Read Few Things Left Unsaid Online

Authors: Sudeep Nagarkar

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Romance

Few Things Left Unsaid (26 page)

BOOK: Few Things Left Unsaid
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She cried badly after reading this. I pulled her close to me. She rested her head on my shoulders. I thought I had got my Riya back. But still she was not mine. She removed her head from my shoulder and said sorry. I was helpless. I could not do anything.


We had so much love and passion for each other. Now it’s all gone and I feel so sad. We had made so many promises that turned into lies.

It hurts to hear or see that she is in another relationship. She just cares for me that’s all. I knew it was too fast. As our relationship grew  we went away from each other. Then I realised what you meant for me. I really wonder now if you will ever call me ‘ my sweet little bachha’. Somewhere I know you won’t but still I wish you could come back and realise I am your only bachha.


We were walking on the beach. The sun was about to set. I wanted to let her feel the moment. I took her near the water where the waves flattered out. I told her to look at the sun. I told her to stand on my legs. We both removed our shoes. She was standing on my feet facing the sun. I was behing her holding her hands. I told her to watch the sun.


“It’s too far. Still we can see it so clearly. It’s such a romantic sky, all orange, still we cant feel the romance. I want you to close your eyes. I want you to feel we are in each others arms.” I said


She closed her eyes.


“We are hugging each other on the sea shore. We are married. We are living a happy life. I ask you how many children you want. You are smiling as if a new bride. I could see the naughtiness in your eyes. Tell me Riya. How many children do you want….”


She didn’t answer. She was quiet. She opened her eyes and turned towards me. She had tears in her eyes. Even I had tears in my eyes. I knew she was imagining the 7 promises that we had made to each other.




She hugged me. I could feel my Riya who never cared about the public. Who never gave a single thought of what people around us would think.


“Why Aadi…? Why did you take that decision. It still hurts. It still hurts badly. Now I cant do anything. When I loved you more than my life you didn’t care. Now when I am with someone else you have realised my love. It’s too late Aadi. I can’t come back now. I just care for you. You are still my bachha. But I can’t come back now.” She  left my hands.


“ Why jaan? We can still be together. Amit does not love you. He is with you just for cheap reasons. He himself told me all this. Please jaan realise before it’s too late. I still love you the same. I am ready to accept you as you are. But I can’t let you go. I still wonder why did I let you go? Come back Riya. Please.


It was time to relive the moments. I went on my knees with a red rose. Everyone around was watching us with a weird look.


I ignored them


“ I love you. I still love you the way I used to when we had met. I can still sing the same song…. But today I want to sing something different. Just two lines. Then it’s upto you.


Ruth ke hamse kabhi jab chale jaaoge tum….

Kisne socha tha kabhi….

Itne yaad aaoge tum…..


Please jaan. I am sorry. Will you marry me?”


She didn’t react. She was crying. But she didn’t react. She didn’t accept my rose. She started walking away. I was still on my knees. I was watching her go. I got up and went towards her. I tried to convince her. But she didn’t agree. We didn’t share a single word. There was silence. We sat in an autorickshaw to come back to Aerol.

I gave her the final letter of the day.



The sweet memories are fading. It is getting harder to remember when you smiled for me the last time. Those memories of love are fading. Your smiling face is becoming  blur in my  mind. So you really don’t love me anymore? Or is it something in you that is stopping you?

Your words are fading into silence. I can’t remember the last time we kissed. It’s been so long.

 Please understand I'm not forgetting on purpose, it pains me to even not to remember. But it feels like it had been decades the last time we made love with each other. Please don’t cry while reading this. Please bachha stop crying. If there is nothing in your heart for me why are these tears about to flow? You should stop them too.

Because these sweet memories are fading

Would you forgive me if I told you I can't remember the day you said you love me? It’s not my mistake this time. I seriously don’t rememberthe last time you had played with my hair. The last time you played with my eyes.Tthe last time you held my hands tightly. The last time you were so close to me that we seemed one. The last time when you had sung a song for me. Today it hurts when I think of all those things. Today I have deleted that song  from my memory. It only hurts. Please tell me what is stopping you? Is everything really over or is it a nightmare? All I know and all I can feel is that these sweet memories are fading away.

And so are you.


She hugged me. We were both crying. I then realised she couldn’t be mine. I could feel that from her touch. Something was missing. Infact everything was missing. Was it my mistake or was it hers? All I knew was she was getting fooled by Amit. I was helpless. I could have hit him. But I didn’t want to. It would have increased the distance between Riya and me.


It was the same day as it was on my birthday. But times had changed. Relationships had changed. Love had disappeared.


We reached home. I called Swapnil  , Sameer and Anup. I told them whatever had happened. They agreed to convince Riya to come back.












his was my last chance. If I could not get her now I would have to forget her which I didn’t want to. I requested all my friends to do something and  brainwash her. I could not see her falling in trap of someone. We decided to meet in Aerol. I was scared at  the outcome of this meet. My life was moving towards a dead end or would  I make my way out to get her back. I was thinking all the way.


We all were waiting for Riya near the college. We had planned to meet Neha also. Riya came near the college. She ignored me completely. She didn’t even look at me. She was talking to Swapnil  . We went into a restaurant. I didn’t order anything. I was tensed. Swapnil began with what he was there for.


