Fifty Shades Of Black: An Erotic Romance (9 page)

BOOK: Fifty Shades Of Black: An Erotic Romance
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     Marcus was almost embarrassed by how out of breath he was. His heart rate rapid, a galloping beating in his chest. “Baby. What you do, you do so fine.”

     She giggled. “I think we are a good match.”

     “Me too. That’s why I think you should marry me.”


     “You heard me.”

     “You’re seriously asking me to marry you like this? Right here and right now?”

     “Are you seriously thinking about turning me down?  I came across several state lines for you.”  Marcus arranged the pillows behind them.

Cherilyn pouted, “I thought a proposal would be over dinner at a fancy restaurant.”

     “You want me down on one knee baby, I’m ready to go.”

     “This just isn’t the way I pictured it.”

He put an arm around her shoulders, “Imagine though when people ask ‘how did Marcus propose?’ Your toes will curl thinking about this night. I think it’s the perfect memory to have. There cannot in the history of couples be a more passionate moment.”

     “You’re right.”

     Marcus looked stunned. “I’m right?” He held a hand to his ear, “Can I get that one more time?”

     “You’re right.”

     “If ‘will you marry me’ is what every woman wants to hear, you have to know ‘you’re right’ is what every man wants to hear. I never thought it’d happen to me though, it’s kind of like seeing Bigfoot.”

     “Don’t let it go to your head.”

     “No, ma’am.” Marcus turned toward her and held her face in both hands, “Cherilyn, I love you. Marry me, please, I’m begging you.”

     Cherry smiled, “Marc

     Worry crept into his face and he pulled back slightly.

     Cherilyn sat up, “Listen to me - I love you too, sweetie. Yes, a thousand times yes.  I would love to marry you.”

us hugged her, “My wife.”

     “My hubby


     Cherilyn cracked up laughing, collapsing back onto the bed, “never mind - inside joke. I promise
to say that again.”

     He lay down next to her, couldn’t take his eyes off her. A look of appreciation on his face. “I think we’re going to be very happy together. Forever.”

     “I think you’re right.”

     “I was right twice in one night?  Someone pinch me.”







he wedding was set to begin at sunset on the beach in front of the hotel where the reception would take place. Cherry’s friends had flown down to South Carolina for the occasion and Marcus’ family drove to Myrtle Beach. Tash, of course, was maid of honor and Tad was the best man. The entire bridal party was formally dressed but, barefoot. The men wore black tuxedos, while the bridesmaids were dressed in silvery, silky long dresses with spaghetti straps and a scoop neck.  Cherry looked angelic wearing a halo of baby’s breath in her hair. Her wedding gown was luminescent white, strapless with a fitted lace bodice, and a satin gown with mounds of flowing silk chiffon dotted with crystals. But the prettiest thing about her by far was her smile, which nothing could dampen today.

     Keke and Melanie were bridesmaids. Robyn sat with Marc
us’ family, as did David. Cherilyn was pleased Robyn was able to be here because she obviously made Keke so very happy and she knew Melanie and David were excited for her also. Cherry wanted to cry she felt so happy. “All the people I love together in one place.”

     Cherry stepped gingerly onto the beach, holding up her gown.
The warm softness of the sand felt good on the soles of her feet. With only a few steps she stood in front of Marcus.  The music, the flowers, the words of the minister all paled to the moment when Marcus placed the wedding ring on her finger.

     He held both her hands and began his vows, “Cherilyn, you have changed my life for the better. I didn’t even know what I was missing until I met you, now, I cannot even imagine my life without you. Every song I hear, every sunset I see, even the very air I breathe,
everything is sweeter because you are in the world. You are the very center of my universe. I cherish you, and plan on showing you how much every day for the rest of my life.” Marcus put one hand over his heart. “Cherilyn, my love, my life, my heart, I love you and I promise to love you, forever and always.”

Cherilyn placed the ring on Marcus’ finger, “Marcus, I adore you and I love you. My husband, love of my life, my one and only, I promise to love, honor and respect you. I promise to be there for you in any way you need through good times and bad. I will always have your back. I promise to love you, forever and always.”

     Pastor James pronounced them husband and wife. After
they kissed, their family and friends erupted in applause. Camille was the first to move forward and congratulate them, “Marcus it does my heart good to see you so happy.” She hugged her son. Then turned to Cherry to hug her also.

     Cherry smiled
back at her, “Thank you, Mrs. Black.”

     “None of that, now.  I’d like it if you called me Mom.”

     Cherilyn’s eyes filled with tears, “I’d like that too. I want you to know I’ll be a good wife and I will always be there for Marcus. I’ll take good care of him.”

     Camille hugged her. “I know you will, honey.”

     Marcus lifted Cherilyn up to carry her to the reception hall, but with a devilish look in his eye he ran towards the water. Cherry screamed in sheer panic, “Marcus, you wouldn’t dare!”

     He stopped inches from the ocean laughing
, “I would never do anything to make you unhappy,” and kissed her. The photographer was able to capture many candid shots, and then the whole bridal party posed for pictures.

     Champagne started to flow and the reception began. Once
the guests had found their seats for dinner and the bridal party was situated at the head table, Tad rose to give his toast. 

