Read Fall into Him Online

Authors: Evelyn Harper

Fall into Him (2 page)

BOOK: Fall into Him
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“Alright,” she glanced at the clock. “Let me tell the doorman to keep
an eye on things before the staff for the next shift arrives, which should be
any minute now.”


“I'll wait for you at the elevators,” Philip didn't give her a chance
to make a different suggestion.


Chapter 2


Less than five minutes later, a very nervous Jennifer found herself on
the elevator with a complete stranger. Her entire body was stiff despite her
numerous attempts to force herself to relax. He just wanted to talk. That was
all. Even as she said it, she knew how naïve it sounded. Men didn't just invite
random women up to their room to discuss piano music.


Philip spoke, interrupting Jennifer's cyclical thoughts. “That was
Chopin, correct?”


“Y-Yes,” Jennifer nodded.


“Do you play by ear or do you learn from composition?”


“A little of both,” Jennifer felt herself begin to relax as the
conversation continued in a familiar direction. “I can read music to play something
I don't know. It usually takes me a couple of times of listening to a song to
get it right without sheet music.”


“What you did downstairs, that was flawless,” Philip extended an arm as
the elevator door dinged open.


“Thank you,” Jennifer stepped onto the tenth floor. “It was the first
complete piece I learned how to play well.”

“I wonder,” Philip spoke softly as he walked past her, “if your fingers
just as skilled at other things as they are at playing the piano.”


Jennifer nearly stopped in her tracks, but her feet continued to trudge
forward. Had she heard him right? One minute, he was talking piano then this
overtly sexual innuendo came out.

Philip was already at his door, watching her with a guarded expression
on his face. When she walked past, she caught another whiff of his spicy scent.
Desire began to unfurl in her belly.


“You smell wonderful,” Philip said as he hung his jacket over the back
of a chair. “Do you taste as good as you smell?” He took a step towards

She let out an undignified squeak and flushed when Philip chuckled. He put his
hands on his hips and Jennifer couldn’t help but drop her eyes to his crotch,
wondering if
tasted anything like he smelled. She wanted to test that
theory, wanted to drop to her knees, yank his pants down around his knees and
take him into her mouth... she shook her head. That was so not like her, right?


“Jennifer,” Philip's voice was closer than before.


She looked up, cheeks flaming as she realized what he'd caught her
doing. She hadn't just been staring or checking him out. She'd been ogling,
pure and simple. That was such an unexpected thing for her to do. She had only
the briefest fraction of a second to register that Philip was leaning towards
her when his lips were brushing over hers.


The touch made Jennifer want to melt right there. Just a gentle
pressure, but so much more. Sweet as honey and impossibly gentle. His mouth was
warm against hers and then it was gone. She blinked rapidly, still trying to
process what had just happened. Philip was looking down at her, the expression
in his eyes unreadable. He seemed to be waiting to see how she was going to
react. When she didn't, still too much in shock to muster any real response, a
self-satisfied smirk crossed his lips and he bent his head towards her once

His mouth was firm, gentleness morphing into something more. As his
tongue traced her bottom lip, one of Philip's hands slid around her waist,
pressing against the small of her back to draw her closer. His other hand
cupped the back of her head, his fingers buried in her thick hair. He tilted
her head and the tip of his tongue teased along the seam of her mouth, a silent

Jennifer opened her mouth, inviting Philip's tongue inside. It slid
along hers, twining and dancing as their bodies pressed together. Her arms
snaked around his neck, her body responding to his touch. She'd never
experienced this type of connection before, something so strong and deep that
it frightened her. She knew she should pull back, slow things down, but the
desire inside her was far too strong.


Philip walked them back to the couch, breaking their kiss when they
reached it. His breathing was heavy, but steady. He sat down on the couch and
held out his hand, the invitation in his eyes clear. Jennifer hesitated for a
moment, uncertainty flooding her. If she started this, she knew where it was
going to end.


“Jennifer,” Philip's voice was soft, full of desire and something
darker, something that tugged at a different part of Jennifer, a part she
hadn't realized she'd had.


She took a shaky breath and slid her hand into his. The next thing she
knew, Philip was pulling her onto the couch. She wasn't sure when her shoes
joined Philip's shoes and suit jacket on the floor or when she went from
sitting to laying her body stretched out next to his.


