Greyson - Part 1: An Alpha Billionaire Shifter Romance (The Silver Moon Pack) (5 page)

BOOK: Greyson - Part 1: An Alpha Billionaire Shifter Romance (The Silver Moon Pack)
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Chapter Seven


Greyson knew it might come to this, though he was hoping he’d have a bit more time to prepare Juno for it. Shifting in his seat, he faced her and took her hands in his, though she was already looking ready to either murder him or bolt. “You basically have two options. You let me bite you once I’ve shifted on a full moon and hope you survive the Change or we get married.”

Her eyes went wide and she shook her head no. “You forgot about option three—
I get the fuck off this crazy-ass mountain

She was already getting to her feet when he grabbed her hand and pulled her back to the sofa with a sigh. “That’s not an option unless you want to spend the rest of your very short life looking over your shoulder until they finally catch up with you. And they will find you, Juno. Doesn’t matter where you go.”

“Yet you’re trying to tell me that becoming part of your pack will just make it all go away, even though they’d otherwise hunt me across the globe? Why don’t I believe that?” She ran her hand down her face, looking utterly miserable.

“Because even though they’ll still want revenge, they won’t risk all-out war—and we would go to war to protect one of our own. Not to say we won’t have to lay low until tempers die down.” Greyson cupped her cheek and brushed his thumb over her lips, desperately wanting to kiss her. “If you don’t join the pack, then I’ll be the only one defending you.”

That wasn’t entirely true, since his father and a few friends might come to their aid. But it still wouldn’t be enough. Not if the entire bear clan decided to hunt Juno.

“I like you, Greyson. I really do. But, I’m not ready to get married, and frankly, becoming a shifter and the whole
part has me just a little freaked out.” Her fear was heady in the air, making him want to soothe her and chase away her worries. Yet how could he when the situation was dire?

“You’re going to marry me, Juno. It’s the only real option.” It was nothing but the truth. She’d never survive the process of becoming a shifter, and she needed the pack’s protection. It was that simple—even if it was still far from a simple matter, especially when she was

“Well, I’m glad I get a say in this.” She glared at him and pulled away from his touch.

Greyson swore, she might be his mate, but she was going to drive him to drink. “It’s not like this was on my schedule either, cupcake. But you
be getting married—
—so you best wrap your pretty little head around that idea.”

I think you’ve lost your fucking mind.” When she pulled away and got to her feet, he let her go. Eventually, she’d have to come around. And he knew she’d figure that out before long. “Could you please take me back to my cabin?”

“I refuse to do anything that’ll put you in harm’s way, Juno.” Greyson let out a weary sigh and crossed to her side, tangling his fingers with hers, needing her to know that she wasn’t alone in all of this. “I know this is all one hell of a shock, but it’s the only way—and as my mate, I’ll do all I can to protect you.”

“I’m not your mate, Greyson. I’m sorry. And…I honestly appreciate all your help. But I don’t want to cause you any more problems, and I really need to go.” Juno leaned in and kissed his cheek, his head filling with her already familiar scent, before pulling away from him.

“Let me give you that ride then.” He knew there was a good chance the bears would be waiting for her, and she’d have little chance of surviving that sort of attack. But maybe if she got a true sense of her current reality, she’d be more apt to realize that marrying him wasn’t all that bad an option.

She nodded, wrapping her arms around herself, looking unsure about her circumstances. “I appreciate it.”

Cullen and Kiernan were on the front porch. “She’d like to head back to her place, so I’m going to give her a ride.”

Cullen’s eyes narrowed just a little and then he gave Greyson the slightest nod in understanding, before turning to Juno. “It was a pleasure meeting you, my dear. Stay safe, and if you need us, we’re here.”

Even Kiernan gave him a slight nod in acknowledgment as Juno thanked Cullen and Kiernan for their help. Greyson might be taking her home, but at least he wouldn’t be the only one there to protect her.

