Read Fall into Him Online

Authors: Evelyn Harper

Fall into Him (3 page)

BOOK: Fall into Him
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“Good girl,” Philip said in a satisfied tone as he squeezed his
now-prominent erection. “Now for something else.” He motioned towards the desk
that sat against the nearby wall. “Bend over the desk.”

Jennifer released her nipples, biting back a whimper as she did so. The
tips were pink and swollen, sticking out in little points. She walked over to
the desk, her inner thighs slick with her juices. As she bent over the desk,
her stomach tightened in anticipation.


“So pretty like that,” Philip murmured, suddenly behind her. She hadn't
heard him get up. His fingers brushed against her lower lips and she jumped.


“So pink and glistening.” Philip sounded like he was talking to
himself, but Jennifer didn't care as long as he kept touching her. As if he'd
read her mind, Philip's hand ran over her ass, fingers splaying to palm one
cheek. “Soft skin.” He dropped his hand lower and Jennifer made a strangled
sound. “Very responsive.” He sounded pleased. Jennifer squeaked as Philip
pushed his index finger into her pussy. “And soaking wet,” he chuckled.


A glance over her shoulder revealed a smirk on Philip's face, a smile
that didn't quite reach his eyes. He caught her watching and raised an eyebrow,
twisting his finger as he shoved it deeper.

“Ah,” Jennifer's back arched, eyelids fluttering. She was still sore
from last night, a pleasantly raw, used feeling that she'd never had before.
Brad's idea of good sex had either been a few quick pumps while breathing
alcohol-laced air in her face or a rough pounding without any foreplay. That
was a totally different kind of raw, used feeling.

“Amazing how a little exhibitionism and a few orders, can get a woman


Jennifer sucked in her breath as Philip began to thrust his finger into
her. He leaned against her, his cock hard and hot against her hip. Her palms,
slick with sweat, slipped on the desk and her breasts brushed against the
polished wood, pinpricks of pain traveling through her aching nipples. Philip
added a second finger and Jennifer moaned. She could feel her climax building,
Philip pushing her towards it with each stroke. She gave herself over to the
pleasure, forgetting everything but the sensation of Philip's fingers moving
inside her. She was desperate for release.


A knock at the door cut through the room and Philip yanked his hand


Jennifer gasped at the unexpected loss, brain scrambling to process
what had just happened. Her body screamed with her need for relief, hovering at
the edge. She was vaguely aware that Philip had gone to the door, but all her
brain could think of was her interrupted orgasm.


“Thank you.” Philip's voice finally broke through the haze and reality
came back into focus. Jennifer straightened, suddenly and shamefully aware that
she was naked. She covered her breasts with her arm, her hand moving to the
juncture between her legs.


The expression on Philip's face when he turned was one of amusement. He
tossed a bundle of clothes onto the chair he'd been sitting in. “Really no
point in covering up.” He wiggled his fingers at her, two of them still shining
with her juices. “I've already been there. A couple of times.”


Fighting back the instinct to keep her hands where they were, Jennifer
let them drop.


“Better.” Philip motioned to the clothes. “You've got fifteen minutes
to clean up and get dressed. Unless, of course, you have travel documents with


Jennifer shook her head. She watched as Philip walked over to the sink
and washed his hands. She shook her head and crossed the room to the chair. Her
knees were a little weak, but she managed to get to the bathroom with the
clothes Philip had requested.


As she wiped down her body with a damp washcloth, Jennifer tried to
gather her thoughts and regain her composure. She winced as the cloth scraped
over her nipples, then shuddered as she passed it over her pussy. If she'd had
more time, she might have finished herself off. After all, she'd had plenty of
experience doing that.


Part of her wondered if Philip had purposefully given her so little
time for that reason. Her entire body was tense as she slipped on the panties
and bra. The material chafed her nipples and she grimaced as she reached for
the silk blouse. To her embarrassment, her nipples were still hard, visible
through the bra and blouse. She didn't know how she was going to get through
the day. The entire thing was so surreal.