Philip's mouth moved down one side of her neck, teeth gently scraping
over the soft skin. Jennifer moaned and arched her back. Her skirt hiked up
higher as she hooked her leg over Philip's hip. He made a sound Jennifer could
only describe as a growl and flipped her onto her back. One hand held her
waist, fingers teasing at the pale flesh exposed when her shirt bunched up, and
she squirmed at the touch. She wanted more, but was scared to want more, the
conflicting emotions at war inside her.


Philip raised his head as he toyed with the top button on her blouse.
He didn't say the words, but Jennifer understood what he was asking. Swallowing
her anxiety, she nodded. As he began to slowly open each of the buttons, Jennifer
let her lust overtake her actions and started on Philip's shirt.

The clothes shed quickly and easily, leaving them in just the
essentials. Philip's gaze traveled down over Jennifer's body, taking in the
simple white cotton bra and panties. For a moment, she was embarrassed that she
wasn't wearing something nicer. She quickly saw the heat in his eyes and knew
that he was more interested in seeing them off. The black boxer-briefs hugged
his narrow waist and one glance at them confirmed just how much he liked what
he saw. Hands slid over exposed skin, electricity racing through every cell.
Their mouths explored as well, wet open-mouthed kisses, nips from teeth,
tongues traced designs on flesh. Jennifer moaned as Philip's mouth closed on
one cotton-covered nipple. She ran her hands over his arms, eyes closing as she
let her body absorb the work his mouth was doing. When he raised his head, her
nipple was a hard point beneath the nearly translucent fabric.

“I want to touch you,” Philip whispered in her ear, the first words
spoken in what could have been hours or minutes. She didn't know or care which.


Jennifer could only let out a small affirming moan.


The moment Philip's fingers crept beneath the waistband of her panties,
Jennifer opened her eyes. His eyes were on her face, watching her expression
change as his fingers delved between her legs. Her eyelids fluttered, mouth
opening in a silent sigh as Philip began to lightly rub her clit.


“Open your legs wider.”


The command was soft and Jennifer immediately obeyed. She wanted more.
Part of her brain told her that she might want to object, that things were
going too fast, but the amazing sensations flooding her body were quickly
taking over. The tip of Philip's finger teased around her entrance.


“So wet,” he murmured as he slipped his finger into her tight heat.


“Yes,” Jennifer hissed.


“You're so tight.” Philip's eyes flicked up to capture Jennifer's face,
his finger never pausing in its rhythmic stroking. “How many lovers have you


Jennifer opened her mouth to tell him that the question was too
personal, but then he crooked his finger, rubbing against that spot inside her
that she'd only heard about. She keened, her body shaking as an orgasm
unexpectedly crashed into her. As pleasure washed over her, she was vaguely
aware that Philip had slipped off her panties, but then he slid a second finger
into her pussy and that became all she could focus on.


“How many?”


It took a moment for the question to register, and then Jennifer
answered. “One.” The answer was easy, of course. There had only been Brad, and
it had never been like this with Brad.


She almost missed the surprised expression that crossed Philip's face,
but when it was replaced by something primal and hungry, she could only think
of how much she wanted him to be inside of her. She whimpered as he withdrew
his fingers, eliciting a smirk from her soon-to-be lover.


“Are you on the pill?” Philip asked as he stood.


Jennifer was finding it difficult to answer as Phillip stripped off his
underwear. She couldn't take her eyes off of his long, thick shaft.


“Jennifer,” Philip's voice was ragged, as much evidence of his need as
his swollen erection.


“Yes,” she answered his question. She'd never been so grateful that
Brad had insisted on her taking birth control. After their break-up, she'd
gotten tested since she wasn't sure who he'd been screwing. Fortunately, she'd
been clean and, though she didn't have anyone in her life, she continued taking
the pills.

“Good,” Philip climbed back onto the couch, settling between Jennifer's legs.


Flushing slightly, though she wasn't sure why, Jennifer unsnapped the
front of her bra and let it fall to either side, exposing her firm breasts.


“Good.” Philip took her breasts in his hands, rolling her nipples between
his fingers and causing the pale caramel-colored flesh to crinkle. “Now,” he
released her breasts and took himself in hand.