With his dirt bike rumbling to life and Juno’s arms wrapped tightly around him, Greyson maneuvered them through the forest, doing his best to stick to what paths might already exist. Juno’s cabin wasn’t terribly far from his dad’s home, though it sat in a sort of no-man’s-land between shifter territories. He took it a lot slower than he normally would have had he been on his own, since the last thing he needed was for her to go flying off his bike and crack her head open.

As they left pack territory, Greyson focused on their surroundings, knowing that a threat could come out of nowhere. As fast as they were moving, he found it difficult to pick up many scents, especially when there were warring scents from the fumes off the running engine of the bike and the fresh forest floor that was getting kicked up by his tires. Luckily, they made it to her cabin without incident—only to find the door hanging off its hinges, claw marks slashed across the wood and the windows shattered.

Keeping the bike running, Greyson pulled his helmet off to get a better read on the scents, and though the bears had been there, it seemed as if they were now gone. “You can’t stay here, Juno. This is what I’ve been telling you. You’re not safe.”

She took off her helmet, her eyes shimmering with tears as he killed the engine. “Those fucking bastards. Can I at least grab a few things?”

“Yeah…just be quick. I’m sure they’re still wandering the woods, and we want to be gone before they catch wind that we’re here.” Greyson helped her off the bike, and then pulled her aside so he could first check out the cabin and make sure it was safe. When he nodded to her, she jogged up the steps of the front porch and into her home, stepping over the debris as he followed her in.

It was a small space—no more than a common room with a sofa, woodstove, and a tiny kitchen, and a sleeping loft above. And yet, he could see her colorful touches throughout the space, since he somehow doubted Weston was into teals and bright whites, accented with pops of yellow and coral.

Juno wandered about the place, looking lost as she picked up one item after another, most of which had been scattered and destroyed when the bears rampaged through her home. Their eyes met, and it nearly killed him to see the tears streaming down her cheeks.

He pulled her into his arms as she held onto him tight, as if her reality had suddenly come crashing down on her. “We can fix this, love. And they’re just things…you’re still okay, and that’s all that matters.”

“But I’m not okay, Greyson. They want me dead.” She pulled away, her brow furrowed as her hair fell across her eyes. “This isn’t the first time I’ve been attacked. I don’t know what it is about me, but I swear, guys look at me and think I’m an easy target—like I’ll just roll over and let them have their way with me.”

Had their way with her?
Anger raged through him to think of her having to fight off some asshole. “What the fuck did they do to you, Juno? Who? Because I’ll fucking kill them.”

She cringed at his words, and he swore, he was going to fucking lose it at the thought of her being raped and abused. But she shook her head no and let him wrap her in his embrace. “I was able to stop them before…it got too far.”

There was something in her voice that had him thinking there was a whole lot more she wasn’t telling him about, and given her past, he could just imagine how traumatized she must have been when Atticus attacked her. Because he knew Atticus, and he had no doubt that the bastard would have eventually shifted to his human form and terrorized her further.

“Those men won’t hurt you again, Juno. You have my word.” He cupped her cheek and stole a kiss, relieved that she let him and didn’t pull away. “Grab whatever’s most important, and I’ll come back later for the rest.”

She nodded and headed up to the loft, disappearing out of view as Greyson wandered about the small room, picking things up off the floor and trying to clean up, knowing how devastating it must be to see her home in such violent disarray. Luckily, she didn’t take very long.

She grabbed her laptop and a few more items from the main floor, and then slung her duffel bag over her shoulder. “I’m ready.”

“I’ll come back for the rest, but…you need to make a decision on what route you want to take, regarding your safety.” He hated to push her when she was upset, but the bears clearly weren’t going to sit back and take a relaxed or sane approach to what happened.

“You mean, have I decided to marry you—after knowing you less than twenty-four hours?” Her brows quirked up as her eyes filled with an incredulous disbelief, some of her sarcasm slipping back, no doubt due to the absurdity of their situation. “No, I’m afraid I’ve made no such decision—and I don’t plan to, even though you’re an amazing lay.”

