Read Four Sworn: Lone Star Lovers, Book 3 Online

Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #western romance, #Red Hots!

Four Sworn: Lone Star Lovers, Book 3 (7 page)

BOOK: Four Sworn: Lone Star Lovers, Book 3
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Delilah Devlin

In the meantime, her eyes grew drowsy as she pulled and sucked, strangely comforted by the steady motion, appeased by the fullness sliding into her, the scent of his arousal and sweat, the sight of his hard belly flexing, filling her senses.

Tears leaked again, but this time they were in gratitude. He’d taken away her choice, not allowed her to reject him again, given her something precious to savor.

When his motions quickened, she moaned around him, suctioned with a little more desperation, wanting his come to bathe her throat, to nourish her soul.

Scalding spurts hit the back of her throat and she gave a muffled shout and swallowed again and again, until he quivered over her. His cock lessened. And then the caresses she gave him with her tongue and lips were meant to soothe, to thank him for the gift.

The bindings around her wrists loosened, her feet were freed, but she didn’t move, not until Bo pulled free of her mouth and scooted down to take her into his arms, and then she raised her own, ignoring the tingling pain as blood rushed back. But she didn’t care. She snuggled deep against his chest, pressed kisses against his collarbone and the corner of his neck.

He rocked her against him. Crooning words she couldn’t understand, because she wasn’t listening with her ears. She felt his heart beat beneath her cheek, the rhythm strong and comforting.

She didn’t want the moment to end, for anything to intrude, but hands, not his, turned her onto her side. Latex snapped. Bo slipped away after pressing a kiss against her forehead.

A long male body eased up against her back.

Ezra lay down on his side in front of her. He smoothed a hand over her waist. “You okay?” he asked, his deep voice rumbling.

She nodded and gave him a small smile.

He blinked, his gaze dipping to her mouth. “I think that’s the first honest smile I’ve gotten from you.”

She knew what he meant. She felt fresh. New. Strangely innocent.

Ezra kissed her nose then took her mouth. A gentle rub of lips that left her breathless but reassured.

A nose nuzzled her ear. “Was Bo good to you?” Josh’s voice, deep but a little anxious, tickled the side of her face.

“Bo loves me.” She didn’t know who was more surprised. She hadn’t known that was going to come out of her mouth, but the soft chuckle that ruffled her hair, and Ezra’s approving smile warmed her, seemed to put the stamp on the sentiment. Made it real and made her sure she’d meant it.

Ezra moved closer, and his long, thick cock pressed against her belly.

She waited patiently for him to tell her what he wanted.

When he guided her thigh over his hip and nudged between her folds, she sighed, although each gentle shove upwards stretched and burned. But she was wet. Soaked, really. Readied for this moment. A gel-covered finger circled her anus and she tightened her thigh on Ezra’s hip.


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“Relax,” he whispered against her mouth. “It’s going to be okay. I promise. We won’t push you past what you can take. Not again.”

She believed the solemn promise of his gaze and took a deep breath, trusting Josh as he stretched her, easing the tight muscles to accept two fingers then the soft, blunt cap of his cock.

Shanna mewled as he pushed, gently pulsing his cock against her, until at last, he eased inside her.

Air whistled between his teeth, and the arm he snaked around her chest held her tightly as his whole body shuddered. “Damn, you’re tight,” he whispered. “

A breathy laugh escaped her, and she gave Ezra a heavy-lidded look, tilting back her head to seek a kiss which he pressed softly against her mouth. Then the men began to move in tandem. Easing slowly in and out. Time lengthened, measured by the easy back-and-forth rocking, like a pendulum set in motion, its soaring arc shortening with each stroke until the opposing forces halted.

Mute, breathless, Shanna allowed the men to shift her over Ezra. She snuggled her knees against his sides and leaned down, her nipples tangling in his chest hair, her bottom tilting slightly to accept the heavier jolts that rocked her ass, moving her forward and back on Ezra’s cock while he kissed her, murmuring nonsense against her mouth—telling her how beautiful, how perfect, how pure she was.

Shanna basked in his praise, believing him because his cock was strong inside her, his hands roaming restlessly.