Jennifer thought that she should speak up, say that this was all
happening too fast, but the moment she opened her mouth, Philip buried himself
inside her. The words became a wail. He stilled for a moment, his gaze never
leaving Jennifer's face as it contorted and twisted. She didn't know what to
feel, how to feel. Her body was cocooned in a cacophony of sensation. She was
stretched wide around him, filled more fully than she'd ever been. He reached
between them and brushed his thumb over her clit and she cried out. He smiled
and leaned over her, pressing their bellies together as he began to thrust, his
strokes shallow. The angle caused his pelvic bone to rub against her clit with
each movement, and Jennifer felt the pressure of climax building once more.
Philip captured her mouth with his, tongue mimicking every stroke he made and
Jennifer became certain that she was going to explode, that the fire growing in
her belly would consume her.

Philip straightened, breaths coming in pants now. He grabbed her wrists
and pushed her hands up over her head. He held her hands there, the new angle
allowing him even deeper penetration and Jennifer gasped. While one hand held
her, the other hooked under her knee and yanked her leg up. Philip began to
move faster, harder. The look on his face had changed into grim determination
as he drove them both towards final release.

Little noises were falling from Jennifer's lips and she wasn't sure
where they were coming from, strange mewls and moans that she'd never made
before. Each stroke sent a new wave of nearly painful pleasure racing along her
taut nerves.


“Cum for me,” Philip ordered, each word punctuated by a brutal thrust.
“Cum!” He growled.

The command triggered something deep inside Jennifer, something she
hadn't known existed, and she came. She cried out, her entire body going rigid
as it struggled to absorb the overwhelming sensations. Philip continued to
pound into her, each jolt sending another shock through her system. As her body
finally went limp, Philip slammed into her one last time, a drawn-out groan
coming from his lips as he released himself into her.

Chapter 3


Jennifer bolted upright, startled out of her slumber. For a moment, she
was disconcerted, unable to remember where she was or why she was there. Then
she saw the fair-haired man sleeping next to her and the night's events came
rushing back.


Despite their close proximity, he hadn't moved when she'd sat up, so
she stood, careful not to jar him. She glanced at the clock. It was still
early, but considering she had to be back at the front desk in just a couple of
hours, going home didn't make much sense. She'd need to call her roommate to
make sure Rachel knew she was okay, but before that, she'd just head down to
the staff bathroom to take a quick shower and get some clean clothes.


Fortunately, she always kept extra underwear and a blouse in her
locker. As she fastened her bra, she looked around for her underwear, but they
were nowhere to be found. Swearing softly, she decided to let it go and just
worked on making her blouse and skirt presentable. Philip still hadn't woken by
the time Jennifer slipped out, much to her relief. She didn't know how to have
the whole “morning after” conversation.


After she'd cleaned up and made sure that her skirt showed no evidence
of the prior night's activities, she headed down to the second floor where she
knew the front desk manager would be coming out of a morning meeting. She
wanted to check in as if she'd come in early, not as if she'd never left. As
she walked past the second floor balcony overlooking the lobby, she caught a
glimpse of the piano and heat flooded her face. That's where it all had


“Jennifer!” Todd Kline sounded surprised to see her as he came out of
the meeting room.


“I couldn't really sleep last night, so I figured I'd come in early,”
Jennifer said with a smile, hoping her nerves didn't betray her. “Check in, get
some breakfast, that way I'm all ready to go when my shift starts.”


“Sure, whatever.” Todd waved his hand. For the first time since
Jennifer had known him, he looked almost frantic. “Did Philip Haas check in
last night?”


Jennifer fervently hoped her face wasn't as red as it felt. “Yes, near
midnight.” When Todd's entire expression changed to one of relief, she asked,
“Why? Is he an important person?”

Todd stared at her, incredulous. “Please tell me that you're kidding.”

“No…” Jennifer's stomach sank. This didn't sound good. “He seemed nice


“Nice?” Todd belted out a laugh. “Philip Haas could be the biggest dick
in the world and you'd still be expected to kiss his ass. Jennifer, he owns the
hotel. And not just this hotel, but the whole Preminenza luxury hotel chain!
And even some of the prestigious affiliates.”


Jennifer’s eyes widened in shock. Wait, what? She thought to herself.
He’s the owner of the hotel? But I just slept with that guy! Oh no, this is
bad. This is really bad. I’m going to lose my job! How could I have let myself
have a crazy fling with some random stranger? Jennifer felt the strength run
out of her legs and she put her hand on the wall to steady herself.


“Are you okay?” Todd sounded concerned.


“Fine.” Her voice sounded like it was coming from far away. “I just
need to get something to eat.”

“Alright,” Todd nodded. “Go get some breakfast. The only thing you need
to know for today is to keep Mr. Haas happy.”


