Fifty Shades Of Black: An Erotic Romance (2 page)

BOOK: Fifty Shades Of Black: An Erotic Romance
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Tashida laughed, “Love ya Pittsburgh but I’m leavin’ ya, got me another man his name is Vegas, baby.”

     Cherry’s phone buzzed with another text. She bent her head to read it.

     “Melanie?” Tash asked.

     “Keke, again. She says Melanie is on her way. David is dropping her off.”

     “Ugh,” Tash hit the steering wheel with the heel of her hand. “I hope we miss that goodbye scene, those two are starting to get on my last nerve, so lovey-dovey all the time.”

     Cherry placed a reassuring hand on
Tash’s shoulder. “Be nice now Melanie is the bride, the center of attention.”

     “Gets to me when I don’t have a man in my life and someone else is so happy.
” Tash lowered her voice. “Doesn’t make me a bad person does it?”

     “No, it doesn’t. I know what you mean
, I feel the same way sometimes.”  A lot lately she wanted to add. Seemed forever since she’d had even a descent date, one she’d really been excited about, let alone a relationship.

     “We need to get drunk in VEGAS BABY!”

     “Stop saying Vegas, baby.”  Cherry said goodbye to the ’burgh herself feeling a pang of regret leaving a man like Marcus Black behind.

     All four women met up at the airport. And after check in, Melanie,
the pending bride, as expected had difficulty letting David go. Tash stuck a finger in her throat miming gagging when Melanie and David were kissing goodbye. Cherry laughed at Tashida’s antics but the two lovebirds were so entangled in their make-out session that she thought they really might miss their flight.

Then they were rushing through the airport to get to the gate, but Tash insisted on stopping to get a glass of wine. When their flight was called over the PA system, her friends complained and Tash attempted to take the drink with her, but since airport policy wouldn’t allow it, rather than leave it, Tash chugged it down. 

the plane finally took off Cherilyn took a deep breath and relaxed, and then she smiled, because their wild Vegas weekend was about to begin.







Woo-wee!” Tashida swayed as she surveyed the expansive and opulent hotel lobby. Tashida had been busy during the flight. To get over her annoyance with Melanie, in addition to the wine at the airport, she had several more drinks on the plane and was already sloppy drunk by the time they got to Vegas, baby.

ilyn tried to wrangle the unruly Tashida up to the reception desk while Keke was catering to the despondent bride unhappy to be away from her fiancé. Cherry and Keke managed to get them checked in although the receptionist eyed them all like they were going to be a problem.

     “That’s what I’m talking about, Vegas Baby!” Tash was
becoming louder and attracting attention to herself. “Where are the gigolos, I was promised gigolos!”

     “No one promised you any such thing,
” Melanie snapped, her eyes red-rimmed.

      “Strippers! I want to see guys waving their junk in my face!”
Tashida was laughing so hard she almost fell over.

      “Junk? Is that the medic
al terminology?” Keke smirked, amusement in her eyes.

      Tash dropped her suitcase. “Somebody better come do me right here, right now,” she announced to the entire lobby.

     Melanie gave her a look of disgust, “Quiet down.”

ilyn picked up Tash’s bag. “C’mon Tipsy let’s get you to the room,” and moved her toward the elevator.

Hey, look at that.” Tash said as the elevator arrived.

Cherilyn turned around half expecting to see strippers or gigolos or both. “What?”

     “Is that who I think it is?”

     The elevator doors opened, Cherilyn entered dragging Tash with her, but followed her friend’s gaze to the front desk where a man was checking in. He briefly turned sideways and with a shock she realized it was Marcus Black checking in to their hotel. “What’s
doing here?”

     “Maybe he
has a part-time job as a male stripper.” Tashida hiccupped.

    “I highly doubt that.”

    “He’s gonna ruin our weekend.” Tashida stamped her foot giving a look of annoyance. Throwing her arms in the air as the elevator doors closed, “How am I gonna get buck wild if he’s around?”

hit the button for their floor praying Mr. Black had not seen them, “Somehow I’m sure you’ll manage.”