“I’m not just some lay, Juno—I’m your fucking mate, whether you like it or not.” He tangled his fingers in her hair, cupping her face in his hands as he hauled her to him, his mouth claiming hers in a kiss until she quit fighting him and started kissing him back, her hands fisting his shirt as he debated how stupid it’d be to fuck her right then and there, without even a front door on the hinges. Somehow, he found the strength to break away from their kiss, his breathing heavy and his cock hard, aching to take her. “You’re mine—mine to fuck, mine to love, mine to protect. And you will marry me.”

“Will I now?” She glared at him, her words laced with defiance.

He could see her pulse hammering under the thin skin of her neck, and he swore he could hear her heart skittering inside her chest. “You will. Because if you don’t, you’re not only putting yourself in danger, you’re putting me and my pack in danger too, since the Black Ridge will think you’re fair game. Because you will be until you marry me.”

Looking panicked, she tried to pull away but he held onto her, worried she’d end up doing something stupid, like bolting out into the woods. And though he could catch her easy enough, so could any other shifters that were out there wandering around.

“I don’t know if I can do this, Greyson. All of this is scaring the shit out of me.”

“I know, love. But I promise, I’ll do all I can to keep you safe and make you happy. You just need to trust me.”




Chapter Eight


Juno’s head was spinning. Could there really be no other option? She couldn’t believe it—and yet she was scared enough, at this point, to take Greyson seriously.

The truth was, she did actually trust him.

Maybe it was because he was still trying to help her, even though he didn’t have to. It’s not like he had a whole lot to gain from marrying her. She wasn’t some trust fund baby or heiress to some massive fortune, even if she was financially comfortable, nor was she a supermodel, even if she rocked cute as far as she was concerned.

One way or another, Greyson didn’t need the headaches she was landing in his lap—and yet he was still trying to help her.

“If I could just have a little more time… It’s a lot to wrap my head around—and no offense, but I don’t know the first thing about you.” Hell, she could probably count the few things she did know about him on one hand.

“Come on, then. Let’s get you back to my place where you’ll be safe. We can then sit down and get to know each other better.”

With him still cupping her cheek, she couldn’t help but lean in to him. And she might not know him very well, but the attraction she felt to him was undeniable.

She followed him out to his bike and they hopped on, as he looked over his shoulder to speak to her. “The bears aren’t far, love. Hold on tight. This is going to need to be a quick ride—though my pack’s out there too, and they’ll do what they can.”

Greyson wasn’t kidding that he’d take things fast. There were a few times when she swore she was going to get tossed off the bike and into the air, even as she held onto him for dear life. And if she had any doubts about the threat being real, those were wiped away on a wave of fear as she spotted both bears and wolves maneuvering through the forest’s undergrowth.

Luckily, the distance from her cabin to his was a lot shorter than their trip from Cullen’s home, and at the speed Greyson was moving, they were pulling up in front of his place in what seemed like no time at all. With barely a word, he grabbed her bag from her, and ushered her inside. “We should be fine for now, but…something will need to be done, Juno. You need to make a decision—or one will be made for you.”

“That sounds an awful lot like a threat.” She didn’t want to get her back up about this, but…what the hell? And it’s not as if he was asking her to pick what kind of ice cream she wanted for dessert. He wanted her to get married—or become a shifter, which could kill her in the process.

“Well, I’m glad you recognize it for what it is. Because your options are limited, and you’re running out of time. If you need to know me better before making a decision, then that’s fine. But come nightfall, there will either be a wedding, or you’ll be going through an even bigger change—unless you’d prefer getting mauled by a bear.” He shook his head, his hands on his hips so that he looked even more muscular and more imposing. “I’m not trying to be an asshole, Juno. But I just don’t think you quite understand your reality or the trouble you’re in.”

“I get it. Bears will hunt me down and shred me to ground chuck, no matter where I go in the world, if I even manage to get off this cursed mountain.” How the hell did her life get so messed up?

“That about sums it up, I’m afraid.” Greyson stepped closer to her and wrapped a strong arm around her waist, even as she looked up—way up—at him in frustration, only to be met with a sexy smile. “On the upside, I hear I’m a pretty good lay.”