Todd was already on his way to the elevator so Jennifer didn't bother
to respond. She doubted she could've managed a coherent response anyway. Her
entire body felt numb as she mentally replayed Philip touching her and kissing
her. How full and complete she'd felt when he'd entered her.


“Fuck.” she made her way to a bench and sank down on it. She buried her
face in her hands. “What have I done?”

The day was torture for her. Every time the phone rang, she expected to
hear Philip's voice on the other end, asking to speak with her supervisor. Each
time the elevators dinged, she held her breath, waiting to see Philip's face as
he demanded she be fired for her unprofessional behavior. Even if he kept their
tryst a secret, he could still fire her for abandoning her post to play the


When Todd came to see if she was feeling any better, startling her,
Jennifer nearly jumped out of her skin. He'd given her an odd look, but had
just told her to cut back on the coffee. As the end of her shift neared,
Jennifer found herself watching the clock. If she could get out before Philip came
down, maybe he'd forget about her and she'd get to keep her job. Then, with
just ten minutes to go, the phone rang. It was Philip.


“Please come to my room, Miss Brooks.” The request was smooth,
charming, but without a hint as to his intentions.


“Right away!” Jennifer managed to keep her voice from trembling, but
she couldn't stop her stomach from twisting itself into knots as she motioned
for one of the other staff to relieve her and headed for the elevators.


When Philip opened the door and motioned for her to enter, she couldn't
look him in the eye. He was in a different suit. Similar, but a dark gray
rather than black.

“Thank you for coming,” Philip said with a dazzling smile. The icy hand
around Jennifer’s nerves loosened its grip. Perhaps he wasn't going to fire her
after all. “Please, have a seat.”


Jennifer started to sit on the couch, then flushed and switched to the
chair opposite Philip. He crossed his legs, completely at ease. Nothing in his
expression hinted at their prior interaction. In fact, Jennifer thought it was
as if nothing had happened. Still, she had to make sure things were good.
Gathering up her courage, she started to apologize. “About last night, when you
first arrived...”

“Miss Brooks,” Philip interrupted. “I've been doing a bit of research
into your background.”

Jennifer's jaw snapped shut. He'd done what?


“You graduated top of your class with a degree in hotel management from
one of the best schools in the country.” Philip sounded impressed. “Glowing
recommendations from all of your professors as well as from the hotel where
you'd worked while in college. You were a shoo-in at any hotel you wanted to
start at. You must have had multiple offers, yes?”


Jennifer nodded, still trying to wrap her mind around the subject.
“Five.” But that was right after graduation, she thought to herself. She
remembered how proud she had felt and excited she had been to get those offers.
She had worked so hard to get to the point where she was getting offers from
prestigious hotels.


“Now that makes me curious,” Philip continued, pressing the tips of his
fingers together. “How does someone with your credentials, and six years after
graduation, end up as a mere desk clerk?”


“As I'm sure you saw,” Jennifer began, “there's a gap in my resumé. For
personal reasons.” The glow of those offers right after graduation began to
wear off when she realized she would have to move back to her small hometown to
be with Brad. She gave up an incredible start to her career to be with the man
she thought she would be with forever.


Philip nodded, expression thoughtful. “Very well. That makes sense.” He
stood. “You have a lot of potential, Miss Brooks, which I intend to see


Jennifer, perplexed, stared at him. What in the world was he saying? He
thinks I have potential? Why me? Why would this guy who has everything in the
world have any sort of interest in my career? Jennifer hadn’t heard those kind
of encouraging words since she got those amazing offers at graduation. Many of
the people she had met during her rounds of interviews told her that she would
make it far in the hotel industry.

“I'm offering you the position of my personal assistant. You'll observe
the day-to-day workings of not just one hotel, but of the hundreds I own. In
the process I’ll also be training you for a managerial position.”

She was speechless. He'd just offered her the biggest opportunity
anyone could hope for. This was huge. If she was his assistant and had the
opportunity to see his day-to-day interactions, she would be exposed to the
real workings that go behind managing a hotel. She would learn so many things
first-hand that she’d only read in case studies in her classes in college. You
never get the chance to see how a hotel runs from the big picture when you’re
working at the bottom.


But still, she hesitated. Was he making this offer because of her
qualifications or because of what had happened between them? And would he
expect more of that from her? Her eyes darted towards the couch.


