps of the front porch and to the door. “
—fucking hell, it’s been way too long.”

—you didn’t even fucking call to say you were back.” Ryder pulled Greyson into a hearty hug. “How long have you been here? And I had to hear it from my mom that you were finally getting hitched. No fucking respect.”

Greyson shook his head with a laugh as he took in his best friend. “Nothing official on the wedding, though fuck—news travels fast. And you have every right to be pissed off at me—though I’m hoping you won’t mind being my best man when this finally happens.”

“Who the fuck else would be at your side? After all the trouble we got ourselves into as kids, it’s only right that we’re standing next to each other as we finally pull our heads out of our asses, and grow the fuck up and do something responsible for once.” Ryder’s green eyes lit up with humor, when his gaze finally spotted her. “So, are you going to let me in and introduce me to the poor girl, or are you going to just leave me here in the doorway?”

“Might as well, before she pulls a runner.” He glanced over in her direction with a teasing smile as she walked toward them. Greyson pulled her into his arms and shifted to face his friend. “Juno, this is Ryder, a very good friend of mine. Ryder, this is Juno.”

Yet another tall, muscular, good-looking man. She was starting to wonder if it came with being a shifter. “It’s a pleasure.”

“The pleasure’s mine.” When he shook her hand, she was met with a killer smile that lit up his green eyes. “Now who wants to tell me what the hell’s going on?”

BOOK: Greyson - Part 1: An Alpha Billionaire Shifter Romance (The Silver Moon Pack)
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