Read Four Sworn: Lone Star Lovers, Book 3 Online

Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #western romance, #Red Hots!

Four Sworn: Lone Star Lovers, Book 3 (2 page)

BOOK: Four Sworn: Lone Star Lovers, Book 3
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“Take that hand away, baby. I’m ready to come.”

“Ready to go all Terminator on my pussy?”

He gave her a sexy roll of his hips, circling inside her. “I’m not out to demolish. I just want what’s mine.”


Delilah Devlin

Her hands tugged his balls gently. “Think this pussy’s yours?”

“Is someone else’s dick divin’ deep inside you?”

“Gawddamn, cowboy, I love it when you talk dirty.”

“You’re the one with the potty mouth,” he said, giving her an openmouthed kiss. He pulled back because she was massaging his balls, and he was quickly getting lost in the sensations building inside him.


“Yeah, stud?”

“Take that hand away so I can fuck you raw.”

“Tell me more,” she said, giving his sac another gentle pull then slipping her hand from between them. “Whatcha gonna do to me?”

He gritted his teeth. “Can’t think. Wanna go wild on your ass and hammer until you’re flyin’ apart—

so wet and hot and close that you can’t do anything more than squeal and bleat like a pink little pig.”

She wrinkled her nose. ‘“Cowboy, you tryin’ to spoil the mood? That’s so not sexy.”

“It is from up here,” he said dropping his voice to a purr. “I like your piggy squeals.”

“I’m gonna kick your ass.”

“Not until after I fuck your pussy raw.” He thrust harder, cramming his swelling cock through tissue so hot and wet he thought he’d lose his mind.

Her eyes widened, and her fingernails dug into his ass. “Bo?”

“Yeah, baby?”

“Now! Do it now!” Her back arched off the truck bed, and her head dug into the blanket.

He withdrew all the way, re-centered his cock, and slammed home, not stopping until he felt the end of her channel and bounced against her cervix. He knew what that was because he’d been as avid a sex-ed student as she’d been. They’d both peeled off their clothes to explore and name of every part in high school—and they’d both gotten As.

With her eyes squeezing shut, and her moan tightening to that sexy-as-hell little squeal, he let loose, hammering her over and over until the pressure in his balls released. He shouted, come spurting deep inside her. Then chest heaving, he landed on top of her.

Her hands stroked over his back, gliding in his sweat.

“That would be just plain greedy, don’t you think?” she said softly This time, it took a second for him to recall the thread of conversation they’d dropped somewhere between the heavy thrusting. “If it’s not hurtin’ anyone…”

“I wouldn’t want it to be a permanent thing,” she said, her voice sounding dreamy. “I don’t think I could be as strong as Dani.”

“You think she has to be strong to have two men?”


Four Sworn

“She has to be strong to put up with havin’ everyone talkin’ about her business. You should hear how the old biddies at the beauty shop skewer Dani Cruz. Even at church. Sanctimonious bitches.”

Bo dragged in a deep breath and came up on his elbows so he could watch her face. “You’re really curious about it, aren’t you?”

Her gaze slid away from his to where she curled a finger in the hair above his ears. “It’s just a fantasy.

Gets me hot.”

His lips twitched. “I couldn’t tell. What if I told you there might be a way to satisfy that itch without anyone ever knowin’?”

She gave his hair a tiny yank and stared up at him. “I’d say you’re a horrible tease, and now I’m completely horny again just thinkin’ about the possibility. You did it on purpose, didn’t you? Just ’cause I said we shouldn’t have sex again.”

He reached up to pull her fingers away from his head and kept them cupped inside his hand. “I’m not teasing. I have a solution. Guess it just depends on if you’ve got the guts.”

She bit her bottom lip. “No one would ever know?”

“Just those there. And the guys I’m thinkin’ of don’t gossip.”

She grunted. “How do you know?”

Gotcha, babe.
“Ever hear of Chrissi Page gettin’ naked and fuckin’ three guys under the bleachers during halftime at the homecoming game?”

“No.” Her eyes widened. “Prissy Chrissi? Really?”

He nodded.

Her eyes widened. “Were you one of those boys?”

“And if I was?” He’d been there but hadn’t been one of the three havin’ a go, but she didn’t need to know that.

A frown dug a line between her brows. “I never would have put you with her. You said she wasn’t your type.”