As if he'd read her mind, Philip spoke, “of course, an opportunity like
this isn't free. You would be expected to pick up where we left off last


So that was it. Philip expected her to fuck him for the job. Jennifer
felt a stab of anger, but it faded as she remembered how much she'd enjoyed
last night. Would it really be so bad? It wasn't like the sex had even been
mediocre. It had been fantastic. And she'd be getting hands-on experience – no
pun intended – in her field. She'd come up thinking she was going to get fired
and had instead been offered a promotion. How could she turn it down, even with
the 'extra responsibilities'? Her front-desk job would never give her anything
close to the opportunities Philip was basically handing to her. Did she really
want to go back to that? Watching the Early Birds and Nightingales check in?


“I'll take it,” she blurted out the words before she could second guess

“Excellent,” Philip smiled. “We're flying to Tokyo in two hours for a
meeting. Be prepared to observe well and take good notes.”

“Wait, what? Uh, I mean, oh, okay.” Jennifer's head was spinning. Less
than twenty minutes ago, she'd been worried about losing her job. Now she was
going to Tokyo. She'd never even been out of the state, let alone the country.
Not that she didn’t want to though. She'd always wanted to travel. Had even
gotten her passport two years ago hoping that her job would send her somewhere
she’d never been.


“Since we have a bit of time,” Philip said while slipping off his
jacket. “Shall we get to know each other a little better?” He reached for the
room’s phone. “Strip,” he ordered as he pressed a button.


“W-What?” Jennifer stuttered. Had she heard him right?


“Take off your clothes,” Philip clarified, voice terse. He spoke into
the phone, “I need some clothes sent up to my room.” He ran a critical eye over
Jennifer's body. “Black skirt, gray silk blouse, black lace bra and underwear,”
he paused listening to the person on the other end, “what size? Bring a few
sizes on the smaller side.”


Jennifer had already slipped off her shoes and untucked her blouse,
reacting instinctively to the command. She'd always been good at following


Philip hung up the phone and faced Jennifer. He raised an eyebrow, his
mouth in a flat line. “I believe I told you to lose the clothes. I want to see

Her fingers trembled as she hurried to obey. His gaze stayed on her as
she slid her blouse from her shoulders. He looked different somehow, she
thought as she unzipped her skirt. It wasn't until she reached behind her to
unclasp her bra that she realized what it was. The flirtatious warmth she'd
seen the night before was gone. There was a flash of hunger as her breasts came
into view, but it vanished almost as quickly as it came. The prior night's
passion had disappeared.


“The rest,” Philip stated as he sat back down in his chair. “Slowly.”


Jennifer flushed, but did as she was told. She hooked her thumbs into
the waistband of her plain cotton panties and slowly lowered them. When she
kicked them aside, she moved to cover herself in embarrassment.

“No,” Philip snapped. “Arms to your sides.”


Jennifer obeyed, feeling heat rush through her body.


“Turn around.”


She slowly turned, all too aware that she was totally bare, and Philip
hadn't even loosened his tie.


“Bend over and put your hands on the arms of the chair,” Philip
continued giving instructions, his voice oddly flat. “Feet shoulder length
apart. That's it.”


Jennifer dropped her head, hair falling to cover her face. She knew
what type of picture she presented like this and her face flamed.

After inspecting to his satisfaction, Philip told her to sit down.


The chair's fabric was soft against her skin.


“Lean back and spread your legs.” Philip's hand dropped to his crotch,
caressing the growing bulge. “Cup your tits.”


Jennifer blinked, the vulgarity sounding odd coming from such a
cultured man. She lifted her hands and did as he said, the weight of her
breasts familiar against her palms.

“Now pinch your nipples.”


Jennifer squirmed. How could he know that she'd always liked that? The
moment her finger and thumb closed on the delicate flesh, a rush of wet went
straight to her pussy.


“Harder,” Philip commanded. “Pull on them. I want to see them standing
up in hard little points.”


Jennifer responded automatically, but even as she rolled her nipples
between her fingers, she found herself wondering why she was responding this
way to Philip's commands. Brad had always told her what to do, but it had just
made her feel bad, as if there were things she wasn't good at, ways she
couldn't please him. Philip's orders, however, were somehow different. Maybe it
was his tone, strong and firm rather than Brad's condescension. Maybe she just
found Philip more attractive. She wasn't sure. All she knew was that she was
finding a strange sort of freedom in doing as she was told, a thrill at being
ordered around.

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