By the time she emerged from the bathroom, Philip was waiting, jacket
back on, expression blank. The elegant tailoring was, fortunately, enough to
hide his erection. Jennifer had a momentary thought that he'd requested the
design for that purpose. He seemed to be the type of man who had a plan for
everything. He opened the door without a word and walked out of the room.
Jennifer hurried to follow. Neither one spoke on the elevator ride down to the
lobby, but as they stepped out, Jennifer spoke up.


“I need to go to my locker and get my purse. And I should probably talk
to my boss about not being here for my shift tonight,” she heard herself
starting to babble unable to stop.


Philip cut in. “Get your purse. I'm your boss.”


“Right,” Jennifer blinked at the abruptness and hurried away.


When she came back, a bewildered Todd was standing in front of an
impatient Philip. Jennifer couldn't meet her former boss's eyes as she walked
past him and out the front doors, trailing just a few steps behind Philip. She
tried not to gawk at the limo, but was unable to hide basic appreciation. As
she settled into the seat, she said, “I live at...”


“I know,” Philip interrupted, pulling his smartphone from his pocket.
“When we arrive, you are to go inside and grab you travel essentials. You need
to be fast. There's no need to pack anything. It’ll be taken care of.”


Jennifer's stomach was in knots by the time they reached her building
and she dashed up the stairs as quickly as her heels would let her. The keys
fumbled in her hand for a moment before she was able to fit the right one into
the lock.


“Jennifer?” Rachel Allan, Jennifer's thirty-something roommate looked
up from the counter where she was making her late lunch. The surprise in her
baby blue eyes quickly turned to concern when she took in Jennifer's rushed
appearance. “What's wrong? You said you were working late and you'd already
picked up the early shift for Alex.”

“I can't really explain everything,” Jennifer said as she hurried to
her room. “Basically, the short version is that I got a promotion and my boss
is taking me to Tokyo.”

“Wait, what?” Rachel shook her head. “Like, in Japan?”


“No, Tokyo in Wisconsin, silly,” Jennifer laughed as she rummaged
through her dresser drawer. She breathed a sigh of relief as she found her


“Aren't you just a smartass today,” Rachel retorted.


“Look,” Jennifer said already heading for the door, “I have to go. Just
know I'm safe, I'm good, and I'll be home soon. I have my phone and I'll call
you if I need you or anything.”


“Be safe!” Rachel called as the door closed behind Jennifer.

Chapter 4


The ride to the airstrip was just as silent as the ride to her
apartment causing Jennifer's anxiety to grow. Philip had barely lifted his head
from his phone, even when they were walking towards the luxury private jet that
waited for them. It wasn't until she made a nervous squeak when the plane
started down the runway that Philip finally looked up.


“Nervous flyer?” He put his phone into his pocket.


“Don't know,” Jennifer's grip on the arm of her chair tightened, her
knuckles whitening. “I've never flown before.”


“Really?” Philip turned towards her. “You've never been out of the


Jennifer shook her head. “Never even been out of the state.”


“You're joking, right?” Philip appeared to be genuinely amused at her
tension. “Are you from the city?”


“No,” Jennifer forced herself to take a deep breath and slowly release
it. If she didn't calm herself down, Philip was going to have second thoughts
about hiring her and, now with the promise of something so much better, she
didn't think she could go back to working the front desk. “I'm from a very
small town called Belfast.” Philip gave her a puzzled look and she knew what he
was going to ask. Everyone did. “It's in the western part of the state.”


“How'd you end up in the city?”


Jennifer wasn't sure if Philip was trying to take her mind off of her
anxiety or was truly interested, but she was grateful either way. “Well, after
college, when I moved back home, there weren't a lot of opportunities for the
kind of work I wanted to do, so when I finally left, I knew the best place to
go was New York City.”


“But you had a hard time getting hired,” Philip made it a statement
rather than a question.

She nodded. “In the end, it was luck, or fate if you believe in that.”
Her body began to relax as she told the story. “I was doing what pretty much
everyone does when they're waiting for the job they really want – waitressing.
Then, one day, this customer struck up a conversation with me and I ended up
telling her about my degree and how I wanted to work in a hotel. Ruth was her
name. She turned out to be a front desk manager at a mid-level hotel, mostly
vacationing families. She told me that she was impressed by how I handled
myself and offered me a job. I was there for a couple of years and then got a
call to come in for an interview at The Preminenza. Ruth still denies it, but
I'm pretty sure she set it up and gave me a great recommendation.”