Bo bit the tip of her nose, embarrassed now to admit his part. “She wasn’t when she thought she was too good for anyone around here.”

“How’d you ever talk her into it?”

He hadn’t, but he gave her a wicked waggle of his eyebrows. “Now, I’ve already said too much.”

“You’re just tryin’ to get me hot enough for another round,” she muttered.

“And if I am?”

“Just remember, I ain’t marryin’ you, Bo.”

“Did I ask?”

“No, but people see us together too often, they’ll start makin’ plans. And I already have plans.”


Delilah Devlin

Bo ground his hips against hers, dragging his slackening cock around and around her pussy. “No one will know about us,” he said softly. “No one will start sendin’ out wedding invitations. And I really can give you one hot-as-hell night. You game?”

Her teeth bit into her lush bottom lip as she studied his expression. “Who’s your posse?”

He lifted his eyebrows, telling her silently that she ought to already know.

“You talkin’ about the boys at the Triple X?” She stared. “Holy cow.”

He could tell from the hitch in her breathing that the idea appealed.

“But why would they go for it, with me, I mean? I’m not…like Chrissi.”

“Don’t you dare say you aren’t pretty enough.”

“I’m okay, but they’re…” She blew out a breath between pursed lips. “Let’s just say there’s not a woman in Two Mule, except maybe Dani Cruz, who hasn’t thought about tryin’ to lasso one of ’em. How you gonna ask them?”

“Leave it up to me.”

Shanna swallowed hard. “Why would you do this for me?”

He gave her a one-sided smile, aching inside to tell her the truth, but settled for, “What’re best friends for?”

Shanna reached up and kissed him then dropped her head back.

Bo was so handsome it broke her heart to look at him. Brown hair, green eyes, a lean, muscled frame were only the start of what she liked about him. His sharp-edged face, square jaw and the way he looked right into her eyes when he talked to her, never failed to make her melt.

He was the best friend she’d ever had. Knew every one of her dirty little secrets, but he’d never judged her. Never looked down on her. And she knew he’d be more than willing to take on all her problems on a permanent basis because he thought he was in love with her.

But she couldn’t do it to him. He deserved better than getting smeared with the likes of Camilla Davies’ daughter. Which was why she’d never let him park his truck outside the tidy little house her grandma had left to her when she moved to the retirement home.

“Blood will out.” Or so Gran had always said, shaking her head mournfully whenever Shanna colored outside the lines. And hadn’t the old woman been right, after all? Just look at what she’d asked Bo to do for her.

A coyote howled in the distance, bringing her back. The ridges in the truck bed were digging into her spine, but she didn’t want to be the first to push away. She wiggled her butt to realign with the ridges.

Bo lifted his head from her shoulder. “I’m crushin’ you.”


Four Sworn

“No you aren’t,” she said, but she lowered her legs from his waist and let him slide to the side of her body. Shanna stuck an arm under her head and gazed at the stars glittering against the dark sky. “This was a great idea,” she said softly. “You always know the perfect place.”

Bo rolled to his back. “It’s the middle of the football field. Better hope we don’t get caught. There won’t be any hidin’ the tire tracks in the grass.” Bo laughed. “At least it’s better than the high school janitor’s closet.”

She shoved her elbow in his side. “No one found us.”

“We both smelled like bleach after we spilled the supply shelf.”

“Good thing we were naked then because our clothes didn’t get ruined.”

Smiling, Bo rubbed a lazy hand across his belly. “Have to say I was surprised you sought me out tonight.”

“Just needed a partner to get out on the dance floor.”

“That’s not what I meant. I’ve hardly seen you around town. Gran said you’ve been job-hunting, interviewing in Austin and Houston. You didn’t tell me. Thought you were avoidin’ me.”

“I’ve been lookin’ for a job. Not that I have tons of options. Shoulda finished college when I had the chance.”

“You hated school. Only reason you went to SMU in the first place was to get away from Two Mule.

That why you’ve been job-huntin’ so far from home?”

“Yeah. Thought it was about time to start the rest of my life. I can’t stay here forever.”

He stayed silent so long, she wondered if he’d fallen asleep. She glanced over at him, only to discover his head was propped on his arm while he studied her face.

“Don’t look at me like that,” she said, pushing out her bottom lip.