     Their room was amazing with a large living room and two bedrooms.  There was a full sized dining room table, two couches and one long wall of windows
through which all the lights of the city glimmered. A bucket of champagne sat on the table, Tash made a beeline for it. Keke picked up the note accompanying the champagne and read it aloud, “With Love to my angel and her heavenly friends. David.”

     “Oh.” Melanie grabbed the note from Keke’s hand
, but instead of being happy she crumpled into tears and ran into one of the bedrooms. Tash took this as a good excuse to open and start guzzling the champagne.

     “I’ll check on her,” Keke said grabbing her carryon.

     “I’m going to get changed.” Cherilyn took her overnight case with her to the other bedroom.

gonna have more champagne.” Tash plopped onto the couch.

     After a quick shower Cherry’s excitement grew with the thought of a night out on the town in Las Vegas. Dinner, drinks, gambling, maybe a show?  She applied her make-up and dashed on perfume. Her dress was sparkly, sleeveless, to the knee with a daring bit of cleavage
that ran almost to the naval, but hey, wasn’t this Vegas, Baby?

     “Look at you
, gorgeous,” Keke said when Cherry stepped out into the living room. Cherilyn gave her a quick twirl then went to the table, poured herself a glass of champagne and sipped it.

     Keke nodded toward the couch.  “I’m afraid Tash is down for the count.”

     Cherry smiled observing her friend sprawled out; “Oh well.”  She positioned a pillow under Tash’s head.  “Can’t say I’m surprised,” then placed a blanket over her.  

Melanie walked out in sweatpants with a handful of tissues, sniffling, “I just can’t go out. I won’t be any fun anyway. I’m going to call my hubby-wubby.” She turned and went back into the bedroom.

     “I give both of us major points for not laughing during the hubby-
wubby part.” Cherry said.  “Well, looks like it’s just you and me - let’s go eat and then find some guys.”

     “Yeah, um about the guys
-” Keke patted the sofa next to her. Cherry sat down curious and now noticing Keke was not dressed to go out either.

     Keke rubbed her palms together. “Listen this isn’t easy for me,” and gave a nervous laugh.  “
There’s something I need to tell you. I don’t want to go on faking it anyone, I just can’t.”  She started crying, “I’ve met someone and she’s so wonderful, I’ve been wanting to tell you all and I’d like to have everyone meet her.”

     She? Her? Cher
ilyn tried not to show her shock as Keke continued explaining how she had known she was gay for a long time but didn’t know how her friends would take it. Now having fallen in love felt she didn’t want to hide who she was any longer. Tears streaming down her face Keke waited expectantly for Cherry’s response.

Cherilyn could think was she’d had no idea but embraced her friend, and said, “Honey, I love you, nothing is going to change that.”

     “Oh, I’m so glad. You don’t know how nervous I was. I’m going to call Robyn and tell her. I miss her so much, already.” Keke picked up her cell, scrolled her contacts list and hit the number. She
gave Cherry a pleading look. “I don’t really want to go out. Is that okay?”

     “Sure, no problem.” Cher
ilyn stood for a moment finishing her champagne, contemplating what to do. She was hungry and the mini bar just wouldn’t cut it. After the day she’d had and all she’d been put through just to get here she figured she’d earned the right to go out. Gesturing to the door and she mouthed ‘I’m gonna go’ to Keke.

     Keke nodded giving her an animated smile and wave. Once in the hallway
Cherilyn leaned against the door and let out a long exhale. What a weird night. This evening was had not turned out anything like she’d hoped. Here she was in Las Vegas and it was only nine o’clock at night and she was all dressed up, but had nowhere to go.

ilyn decided at least to find something to eat. Entering the elevator and hitting the button for the lobby, she smiled wondering what room Marcus Black was staying in and had she consumed enough champagne to make her brave enough to approach him? Laughing at herself, despite her fantasies, sadly, she wasn’t that daring.