“And that's how you ended up playing the lobby piano at almost
midnight,” Philip grinned.


“Yes,” Jennifer couldn't help but smile back. “What about you? How did
you get into the hotel industry?”


Philip’s charming grin flattened immediately as he leaned back in his
seat. “That's not really an interesting story.” He glanced at his watch. “You
didn't get much sleep last night. Why don't you try to catch a few hours? I'll
wake you before we land.”


Jennifer gave Philip a puzzled look, but he kept staring straight
ahead. She was too exhausted to push the conversation any further, both
physically and mentally. Even though she didn't think she'd be able to sleep on
a plane, she found herself starting to drift off. Her last thoughts were about
Philip, wondering if he'd tell her more about himself, if he would be happy
with her work, if they would ever finish what they'd started that morning.


“Our first meeting will be with Takuya Saitou,” Philip spoke for the
first time since waking Jennifer less than an hour ago. “He's managing the
construction and design of the new hotel being built here.”


As she followed Philip off of the plane, Jennifer forced herself to
focus on being professional. She wanted to prove herself to Philip. More
importantly, she wanted to prove to herself that she was good enough for this
job. She smiled at the well-dressed Japanese man who greeted them at the gate,
impressed with the natural flow of Japanese that flowed off of Philip's tongue.
Mr. Saitou's English was slightly accented but nearly flawless and the
conversation stayed in her native language, for which she was grateful.

“My staff will take your luggage,” Mr. Saitou gestured to the uniformed
men standing nearby. They all bowed before coming forward to take the bags
Jennifer and Philip had carried from the plane. Jennifer still wasn't entirely
sure what was in hers. “The limo is this way.”

As they climbed into the back with Mr. Saitou, their host faced them
both. “We shall be at the office in about fifteen minutes. Please, relax. Let
us talk of other things.”


“I appreciate the offer, Mr. Saitou,” Philip rested his hands on his
knees, “but as I am sure you're aware, this is only supposed to be a short trip
for finalizing the costs of construction. My assistant and I will not be
staying long. Of course, should there be any problems, I would return.”


“Problems, Mr. Haas?” Mr. Saitou's tone remained friendly, but he had
taken the cue from Philip and was now all business.


Jennifer was impressed. With a brisk, but personable, manner, Philip
laid out his expectations. They were clear, but gave Mr. Saitou enough leeway
to accomplish what was needed. So often, she'd seen managers try to be too
specific trying to micromanage their employees and the situation never ended
well. As the conversation turned to problems with a current contractor, Philip
surprised her again by asking for Mr. Saitou's opinion rather than just telling
him what to do. Apparently Philip's penchant for giving orders was something
just restricted to the bedroom. She admired a man who was willing to listen to
others' opinions and ideas. Mr. Saitou was taken aback as well, but offered his
solution, tentative as it was. With a skill that Jennifer had never seen
before, Philip asked pointed questions, guiding Mr. Saitou to refine his idea
into the best possible solution for the situation. By the time they reached the
office building, both men were satisfied with their talk.


“Phil – Mr. Haas,” Jennifer realized mid-word that she should address
Philip formally when in a professional setting. He didn't acknowledge the slip
as they exited the limo. “Where did you learn how to do that? How to get him
exactly where you wanted him?”


“I didn’t get him where I wanted him, Miss Brooks,” Philip's tone was
sharp. “What I do isn’t about getting people where I want them. We came to a
mutually beneficial understanding. When you hire good people, you know that
they will have good ideas that you may not have thought of. It’s important to
hear these ideas with an open mind. Mr. Saitou’s ideas were in a direction I
agreed with and we worked towards a solution that we both were happy with.” He
increased his pace, leaving her several steps behind.


Jennifer could feel her face coloring as she nodded dumbly. He was
right. Managing wasn’t about getting people to do what you want, but to come to
a good middle ground that works well.


But what about me? Jennifer though to herself. Was this job a mutually
beneficial outcome?

BOOK: Fall into Him
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