His eyebrows rose. “Like what?”

“I don’t know. Like you think I’m a coward.”

His eyebrows dropped. “I don’t think that at all.”

Shanna scowled. “I’m not like you. I don’t come from a good family. Everywhere I go in Two Mule, someone whispers behind my back. They all wonder when I’ll prove I’m just like my mom.”

“Your mom wasn’t a bad person. I liked her.”

“Men liked her because most of ’em knew her in the biblical sense.”

“That’s an exaggeration.”

She wrinkled her nose. “She was a whore, Bo, with a string of sugar daddies.”

Bo nodded, his expression thoughtful. “She had some issues, but she wasn’t a bad person. And you aren’t her.”

“People won’t let me be someone other than Camilla Davies’ daughter. And look at me. Look at what I want. What does that say about me?”


Delilah Devlin

He rolled to his side and settled his head on his hand. “It just means you’re sexually curious. So am I.

Does that make me a whore? Bet I’ve had more lovers than you.”

Shanna met his gaze, hyper-aware of his broad chest and missing his weight pinning her to the truck bed. She wished she could cuddle against him and draw on his inner core of strength. “Why haven’t you settled down? You could find yourself a good woman.”

His fingertip traced the length of her nose then tapped the end. “Because there’s only one you,” he said, smiling softly.

She hoped that wasn’t true. She loved him. She knew he cared about her. But he shouldn’t be
love with her.

She sat up and rubbed her arms. “I’m gettin’ a little cold.”

“Coward. You brought the subject up.”

“I’m not afraid of the ‘M’ word. But I’m a realist. I really, really can’t think of having a relationship until I’m far away from here.”

His large hand cupped her thigh. “So you want me to arrange the ultimate farewell party?”

She shot him a quick glance, worried about what he thought of her now. “Am I being wicked?”

“Oh yeah.” He pushed up on his arms, then leaned over and kissed her cheek. “But I like your wicked, dirty little mind.”

Her lips twitched and stretched into a smile, and she was glad that the darkness hid the heat creeping into her cheeks.

Bo kissed her then backed away, keeping that talented mouth of his an inch from hers. “I’ll get you what you want, sweetheart. My gift to you. Think of it as a goin’-away present.”


Chapter Two

Bo rehearsed the request a dozen times, pacing in front of the Kinzie porch. He’d come early enough to catch them before they headed into town to hit the saloon, getting a rash of shit from his foreman because the old man had guessed his distraction had something to do with a girl.

How did you ask friends to help you blow your girl’s mind without looking like a fool?

“Do you think he knows we’re out here?” came an overloud whisper.

Bo turned, shooting a glance over his shoulder. The three Kinzie brothers were lined up on the other side of the rail, eyeing him. Josh grinned. Cade’s expression was wary, his eyes narrowed. And Ezra? Well, Bo never could get a bead on what Ezra thought because the man’s expression never strayed from neutral.

He chose to address Cade’s wary glance first. “I’m not here to borrow your tractor again.”

“Weren’t gettin’ it even if you did. Got it stuck to the axle last time.”

Josh leaned his butt against the rail. “Only thing ever gets you so worked up is Shanna Davies.”

Bo snorted and narrowed his eyes. Josh wasn’t a mind reader. He’d been drinking with Bo Saturday night when Shanna had approached him.

Josh grinned. “Well, that got a reaction. Better come in and get a beer while we get cleaned up.”

Bo blew out a deep breath, glad for the reprieve, and climbed the porch steps.

Inside the house, Josh headed down the hall toward the bedrooms, Cade on his heels.

However, Ezra pulled the tab of the beer he already held and settled onto a settee in the family room, not caring that his clothes were sweat-stained and covered in dust. “So what’s botherin’ you? You finally tell Shanna you’re in love with her?”

Bo winced. How was it everyone else knew and Shanna still didn’t have a clue? “I uh, have a request.

Something Shanna wants.”

Ezra’s gaze narrowed as he studied his face. “Better blurt it out now before the other two get back.”

Bo knew he was right. At least Ezra could give him a quick read. If he didn’t think that his brothers would go for it, then he wouldn’t have to take a lifetime of teasing from the other two. “I’d like to give Shanna something special. A Chrissi-at-halftime special.”

BOOK: Four Sworn: Lone Star Lovers, Book 3
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