     “I have a very personal and selfish reason to be glad Marc
us and Cherilyn have gotten married today. It was because of them getting together that I was able to meet a most spectacular woman myself, our maid of honor Miss Tashida Jones.” He gestured in her direction as people applauded. “And, for the record, none of you single men are allowed to look at her for the rest of the night, just sayin’.” Tash feigned embarrassment to the point of making many of the guests laugh, but it was obvious she was enjoying the moment.  “But back to our wedding toast, if Tash and me, or any other couple in this room, in this whole country, in fact, could have even a tenth of the happiness you two have found they would be very lucky indeed.” Tad raised his glass, “And even though I think it is already a guarantee for you two I would like to wish you both a lifetime of happiness. Everyone please join me in raising your glasses to Marcus and Cherilyn, may God smile on them and adorn them with many blessings.”

     “Hear, hear.”

     “To the happy couple.”

     “Many blessings.”

     “Smother them with blessings,” Tash whispered. “Just kidding,” she giggled when Cherry swatted her shoulder.

us and Cherry went to the center of the room for their first dance. Looking into the smiling face of Marcus, her husband, the man she loved, the song, this moment, everything was perfect. His eyes held the depth of emotion he felt for her, and it made her want to stay there forever.

     Marcus pulled her close
and embraced her. She rested a head on his shoulder, but didn’t close her eyes not wanting to miss a moment of this wonderful night. She smiled seeing Melanie, Tashida and Keke standing together watching her. Tash raised a glass at her and Cherilyn was reminded of last night.

     The four friends
got together yesterday evening for one last wild single girls night out for Cherilyn. Tash had raised her glass in toast, “Well, what I’m about to say just might shock you all here, but I take full credit for these two lovebirds getting together.” Tashida laughed, “yup, that’s right if I hadn’t gotten drunk in - ” Tash gestured for them to join in and all four yelled, “VEGAS, BABY!”

     “Well, if I hadn’t gotten drunk, she wouldn’t have gone looking for Marcus and she probably would have ended up married to a gigolo. Or a stripper who would wave junk in her face.”

     “Speaking of strippers.” Melanie said.

    “You didn’t!”  Cherry squealed. The muscled exotic dancer
that approached them was wearing a hard hat and a tool belt and little else. Cherilyn laughed, but his gyrating so embarrassed her she had to cover her face. And although her friends enjoyed her discomfort, she was glad it was only one dance. Tash leaned in, “Don’t you think if Edna Daines was here, she’d know what to do with a stack of one dollar bills?”

ilyn smiled at the memory of last night, and held Marcus close as they danced at their reception. She was ecstatic to be married to the man she loved and not have to go to any more bachelorette parties.

     After their first dance, t
he happy couple returned to their seats. Tash stood to make a toast.  Marcus squeezed Cherry’s hand because he could tell she was nervous wondering what Tash would come out with.

ida cleared her throat, “I have known Cherry longer than anyone in this room and somehow I feel this gives me special privilege to say whatever I feel like.”

     “Oh no,” Melanie whispered.

     “Oh yes, she’s my best friend and I love her.”

     A tear rolled down Cherry’s face.

     Tash smiled at her. “It seems in an odd way like I’m the parent sending their child off to college, I feel like I will have this empty place that will never be filled again. But, as much I will miss our single girl days, I cannot deny the happiness this man has brought to my good friend. I have seen her light up and shine in a way I have never witnessed before. It makes it somehow a little easier to let her go knowing she has found love with the perfect man.”

     “Hear, hear.”

     Tash held up one hand signaling she wasn’t quite done. “And to the perfect man I’d like to say: You hurt one hair on her head and I will track you down and kill you.”

     Marcus was a little stunned, and worried seeing the intense look on
Tash’s face. 

Smiling innocently Tash batted her eyelashes and raised her glass, “To the happy couple.”

     Cherry laugh
ed seeing the look on Marcus’ face, “She doesn’t mean it.” She glanced at her friend, “at least I think she doesn’t.”

All the guests at the reception continued to have a great time and partied the night away.  Marcus danced with his mother. Tad danced with Tashida, and then afterwards Tash ran up to Cherry with a face overflowing with happiness.

     “Tad asked me to move to Summerville so we can spend more time together and see if this relationship can become something more permanent,” Tash jumped up and down oozing excitement. “Now, you and I can still be close and see each other all the time!”

     Cherry hugged her for a long time thinking this night couldn’t get any better.

     So many people congratulated Marcus and Cherry, hugged and kissed them. Keke and Robyn
, dancing next to them asked, “Where are you two going on your honeymoon?”

     “We’re keeping that a secret.”

     Marcus twirled Cherilyn around and continued dancing mostly because he wanted to keep a hold on her and never let her go. “You know what I think we should do on our honeymoon?”


     “Start making some babies.” Marcus whispered and grinned loving the look of surprise on Cherilyn’s face.

     “Well, I think we should definitely get in a
of practice with the baby making process.” Cherilyn pulled in tight against him, “Good thing we’ve got a whole week ’cause to do this right, this is gonna take a while.” She smiled, “And I think we should get started right way.”  Now Cherry got to enjoy the stunned but very happy look on Marcus’ face.


For more information on this author visit her author page at Amazon Central or connect with her on Twitter @SierraDarcey


Also by Sierra Darcey:

in’s Choice

At the far end of the galaxy, two men will fight for her love



Captain Jillian Ames always follows the rules. She can’t stand Damian McCaffrey, the arrogant pilot who apparently doesn’t know the meaning of rules and takes
every opportunity to undermine her authority. In truth, she secretly desires him, though she’d rather die than admit it.

     Sparks fly when a routine supply run becomes a rescue mission. And when an Antarean declares his love for her, Jillian is faced with an unbelievable choice.


Sci-fi never sizzled so hot.
Read Captain’s Choice - Another scorching, sensual romance from author Sierra Darcey.


BOOK: Fifty Shades Of Black: An Erotic Romance
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