Josh bent over her back, bit her shoulder to still her movements and unleashed a storm, thundering against her, driving deep, building a burning friction that had her gulping air as tension tightened in her core. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move, couldn’t see because an explosion of sound and light had her screaming as she came.

Josh pulled away and left the bed while Ezra’s hands gentled her. He rolled her onto her side then pulled free of her. Her complaint was cut short when another cock thrust into pussy her from behind. She hadn’t felt Cade’s presence, didn’t even know it was him until his hands smoothed around her belly and tugged the hair on her mons.

He pressed a kiss against her sweaty shoulder. “Can you do it again, sweetheart? Can you come for me?”

Still gasping, still quivering in the aftermath of the enervating orgasm, she started to shake her head, but the fingers gliding over her clit tapped her there, reigniting the flame. She pushed her ass into his groin, deepening the connection.

Then Bo stretched out in front of her and brushed back her hair. Cade didn’t halt his motions and she rocked gently forward and back, her face heating as Bo watched her expression.

His eyes were smoky, the skin pulled taut over hardened features. He pressed closer, lifted her thigh and placed it over his hip. His cock dug into her belly and he leaned into her, kissing her hard. “You’re


Delilah Devlin

gonna take us both, baby. I can’t wait.” He gripped his cock and looked down between their bodies, pulling her gaze with him.

Cade pulled out and slid the tip of his cock between her lips, letting them both see him there, then dipping an inch or two inside her again.

Bo stroked his cock, root to tip, then funneled it through his fingers while Cade reached around her and pulled her labia apart and up, widening her opening for Bo to insert his tapered cock and glide it along the top of his.

Cade cursed softly as their cocks crowded into her. His hand squeezed her breast and he snuggled closer to her back, his cheek gliding on her shoulder. “Up to you, buddy,” he rasped.

Bo gave her an openedmouthed kiss, rubbing his lips over hers then drawing away. “Can you take it, Shan?”

“Fuck,” she whispered.

“It’s what we wanna do. Can you take it?” He kissed her again, this time touching his tongue to hers and pushing inside her mouth.

She sucked on it, pulling it hard, her lips closing as tightly around it as her pussy was clasping their cocks. Breathing hard, she pulled back, resting her forehead against his. “Fuck me, Bo. Fuck us both.”

He gave a quick, tight grin, then clamped a hand on her hip, undulating his body, scooping his hips to push upward, driving hard against Cade, working them both inside her.

“No, no, no,” she groaned, sure the two men would split her in two. Her pussy burned—so much pressure, so full. But then they were both stuffed deep inside, barely moving, their cocks pulsing in unison.

The tightness was its own sweet torture, causing every part of her body to quiver and burn. She shivered between the two men, her breasts hardening painfully, her skin heating, sweating until her jagged breaths caused her nipples and her belly to stir in the moisture pooling between her and Bo.

“I want to move, baby. Cade, how ’bout you?”

Cade hissed breath between his teeth. “Shit, Bo. Have to do it together. Balls so fucking hard they’ll burst.”

“No, no, no,” she chanted, clutching his shoulders and holding as still as she could because the last time she’d been this taut with arousal, she’d exploded, lost herself in a sensual haze. She didn’t know if she could go there again, this soon. “It’s not fair,” she whispered. “You have all the control.”

“Why does it matter?” Bo asked, his voice even, his expression carefully neutral.

“You think it doesn’t?”

“I do, but I want to know why you think it matters.”

She screwed her face into a grimace as her body fought her, beginning to convulse. “How can you talk?”

“By biting the inside of my mouth, baby.” He bit her chin. “Tell me why.”


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“It’s not fair because you’re changing me. Capturing me.”

Bo groaned and his fingers bit into her hips. “Cade, now!”

The men growled and moved in unison, pushing in and out, moving only a couple of inches, but the pressure made the friction quicken, the orgasm inescapable.

Shanna shattered into a million pieces, her moans lengthening, words spilling out in sobbing gasps, thoughts she couldn’t hold, as her whole body convulsed.

Bo drove deep, raking over Cade’s cock, cramming them both deeper, and she was lost, her pussy awash in cream churned to a thick, wet cascade that spilled across her thighs and trickled down her hip to the bed.

Shanna noted the sensations, but felt apart from herself, cocooned for a moment before her vision narrowed and she slipped away.