“ What happened Riya. Why you have changed suddenly? Did  Aditya trouble you? You can tell us everything frankly.”


“ I did not change suddenly. It took me a long time to take this decision. Your friend Aditya changed suddenly. You can ask him. I don’t need to say anything.” Riya looked at me.


“ I know Aditya changed. He took a wrong decision. I slapped him for that. But he has realised his mistake. You both loved each other so much. Can’t you forgive him?” Swapnil said.

“ Look Riya, somewhere everyone makes a mistake. Even Aditya did. But it dosent mean you will go with someone else. We have come to know the real character of Amit.” Sameer added. Anup agreed with it.




“ I don’t know what the real picture is. I have known Amit for a few days. I know him personally. He really loved Neha but Neha didn’t care for him at all. I don’t say I never loved Aditya. I cared for him like a mother. I treated him as my child. But he took me for granted. He started avoiding me. I could have tolerated that. But what about Muskaan? He never told me about her. He just told me about his girlfriend. Nothing else. Why did he have to lie to me?” Riya said.


“ I didn’t lie to you. That mail was before we were in a relationship. I never open my drafts. I didn’t want to hurt you. If I was playing with you then why I would  keep that  mail. Just think.” I said almost crying.


“ I don’t know anything Aditya but now it’s not possible to be together. Please forget me.” She said angrily.


Swapnil took her outside. I was tensed. Sameer and Anup calmed me down. I was worried as to what was going to happen.  They came inside after a few minutes. We had finished our snacks till then. Swapnil paid the bill and was about to leave.


“ Swapnil ,what is happening. Please can you tell me. Please. Did she agree?” I asked him curiously.

“It’s all over Aditya. Now she wont listen. You will have to pay for your 1 decision. She doesn’t love you anymore. Get on with your life. At least be happy that she is talking to you.”



I could not speak a word. Riya left.  Swapnil called Neha to come near the bus depot. She seemed to be normal when she came. I was surprised.

Sameer asked her “What have you decided. Aadi can’t let her go. He wants her back after knowing everything. What is your reaction?”


She smiled.


“Nothing. I don’t expect anything. I don’t know about Riya. But Amit wouldn’t come back for sure. He wouldn’t talk to me. I don’t want to get into all this. Exams are coming. Seriously I don’t care about all this now. I am over it. Amit is a bastard and Riya is his bitch. Let them sleep or fuck. I don’t care.”


I slapped Neha. I should not have done that. But I had to. I could not control myself after what she said.


“What are you saying? I am sorry to hit you. But you said something horrible. What do you mean by let them fuck? I will kill you and Amit both. If you don’t love him I don’t care. I love Riya and always will. I can’t hear anything bad about her. Get lost.”

I was surprised by this side of Neha’s nature. I had heard girls recover easily after break up. But it did not hold true for every girl. Neha was not one of them. She was over with the break up. Maybe she never loved him. Who cared. I loved Riya.


Without talking to anyone I left. It was all over. It was difficult to decide whether I should be happy that she was still in contact with me or I should be upset that she had left;breaking all the promises. I reached home. As I got down from Activa I had a message on my cell. It was Riya.


“ Swapnil tried to convince me. It was the worst part. You should have done something. I know you tried. But it was too late. Telling Swapnil to convince me was the worst part. If you could not handle a relationship why did you bring everyone ahead to explain to me. I had told you my decision. I don’t love you. And from now onwards I won’t even talk to you. I am changing my number today. So don’t try to contact me ever. Forget me. I will never forget the days which we spent together. Take care of yourself. And be serious about life. Miss you always as a friend. Bye forever.”



I called her immediately. She did not pick up. I messaged her. she did not reply. I called her several times but there was no response. I called Amit finally. He was not ready to speak to me.


“Amit, even I don’t want to talk to you. But please can you tell me what is wrong with Riya now? She messaged  me that she didn’t want to talk to me and she is changing her number. What is happening?”


“How could I know why she is changing her number. Maybe because she loves me a lot.” Amit laughed.


“ What does that mean. Please care to explain” I raised my voice.


“ I told her to not to keep any contact with you. I told her not to message you or call you or even speak to you. She loves me too much. She accepted it and maybe that is the reason she is changing her number. She is so sweet. And her black spot. I kissed her twice there.”


I kept the phone down. Everything was over. I could not hear what Amit was saying. Before he could say anything more I kept the phone down. I went upstairs. I went to my bedroom. I closed the door. 




Its ok. Forget me. Forget my memories. Forget the moments I spent with you. Forget the time I came to meet you without even thinking even once. Forget the promises that we made together. Forget my face. Forget my touch. Forget the time we kissed..Loved each other or maybe I can say pretended to love each other. Forget my voice. Forget my care. Forget my craziness for you. Forget the conversation between us. Forget my family. Forget the day at my house. Forget the way I proposed to you. Forget each day we spent together. Forget the time we fought. Forget the time we patched up.Forget my belongings with you. Throw it away. Forget my name. Forget my number. Delete it from your phone. Delete me from your life. Forget me forever. This time forget seriously. Good bye. Stay happily with Amit. I will never come along your way. The chapter of Riya had been closed and deleted from my life. I will always love you. I will always miss you. I will always keep your gifts with me. Yours and only yours. But you were never mine…….

BOOK: Few Things Left Unsaid
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