She groaned, and relaxed a little. “At least you have a sense of humor.”

“Just one of my many charms.” He leaned back against the arm of the sofa, so she found herself nestled between his muscular legs. “I promise, there are worse things out there than getting married to me.”

“Like getting mauled.” She couldn’t help but roll her eyes, even as he smiled at her and kissed the tip of her nose.

. See—I knew you’d come around.”


“So…you worked as a MMA fighter to put yourself through college, you have a bachelors in engineering along with a business degree, and you just spent the last year in Ireland helping your friend manage a BDSM club?” Juno was still trying to wrap her head around all the info Greyson had shared with her, as they attempted to get to know each other. “You have got to be kidding.”

“No…that sounds about right.” Greyson added another log to the fire and then sat back down by her side where they were lounging on the floor atop of a thick and luxuriously soft rug. Though it was only mid-day, there was a chill in the October air, and the fire felt warm and comforting, which helped lull and distract her from the little fact that her life was falling to pieces. “And you have your masters in fine arts—but you make a living with your photography and crafts?”

“Yeah—kinda sort of. I make most of my money off my t-shirt designs, which have somehow managed to get a bit of a viral following. I just upload the new designs to a few different sites, including my own, and then the rest gets done by the providers, who print and ship the shirts. Other stuff too—handbags, mugs…that sort of thing.” Juno knew she’d gotten incredibly lucky when it came to her business, especially given the downturn in economy. “It’s why moving out here wasn’t such a big deal. I can work from home as long as I have an Internet connection. Makes it pretty easy when it comes to traveling, which I do from time to time for my photos.”

“And your family? Brothers, sisters? Where did you grow up?” Greyson ran his fingers down her arm as they lounged on the floor facing each other, with their heads propped on their hands.

“A younger sister. Both my parents are still happily married, and I grew up in Phoenix, Arizona, which is where my family still lives. I just couldn’t deal with the heat. Cooler temps make me a happier person, so I went to college in Boston, before finally moving out here. How about you?” She’d noticed that there didn’t appear to be any sort of female presence around when she’d met Cullen at his home, though she supposed they could have been out for the day.

“Cullen’s not my biological dad… Both my parents were killed when I was quite young. Cullen was his best friend, so he and his wife Juliette took me in. Raised me like their own.” Greyson let out a weary sigh. “Hasn’t always been easy, and things have been hard since Juliette passed away, but…”

It felt like there was a whole lot more to that story that he wasn’t telling her about, especially when it came to Kiernan. “But what? I’m not trying to pry, but if there’s something going on, and I’m supposed to marry you, then I’d like to know what I’m getting myself into.”

He nodded, his eyes darkening as he let out a breath filled with frustration. “And it’s only fair that you know, though it’s nothing more than a whole lot of pack politics, which means I’ll probably bore you to tears.”

“If you’re asking me to be a part of your life, and those are issues that affect you, then they affect me too.”
she actually went through with the insanity of getting married to a man she hadn’t even known existed when she was eating her Fruity Pebbles yesterday morning.

“My dad was pack leader when he was alive, and Cullen was his second. When my parents were killed, Cullen stepped into the position of alpha—and he’s been a great leader. But he’s ready to let someone else take over.” Greyson reached over and played with a strand of her hair, looking rather amused by her hair color, even if the topic they were discussing was serious. “Normally that would be the eldest son, if there’s no one contesting it. But a lot also depends on what the pack wants. If they’re pushing for another alpha, then they’ll fight to see who takes it.”

Juno could already see the potential problem. “So Kiernan will be alpha—or will it go to you?”

“You’re a smart cookie, aren’t you?” His lips quirked with humor as he cupped the back of her neck and stole a kiss that had her wanting so much more. “I honestly don’t have any interest in being alpha, but…certain pack members think I’d be the better choice and want me to challenge Kiernan for the spot.”

Well, that explained the tension between Greyson and Kiernan, at least. “And what do you think? Would you be the better option for the pack?”