     The hotel restaurant looked lovely and under different circumstances would have been enjoyable. The hostess told her there would be a twenty minute wait. Cher
ilyn debated just going for fast food, but then felt with all she had put up with tonight she had at least deserved a nice meal.

     “The bar is straight through there if you wish to wait,” the hostess said.

     Cherry agreed and left her name. A drink will suit her just fine. The room she entered was quiet and practically empty.  The bar was elegant and made of dark, expensive looking wood. Cherry sat on a stool and placed her purse on the bar. She ran her hand along the glossy surface when she heard a velvety smooth voice.

     “Miss Johnson.”

     She turned and nearly fell off her seat. The absolutely drop dead gorgeous Marcus Black stood next to her smiling in amusement. “Mr. Black.”

     “Call me Marcus.” 

     She nodded, “Cherry.” He was so handsome and so close. Flawlessly dressed, as always, but tonight instead of his usual business suit, he wore dark slacks and a charcoal grey turtleneck made of soft looking material.  She resisted the urge to reach out and touch it.


     “Nickname for Cherilyn.” He wore a scent she didn’t recognize but instantly wanted more of. 

     “Ah, I see,” Marcus cast an appreciative glance down her body.  “Provocative outfit Miss, sorry,

His tone irritated her. Hadn’t she been through enough today without being judged while on vacation? “Well, it is Vegas and I am off duty. What I do on my own time is my own business.”

     “Whoa, I wasn’t complaining.” He put his hands up in a mock defense. “
Could I get you a drink?”

     His smile was disarming and calmed her mood. A drink alone with Marcus Black? Cherry couldn’t think of anything more exciting or more dangerous, she nodded. “What are you doing here?”

     Marcus placed an order with the bartender, then faced her, curiosity covered his face, “The conference, isn’t that why you’re here?”

     Cherry laughed
, “No, I’m here with three of my girlfriends, one of them is getting married in two weeks.”

     “I seem to remember you saying: I have a plane to catch, it’s
important?” His eyes held a teasing gleam.

     Cherilyn’s face was hot having been caught not exactly in a lie, but she was definitely guilty of being overly dramatic.

     “So, a wild, single ladies weekend?” He looked around, “Why are you alone then?”

     “It’s hard to explain, but let’s just say none of them are in the partying mood.”

     “That’s very lucky for me.”

     “You sound very sure of yourself.”

     Marcus Black made her more than a bit nervous but his rich brown eyes dancing in amusement entranced her. “I just know what I want and I’m willing to go after it.” His voice, his eyes, his presence had a spellbinding effect.

ilyn sipped her drink. “Are there any other employees here?”

, not that I know of, but when I saw you I thought you were here for the conference and that maybe you were looking for a promotion or might even be after my job.” He gave her a sidelong glance.

ilyn was flattered that he thought she was capable. “No, I’m not.”

     He seemed to be considering something. “Have you eaten?”

     “Not yet, I put in for a table.”

     Marcus sipped his drink. “Eating alone?”


     “How about I join you then?”

     She hesitated, her heart pounding, yet so very tempted, “Mr. Black, I don’t think it’s the smartest career move for me to have dinner with my boss at a hotel in Vegas.”

     Marcus signaled the bartender for another round of drinks. Then he leaned in to Cherry and lowered his voice, “Even smart people do stupid things sometimes. And for the rest of the weekend it’s Marcus. I’m nobody’s boss here.”

     Cherry tried to keep her voice playful, “So, Marcus, do you think what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?”

He looked up sharply and blinked, obviously taken back for a moment, but when he regained composure, he smiled, “I think those are excellent words to live by, don’t you?”

     His intense gaze made her feel she could do nothing but agree, even when she knew it was
reckless to do so.

BOOK: Fifty Shades Of Black: An Erotic Romance
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