She awoke to find herself wrapped tightly against Bo’s chest, his hands chafing her skin. “Baby, wake up. Shanna, baby, breathe.”

She groaned loudly, the sound reverberating in her head.

“Shhhh… It’s okay. It’s okay.”

“Stop,” she mumbled.

“We did, sweetheart.” He kissed her temple. One hand cupped the back of her head, and the other clamped around her back to hold her against his chest.

“Passed out?” she said, her voice scratchy and sore.

“You’re safe. I’ve got you.”

A sob racked her and she burrowed deeper against his chest.

“Baby, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. Swear, I didn’t.”

She shook her head. “Didn’t. Love you.”

“I know. I know. You never promised a thing. I shouldn’t have expected it.”

“No,” she blurted, trying to get her hands between them, but he was holding her so tight. She strained her neck to look into his face. “I love you.”

Bo grew still, his gaze boring into hers, green eyes blazing. His chest billowed around a deep breath.

“Shanna, if you give me half a chance, I’ll make all your dreams come true.”

“This is where we leave you.” Ezra’s voice sounded far away, already moving toward the door.

Footsteps padded, the door closed, the lock making a quiet snick of a sound.

The air cooled the sweat on her back, and she shifted, uncomfortable now that she’d said it. Hoping he hadn’t changed his mind. “I didn’t want to love you.”

His snort sounded so normal, so “Bo”, that she relaxed against him, letting the heavy thud of his heart quiet hers.

“I’m goin’ with you,” he said.


Delilah Devlin

“Goin’ where?” she said sleepily.

“Away. Wherever you want.”

“But what about your job? You’re up for foreman when Jed retires. You’ve worked hard for it.”

“I can find something else. Who says I have to ranch?”

“You’d do that for me?”

“I’d do anything for you, Shanna Davies. I’d die for you. I’d marry you.”

She wrinkled her nose. “Don’t know whether to melt or laugh. Is marrying me gonna kill you?”

Bo snorted again. The hand cupping the back of her head pushed her face against his shoulder. He rolled to his back, taking her with him.

Shanna stretched out on top of him. “Was that a proposal?”

“I didn’t do it right?”

“I’m not letting you take it back. But a husband has to be able to provide for a wife and family. I don’t think I can let you quit.”

His fingers tugged her hair, pulling to raise her face. He was frowning, his brows drawn into a straight, fierce line. “I’m not doing a long-distance thing. You’re gonna sleep in my bed every goddamn night.”

“Don’t get huffy, cowboy.” She bit her lip, and then locked her gaze with his. “I’m just sayin’…maybe we could stay here.”

His scowl eased. “Thought you were all hell-bent to blow this town.”

“I don’t reckon I give a damn now what anyone thinks. Not when you think I’m good enough to be your wife.”

Bo watched a beaming smile slide across Shanna’s lovely mouth. She was a hot mess. Her hair in tangles and sticking to her face and shoulders. Her skin was shiny with sweat. Fatigue darkened the delicate half-circles beneath her soft brown eyes.

He bracketed her face with his palms, feeling like his heart would explode inside his chest because he’d held the hope for so long and finally, at last, she’d be his. Bo lifted his head and kissed her, the backs of his eyes stinging as he stroked into her mouth.

Her knees cupped his hips, opening her sex to rub against him. Her breasts were mashed against his chest. She pressed as close as she could get—without crawling right inside him. He recognized the sentiment, returned it a thousand-fold.

His cock filled again, pushing into her slowly, rousing as she began to rock gently, encouraging his invasion with sexy dips and swirls until he was fully embedded.

“Think they have their ear to the door?” he whispered.


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“Bet Josh does,” she drawled, then groaned. “God, I don’t know how I’m gonna face them. The things I said to them.”

“They’re good guys, Shanna. They won’t make you feel like a wh—”

She kissed his mouth hard, bumping against his teeth. “I’m not my mama. I hated her for being easy and embarrassing me, but I loved her too.”

“I know, baby.”

“Just because I like you to challenge me, to take charge now and then, won’t mean I’m bored with you, or want another lover.”

Bo nodded again, letting her make her intimate vows.

BOOK: Four Sworn: Lone Star Lovers, Book 3
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