“I’m not sure if I’m the best option, but Kiernan can be a bit hot-headed and that sometimes leads to him acting before he’s really had the chance to analyze a situation and think it through. I’d like to think that some of that might come with experience, but it may not.” He let out a low grumble. “You need to know that things could get a bit ugly, depending on how things play out.”

“Is that why you’d stayed away?” He’d mentioned being in Dublin, and before that, he’d been on the East Coast for several more years.

His lips quirked into another smile that lit up his eyes and chased away the tension in his face. “Right again, love. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The fact that you’re
and my mate is going to get some hackles up, especially if they want me as pack leader. Not that it makes a bit of difference to me. You’re all that matters, and as far as I’m concerned, it’s just one more reason for me not to become alpha. And though I can’t guarantee how things will play out, just know that no matter what happens, I’ll take care of you.”

It sounded a bit like she was jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire, though none of it really mattered when she had enough of her own problems—especially when she was keeping one big-ass secret from Greyson. If she did end up marrying him, and her secret came out, she’d only end up making things a hell of a lot worse for him. Her being a human would be the least of his problems.

That meant that she couldn’t let him go through with it, even if she didn’t have a clue as to what that would mean for her own safety. “Greyson…all of that is just more of a reason why I can’t marry you. You need to put your pack first, and if you’d be the better leader, then you need to go for it. If marrying me is going to make that difficult, then just add that to the top of one very long list of why we can’t get married.”

“If the pack wants me to lead, then they’ll take me with you at my side. End of discussion.” He shook his head, his eyes darkening with frustration. “Like I said, I have no real desire to be pack leader. And you’ve forgotten the little fact that you’re my mate—the one I’m fated to be with. The only way I’ll truly be happy is with you at my side and in my bed, so if you think I’m going to walk away from you and set myself up for a lifetime of misery, you can guess again.”

She wanted to groan. “The whole fated mate thing? Sorry, but I’m not buying that you couldn’t find someone else in the whole world who could make you happy—and would give you a hell of a lot less headaches.”

“You may be right on that count, at any rate.” His sarcastic smile had her playfully swatting at him—only to have him easily block her teasing blow, catching her wrist in his grip as he shifted closer, raising her hands up over her head and pinning them there. “You, my dear, are my mate, whether you like it or not—and you will be marrying me. Am I making myself clear?”

With her wrists trapped in one of his large hands, she struggled to get them free, even as he ran a hand down her body, pausing to cup her breasts and pinch her nipples. There was something about being trapped and at his mercy—all while knowing she was safe—that had her body immediately reacting to him. “You’ll regret marrying me, Greyson. Not that I’m saying I will.”

“You will, love. And the only thing I’d ever regret is letting you walk out of my life or letting you get yourself killed—and I’m not going to let either of those things happen.” He looked down at her with those gold eyes of his, his muscular body pressed against her side in a reminder of what it was like to be on the receiving end of all that power and passion. “So, just in case you haven’t figured this out yet, let me repeat it for you—you
my mate, and we
be getting married.

“Well, I’m glad I get a say in all of this.” And though she might be protesting—because let’s face it, it truly was insane to be marrying someone she’d only just met—she had very few options that didn’t involve attempting to figure out how to keep herself from getting mauled—or worse. “Anything I should know about you then?”

“All you really need to know is that I’m loyal. I’ll never cheat or lie. And I’ll always take care of you and keep you safe.”

In the past, she’d have said that she could take care of herself—but these days, she wasn’t so sure.

“I can guarantee you loyalty too—I’m not the sort to cheat either, and I swear, no matter what I do, I always mean well, even if it sometimes backfires.” What else could she say when she couldn’t tell him that she was not only responsible for Atticus’s death, but the lives of two others in addition? That certainly made it difficult to promise she wouldn’t lie to him. “But before we do something we might eventually regret…I need you to tell me about the whole shifting thing—and what it would mean if I became a shifter.”

“No, Juno…no fucking way. It’s not happening.”

BOOK: Greyson - Part 1: An Alpha Billionaire Shifter Romance (The Silver Moon Pack)
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